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Future Predictions by an Engineer and Seer
Future Predictions by an Engineer and Seer
Future Predictions by an Engineer and Seer
Ebook175 pages1 hour

Future Predictions by an Engineer and Seer

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About this ebook

This book is about predictions of the Future from both projections of existing trends and possible major paradigm changes.

On Making Predictions of the Future:

It is possible to make pretty good future predictions by taking into account three things--

1) Technological and Sociological Trends
2) Potential Paradigm changes
3) Intuition

In this book you will see many technological trends analyzed by an Engineer and using Intuition to help pick the most likely trends in our future.

What are possible major paradigm changes which will also affect our future? Projections of the year 2100 as well as up to 1,000 years ahead.

My goal in this book is to make the most accurate predictions of how our future will be over the next centuries that has ever been tried.
What does the Future Hold?
What will the world look like in the future?

How will we live our daily lives?

Release dateJul 9, 2020
Future Predictions by an Engineer and Seer

Martin Ettington

The owner Martin K. Ettington is an Engineer by training and has had multiple careers. These include technical sales for GE and HP. Martin also Owns his own software and consulting business.Martin’s interest in the Paranormal and Occult goes back to his childhood. He has had many paranormal experiences and has been a student of Eastern Philosophies and Meditation for 35 years.Seeking Enlightenment; he knows that we are already all Enlightened. We just have to realize this deeply.His books are expressions of his creativity to help others understand what he has internalized through study, experience, and membership in different societies.Not many technical persons or scientists spend a lot of time in parallel studying the Metaphysical and have had many spiritual or psychic experiences too.Therefore, Martin believes that he can provide a unique vantage point to integrate Western Scientific thinking with Eastern exploration of the mind and spirit.

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    Book preview

    Future Predictions by an Engineer and Seer - Martin Ettington

    I want to welcome you to this book about future predictions. I’m an engineer, psychic, and have written many books over the years about the spiritual, paranormal, longevity, science fiction, and some science books.

    As you can tell I have very wide ranging interests. Having read a couple thousand science fiction and other books in my life, I have a real passion about what our future holds.

    Over the years I’ve read many of the popular futurist books like Future Shock and Megatrends and I wondered if I could do any better.

    What I thought I would do in this book is to examine the history of conventional predictions about the future and try to use my own unique approach to see how well I can do.

    What I do very well is to integrate knowledge from other people and produce unique insights into that information.

    I also have a lot of experiences with Prophecy as I wrote in my book Prophecy: A History and How to Guide where I reviewed the history of prophecy and my own experiences.

    In this book it will be interesting to combine the logic on scientific forecasting with my intuitional insights.

    So the goal of this book will be to review many previous forecasting models, trend information, and use those plus my intuition to project some future probable scenarios.

    I believe it is possible to make the most accurate predictions of the future of humanity ever accomplished by taking into account three things--

    1) Technological and Sociological Trends

    2) Potential Paradigm changes

    3) Intuition

    These three dimensions of my approach to future predictions should produce a very innovative look at the future.

    Hope you enjoy the ride!

    Part 1—The History & Difficulty of Predictions

    2.0 The Usefulness of Good Predictions

    Man is obsessed about predictions of the future. Since ancient times man has turned to Seers and Prophets to advise leaders and individuals on what the future holds.

    There is of course something to be said about the advantages of knowing the future—it helps you plan what you will do, and reduces uncertainty and stress about the future.

    In recent times seriously recognized predictions have been made based on logic and an understanding of trends and research in our modern society.

    This helps explain the wide popularity of books like Future Shock and Megatrends in recent decades.

    3.0 Wrong or Limited Insights

    Many predictions have of course been made which never came true or came true in totally different ways.

    One funny one from one hundred years ago (1) was the idea that a bus would transport us under the ocean with a whale harnessed like a horse moving it.

    Another prediction from the same article said that there would be aerial firemen putting out fires from above.

    Global Warming Mistakes

    There is no doubt that the Earth is still warming from the last Ice Age. Sea levels are estimated to be 120 meters higher since the end of the last Ice Age. Also, the Earth continues to warm and it’s estimated the sea level has risen four to eight inches in the last one hundred years.

    I remember back in the 1980s when all the scientists were worried about manmade global cooling. There were even some movies from that era showing the Earth freezing to death.

    The big issue is how much does man contribute to Global Warming. The scientific evidence is that this issue has been way overblown. As an engineer I’ve read a lot of the science and found concerns about manmade global warming to be more religious than science based.

    Some examples of the flaws in global warming:

    Predictive computer models which have shown high levels of Earth warming over the last twenty years—which never happened.

    NOAA the United States National Oceanic and Air Administration has been found to be changing baseline temperature data over decades to show warming trends which were originally not there.

    Polar Bears were supposed to be dying from melting Arctic Ice several years ago—until the ice was shown to not be melting and the Polar Bears are doing fine.

    The polar caps are not melting. In fact recent evidence is that they are maintaining their coverage. Some years more and some years less.

    Many scientists now believe that long term Earth climate is based on sunspots cycles and they worry we are heading into a solar minimum and global cooling period.

    People are often like lemmings and follow the thought leaders like that nutty guy Al Gore who was always looking for a movement to lead but who also becomes less and less logical every year. He keeps proclaiming global warming with no evidence.

    It just goes to show that predictions about the future are often based on the current politics of the day, not on facts and scientific analysis.

    My prediction based on a lot of the latest scientific evidence is that manmade Global Warming does not exist. That carbon dioxide is such a small component of the atmosphere that it can’t affect global temperatures.

    A much more likely driver are long term cycles in Sunspots.

    My opinion is that manmade Global Warming (also called Anthropomorphic Global Warming) is more of an example of a hysterical prediction of the future than what science really knows.

    Space Travel after Moon Landings

    I grew up in the 1960s and remember the moon landings. I used to watch them all on television.

    At the time everyone thought we would be living in space and going to Mars by the end of the century in 1999.

    What wasn’t clear to everyone was how much of our space program then was only based on the cold war and a race for prestige between the United States and the Soviet Union.

    I even remember a scene during the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey in 1968 where a Pan Am space shuttle was taking passengers to a large rotating space station in orbit around the Earth. Of course Pan Am which was the largest international carrier then and is now out of business.

    Today, the reality is that we just have an orbiting smaller space station and private spaceships are just on the verge of going commercial.

    So this again goes to show how strong current beliefs in the future might be totally unfounded since many of these beliefs are based on mistaken understandings of current trends and not a realistic view of what the future holds.

    Not seeing the possibilities

    Many people who are corporate leaders and/or know powerful technologies intimately still lack the vision as to how we might progress. Here are seven really awful predictions I found from the recent past:

    (3) Foolish Tech Prediction 1

    I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.

    Thomas Watson, president of IBM, 1943

    At the dawn of the computer industry, nobody really knew where this new technology would take us. But the explosion of desktop computing that put a PC in nearly every American home within 50 years seems to have eluded the imagination of most mid-century futurists.

    After all, when IBM's Thomas Watson said computer, he meant "vacuum-tube-powered

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