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The Second Time Around: D.A.R.K. Cover, INC., #4
The Second Time Around: D.A.R.K. Cover, INC., #4
The Second Time Around: D.A.R.K. Cover, INC., #4
Ebook104 pages1 hour

The Second Time Around: D.A.R.K. Cover, INC., #4

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Memories can become reality


There are times that past memories won't leave you alone. Derek, the only remaining single Wilder brother, has been unable to forget a woman he saved two years ago. She is haunting him in his dreams, until one day, she shows up at his door.


Avery is tired of being scared. She heads to Montana to face a man she needs to see in order to get on with her life. Trouble has followed her. Can she survive and still find a future, possibly one with Derek?


***This book is a rerelease and is best read in order.***

Release dateJul 13, 2020
The Second Time Around: D.A.R.K. Cover, INC., #4

Aliyah Burke

Aliyah Burke is a USA Today Bestselling Author who’s an avid reader and never far from pen and paper (or the computer). She is happily married to a career military man. They are owned by three Borzoi. She spends her days at the day job, writing, and working with her dogs. She loves to hear from her readers and can be reached here. If you would like to be kept abreast of what's going on in the world of Aliyah, please join her newsletter: and/or cozy newsletter: Other places to find her on social media are: Amazon Author Page - Book Bub - Goodreads - Website - Facebook -  Facebook Author Page - Pinterest - Twitter - Instagram -

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    Book preview

    The Second Time Around - Aliyah Burke


    Derek swore, dodging to his left as bullets thudded into the truck and into the ground to his right. Wood shards tore through his shirt, embedding into flesh when the ground gave way to trees.

    Don’t let him get away!

    Hurdling the fallen log in his path, he rolled when he landed, swearing as a slug ripped into him. He paused and pressed the heel of his hand to the wound and grimaced at the sting of pain. Didn’t matter how often he got shot, it still hurt like a bitch.

    In the next second, the entire scene changed and he hung from his wrists as a furious and dangerous man stood before him. Scowled and put two into his chest.

    He jerked and fell.

    Eyes opening, he pushed up from where he lay on the floor to his hands and knees, the bedding a tangled mess around him. There didn’t exist an inch on him that wasn’t still sore. Although darkness owned the room, he had confidence there would be blood. For a few moments he remained immobile, trying to control his breathing. Thirty minutes later, he exited the bathroom wearing a baggy pair of sweats, new bandages covering the most recent wounds.

    The dreams weren’t getting better. They weren’t lessening. They ranged from rescuing clients’ family members to missions. Then on to his sister-in-law, all of which ended up the same way. Him in a panic wishing he had more than his sidearm beside the bed, and him sweating like he’d just done a twenty-klick run.

    A glance at the clock and he sank to the couch while snow continued to coat the frozen landscape. Breakfast was at his mother’s soon. He drifted back to sleep only to wake with a shot as he brought up his empty arm to fire at the man who’d nearly killed Avery.


    He scrubbed a frustrated hand over his face, the daily growth needing to be knocked back.

    Most cases he could do and move on. Not that one.

    Not the one that started with him going to bring a young woman home to her family. For him, were he to be honest with himself, it started the second he laid eyes on her picture. That right there had been the moment he realized that he wouldn’t be able to just do it and forget it. No way. Not with this particular case.

    Not her.

    Never her.


    Sweat dripped down her spine and in between her breasts. She ignored it and kept blinking away that which burned her eyes. There wasn’t any breeze other than what she created, and she jogged along the path circumventing the large lake. At her side ran her Chesapeake Bay Retriever, Cao. His steps easy as he paced her. Behind them both ran bodyguards.

    It had been nearly two years since she was kidnapped, and tortured while being held in Central America. Her breathing increased. Two years since he had shown up in her life. Saving her.

    Her legs wobbled and she lost her stride for a moment. Cao glanced up at her.

    I’m okay, boy.

    Even to her own ears, she didn’t sound confident about that. She picked up her pace, her dog doing the same. At the end of her five-mile run, she still hadn’t been able to let go.

    No one knew of her nightmares aside from the dog. And no one would.

    Back at her place, she topped off Cao’s water before heading for the shower herself. A bath would’ve been nice, perhaps even divine, but she had an engagement tonight to attend. Padding to her bed, she lay back on the black satin bedspread, arms out.

    Two years and a nightmare still lingered. It didn’t make any sense. Nothing had happened since.

    Nothing happened prior to my having been kidnapped either.

    Her chest began to tighten, and Cao jumped up beside her, pushing his head below her hand. Tears burned her eyes as they fell. Rolling, she held him tight. He lay there as she cried.

    It’s not fair. I should be able to move on. To relearn to live life, to live my life.

    The crippling fear lingered, unwilling to leave her. Less, yes, but still in existence. There were reminders, daily of how different her life was, how she was.

    Her arm pulsed as her alarm went off on her Fitbit. Reluctantly, she released Cao and got up to put on her shoes. He watched her without moving.

    You’d be bored, Cao. She smoothed her hand down her dress. He put his head down. Fine, but don’t complain, she teased.

    Purse in hand, she locked up before heading through to the garage. Once Cao had been let out in the back for a bit, she loaded him in her Caliber and put them on the road.

    Thirty minutes later, she leaned against a pillar of the porch she was on.


    Resting her head against the wood, she smiled as a good friend appeared.

    Hi, Shauna.

    I’m so glad you came, thank you.

    Like I would miss your birthday party. Thanks for letting him come.

    Shauna slid an arm around her waist. "He’s always welcome."

    Thank you.

    Holding her arm, Shauna headed away to the gazebo on the property. Avery went without a word, not even bothering to look for her dog, well aware he would follow.

    Talk to me, Avery. Her order fell once they had taken a seat on the wicker furniture.


    What’s going on? Honestly, I thought you’d be more yourself now.

    Me too.

    Cao settled by her foot and she rubbed along his side.

    Still having nightmares?

    Weekly. A harsh chuckle. So perhaps one person aside from the dog knew. But it’s no longer daily so it’s an improvement.

    Sweetie. Tell me how I can make this better.

    You can’t. Realizing those words sounded harsh, she took Shauna’s hand in her own. No one can. I have to do this myself. I have to find my own way.

    Even as the words left her mouth a pair of dark blue eyes watching her from behind dark lashes poured in her head.



    I worry about you. You’re my best friend. And over these years since you came home, once you were returned to us, we’ve grown apart and I hate it. We’re as close as sisters, now I hesitate to call you fearing I have interrupted or you’re going to say no.

    "I never meant for you to feel that way, Shauna. I’m struggling. Really, really struggling. I’m pissed at myself for it and honestly feel as if it’s better I keep to myself."

    No! Shauna’s tone was sharp and determined. "You belong with us, Avery. Not hiding. You didn’t do anything wrong."

    I just can’t get my head right. I want to be able to be more confident and sure, but I can’t. Cao helps, but I still need—

    It was one thing to have him in her head,

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