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The Bondage Breaker
The Bondage Breaker
The Bondage Breaker
Ebook314 pages5 hours

The Bondage Breaker

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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  • Spiritual Warfare

  • Freedom in Christ

  • Spiritual Growth

  • Prayer

  • Forgiveness

  • Power of Faith

  • Redemption

  • Self-Discovery

  • Spiritual Journey

  • Spiritual Awakening

  • Inner Struggle

  • Devil's Advocate

  • Spiritual Guidance

  • Demonic Possession

  • Consequences of Sin

  • Sin

  • Faith

  • Christianity

  • Deception

  • Ministry

About this ebook

You Can Break the Chains Holding You Captive

Harmful habits, negative thinking, and irrational feelings can all lead to sinful behavior and keep you in bondage. If you feel trapped by any of these strongholds in your life, know that you are not alone—you can break free.

Neil Anderson has brought hope to millions facing similar spiritual attacks. In this significantly revised and updated edition of this popular bestselling book, he offers a holistic approach to spiritual warfare that is rooted in the Word of God. As you read stories of others who have been locked in spiritual battles, you will learn the underlying whys and hows behind these attacks, and discover the truth that sets people free in Jesus.

You don't have to live as if you are in chains. Break through your spiritual battles, and find freedom in Christ with The Bondage Breaker.

Release dateMar 5, 2019
The Bondage Breaker

Neil T. Anderson

Dr. Neil T. Anderson is the founder and president emeritus of Freedom in Christ Ministries, which has offices and representatives in 40 countries. Dr. Anderson has authored more than 70 books on Christ-centered living, including Victory Over the Darkness and The Bondage Breaker. He was formerly chairman of the Practical Theology Department at Talbot School of Theology and has five earned degrees, including two doctorates. Dr. Anderson lives in Franklin, Tennessee. Learn more at

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Must read for any Christians. Great insight to the spiritual battle around us. There will be demonic forces that will try to keep you from reading it and recognizing the Truth. You will need to pray while reading it. Also read Victory over the darkness by the same author together.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book helped me so much in the beginning of my journey in finding my new self in Christ. It had a big impact on me and recommend this book often.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A very simple, basic yet life changing presentation of our identity in Christ. Knowing the truth about our position in Christ does set us free. The AnnaScott review is right - 'work it', as was JosieGellar - 'do it.'I am a witness. A valuable reference when life seems to be overwhelming.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Terrible theology from poor scriptural inference.

Book preview

The Bondage Breaker - Neil T. Anderson


I have been a disciple-making pastor for over four decades. Twenty years ago I discovered Dr. Anderson’s teachings and they revolutionized my approach to ministry. Life is a spiritual battle, not a Sunday school picnic—and Neil’s message is a practical way to win this battle. Neil helped me realize repentance, faith, forgiveness and knowing our identity in Christ are essential for making disciples in the local church. Read, study, and learn from this book.

David Jenkins, pastor, Evangelical Free Church

I have been involved in local church leadership for over 30 years. In that time I have always endeavored to ensure that Christians are discipled rather than treated as merely sermon fodder. Over the years I have tried a number of different approaches to discipleship. Some have been more successful than others. However, I have found the Freedom in Christ approach to be the most consistently effective aid to practical Christian discipleship. I have been using Freedom in Christ material for over 15 years now, and it is still proving to be fruitful.

John Groves, pastor, Hope Church, Winchester, England

We have found the Freedom in Christ resources to be invaluable for our church community. We introduced FIC two years ago to our pastors and leaders. Since then we’ve had well over 400 people go through FIC, with amazing testimonies of healing and freedom impacting people’s lives. Freedom in Christ will continue to be a major part of Bayside Church’s Pathway of Discipleship. We highly recommend this book and the Freedom in Christ course.

Rob and Christie Buckingham, senior ministers, Bayside Church, Melbourne, Australia

God has gifted Dr. Anderson with the ability to systematize truth in a way that touches the intellect and transforms the heart. I have introduced his teachings in France, Switzerland, and Belgium. The response has been overwhelming, and lives have been revolutionized.

