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Perspectives in Lung Cancer
Perspectives in Lung Cancer
Perspectives in Lung Cancer
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Perspectives in Lung Cancer

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About this ebook

Perspectives in Lung Cancer compiles basic and advanced topics on lung cancer pathology and treatment in a single volume. Chapters introduce the reader to chest and lung anatomy followed by the biology of lung cancer. Subsequent chapters delve into diagnostic methods for lung cancer while progressing into treatment options. The book culminates into an explanation of the concept of the Lung Cancer Centre, which is a representation of the editors’ vision for organizing a lung cancer treatment unit.

Key features:
Organises key topics covering both standard and avante-garde topics related to lung cancer
All contributions are presented by experts in lung cancer treatment
Addresses basic biology of lung cancer
Provides information about 3D surgical planning, a relatively new concept in the field of thoracic surgery
Addresses the standard method of resection, VATS and Mini VATS
Covers the role of radiation and systemic anti-cancer therapies in lung cancer treatment
Provides a glimpse of modern methods such as image guided surgery and therapy, laser therapy, and photodynamic therapy
Covers the role of palliative care for lung cancer
Presents information about a visionary organization of a lung cancer unit and treatment centre.

The combination of carefully organised chapters covering a wide array of topics make this reference an essential reference for healthcare professionals interested in acquiring a broad perspective on lung cancer treatment with the goal of improving patient outcomes.

Release dateJul 23, 2020
Perspectives in Lung Cancer

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    Perspectives in Lung Cancer - Bentham Science Publishers

    Surgical Anatomy of the Chest and Lung

    Keyvan Moghissi¹, *, Peter Tcherveniakov²

    ¹ The Yorkshire Laser Centre, Goole & District Hospital, Goole, UK

    ² St James University Hospital, Leeds, UK


    This chapter comprises of 2 sections.

    Section 1 (By Keyvan Moghissi): This section gives an account of the relevant anatomy of the thorax, thoracic cavity and the bronchopulmonary segments. In addition, it also provides a brief reference to the bronchoscopic morphology.

    Section 2 (By Peter Tcherveniakov): This section describes thoracoscopic anatomy as viewed on the monitor used in the Visual Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery (VATS) system.

    Keywords: Anatomy of Chest Wall and thoracic cavity, Bronchopulmonary segments, Bronchoscopic anatomy, Thoracoscopic anatomy of the thoracic cavity and applied surgery.

    * Corresponding author Keyvan Moghissi: The Yorkshire Laser Centre, Goole & District Hospital, Goole, UK;

    Tel: 01724 290456; E-mail:



    The architectural design of the thorax consists of two vertical pillars; one is anterior, the sternum, and the other one is posterior, the vertebral column. These two are held in position by obliquely slanting ribs which are articulated to them, thus providing a firm yet flexible box referred to in many anatomy textbooks as the thoracic cage. The anterior pillar (sternum) is shorter in length than the posterior pillar (vertebral column). Therefore, the direction of ribs from the vertebral column to the sternum is oblique and not horizontal and the lowest 5 ribs cannot directly articulate with the sternum. Three of these, namely ribs 8-10, join the 7th costal cartilage to make the costal margin. The last two ribs 11 and 12 have no attachment anteriorly and are known as floating ribs. The incomplete and fenestrated bony wall of the chest so constructed (Fig. 1) is completed by inter-

    costal muscles, which thus fill in the opening between the ribs and provide a firm yet expansile closed-chest wall a necessity for inspiratory and expiratory changes in the chest volume, respectively. This basic bony and muscular structure of the chest wall is overlaid by large muscles of the chest anterior and posteriorly. These muscles which, for the most part, cover the chest also provide a firm attachment for the shoulder girdle. The thoracic cage is open at its base into the abdomen but the diaphragm closes the opening and thus separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity. The apex of the chest is the root of the neck. A membrane; Sibson’s fascia, separates the thoracic cavity from the neck.

    Fig. (1))

    Thoracic cage front and lateral view.

    Muscles of the Chest

    Ribs, intercostal muscles and their neurovascular content are overlaid externally by two layers of muscles. The deeper layer consists of serratus anterior, anterolaterally, and the rhomboids (major and minor) posteriorly. These muscles are then covered by a larger superficial group which consists of pectoralis major and minor anteriorly and trapezius and latissimus dorsi posteriorly.

