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Seared Frost: The Disappearance
Seared Frost: The Disappearance
Seared Frost: The Disappearance
Ebook385 pages9 hours

Seared Frost: The Disappearance

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Sparksville where everybody knows everybody or do they? Elliott Frost was missing for two weeks before Bethany, a retired news reporter took the search into her own hands which caused the police to start their own investigation. The story developed national media coverage when two dead bodies surfaced but still no sign of Elliott. 

Will this turn out to be a true disappearance or a murder? 

Release dateFeb 11, 2020
Seared Frost: The Disappearance

Kendra J. Williams

It all started with me writing to express my emotions—until I realized that my words actually spoke the silent inner voice of someone else. I started getting excited about writing, and when new ideas would pop up in my mind, I realized this was meant for me: that this was my gift. I have been writing poetry since I was in middle school, and that’s when I realized I wanted to write a book and be published. I have three short stories that I wrote in high school, which I have hidden away. I am a twenty-seven-year-old from a small town in North Carolina that has a vision to one day have a book in the bookstore.

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    Seared Frost - Kendra J. Williams


    B ethany, why are you here again?

    Bethany became jittery.

    You make me nervous when you come in here scooping.

    How do you think I feel?

    You’re fine. You keep coming in here like someone is robbing me or something.

    Bethany started visiting the Sparksville Convenience store a few weeks after Elliott went missing. The detectives said they were still looking for leads but Bethany wasn’t buying it.

    Waiting for someone to update me on the disappearance of Elliott is killing me.

    Yeah, I heard someone was murdered a couple of nights ago.

    I wouldn’t be surprised.

    What’s your purpose of showing up here every so often?

    This was the last known place Elliott came. I feel like he left some kind of message behind for me.

    Not here, he didn’t.

    You don’t know that. Is Carlton working the late shift tonight?

    I don’t know.

    Decker knew Bethany was getting irritated with him and she wasn’t trying to hide it.

    Bethany was a middle-aged black woman, who was a retired news reporter. She stood 6 foot even with salt and pepper hair.

    Decker wasn’t much younger than Bethany and they both knew it, even though Decker tried to act older.

    What does Carlton have that I don’t? Decker asked,

    He doesn’t give me lip. He let’s me observe in peace, she smiled.

    Decker started laughing. It’s 9 am in the morning and you’re already up here. Can I get my first customer before you stop by?

    I can’t help people sleep late around here. I’ve always been an early riser because of my job.

    But you aren’t a news reporter anymore, Bethany. He mocked.

    Bethany started laughing, I know that and that’s why I’m leaving.

    Whatever suits you, he answered waving at her.

    Bethany walked out and in walked Decker’s first customer. Bethany smiled and hit the corner strolling.

    What’s her problem? the customer asked.

    She’s tripping. Trying to find clues about the disappearance of Elliott.

    Somebody killed that man, the customer answered matter-a-factly.

    Decker looked at the customer with a blank stare.

    What’s wrong? She ain’t lying. Man, I don’t believe he just disappeared either. This is Sparksville, you know this town is too small for something like that to happen and nobody know anything about it.

    Decker was a retired photographer, who worked with private investigators. He never knew what the PIs were investigating. He was given the assignments and did the work that was required.

    You aren’t crazy. You know that man’s disappearing is suspense.

    I haven’t thought about it to be honest.

    Mr. Decker, I know you’re smarter than that. Sparksville is finally cleaning up the streets and now this. A murder and a disappearance within weeks of each other. Something ain’t right, the customer continued.

    I might need to hit Bethany back up later and see what I can help with.

    Mr. Decker, you do that.

    Alright, Tomas. I’ll see you later.

    You owe me change.

    Decker started laughing, my fault. Decker handed Tomas his 2 dollars and fifteen cents change.

    Tried to short me.

    I wasn’t thinking.

    Tomas tapped Decker on the shoulder, it’s all good but you better focus. I’m sure she’ll be back.

    Decker started laughing because he knew what he was hinting around about.

    Don’t try and deny it. Let the love glow, Tomas laughed before walking out of the store.

    Decker immediately grabbed the store’s cordless phone and dialed one of his friends at the police station.

    Is Officer Woods in?

    He is. May I ask who’s calling?

    Decker, he answered.

    Let me get him for you.

    Woods came to the phone after a few minutes and started talking junk. Don’t ask me nothing about nothing.

    Use correct grammar before you start up, Decker laughed.

    What do you want man?

    You didn’t even ask who it was?

    Officer Bailey already told me. Plus, I only know one fool that calls the work line while I’m here, he laughed.

    I know you aren’t picking?

    Naw. What do I owe the pleasure of this call?

    I need your help.

    I figured that. What kind of help? he asked sitting down in the chair beside him.