Dr. Walter Stuart, missionary to France and adjunct professor at Tyndale Theological Seminary, Holland, and Geneva Bible Institute, Switzerland

We have found the truth that Dr. Anderson teaches and the way in which he presents the message are absolutely vital to effective and sustained discipleship. The message and method of Freedom In Christ Ministries are crucial in helping both new Christians and those who have known Christ longer to walk in freedom in Christ and to make reproducing disciples. That is why we recommend this book to help carry out our Lord’s mandate to make disciples of all peoples.

Dr. Rick and Laurel Langston, International School of Theology, Singapore

I first met Dr. Anderson more than 20 years ago when he did a Freedom in Christ conference in the church I was pastoring. Lives were changed when people heard the good news of who they are in Christ, and had the opportunity to repent and find their freedom in Christ. Building on his internationally acclaimed Christ-centered teaching, Neil is now bringing to the global church a proven strategy for making fruitful disciples. His teaching on discipleship will change your life, ground you in your position in Christ, and move you forward in the power of Christ. I can’t recommend it highly enough.

Dr. Byron Spradlin, president, Artists in Christian Testimony International

The message of Freedom in Christ Ministries has touched thousands of lives in South Africa and it has liberated me as a pastor. Just knowing that I am not responsible FOR others, but responsible TO others, in terms of ministry, and knowing that I am accepted, secure, and significant in Christ has taken off the pressure of trying to have a successful ministry. All that God desires is that I be a godly minister of the gospel.

Rev. Jonothan Christie, Methodist minister, South Africa

The evil one has mined the path of making disciples of all nations with lies and deception. Almost as one crying in the wilderness, Dr. Neil Anderson teaches us again that freedom is available to anyone who would read and believe God’s Word, place our trust in the Wonderful Counselor, and believe what He has to say to the church!

Dr. David Kyle Foster, president, Mastering Life Ministries

I have found Dr. Anderson’s materials to be an invaluable tool in helping the men we are discipling. Victory Over the Darkness, The Bondage Breaker, and Discipleship Counseling are used on a daily basis. The Steps to Freedom in Christ are critical in helping the men become free from their past trauma, unresolved conflicts, and their own misunderstanding of who they are in Christ. Every thought, every idea, is supported by Scripture, and presented in an easy-to-understand format. Because of God’s Word and the resources He has provided through Freedom in Christ Ministries, I personally am a free man in Christ!

Derek Faulkner, executive director, Renewed Life Ministries Outreach (RLMO)

My identity was wrapped up in being a mother and the wife of a pastor. With the children leaving home, I was looking for a greater sense of purpose and thought I would find it by leading the Freedom in Christ course. But to my surprise I learned from the course that my identity is found in Christ and not in what I do. A mild depression left and two people said I appeared happier. So many lives were influenced and many testified of feeling light, happy, and warm all over.

Lisa Fenton, Hastings, New Zealand

The Freedom in Christ course connects the truth of God’s Word to our everyday reality, allowing for a precious time of discussion on relevant issues. Individuals are given the opportunity to examine themselves, and are shown from God’s Word how they can overcome the challenges of life.

Majlind Gegprifti, Kisha Rilindja (The Reborn Church), Tirana, Albania

For many years, Dr. Neil Anderson’s books Victory Over the Darkness and The Bondage Breaker have been a great blessing to the church in India across denominations, and many in our own churches have been influenced. With the Indian church’s practice of legalism on one end of the spectrum and the emerging hyper-grace teachings on the other end, balanced biblical teaching of grace and truth is much needed, and Freedom In Christ Ministries’ latest discipleship resources meet this critical need.

Jeyakaran Emmanuel, pastor and church planter, Powerhouse Churches, India

I was in the ministry for more than 15 years and a defeated Christian when I was introduced to Dr. Anderson’s teaching. When I read Victory Over the Darkness and The Bondage Breaker, I understood my problems and took time to go through The Steps to Freedom in Christ. It was a new day in my life and ministry. I always carry at least one of Neil’s books wherever I go, and I use the principles from the books in my teachings. Every pastor and Christian worker who longs for a fruitful ministry should read these books because they will change their ministries with lasting fruit. I am committed to introduce Neil’s writings to as many people as possible.

