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The Tabernacle of Moses
The Tabernacle of Moses
The Tabernacle of Moses
Ebook159 pages1 hour

The Tabernacle of Moses

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Does the Tabernacle of Moses hold any meaning for believers today? Yes! It is not merely a historical building, but rather holds much significance for you and me. The Lord told Moses “let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them.” It reveals the heart of God – to have intimate union and fellowship with His people.In this anointed study, Dr. Bailey expounds on the many hidden truths in the Tabernacle of Moses, leading us through the spiritual experiences of the Outer Court, the Holy Place, and into the very presence of God in the Holy of Holies. Studying these truths enables believers to gain a deeper understanding of His ways that we might make our dwelling place “under the shadow of the Almighty.”
Release dateAug 4, 2014
The Tabernacle of Moses

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    The Tabernacle of Moses - Dr. Brian J. Bailey

    The Tabernacle of Moses

    Version 2.0

    Dr. Brian J. Bailey

    The Tabernacle of  Moses

     © 1997 Brian J. Bailey

    Revised Edition September 2005 (Version 2.0)

    Front Cover Design

    © 2005 Zion Fellowship, Inc.

    All rights reserved

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations in articles or reviews.

    All Scripture quotations in this book are taken from the

    King James Version Bible unless otherwise stated.

    Published by Zion Christian Publishers

    Version 2.0

    Published as an e-book on October 2013

    in the United States of America

    E-book ISBN 1-59665-136-9

    For more information, please contact:

    Zion Christian Publishers

    A Zion Fellowship ® Ministry

    P.O. Box 70

    Waverly, New York 14892

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    Fax: 607-565-3329


    Editorial team: Carla Borges, Suzette Erb, Barbara Fuller, Mary Humphreys, David Kropf, Justin Kropf, Caroline Tham, and Suzanne Ying.

    We wish to extend our thanks to these dear ones for without their many hours of invaluable assistance, this book would not have been possible. We are truly grateful for their diligence, creativity, and excellence in the compilation of this book for the glory of God.


    There are two very precious reasons why God commanded Moses to build the Tabernacle. Firstly, the Tabernacle was built to fulfil the longing in the heart of a holy God to re-establish with His people the fellowship that was lost when Adam sinned. God desired to dwell in the midst of His people. He said to Moses in Exodus 25:8, "And let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them."

    Secondly, the Lord desired to teach His people His ways. The psalmist says in Psalm 77:13, Thy way, O God, is in the sanctuary… From the study of Moses’ Tabernacle, we are instructed in the ways of God, for His ways are revealed in the Tabernacle. While the children of Israel saw His mighty acts, they did not know His ways (Ps. 95:10). God wants us to know His ways, even as did Moses (Ps. 103:7).

    Therefore, as we study the Tabernacle of Moses by the illumination of the blessed Holy Spirit, we are enabled to enter into a fresh level of communion and fellowship with the Lord, and we are instructed in the ways of God.

    Brian J. Bailey, Ph.D., D.D.


    In Holy Scriptures, the Tabernacle of Moses is described from God’s perspective. In other words, in the Lord’s description of the Tabernacle, He begins in the Holy of Holies (for that is where He dwells). He then goes on to describe the Holy Place and the Outer Court, and finally the Gate of the Tabernacle, which is in actuality the entrance.

    The logical order, it seems, would be to begin with the entrance in the Outer Court and then proceed to the Holy of Holies. However, God, by beginning with the Holy of Holies, is showing that His desire is for us to dwell with Him within the veil and to commune intimately with Him. In Exodus 25:8 God said, And let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them. The Tabernacle was not made for man, but for the Lord—to satisfy His desire for intimate union and fellowship with His people.

    In this book, we will study the Tabernacle from  man’s perspective, beginning with the Outer Court, then progressing to the Holy Place, and then to our ultimate goal—the Holy of Holies. In so doing, we will also consider how the Tabernacle of Moses relates to our Christian walk and ministry.

    The Tabernacle of Moses is a type and shadow of heavenly and spiritual things. In Hebrews 8:5, it speaks of the Old Testament priests: They serve at a sanctuary that is a copy and shadow of what is in heaven… (NIV). It was a replica of the Tabernacle in heaven (Rev. 15:5). Moreover, it revealed the ways of God and His purposes for His people. Psalm 77:13 says, Thy way, O God, is in the sanctuary.

    Spiritually, each of us is called to enter within the veil to the Holy of Holies—into the literal presence of God. This is the ultimate call of every Christian. However, there are many progressive steps that we must take before we can go into the Holiest of all.

    The Tabernacle of Moses can be likened to the three stages of spiritual growth and maturity in the Christian life spoken of in 1 John 2:12-14. The Apostle John says: I write unto you, little children, because your sins are forgiven you for his name’s sake. I write unto you, fathers, because ye have known him that is from the beginning. I write unto you, young men, because ye have overcome the wicked one. I write unto you, little children, because ye have known the Father. I have written unto you, fathers, because ye have known him that is from the beginning. I have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong, and the word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one.

    The three progressive stages of maturity are little children, young men, and fathers. Spiritually speaking, the Outer Court is where people are birthed into the kingdom of God as little children. There they experience forgiveness of sins and salvation. The Holy Place represents a greater stage of maturity where we would see strong young men who have the victory over Satan, and the Word of God abides in them. However, from this spiritual plateau we must progress on into the Holy of Holies where fathers are found. This is where a father’s heart is produced within us and we come to know the Lord in a very intimate way. It is from this place that we reign in life by Christ Jesus.

    The Outer Court, the Holy Place, and the Holy of Holies also speak of a type of ministry that God has called us to. In other words, depending upon the ministry to which God has called us, we could be ministering in the Outer Court, the Holy Place, or in the Holy of Holies. It is important that we understand these things and the ministry in each of these places. Let us now look at the Tabernacle in detail.

    The Furniture of the Tabernacle

    There were seven articles of furniture in the Tabernacle of Moses. In the Outer Court were the Brazen Altar and the Brazen Laver. In the Holy Place were the Candlestick, the Table of Shewbread and the Altar of Incense. Within the Holy of Holies were the Ark of the Covenant and the Mercy Seat, which rested on top of the Ark. It was above the Mercy Seat that the fullness of God’s glory resided.

    These seven articles of furniture are very important for our lives, as they speak of spiritual experiences that we must undergo in order to know the fullness of God’s glory and presence.

    The Lord Jesus Christ fulfilled every aspect of the Tabernacle of Moses. This required a life of obedience to the will of His Father, culminating with His death upon the cross of Calvary. Therefore, since Christ is our pattern, the spiritual experiences of the Tabernacle must be fulfilled in us. When this happens, we are then able to lead others into these areas of maturity. We want to have a well-balanced ministry that produces mature sons and daughters who shall be kings and priests unto the Lord (Rev. 5:10).










    1. The Bars

    2. The Roof

    a.) Curtains of Fine Linen

    b.) Curtains of Goat’s Hair

    c.) Coverings of Ram Skins Dyed Red

    d.) Coverings of Badger Skins


    1. The Five Pillars

    a.) The Burnt Offering

    b.) The Meal Offering

    c.) The Peace Offering

    d.) The Sin Offering

    e.) The

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