    You know anything about Elliott disappearing?

    What about him?

    What kind of info do you have on it?

    Decker, you know I can’t discuss that over the phone.

    So, lunch or dinner?

    What if I say neither, he laughed.

    Come on man don’t be like that?

    Seriously though, I don’t have any news but I don’t mind meeting you for lunch or dinner sometime this week.

    I’ll hold you to that. You owe me a meal anyway.

    No, I don’t. That was your idea not mine.

    Respect your elders.

    Tim started laughing, we’re what about two years apart?

    I’m still older.

    Decker get off my phone. I might be by your store later but don’t call up here. You need to know how to use your cell phone. Text me from that, he laughed.

    Yeah my grandkids say the same thing, he laughed.

    You should take them up on that because you sure do act like an elderly person.

    A customer walked in as Decker was talking to Tim.

    It was a warm Autumn day and even though it was warmer today than normal, the residents of Sparksville were taking advantage of the nice weather. The customers were walking around instead of driving.

    Aye man, I’ll get atcha later, Decker answered making eye contact with the customer.

    Don’t use that language with me. It doesn’t suit you, he laughed.

    Bye. I still want my food.

    Bye fool, Tim answered hanging up.


    Bethany was walking around enjoying the breeze when she strolled pass the hardware store that rested on the opposite side of the street. She pulled her hair back into a ponytail as the sweat beamed on her forehead. She paused at the crosswalk when she noticed a piece of clothing that she’s seen before.

    Is that my shirt? she mumbled to herself as she got closer. She had her left hand down as she went to pick it up. She pulled it to her face and sighed. She knew the smell too well. Elliott, she exhaled into the purple short sleeved t-shirt.

    Bethany examined the shirt and with no piece unturned there were no signs of blood or tears. His scent was so powerful, she could envision his body frame within inches of her face. She smiled and then turned angry. Whomever did this is going to pay, she whispered before placing the shirt behind her back.

    Decker came out of the store right after his last customer. He looked around and there was no sign of her. He knew she walked back into the other direction and never came back to walk back home.

    Bethany! Decker called out funneling his mouth so his voice would travel further.

    Bethany heard a noise and didn’t pay it any attention.

    Bethany! he called out again.

    This time Bethany turned around and walked towards the voice.

    Bethany, I know you’re out here.

    Bethany smiled and started walking towards Decker.

    You need to stop playing and head back this way. I can’t leave the store unattended for too long, he explained as she got closer to him.

    What are you doing out here? I thought you wanted me to leave, she answered.

    I wasn’t thinking.

    Who talked some sense into you? she asked stopping within inches of him.


    Stop lying, she smiled still holding her hands behind her back.

    Why are you walking with your hands behind your back like that?

    None of your business. Now what do you really want?

    I want you to walk with me back to the store for starters and then I’m going to help you find Elliott.

    I don’t believe you, she smiled.

    I want to help you.


    I have my ways.

    I don’t want those. You can use those on your female friends that need them, she joked.

    Bethany, stop playing. I’m not going to use my looks on you. I have charm for that, he joked.

    That won’t work either. I know the other side of you.

    You don’t, he answered as they crossed the road.

    Whatever. I guess I’ll let you help me.

    You have no other choice, he smiled.

    I always have choices.

    What’s that behind your back?

    A shirt, she answered.

    Is that a clue?

    I told you he would leave something behind for me. I don’t understand why you didn’t believe me.

    Were you two in a relationship?

    What makes you think that? she asked as they stopped in front of the store.

    You’re a little too invested for nothing to be attached to it.

    Elliott is one of my best friends. No, we never dated but there was always potential, she answered honestly.

    What’s potential?

    Something that you don’t have. You have too many questions and you don’t let things flow.

    I’m a logical thinker. I don’t like to make decisions and regret them later, he answered.

    Live. You’re too old to be second guessing everything someone else says to you. Relax a little. If you’re going to be around me as often. I can’t do this uptight attitude, she explained.

    I’ll think about it, he stated unlocking the store and letting her walk in first.

    So, you are a gentleman?

    When I need to be, he laughed.

    I’m sure your girlfriend appreciates it.

    My ex never appreciated me, he stated.

    She saw the other side of you as well? she asked.

    I don’t know anything about this other side that you’re speaking of. Please elaborate on it.

    The one where you act like you aren’t interested and then I warm up.

    I wouldn’t call that the other side. Don’t most people do that when they’re learning someone?

    I don’t. I’m pretty good at reading vibes. That’s why I left earlier. You weren’t trying to be bothered with me. Carlton doesn’t do me like that.

    Enough about Carlton. What about that shirt?

    It’s Elliott’s. That’s all I know. No other signs to go off of right now.

    Why would his shirt be sitting in the middle of downtown Sparksville?