George Philip, country director, Trans World Radio, India

I had already read Victory Over the Darkness and The Bondage Breaker before I attended Dr. Anderson’s Discipleship Counseling conference in Chennai, India. I was personally and richly blessed by the balanced blend of psychological and spiritual truth, along with a healthy acknowledgment of spiritual forces. I was able to relate the teaching to the needs of my people and their various struggles.

Rev. Johh Simeon, senior pastor, Emmanuel Methodist Church, Chennai, India

My late husband and I were victims of spiritual abuse when we attended Dr. Anderson’s conference Resolving Personal and Spiritual Conflicts. We were both set free from our bitterness when we forgave our pastor, and I had 75 others I needed to forgive, encompassing decades of abuse, victimization, and even rape. My life changed that day, and we started a Freedom in Christ ministry in a new church. That experience has opened doors for me to teach these same principles of forgiveness and identity in Christ to thousands of leaders across the United States and around the world.

Sheryl Giesbrecht, DDiv, author of Get Back Up: Trusting God When Life Knocks You Down; radio host and director of public relations, International Christian Ministries

Few ministers have this kind of in-depth knowledge, wisdom, and insight for life application of the Scriptures. There are many good theologians. There are many good psychologists. There are very few disciple makers who are able to combine the principles of sound theology and sound psychology as Dr. Anderson does to help fellow Christians grow in Christ.

Dr. Phyllis Davis and Rev. Carrol Davis, The Journey Pathways to Healing

Dr. Neil T. Anderson is one of the most important teachers of the gospel in the postmodern era, a friendly and warm human being, and a wise pastoral counselor. His ministry has brought a powerful renewal to our churches, focusing on our identity in Christ, spiritual freedom, and holistic healing for the purpose of building up new believers, and the consolidation and restoration of more mature believers. Our church regularly and methodically uses Freedom in Christ materials.

Dario Silva-Silva, founder and pastor, Casa Sobre La Roca Churches, Colombia, South America

This material has been an amazing tool for the church in Venezuela. It has relieved my counseling load in a much-needed way. We have seen people released from their past due to recognizing their position in Christ. They have stopped blaming others, have allowed the Lord to do His work of healing from the inside, and changed their outward behavior.

Adam Nathanson, pastor

After nearly ten years of using Freedom in Christ materials, I learned that this ministry is not simply about setting people free from bondages to sin; it is a discipleship ministry that frees people to become Christlike. Freed people make wonderful disciples of Jesus. Our church became more than a hospital for the wounded. We became a school for developing disciples. Over 1,500 people who have gone through The Steps to Freedom in Christ now worship with all their hearts, pray with power, and disciple others.

Dr. Irv Woolf, director, National Coalition for Purity

I was blessed by this servant of God who wisely presented principles for ministry in our Christian community of different denominations. His anointed teaching on who we are in Christ, winning the battle for our minds, becoming the person God intended us to be, and knowing how to stand firm against spiritual forces opened our eyes to a complete and integrated message that is so necessary in the spiritual life of every believer. Our congregation continues to see great results using his Steps to Freedom in Christ.

Alberto Benigno, pastor, past president of Council of Baptist Pastors of Cordoba, Argentina

We are thankful to God for Freedom in Christ Ministries and the blessing it has been to our church. We have employed these materials since we started the church, with excellent results in transformed lives. It is being used constantly in our School of Life in the different levels of classes, resulting in beautiful testimonies. Both Victory Over the Darkness and The Bondage Breaker are indispensable for discipleship.

Graciela Sanchez, senior pastor, New Generation Church, Lanus, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Freedom in Christ ministries has had a profound impact on our personal lives and our ministry. Being part of an evangelistic ministry for 34 years and as a church growth pastor, we have led many people to Christ. We have also had the privilege of leading about 500 people through The Steps to Freedom in Christ. Freedom in Christ Ministries’ repentance and discipleship strategy is the key to making fruitful disciples. It has given us the tools to help develop Christians to become the people God desires them to be and be true followers of Christ.

Earl and Trish Pickard, senior staff, CRU Ministries



Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the New American Standard Bible®, © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. (

Verses marked NIV are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Verses marked NKJV are taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

All emphasis in Scripture quotations has been added by the author.