    Knowledge of the anatomical arrangement and topography of the chest wall musculature has important practical relevance to surgical access to the thoracic cavity and to a number of other operative procedures. It is, therefore, useful to recall the anatomical characteristics of some of these muscles.


    This large muscle covers the upper part of the posterior aspect of the neck and chest. Its fibres arise from an elongated line which extends from the occipital bone to the ligamentum nucea and spinous process of all the thoracic vertebrae including supra spinous ligament. From these origins, the muscle fibres are directed towards the posterior border of the clavicle to be attached to the lateral one-third of that bone and in continuation to the acromion and the upper border of the spine of the scapula. The lower fibres of the muscle form the upper side of a triangle known as the Triangle of Auscultation whose lower side is formed by the upper border of Latissimus Dorsi muscle. The nerve to the muscle is derived from the accessory nerve (C3, C4) which enters its deep surface together with its vessels.

    Latissimus Dorsi

    This muscle has also a wide origin from:

    • Spine and supraspinous ligaments of the lower six thoracic vertebrae under cover of the trapezius.

    • Lumbar fascia and spines of lumbar vertebrae.

    • Outer lip of the posterior part of the crest of the ilium.

    • Lower 4 ribs.

    • Angle of scapula.

    The muscle fibres converge forwards around the lateral wall of the Thorax and are inserted to the floor of the bicipital intertubercular groove of the humorous. The innervation of the muscle is from the posterior cord of the bronchial plexus (C6, C7, C8 roots) which enters the anterior border of the muscle. The upper border of the muscle, on emergence from under the trapezium, forms the lower side of the Triangle of Auscultation.

    Serratus Anterior

    This muscle is covered partially by latissimus dorsi. It originates from the outer surfaces of the upper 8 ribs and is attached to the costal surface of the medial border of the scapula from the superior and including the inferior angle. The muscle is innervated by the long thoracic nerve.

    Pectoralis Major

    The anterior wall of the chest is, to a large extent, covered by the pectoralis major. This muscle arises from three distinct heads:

    • Clavicular head originates from the medial half of the anterior aspect of the clavicle.

    • Steno-costal head arises from the anterior surface of the sternum and adjacent six costal cartilages.

    • Abdominal head takes its origin from the upper part of the aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle.

    The muscle fibres from these heads are directed towards the humorous where they are inserted to the greater tubercle and the lateral lip of the bicipital (Inter Tubercular) groove.

    Pectoralis Minor

    The muscle takes origin from the anterior aspect of the 2nd to 4th rib near the costal cartilages. The fibres form a small triangular muscle which is inserted to the coracoid process of the scapular.

    The nerve to the pectoralis muscles from the medial and lateral pectoral nerves (for pectoralis major) and medial pectoral nerve (pectoralis minor) are branches of the medial and lateral cords of the brachial plexus respectively.

    Skin and Subcutaneous Nerves of the Thorax

    The thoracic cage and its muscles are covered by the fascia, subcutaneous fat and skin. The skin of the thorax is thinner in front than behind. Lines of cleavage of the skin run horizontally around the chest. Incisions made along these lines heal more quickly and with a better cosmetic result than incisions made across the lines of cleavage.

    The skin of the chest is supplied segmentally by the 2nd - 12th thoracic spinal nerves which also innervate the skin of the abdominal wall. A strip of skin posteriorly is supplied by the posterior primary rami of these spinal nerves. The rest of the skin anterolaterally and posterolaterally is supplied by branches of the anterior primary rami (intercostal nerves).

    Thoracic Cavity and Pleural Space (Fig. 2 and 3)

    The external contour of the thorax is oval. The anterior bulge of the vertebral column makes the transverse section of the interior of the thoracic cavity kidney-shaped. The thoracic cavity is divided into three compartments (Fig. 2). The two lateral compartments accommodate the lungs. The middle, the mediastinum, contains the heart and the great vessels, the trachea and its bifurcation, the oesophagus, thymus gland, lymphatics and nerves. The thoracic cavity is lined by the pleura which covers it like wallpaper. This is the parietal pleura. It then reflects to cover the lungs as the visceral pleura.

    Fig. (2))

    Tran-section of the thorax showing the thoracic cavity and arrangement of the pleura.

    Fig. (3))

    Surface marking of the lung and pleura. Dotted line= parietal pleura, solid line = visceral pleura.