    The same reason why he went missing. Because someone killed him. So, what kind of help can you give me? she asked leaning up against the store’s counter.

    I know how to investigate things without getting caught. I used to be a photographer for private investigators.

    I didn’t know that, she stated her eyes growing wide.

    Yeah. A lot of people never knew that. I try to keep it on the hush, he stated.

    So, why didn’t you get suspicion when you found out he went missing?

    Because I try to stay in my own place these days. I don’t want to be nosey for the wrong reasons.

    It’s not being nosey.

    In my world it is. My mother always told me to mind my business and everyday forward I’ve been living by that rule.

    You moved to the wrong town for that, she laughed.

    You might be right, he agreed.

    Why would a shirt be sitting like that? It was like someone was waiting for me to start walking downtown. Something about this whole thing isn’t right, she stated trying to bring her attention back to the case.

    Whoever it is, is probably watching you. You have been coming down here every day for the last two weeks.

    It hasn’t been two weeks. And it hasn’t been every day, she laughed.

    Close enough to it.

    Because the police aren’t doing anything. I feel like they know something is up with it but since he doesn’t report to a job every day because he’s retired they don’t care.

    I didn’t know he was retired.

    Yep, she answered touching the shirt.

    What did he do before?

    He never said. It was like it was a secret or something.

    You don’t think he’s in hiding from someone and doesn’t want to be found, he suggested. Maybe the police know where he is but can’t disclose his location.

    No. Nope. That’s not it. He would normally call by now if he was away on business, she answered.

    But you just said you didn’t know what he did, Decker laughed. I can’t help you if you’re going to keep secrets.

    I don’t have any secrets. I can only tell you what I know which is nothing.

    I don’t believe you for one minute.

    I don’t know why not. I can’t disclose something I don’t know.

    Decker crossed his arms across his chest and looked at her. So, you mean to tell me that you don’t know anything about his job or current activity?

    Nothing at all. I’m not nosey, she nodded her head.

    You know everything else about him. Why wouldn’t you know that part of the information?

    I asked don’t get me wrong but once he didn’t answer it. I didn’t ask anymore. I didn’t want to pry, she stated.

    You look like you love to pry into someone else’s life.

    And on that note, I’m leaving.

    Hold on, he answered putting his hand to stop her from leaving. Can I get your number so when I get off I can call you so we can talk about this?

    I don’t think you’re taking this serious. You’re trying to throw me off, she answered moving his hand from under his.

    No. I’m for real. I’m going to write my number down and if you don’t feel like using it, I’m going to help you throw it in the trash. My feelings will not be hurt.

    Alright. I might call. I might not.

    I don’t know how to text so it’s probably better to call if you decide you want it, he laughed.

    You can’t text? You’re older than I thought, she joked.

    I never learned, he answered shrugging his shoulders.

    You need to start. Texting is the new technology.

    I’ll pass.

    Whatever floats your boat.

    Are you a texter?

    That’s all I do most of the time.

    Oh really? he asked.

    Yes sir. Talking on the phone is overrated. I’m older but I don’t want to be the typical middle-aged woman that loves gossiping on the phone like my grandmother used to do.

    Hey there is nothing wrong with a good phone conversation.

    I never said there was. Just not my thing at the moment, she answered shrugging her shoulders.

    Well here’s my number, he answered sliding the sheet of paper over to her.

    I’ll think about it. Let me get back home before Elliott leave me another clue, she laughed grabbing the paper.

    Call me because I don’t have your number, he called out to her.

    Bethany started laughing. Only if you’re going to help me solve this mystery.

    I told you I would. I’ve already made a call or two about it.

    I don’t believe it but I’ll call you, she smiled as she left the store.

    Bethany walked the two miles to her cottage style home before she peeled off her clothes and jumped in the shower. She dropped the shirt on her bed and ran into the shower.

    Elliott, I’m going to find you. I don’t know if I’ll have to go on a few dates before I can make it but I’m going to get to you, she whispered as she turned on the water. She adjusted the temperature to as hot as she could stand it before getting lost in the steam.


    Decker was finishing up his shift when Carlton walked in.

    Well, hey there, he grinned greeting him.

    Why are you so happy? You never greet me when I come in.

    Today is a new day, he smiled.

    You got some nookie last night?

    What’s that?

    Carlton looked at him with a look of disbelief and shook his head. You’re older than I thought. What did you used to call it?

    Call what?

    It, he emphasized.

    Oh that? No, son I didn’t get any of that last night. I’m just happy.

    What’s going on then? Because this isn’t like you.


    Carlton stared at Decker for what seemed like hours before saying anything else. Did Ms. Bethany come by here today?

    Why would you ask that?

    Never mind. I got my answer, he smiled.