Cover by Bryce Williamson

THE BONDAGE BREAKER is a registered trademark of The Hawkins Children’s LLC. Harvest House Publishers, Inc., is the exclusive licensee of the federally registered trademark THE BONDAGE BREAKER.

The names of certain persons mentioned in this book have been changed in order to protect the privacy of the individuals involved.

The Bondage Breaker®

Copyright © 2000/2019 Neil T. Anderson

Published by Harvest House Publishers

Eugene, Oregon 97408

ISBN 978-0-7369-7591-9 (pbk.)

ISBN 978-0-7369-7592-6 (eBook)

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is on file at the Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

All rights reserved. No part of this electronic publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, digital, photocopy, recording, or any other—without the prior written permission of the publisher. The authorized purchaser has been granted a nontransferable, nonexclusive, and noncommercial right to access and view this electronic publication, and purchaser agrees to do so only in accordance with the terms of use under which it was purchased or transmitted. Participation in or encouragement of piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of author’s and publisher’s rights is strictly prohibited.



Acknowledgments and Dedication

A Note from Neil

Introduction: Free at Last!


1.You Don’t Have to Live in the Shadows

2.Finding Your Way in the World

3.You Have Every Right to Be Free

4.You Can Win the Battle for Your Mind

5.Confronting the Rebel Prince

6.Jesus Has You Covered


7.Manipulating Spirits

8.The Lure of Knowledge and Power

9.Tempted to Do It Your Way

10.Accused by the Father of Lies

11.The Danger of Deception


12.Helping Others

Appendix: The Steps to Freedom in Christ


Freedom in Christ Ministries Books and Resources

About Freedom in Christ Ministries

About the Publisher


I want to acknowledge all the good people who have shared their lives with me. Every freedom appointment was a learning experience. There were many emotional moments working through the pain and torment they suffered. How wonderful to see God demonstrate His sufficient grace in their lives! There is no greater joy than to see God set a captive free and heal the wounds of the brokenhearted.

Harvest House Publishers has been a true partner in ministry. Eileen Mason was the editor who took the initiative to contact me about writing the first edition of this book, and she chose the title The Bondage Breaker. Bob Hawkins Jr. has followed in his father’s footsteps of being a Christian publisher committed to God’s Word. They are more than a company to do business with. They are a partner in ministry to serve the Lord with.

No person helped refine my message more than Dr. Robert Saucy. He was my friend and colleague at Talbot School of Theology, and served on the board of Freedom in Christ Ministries for the first ten years. I am fully aware of my need to be accountable to others, and not just for moral reasons, but for the credibility of the message and integrity of the ministry. Bob was my rudder, and sometimes my anchor when tempted to proceed without due reflection. I count it one of my greatest privileges to have coauthored a book on sanctification with him.

Writing a book on spiritual warfare was breaking new ground at Talbot School of Theology, and I needed someone to stand with me who had impeccable credentials. Dr. Saucy was the most respected man on campus, and I cherished the many hours that we spent discussing the message and methods in this book. He is now fully in the presence of God, whom he served for so many years. I dedicate this latest edition of The Bondage Breaker to the memory of the most gracious and humble servant of God that I have ever known.


When I was a pastor, I taught God’s Word to the best of my ability, but I didn’t see much substantive change in the lives of the faithful people who attended the church regularly. Many had problems I didn’t have adequate answers for. I was sharing information, but not seeing the transformation that I believed was possible. In 1982, I left the pastorate to teach at Talbot School of Theology.

At the seminary, I offered a Masters of Theology elective on spiritual warfare. In truth, I was searching for answers myself. I was looking for a wholistic, Christ-centered, biblically based answer that was true for all people irrespective of culture and time. This left-brained ex-aerospace engineer went through a lot of paradigm shifts during those ten years at Talbot. The class I started nearly doubled in size every year, and I began to see the lives of my students change as they discovered who they were in Christ and learned how to resolve their personal and spiritual conflicts. At the same time, God was directing a lot of hurting people to me with all kinds of problems, and I slowly learned how Christ really is the answer and how the truth really does set us free.