    The pleura is a serous membrane which forms independent closed sacs on each side of the chest. Like the hemithorax itself, the pleura is in the shape of a truncated cone. The medial aspect of the pleural sac into which the lung is projected becomes inseparably attached to the lung itself. This is the visceral pleura. The parietal pleura covers the inner surface of the thoracic cavity. The original sac, now between the parietal and visceral pleura, becomes the pleural space. At the apex of the thorax, the parietal pleura strengthens Sibson’s fascia. At the base it drapes the diaphragm forming the diaphragmatic pleura. Medially, the parietal pleura lines the mediastinum as the mediastinal pleura. At the root of the lung, the mediastinal pleura covers the structures of the root. It then continues as the visceral pleura to drape the lung. It is important to note that normally the parietal pleura can be stripped off the chest wall with ease and can then be seen as a glistening membrane. Such separation of visceral pleura from the lung is not possible as it is attended by damage to the pulmonary parenchyma.

    The surface marking of the parietal and visceral pleura is important (Fig. 3). The parietal pleura covers the costal surfaces of the thorax. At the apex of the chest, it projects some 2.5 cm above the medial third of the clavicle. It then turns anteromedially towards the sternoclavicular joint where it continues as the mediastinal pleura and meets its opposite number at the level of the 2nd costal cartilage. From that level to the 4th costal cartilages, the two mediastinal pleurae descend together at the back of the sternum. At the level of the 4th costal cartilage, the mediastinal pleurae diverge. The right continues vertically and the left turns laterally towards the apex of the heart, thus leaving part of the pericardium bare of pleura. Near the 6th costal cartilage, the mediastinal pleura diverges further by turning laterally to reach the mid-clavicular line and mid-axillary line at about the 8th and 10th ribs, respectively. From the mid-axillary line the pleura passes horizontally to reach the thoracic vertebrae 1-2 cm below the 12th ribs. In the process of turning laterally, the pleura covers the upper surface of the diaphragm. The lung covered by the visceral pleura closely follows the parietal pleura at the apex and on the costal walls. Inferiorly, however, it falls short of the pleura so that at the midclavicular line it is at the level of the 6th rib and at the mid-axillary line it is level with the 8th rib. It then passes posteriorly at the level of the 8th rib.

    The oblique fissure of the lung is almost in line with the 6th rib. On the right side, the anterior part of the horizontal fissure is level with the 4th costal cartilage and the line of fissure passes horizontally towards the oblique fissure approximately under the 6th rib.

    Surgical Anatomy of the Lungs and Bronchopulmonary Segments (Figs. 4a, 4b, & 4c)

    Gross anatomical description accords two lobes for the left lung (upper and lower lobes) and three lobes for the right lung (upper, middle and lower lobes) which can be identified by fissures that are visible clefts between the lobes lined by the visceral pleura.

    The left lung has a single fissure, the oblique fissure, which divides the upper from the lower lobe. The right lung has an oblique fissure which, like that of the left lung, divides the lung into an upper and lower portion. In addition, a horizontal fissure divides the upper portion into upper and middle lobes. The lower portion of the right lung below the oblique fissure is the lower lobe.

    Each lung has a lateral or costal surface which is convex and adapted to the configuration of the chest wall, an apex that projects behind the medial third of the clavicle into the neck, a base - which is concave - resting on the diaphragm and the medial surface which flanks the mediastinal structures, notably the pericardium. All surfaces of the lung present the impression of the intrathoracic structure against which they lie. The mediastinal surface is of particular importance as it contains the hilum, the area into which the bronchi, vessels and lymphatics pass to form the root of the lung. The hilum (or hilus) is surrounded by the pleura which covers the structure of the root forming a large cuff. Below the root, the pleura is reflected down from the hilum to form the pulmonary ligament. From the surgical point of view, the anatomical unit of the lung is the bronchopulmonary segment. It is this portion of the lung which receives a branch of the bronchus (the segmental bronchus), a branch of the pulmonary artery and one or more branches of the pulmonary vein. A bronchopulmonary segment can be dissected and resected.

    Because the lobes of the lungs are lined and separated by visceral pleura covering the ‘fissure’, a lobectomy results in minimal air leaks from the alveoli. Segmentectomy (segmental resection) will cause a certain amount of air to leak because the boundaries of pulmonary segments are not lined, nor are they demarcated by the visceral pleura.

