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The Stolen Faeles Princess: Stormwalkers, #1.5
The Stolen Faeles Princess: Stormwalkers, #1.5
The Stolen Faeles Princess: Stormwalkers, #1.5
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The Stolen Faeles Princess: Stormwalkers, #1.5

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When Varaeca's family is caught in the middle of a battle she ends up losing both her mother and brother.  In order to save what remains of her family and people, Varaeca learns that she will have to place her total trust in a stranger.  Will she be able them or will everything be lost for good? 

This book is told from the point of view of three people.

PublisherShadow Queen
Release dateSep 1, 2019
The Stolen Faeles Princess: Stormwalkers, #1.5

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    Book preview

    The Stolen Faeles Princess - Shadow Queen

    The Stolen Faeles Princess

    Table of Contents




    Author Notes/ Character List.............7

    Chapter One...............................14

    Chapter Two...................................32

    Chapter Three..............................46

    Chapter Four..................................74

    Chapter Five...............................85

    Chapter Six.................................98

    Chapter Seven...........................108

    Chapter Eight............................124

    Chapter Nine.............................148

    Additional Book information.............163

    About the Book........................164

    About the Author...........................165


    TO GOD, FOR ALLOWING me to use the abilities that he has gifted me with to bring joy and happiness to those around me, and to use my gifts to the best use at this moment.

    To my Uncle Joe, Aunt Sara and their boys.  Thank you for all the laughter and joy that you all have brought into my life, and for all the fun moments we have together.

    To My Aunt Stephanie, cousins; Brooklyn, ET, and Allie Kat.  Thank you for all the fun we have had together.  Each of you all have brightened my day.

    To my amazing family and wonderful friends whom have supported my ideas for this book, and for giving me the inspiration for several of my characters.


    This book is dedicated to all those that have lost a love one.  Please let this book brighten your day and bring a little bit of amusement to you.

    In Memory of Haven Rose.  You will always be remembered and loved.  Enjoy the beauty of Heaven for us until the Lord calls us home.

    Paranormal Thriller

    The Stolen Faeles Princess: StormWalkers Series Book 1.5


    Copyright © 2019 by Shadow Queen

    First E-Book Published (Month) 2019

    ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or part, without express written permission from the author.

    All Characters, places, and events in this book are fictitious or have been used fictitiously, and are not to be construed as real.  Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations are strictly coincidental.


    When Varaeca’s family is caught in middle of a battle she ends up losing both her mother and brother.  In order to save what remains of her family and people, Varaeca learns that she will have to place her total trust in a stranger.  Will she be able them or will everything be lost for good?  This book is told from three people’s Point of View.


    Published in the United States by Shadow Queen.


    When Varaeca’s family is caught in middle of a battle that is leading to war she learns that she will lose everything unless she decides to place her trust in a stranger.

    Author Notes/ Character List:

    This book is the continuation of my first book, Libertas, and helps to go into more detail of what Eaden has been up too, since my previous book.  However, this book does not solely focus on Eaden, but instead on a little girl named Varueka, who will play a special part in not only Eaden’s life, but the lives of the rest of his team.  In this book Varueka will have to learn what it will take too; not only protect herself, but also the rest of her family and her people.  As some of you might be asking, who are Varueka’s people?

    Varueka is descended from both the royal Faeles line, and royal Sprite Lines.  The Faeles are group of people gifted with the abilities to shapeshift into cats.  They are ruled by a Prime, their king, and Prima, their queen.  The Faeles are taught to fight from the time they are toddlers in order to protect both themselves and their people from any attackers.  The Sprites on the other hand do not have the ability to shapeshift, but instead can harness the energy surrounding them and use that energy to use whatever gifts they have been boon with.  The Sprites have the appearance of elves and consider themselves to be the inspiration of the storytellers in the centuries past.

    Amunet: Prima to the Faeles people, exiled princess to the Sprites.  Has knowledge to use any plant as a poison, and able to also use surrounding energy to increase her fighting abilities.  Silver is her Soulmate.  She has twelve children and is pregnant with another child.  Amunet 214 years old.

    Silver: Prime to the Faeles people, can shapeshift into silver tiger and is Amunet’s Soulmate.  He is a proud father of twelve children and expecting another child soon.

    Prima’s Royal Guard:

    Chaaya:  Has the abilities to control small gust of wind due to being the descendant of a sprite.  He can shapeshift into an Ocelot; a feline known for it’s fierce fighting abilities and cunning intellect.

    Elijah:  He can shapeshift into a bobcat and is able to go unnoticed by those around him in either form.  This allows him to not only protect Amunet during certain royal events without being seen, but to also infiltrate enemy strongholds to receive intel.

    Mia:  She can shapeshift into a rare Clouded Leopard which gives her great stealth abilities such as sneaking up on the enemy without being seen nor heard, invisibility, and being able to blend into her surroundings.  Due to her being a descendant of a sprite she has the ability to not only control small bouts of fire, but she has also mastered the ability to control water which she uses at times to aid her in escape, and to disappear from sight.

    Varaeca/ Varueka: Faeles and Sprite princess, Abilities are limitless, but they cause health issues.  Is slowly becoming deaf and has multiple recurring nightmares.  Is four years old.

    Soren: Amunet’s and Silver’s son, Varaeca’s older brother.

    Mercury: Amunet’s, and Silver’s oldest child, Heir to the throne, and the sibling Varaeca is closest to.

    Valen: is the private instructor to the royal Faeles children, is Vonn’s father.

    Eaden Sabathe: Mate to Samariah Shrade-Sabathe, captain to a team of people gifted with the abilities to shapeshift and use the energy to fight and has been tasked with stopping Dr. Schneider.

    Vonn: Is taken by the Durokians during battle, is Varaeca’s silent protector and claims her as his younger sister.


    Durokians are a cult that was create in the year 666 A.D.  The Durokians believe in Kion whom they believe was a man who became a god and will do anything to keep his teachings alive.  Kion dictated to his followers the need to keep control on all beings lesser than them, Humans and Hybrids, and the necessity to destroy or imprison all those born of mixed blood.

    The Durokian people are divided into three main categories:

    1.)  Religious Leaders:

    The Principia: This person can be either male or female and is considered the voice of their god Kion.  There is only one Principia at a time and their mates are chosen from the Rivalian Cast.

    High Priest:  The High Priest works under the Principia and carry outs all orders given by the Principia.  There is one High Priest for each Spicthro Race.  High Priest Consist of all men.

    The Rivalians:  This is the sect of Men and Women that hold some of the strongest abilities and intelligence among their people.  They are Wisemen and Wise Women who help guide their people in the Durokian belief

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