I loved teaching at Talbot, but I knew that God was directing me to take this message to the world. So in 1989, I founded Freedom in Christ Ministries, which now has offices, staff, and representatives all over the world. In all my years of ministry I have never gone where I haven’t been invited. Half the churches that have invited me were evangelical, and the other half have been Pentecostal or Charismatic. I have never attempted to raise money for the ministry, and we don’t charge a fee for helping people. Our staff raise their own support. We don’t advertise, and don’t spend any money marketing our product. I share my story in Rough Road to Freedom (Monarch).

A lot has happened since the first edition of this book. I have learned so much from interacting with various denominational leaders around the world. I see myself as a pastor-teacher, and I have written books on reconciliation, prayer, marriage, parenting, anger, fear, anxiety, depression, chemical addiction, and sexual addiction. I don’t believe I have any special anointing or giftedness. I believe God has given me the gift of exhortation, but that’s it. I believe it is the work of a pastor-teacher to equip the saints to do the work of ministry. All our staff are liberated children of God, and none are better than any others. Any mature Christian can do what we do to help others if they are equipped, and that is why our ministry exists. Our purpose is to glorify God by equipping the church worldwide, enabling churches to establish their people, marriages, and ministries alive and free in Christ through genuine repentance and faith in God. Our US office offers online training ( Our international director, Steve Goss, is based in Reading, England (

I have since retired, and for the last six years I have cared for Joanne, my wife of 52 years, who was promoted to glory on October 2, 2018. I have experienced the peace of God during this time in a rather remarkable way, which I wrote about in The Power of Presence (Monarch).

The core message of The Bondage Breaker hasn’t changed, and I’m thankful that Harvest House asked me to do this new edition. I am a better writer now, and I have more insight about this fallen world and its inhabitants than I did 30 years ago. I pray that you will read this book carefully, and take the opportunity to go through The Steps to Freedom in Christ. You have nothing to lose, and much to gain. It was for freedom that Christ set us free.

Neil T. Anderson



Years ago I was speaking in a Southern California church on the subject of the New Age movement. My text was 1 Timothy 4:1: The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons (NIV). After my message, I was surrounded at the front of the sanctuary by a mob of people.

Sitting halfway back in the auditorium was a 22-year-old woman who had been weeping uncontrollably since the service ended. Several people had tried to comfort her, but she wouldn’t allow anyone to get near her. Finally, a church staff member cut through the crowd around me and said, I’m sorry, folks, but we need Dr. Anderson back here right away.

As I approached the young woman, I could hear her sobbing, He understands! He understands! We were able to get her out of the sanctuary and into a private office. After she calmed down, I scheduled an appointment to meet with her the next week.

When Nancy arrived for her appointment, her face was covered with open wounds. I’ve been scratching myself like this ever since last week, and I can’t control it, she admitted sheepishly.

Nancy described her horrible childhood, which included an abusive father and a grandmother who identified herself as a black witch. When I was three years old, I received my guardians—spirit guides, she continued. They were my companions, telling me how to live and what to say. I never questioned whether having spirit guides was anything but normal until my mother took me to Sunday school. Then I began to suspect that my spirit guides might not be good for me. When I asked my parents about it, my father beat me. I never asked again!

In order to cope with the increasing torment that her spirit guides brought to her life, Nancy resorted to rigid personal discipline. In her high school years, she decided to believe in God. But instead of leaving, her guardians continued to harass her.

After high school, Nancy turned to the epitome of discipline: the Marines. Determined to become the toughest of the lady leathernecks, she won awards for her discipline. But her spiritual torment kept pushing her mind and emotions to the edge. She refused to tell anyone about her mental battles for fear that she would be labeled insane. Finally, the pressure overcame her, and she snapped. Nancy quietly accepted a medical discharge and retreated to a lonely existence of inner turmoil and pain. This was Nancy’s condition when she came to church that day and heard me talk about deceiving spirits.

Finally, someone understands me! Nancy concluded tearfully.

Would you like to get rid of your spirit guides? I asked.

There was a long pause. Will they really leave, or will I go home and be thrashed by them again?

You will be free, I assured her.

Two hours later Nancy was free—and was hugging us with an openness she had never known before. Now I can have people over to my house! she exclaimed joyfully.


There was a time when I thought Nancy’s experience was an unusual exception to the norm. Although the degree of

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