    In both lungs, the segmental branches of the pulmonary artery to the posterior segment of the upper lobe, the middle lobe (or the lingula on the left side) and the lower lobe emerge from the main trunk after turning into the oblique fissure. This is of practical surgical importance since dissection of the fissure and division of the visceral pleural opening exposes the sheath of the artery overlaid by lymph nodes. This arrangement facilitates the dissection, ligation and division of the segmental arteries in pulmonary resection. Each lung has ten segments which are named and numbered as shown in Table 1 and Fig. (4a).

    Fig. (4a))

    Bronchopulmonary segments.

    Table 1 Bronchopulmonary Segments.

    Each segment of the lung receives a segmental branch of the bronchus bearing the name and the number of the pulmonary segment which it enters.

    Bronchial Tree (Fig. 4b)

    Two aspects of the bronchial tree are important to the surgeon:

    • Anatomical.

    • Endoscopic.

    Fig. (4b))

    Lateral and medial view of bronchopulmonary segments.

    Anatomical Aspect

    This defines the main bronchi and their distribution to the lobes, segments and sub-segments of the lung. The bronchi (right and left) commence at the bifurcation of the trachea and are directed to the hilum of the right and left lung, respectively. The bifurcation is indicated in the interior of the trachea by a ridge, the carina, situated in the middle of the lower trachea in between the two bronchial openings.

    • The right main bronchus gives off:

    The upper lobe bronchus which subdivides into three branches, namely the apical* (1), posterior (2), and the anterior (3) segmental bronchi.

    The right middle lobe bronchus which in turn subdivides into the lateral (4), and the medial (5) segmental bronchi.

    The right lower lobe bronchus which subdivides into the apical (6), medial (7), anterior (8), lateral (9), and posterior (10) segmental bronchi.

    • The left main bronchus gives off:

    The main stem bronchus for the upper lobe and the lingula. This branch immediately divides into the left upper lobe bronchus for the upper lobe of the lung proper. This, in turn, divides into the apical (1), posterior (2), and anterior (3) segmental bronchi. The apical and posterior segmental bronchi usually emerge as one branch i.e. the apical-posterior bronchus, which then subdivides. The lingular bronchus which divides into two branches, the superior lingular (4), and inferior lingular (5) segmental bronchi.

    NB. The numbers in parentheses correspond to the standard ‘universal’ numbering of the bronchi (Table 1).

    The left lower lobe bronchus divides, like the right lower lobe bronchus, into five segmental branches, namely: the apical (6), medial basal (7), anterior basal (8), lateral basal (9), posterior basal and (10) segmental bronchi.

    The medial basal segmental bronchus on the left side is often small or non-existent. This is due to the absence of the medial basal pulmonary segment itself because of the projection of the heart into the left chest.

    Endoscopic Aspect (Bronchoscopy) (Fig. 4c)

    Fig. (4c))

    Endoscopic aspect of the bronchial tree. LT = lower trachea, RM & LM = right and left main bronchi, RUL and LUL = right and left upper lobe orifices, RIB = right intermediate bronchus (towards the lower lobe), LLL = left lower lobe bronchial orifice.

    The bronchoscopic appearance of the bronchial tree is as follows.

    The carina is seen as a ridge, separating the orifices of the right and left main bronchi.

    At the right lateral aspect of the right main bronchus, level with the carina, is the orifice of the right upper lobe bronchus. With a rigid bronchoscope the orifice alone is usually seen without its segmental divisions. When a telescopic view is obtained using either the right-angle telescope or the flexible fibreoptic bronchoscope the orifice is seen to contain three subsidiary orifices. These are the apical, posterior and anterior segmental orifices. When the bronchoscope is introduced into the right main bronchus below the right upper lobe opening for a distance of 1.5-2 cm the following bronchial segmental orifices are seen:

    • Anteriorly at about 12 o’clock there is the middle lobe orifice.

    • Almost opposite posteriorly at 6 o’clock is the apical segmental orifice of the lower lobe.

    • Just below these two orifices are seen the openings of the segmental bronchi for the basal segments of the lower lobe, viz: the anterior, posterior medial and the lateral segmental bronchial openings.

