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Ebook78 pages29 minutes


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About this ebook

This Book is Holy Spirit inspired and comes from a Overflowing Well within. It is the Basic simple Knowledge of the Word of God, minus the Excuses, that render a Believer Powerless.

Release dateJun 12, 2019

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    Book preview

    Knowledge - Tavis Oostingh

    Page 1


    "I AM, WHO I AM,

    I Am, the Way, the Truth

    And the Life.

    You will Do what I have Done

    and Greater things will You Do!"

    This road I'm about to take you down, is going to cross the line in

    many minds and many a mind is going to scream Heresy.

    But the simple Truth, is that many a mind can't see the absolute simplicity of the very Word of God, written on the pages in front of them. The human mind is so accustom to complex design of Creation, that the Gospel of Jesus, has to in their mind fit that narrative or it

    can't be from God.

    Scholar after Scholar has buried themselves in the Bible, trying to find the Mind of God and dissect the Mysteries within.

    But not seen the simple written Word on the page, because it does not fit the equation they have set before them (x;-x)2 + (yx-16>

    And having Eyes that can't see and Ears that can't hear, which have

    ended up going deep into something that is not there and cannot be

    found by the human mind in the Word of God, but yet it is still considered Doctrine. Then calling anyone with an experience other than that of their doctrine, a false prophet and teacher and never recognizing the simple truth written in the Word, of the very character of such a person.

    And the whole church has once again, returned to the Fear of man,

    never diving into the deep end with God, but sticking to the ankle

    depth in fear of been drowned. Never to recognize the very Mind of Christ within them and relying on the mind of man to guide them

    through the Knowledge in plain sight on every page in front of them.

    Leaving many hungry souls, hungry and staving, in fear of consuming poison around the corner.

    Page 2


    Forcing them to seek Knowledge in every Book, DVD on the market,

    when the only books other than the Bible that should be read, is the

    very Testimony they

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