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Inspire Your World
Inspire Your World
Inspire Your World
Ebook138 pages1 hour

Inspire Your World

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The purpose of this book is to inspire you to consider using your life experiences and challenges as a starting point and as the very inspirational tool to inspire peoples and nations. It unveils how you should see the challenges of life, and gives you practical tips on how to convert them to success steps.
The secrecy of the spirit-man in human form lies not just in staying alive, but in discovery purpose and something to live for while on earth. We are a product of a specific design, packaged for maximum impact. Thus, your stay here on earth is meant to inspire the creatures. There is a glory to be revealed in and through us as we express the glory of the Lord. Creation anticipates your expression to get inspired.

PublisherB.D. Phillips
Release dateJun 28, 2019
Inspire Your World

B.D. Phillips

B.D. Phillips is an inspirational, revelational and motivational speaker. He teaches the Bible with the help of the Holy Spirit to instruct and inspire his audience to become their divine mandate. He is the President of Horama Ministry and the Lead Pastor of Horama Worship Center in Lagos. Also, he serves as the CEO OF Accent Consulting, a Strategic Management outfit, which Educational Development, Capacity training, and Programs to Private Schools in Nigeria. He is also the President of the Bridge Council and CEO of the Inspired Community Music. He is married to Adaeze B.D. Phillips, a Psychologist, Behavioral Therapist, CEO of MY SHRINK.COM and Co-Minister in Horama. They both live In Lagos, Nigeria ...

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    Inspire Your World - B.D. Phillips

    Inspire Your World

    B. D. Phillips


    Inspire Your World

    Copyright © 2019 B. D. Phillips

    Inspire Your World

    By B. D. Phillips.


    Smashwords Edition

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favourite eBook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

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    First Published 2019

    All Right Reserved

    This book may not be reproduced in any form, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means-electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise without prior written permission of the author and publisher, the use of short quotations for personal or group study is permitted and encouraged. Unless otherwise noted, all scripture quotations are taken from The Holy Bible, New King James Version Copyright © 1982, by Thomas, Inc.

    Published to by B. D. Phillips.



    This book is dedicated to all Nigerian youths raised as orphans like me, without a father or mother started the journey of life with just a dream and through all odds became an agent of inspiration and charting a new course in their generation. I love you all!





    Chapter One

    It All Begins In the Dark

    Explicating Darkness

    Divine Principles of Darkness

    Chapter two

    The Benefits of Darkness

    The Way through the Wilderness

    The Making of Diamond

    Personal Application

    Chapter Three

    Growing In The Dark

    Purpose And Vision

    The 50 Famous Persons

    Opportunities within the Storm

    Chapter Four

    The Champion’s Concept

    The Story of Esau

    Features of the Open Field

    The Man Jacob

    Features of the Tent

    Chapter Five

    The Emergence Theory

    The Seed Theory

    The Environment Theory

    The Root Theory

    The Fruiting Theory

    Chapter Six

    The Value Added Life

    Why Do People Have Low Self-Esteem?

    How to Develop High Self-Esteem

    Chapter Seven


    The Big Differences

    Finding Your Relevance

    Fulfilling Your Purpose

    Chapter Eight

    You Are the Inspiration

    Inspiration Defined

    The Inspired Word

    Mode and Degrees of Inspiration

    Victory over Darkness


    About the Author

    Other Book by the Same Author

    Author’s Connects



    Growing up as child in the family of Phillips Arigbeta my father of blessed memory taught me the foundational principle of my life, he will always say ‘My son, you have to be strong and depend on knowing one ’’. My father was my first teacher and mentor. He taught me the dynamics of personal discipline and when death took him at a crucial stage of my development as a teenager all I could remember were his words of instruction ‘be strong’. As I began the journey of life, it was tough living without knowing my mum and this further presented me options to move in any direction without immediate guardian. However, in the midst of all of these, myself actualization started in a branch of Foursquare Gospel in Lagos Nigeria and coming in contact with the knowledge of the word of Christ, my mind became a spiritual surge. I read and study the Bible than my academics book. My life took a new direction and from one developmental stage, challenges and different places of my life journey I personally realized that pain is a process for gain, obscurity leads to spotlight and darkness leads to emergence. The principles in this book are my revelation, discovery and instruction God taught me in the process of my making. I started writing this book in the year 2016 and in 2017 the Lord told me to stop, why? Because some of the principles I have not put in use. The Lord wanted me to write on principles that I have personally used and I have results to show. If it worked for me then it will work for others. Finally, after two years of putting all into use, I concluded this book in 2019 with results to show for the all principles in this book. I urge you to read this book with high spiritual sensitivity because it is not copy and paste, the writings are divinely inspired by the Holy Spirit. This writings were spiritual directions given to me to navigate and come out thick darkness of my life. I know as soon as you are done reading this book, you will be inspired to inspire your world.

    Remain Inspired!




    The purpose of this book is to inspire you to consider using your life experiences and challenges as a starting point and as the very inspirational tool to inspire peoples and nations. It unveils how you should see the challenges of life, and gives you practical tips on how to convert them to success steps.

    The secrecy of the spirit-man in human form lies not just in staying alive, but in discovery purpose and something to live for while on earth. We are a product of a specific design, packaged for maximum impact. Thus, your stay here on earth is meant to inspire the creatures. There is a glory to be revealed in and through us as we express the glory of the Lord. Creation anticipates your expression to get inspired.

    For I reckoned that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope. Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God’. (Romans 8 vs 18-21)

    We all have a measure of inspiration; unfortunately not all people express their inspiration. Some people are being chocked by their environment, challenges, pleasures and other kinds of distractions that swayed men off the purpose drive.

    In this book, I used the concept of the word darkness to explain the challenges of life and how to employ each to inspire your world. Life is in stages and challenges don’t last forever. So, we all must go through the stages of life, learning all we need to. The dark period of life is where life expects you to be developing in capacity, which is mostly done in obscurity. I am talking about periods when we are confronted with obstacles, those specific time when life itself demands that you emerge. It’s high time we braced up developing capacity and graduating to the next stage, with God’s approval.

    Putting all of these together: no matter the pain of your dark period of life, light is destined to emerge at the end of it. Darkness is indeed useful to our development. Great inspiration and emergence usually comes out of thick darkness.

    The raw materials you need to inspire your word are locked up in you and should be developed in the faces of challenges. I admonished you to go through this book and come out as the champion of champions. That is what you have been created for.

    Let’s go into revelation…


    Chapter One


    The word ‘darkness’ is an ambiguous word that most people don’t like associating with. Perhaps because it is often tied to devils, death, diabolism, wickedness, failure, backwardness, and all sort of evils that contrast light. The word darkness also refers to obscurity, insignificance, and the mysterious - words that apply to a state of condition. However, darkness is broad in perspectives.

    God Almighty, the Supreme Being, created darkness: I form the light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I, the LORD, do all these things. Isaiah 45 vs. 7

    It should come to mind that darkness isn’t a thing or concept created by the devil, though it has been a tool which he constantly employed to manipulate and destroy man. Up till date, Satan has created nothing but had rather been twisting and compromising God’s creations.

    Anything God created is for a purpose; all that He made were to play significant roles in human existence. Wisdom demands that we learn from

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