    On the left of the carina, the opening of the left main bronchus is seen leading to the bronchial lumen, which is directed downwards and laterally, making an angle of about 60 degrees with the mid-line of the carina. 2-2.5 cm below the carina, on the lateral wall of the main bronchus, the common opening of the left upper lobe and that of the lingular segments is seen. The former emerges almost at a right angle, whereas the latter is directed more obliquely downwards. Normally, with a rigid bronchoscope placed within the left main bronchus, only the common orifice of the upper lobe is seen. The division of the upper lobe bronchus into two main branches (upper lobe proper, and lingula) becomes visible using a right-angle telescope or a flexible fibreoptic bronchoscope. When the latter instrument is directed within the opening of the main stem of the upper lobe bronchus the two divisions are easily seen. The opening of the left upper lobe bronchus proper is seen to divide into a further two or, at times, three segmental bronchi which are the apical-posterior segmental and the anterior segmental bronchi.

    As has been noted, the apical and posterior segmental bronchi of the left upper lobe arise as a single stem dividing into two, unlike the right upper lobe where they arise individually.

    The lingular segmental bronchus forms the lower division of the common left upper lobe opening. Its orifice is seen below the opening of the bronchus for the upper lobe proper. It soon divides into its two branches, the superior and inferior segmental bronchi of the lingula. Less than 0.5 cm below the stem of the left upper lobe opening, the orifice of the main lower lobe bronchus is seen. Its lumen is directed downwards and more medially than that of the upper lobe, in continuation with the left main bronchus. The openings of the segmental bronchi to the left lobe are seen with the apical segmental orifice situated posteriorly - at ‘6 o’clock’ - or at the floor of the bronchus, when viewed with the patient in the supine position.

    Thoracoscopic Anatomy of the Thoracic Cavity

    The thoracic cavity is enclosed by the ribs, the vertebral column and the sternum. It is separated from the abdominal cavity by the diaphragm. It contains the lungs, the middle and lower airways, the heart, the pulmonary vessels, the great arteries and the major veins (superior vena cava and inferior vena cava). The thoracic cavity also contains the oesophagus.

    Thoracoscopic procedures have gained rapid popularity over the last two decades. They have become routine for a variety of operations such as diagnosis of lung and pleural disease, management of recurrent pleural effusions, empyema and pneumothoraces and radical resection for NCSLC (lobectomy and segmentectomy).

    Lobectomy is considered the gold standard treatment for patients with early-stage NSCLC [1, 2]. In the past, this was routinely performed via a thoracotomy. There is clear, growing evidence that using video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) to perform anatomical lung resections has less morbidity and can be less costly [3-6]. With VATS lobectomy gaining popularity (albeit more slowly than expected) this chapter will look into the specifics of thoracoscopic anatomy of the thoracic cavity.

    Performing any procedure by VATS has one major disadvantage. It takes away the three-dimensional view of the surgeon and replaces it with a flat two-dimensional representation on a screen. In order to surmount this obstacle safely, a precise knowledge of the thoracic anatomy is vital. Variations in pulmonary anatomy are relatively common. Awareness is key in performing VATS segmental or lobar pulmonary resections. Careful pre-operative review of a contrast CT scan will help identify the majority of these variations and allow for appropriate management planning.

    After placing a thoracoscope in the pleural space a number of structures are clearly visible and can be readily identified. They can be categorized as shown (Fig. 5):

    Fig. (5))

    A view of the right inferior pulmonary ligament (A). The lung (B) is retracted superiorly. The pericardium (C) can be seen to the right with the phrenic (D) nerve. The diaphragm (E) and sympathetic chain (F) are seen to the left.

    I. Elements of the chest wall – ribs, intercostal muscles and vessels

    II. Pleura – visceral and parietal

    III. Lungs

    IV. Pericardium

    V. Major vessels – thoracic aorta, superior and inferior vena cava, internal thoracic artery and vein, azygos vein.

    VI. Nerves - sympathetic chain, vagus, phrenic nerve.

    Other structures such as the pulmonary artery, superior and inferior pulmonary vein, trachea, oesophagus, lymphatics and thoracic duct might not be immediately apparent and require some dissection/manipulation to visualize. This is particularly relevant for the pulmonary vessels, which are usually not clearly visible (Fig. 6). Opening the overlying pleural reflection by sharp or blunt dissection allows for adequate exposure. When attempting an anatomical lung resection by VATS, a so-called hilar release should be performed prior to any dissection of the hilar structures. Mobilizing the overlying pleura not only allows for identification of the hilar structures but serves to decrease tension when further manipulation/dissection is performed, thus minimising the risk for vascular injury.