    Carlton was in his early 20s working the later shift so Mr. Decker wouldn’t be out too late for his age.

    Son, you don’t even know what you’re talking about.

    Did you finally give her your number or did she give out hers? I know you’ve been watching her for months.

    Carlton, you have no idea.

    Oh, I have plenty. I’ll stay out of grown folks’ business though, he answered laughing.

    Do you know anything about Elliott’s disappearance? Decker asked trying to shift the conversation.

    That’s random even for you. What’s up? You’re trying to get some information for Ms. Bethany. I knew something was going on, Carlton smiled.

    I thought I would ask since you haven’t mentioned anything about it.

    No, I don’t know anything about it. The streets aren’t talking on this one.

    Hmm.. That’s interesting.

    A lot of stuff is interesting to you right now, Carlton laughed.

    Whatever, Carlton. You don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m going to head out.

    Tell Ms. Bethany that I said hey, Carlton stated smiling.

    I’m not.

    I’ll make sure to ask about you once she gets here later.

    Really, Carlton?

    Yes, sir. You’re too old to be denying yourself love. She might be the one, Carlton stated.

    And on that note it’s time for me to get out of here, Decker started laughing.

    I’ll be watching you, Carlton laughed gesturing with his eyes that he’s watching him.

    Decker walked out of the store with one of the biggest smiles on his face since his late wife passed away, two years prior. He knew that Bethany was different from the other ladies in Sparksville and seeing her interest in the disappearance of her friend made him see her in a different light. He turned his cell phone in his pocket as he retrieved it. He knew he needed to learn how to text more so now than he did before.

    Hello, he answered as his phone started ringing.

    I heard you were looking to find out what happened to good ol’ Elliott.

    Who is this? Decker asked as his attitude changed.

    You don’t need to worry about that. I’m trying to figure out why you’re invested in this now. What’s going on? Ms. Bethany doesn’t want you, the caller stated.

    I don’t know who this is or how you got my number but I would advise you not to call me anymore, Decker snapped.

    No need to get your panties in a bunch old man. I’m the one asking the questions here. You don’t get to talk unless you’re answering my questions.

    I don’t know what kind of messed up world you live in but you called my phone. You called the wrong one. I have people in the force that will shut you down quicker than I pick up this phone.

    Old man mind your business before you pop up missing as well, the caller stated before hanging up the phone.

    Decker was baffled. He didn’t know who the caller was and why he was all of a sudden invested in harassing him but he wasn’t standing for it. He didn’t get his gun registered three years ago for nothing.

    I’ll fix you. Don’t pop up on me. I’ll put a bullet in you, he said out loud into the air.

    He walked to his truck and double checked his surroundings. The only thing in sight was Carlton’s car. He looked around again before pulling off.

    Bethany glanced at the clock. It read 5:30 which was the time she normally headed back to the store but today was different. She didn’t get the urge to head back downtown like before. Elliott, please be alive.

    She grabbed the shirt from her bed along with her cell phone. She smiled as she thought about Decker and his flirtiness.

    Decker’s phone started to vibrate in his pocket. He shook his head in disbelief. I’m not paying into that mess again. I don’t know who he is and I’m not going to find out today. If he wants me, he’ll have to come and get me. Decker stated as he headed home.

    Bethany shook her head as the phone went to voicemail both times. This is Decker, if you need me please leave a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. The voicemail answered.

    She threw the phone back down on her bed and headed into the kitchen. Bethany looked out her kitchen window and saw the sun starting to set. She leaned against the counter as she thought about her dreams to someday have grandkids. Her mood became somber as she thought about her miscarriage and failed marriages.

    You’ll never be a mother and I’m going to make sure of that, she replayed all of the abusive words her first husband embedded inside of her head. She thought she was over them once she got into her next relationship but the issues followed her.

    I don’t know why I married you. I knew you couldn’t have my kids. Your body isn’t built for it, her last husband’s word echoed in her head.

    She snapped out of her trance and leaned inside of the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of wine. She reached in the cabinet and pulled out a wine glass. She poured herself a big glass and carried it back into the living room.

    Decker pulled into his driveway. He parked his car and checked his phone for the missed calls. He didn’t recognize the number so he decided to call it back before he went inside for the evening.

    Bethany was cozying up on the couch when she heard her phone started ringing. I wonder who that is? she asked as she walked back to her bedroom.

    Hello! Who is this? Decker asked once Bethany answered the phone.

    Bethany looked down at her phone before deciding to respond. She shook her head. Decker, she called out.

    Bethany? he asked.

    Yes. What’s the problem?

    I’m sorry. I didn’t have your number. I thought you were someone else, he answered.

    Oh no. I’m not your ex-girlfriend. I thought you blocked her, she joked.

    So you still have jokes I see,

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