    Fig. (6))

    View of the right pulmonary hilum. The phrenic nerve is seen running along the SVC (A) and pericardium. The lung (B) is retracted posteriorly. The hilar structures are not clearly visible.

    This chapter will focus on thoracoscopic anatomy, which relates to performing VATS anatomical lung resections. The anatomical features of the chest wall, pleura, lungs and pericardium are enhanced by the thoracoscopic magnification and are usually straightforward to identify. The parietal pleura is transparent and reflects over the chest wall, great vessels, oesophagus and major airways. The ribs can be clearly visualized if the pleura is not pathologically affected, whilst the intercostal muscles and neurovascular bundle are, usually, not obvious (Fig. 7).

    Approach to a VATS Anatomical Lung Resection

    During a right-sided approach, the subclavian artery and superior vena cava can be seen towards the apex, when the lung is retracted posteriorly. The azygos vein can be seen adjoining the lateral aspect of the SVC just above the pulmonary hilum. The inferior vena cava cannot usually be visualized readily, as its intrathoracic component is largely intrapericardial. The right vagus nerve enters the thoracic cavity anterior to the right subclavian artery. It follows the tracheo-oesophageal grove and gives off the right recurrent laryngeal nerve. It leaves the thoracic cavity via the oesophageal hiatus. The sympathetic chain can be visualized by retracting the lung anteriorly. Towards the apex, it overlies the necks of the ribs. As it descends it moves medially to run over the vertebral bodies.

    Fig. (7))

    View of the left posterior paravertebral area following dissection for subcarinal lymph nodes. The lung (A) is retracted anteriorly and the thoracic aorta (B) is clearly visible. The supreme intercostal vein (C) and the subclavian artery (D) are seen towards the apex.

    On the left, the subclavian artery and the descending thoracic aorta can be seen towards the apex, when the lung is isolated. The origin of the internal thoracic artery from the subclavian artery can be seen and its course along the sternum can be followed.

    The most common approach to a thoracoscopic lobectomy starts with hilar dissection, beginning anteriorly and continuing posteriorly. The fissure is usually not completed until all hilar structures are divided. Sometimes the pulmonary artery can be seen in a well-developed fissure (Fig. 8).

    Fig. (8))

    Anterior view of the horizontal and oblique fissure. Aspects of the upper, middle and lower lobe can be seen. A hint of the pulmonary artery is visible posterior to a sentinel lymph node.

    After the placement of the ports, a thoracoscopic exploration is performed, which includes confirmation of the location of the tumour, exclusion of the presence of pleural metastases and division of the inferior pulmonary ligament [7]. Hilar dissection usually starts with the mobilization of the relevant pulmonary vein. Visualization of the remaining pulmonary vein is strongly recommended. For upper lobectomy, the lung is reflected posteriorly and inferiorly to facilitate dissection. For lower lobectomy, the lung is retracted superiorly [7] (Fig. 9).

    Fig. (9))

    Anterior view of right sided hilar dissection. The pleural reflection is mobilized. The inferior and superior pulmonary veins are seen. The middle lobe vein joins the SPV.

    Left Upper Lobectomy

    The lung is retracted posteriorly. The mediastinal pleura is opened and the superior pulmonary vein is identified and mobilized. The main pulmonary artery lies superior to the pulmonary vein. After stapling the vein, the apical and anterior branches of the left pulmonary artery and the upper lobe bronchus can be visualized. A careful pre-operative review of a contrast CT scan will alert the surgeon to the presence of a separate posterior pulmonary artery branch. The space between the left upper lobe bronchus and the pulmonary artery can now be developed. Alternatively, management of the bronchus may be completed first, particularly if the truncus branch of the pulmonary artery is not clearly visible. A peri-bronchial lymph node is usually encountered at the level of the secondary carina and can be used as a guide. Upon completing the bronchus the lingular branches of the pulmonary artery become clearly visible. Care must be taken to identify and preserve the pulmonary artery branch to segment 6. The fissure is completed and the specimen can be retrieved.

    Left Lower Lobectomy

    With the lung retracted superiorly and posteriorly, the pleura overlying the inferior pulmonary vein can be released. At this stage, the vein can be mobilized and either placed on a sling or divided. Further superior retraction of the lower lobe can demonstrate the lower lobe bronchus. The pulmonary artery can be approached in the fissure (Fig. 10).

    Fig. (10))

    Anterior view of the pulmonary artery (A) in the fissure during a left lower lobectomy. The branch to segment 6 (B) can clearly be seen.

    If the pulmonary artery is difficult to identify in the fissure, dissection of the bronchus, with careful development of the space between the bronchus and artery, can be performed. This will allow the visualization of the lower- lobe pulmonary artery. The approach to right lower lobectomy is very similar. Precise identification and preservation of the lingular (left lower lobectomy) and middle lobe (right lower lobectomy) arteries are important steps of the procedure.

    Right Upper Lobectomy

    During a right upper lobectomy, the hilar mobilization can be initiated after releasing the inferior pulmonary ligament. The dissection can be performed posteriorly and anteriorly, with the two dissection lines coming together at the level of the azygos vein, superiorly. If the lung is retracted posteriorly, the superior pulmonary vein can be visualized. Precise identification of the middle lobe, prior to any vessel division, is an important step of the operation. It commonly joins the superior pulmonary vein (Fig. 10). However, anatomical variations, in which it is a tributary to the inferior pulmonary vein, are not uncommon. Dissection behind the stump of the superior pulmonary vein allows the identification of the branches of the pulmonary artery to the upper lobe. A lymph node is usually encountered between the main pulmonary artery and the truncus anterior. The posterior ascending branch can be identified by opening the sheath of the pulmonary artery and exposing it to the level of the middle lobe branches. The right bronchus can be exposed as it emerges underneath the azygos vein. The right upper lobe bronchus takes off shortly afterwards.

    Right Middle Lobectomy

    After identifying and stapling the middle lobe vein, the middle lobe bronchus (sitting posteriorly) can be visualized. Division of the bronchus exposes pulmonary artery branches to the middle lobe artery.

    Sub-lobar anatomical lung resection (segmentectomy) for malignancy, performed by VATS, is gaining popularity, particularly in patients whose fitness for undergoing lobectomy is borderline. Some studies have shown that VATS segmentectomy can be a safe and effective treatment choice for management of primary NSCLC or pulmonary metastases [8]. The term thoracoscopic segmentectomy refers to the resection of one or more anatomic pulmonary segments, using a completely minimally invasive approach. It involves anatomic resection, with hilar dissection, individual vessel ligation and mediastinal lymph node dissection [9]. The segmental resections that are most commonly performed are left upper trisegmentectomy, lingulectomy, superior segmentectomy and basilar segmentectomy [9].

    Left Upper Lobe Trisegmentectomy

    The anatomy and technique are very similar to performing a left upper lobectomy. After completing the hilar dissection, the superior vein is dissected distally until the tributaries from the trisegment are identified. Usually, the lingular vein comes in inferiorly and joins the superior pulmonary vein quite close to the hilum. The segmental bronchus sits posterior to the segmental vein and can be readily identified after its ligation. Upon dividing the bronchus, the pulmonary arteries to the trisegment can be seen.


    The lingular tributary of the left superior pulmonary vein is identified in the manner described above with the segmental bronchus sitting behind it. After the bronchus is stapled and divided, the lingular segmental arterial branch can be identified.

    Superior Segmentectomy

    The superior segmental branch of the inferior pulmonary vein can be identified after the division of the inferior pulmonary ligament. Dissection of the posterior hilum can help with the visualization [9]. The segmental bronchus is visualized posterior to the segmental vein. After the bronchus is stapled, the pulmonary artery branches can be identified. Alternatively, if the fissure is well developed the pulmonary artery can be approached via that route.

    Basilar Segmentectomy

    The basilar segmental tributary of the inferior pulmonary vein can be identified after the division of the inferior pulmonary ligament. Anterior hilar dissection can facilitate exposure [9]. The segmental bronchus is visualized after the segmental vein is stapled. In turn, the artery can be exposed after the bronchus is stapled.

    Alternatively, after the division of the basilar segmental vein, the basilar arterial trunk may be approached through the oblique fissure.


    There are various ways to look at the anatomy of the thorax and its content. The most useful way, in so far as lung cancer is concerned, is to look at:

    1. The architecture of the chest - that is the thoracic cage (bones) and the soft tissue which it covers. This has been described above.

    2. In the current and the future perspective, one needs to consider the gross anatomy as seen through thoracoscopic instrumentation and its application to video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS).

    3. Endoscopic anatomy of the airway and its arborization to the

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