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Fundamentals of Fast Swimming
Fundamentals of Fast Swimming
Fundamentals of Fast Swimming
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Fundamentals of Fast Swimming

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In Fundamentals of Fast Swimming, Race Club Technical Director, Gary Hall Sr. and Head Coach Devin Murphy guide you to a better understanding of the science and nuances of what makes great swimmers so fast. In each chapter, every swimming stroke is broken down into its most important and basic components, explained in great detail with photos, including helpful drills at the end. 


After reading Fundamentals of Fast Swimming, with easy-to-understand explanations, over 300 photos and diagrams, you will become more knowledgeable about the sport of swimming. If you are a swimmer, you will become more efficient and faster. If you are a coach or parent, you will develop a much better appreciation for and understanding of swimming technique. 


Here is what some of swimming experts had to say about Fundamentals of Fast Swimming:

  • This is an outstanding book to read whether you are a new coach, veteran swimmer or experienced coach. If you are looking for new thoughts and concepts to propel you forward in your career, Gary has chunked big concepts into digestible explanations.  He also dives into the details of efficient swimming and training.  Gary has a unique perspective having swum, coached, mentored, and even fathered swimmers at the absolute highest level.  Gary's experience with the Race Club continues to give him relatable and valuable examples of progressive swimming concepts at every level of our great sport. - David Marsh Head Coach 2016 USA Olympic Women's Swimming Team
  • Coaching swimming requires the multifaceted vision that one may have as if they were centered in the middle of a fine cut diamond looking out. Gary, more than any person alive today, sits in this position. He is an Olympic swimmer, a supportive father of an Olympic Champion on one hand and a talented videographer on the other. He is a medical doctor, a clinician, an observer and a learner that surrounds himself with cutting edge thinkers.  What a delight it is to read through his vision, written in scientific poetry! Thank you, Gary, for all you have done for so many in so many areas of life! - Mike Bottom Head Coach University of Michigan Men's and Women's Swimming
  • When I was swimming in high school my mother gave me a copy of James 'Doc' Counsilman's, The Science of Swimming. I considered it the bible of swimming. Now, in Gary Hall Sr.'s, Fundamentals of Fast Swimming, Gary has exponentially added to his mentor's signature work. Ultimately, Gary's book is a reference manual for all things every competitive swimmer needs to know. This is a technical tool that thoroughly covers the mechanics of all strokes along with starts and turns. What makes it special is the introduction of the lessons that technological advances provide. As Gary explains, winning and losing in competitive swimming is now measured in hundredths of a second, achieved through nuance and perfection. This book is a compendium of lessons for gaining that edge.The book is well organized and truly a go-to reference tool. I was most surprised by Gary's description of what he calls of The Five Disciplines of Swimming. This short concluding chapter alone is worth the price of the book. Swimming training, strength training, nutrition, recovery and mental training are his pillars for success. As someone who has relied inordinately on swimming training, I am anxious to round out my personal program with what I have learned from reading this textbook to faster swimming. - Laura Val RN, Holder of 381 World Swimming Records in Masters Swimming
Release dateSep 14, 2020
Fundamentals of Fast Swimming

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    Book preview

    Fundamentals of Fast Swimming - Gary W. Hall, M.D., OLY

    Chapter 1

    The Basic Sciences of Swimming


    To understand the complexities of fast swimming starts with understanding the major sciences that govern it. There are really four basic sciences that intersect and converge on the sport of swimming: physiology, physics, kinesiology (biomechanics) and the neural, cognitive and behavioral sciences. All have a profound impact on how fast one swims and, in some ways, they are interrelated.

    The following is a simplistic description of the four sciences:

    Physics provides the laws that govern bodies in motion. In swimming, physics relates mostly to Newtonian and Fluid Mechanics, pertaining to forces of drag, propulsion, lift and the law of inertia. Our ability to quantitate frontal drag in both active (while swimming) and passive (fixed positions) forms, and to understand how the fluid dynamics and flow (vortices) of a swimmer affect the ability to generate propulsion largely influence the swimming techniques we should teach. Of the four basic sciences, the application of physics is perhaps the least understood or studied in the sport of swimming.

    Physiology is important because it is largely improved by training methods and with breathing techniques. In swimming, physiology relates to our ability to provide sufficient energy, and from the right systems, to enable the muscles involved in the ideal biomechanical swimming motions to generate propulsion. The muscle contractions must sustain the propulsion for the duration of the competitive event. Physiology also relates to our ability to improve the muscle composition and mass to maximize and sustain the propulsion. Physiology involves a large number of human organs and systems, most of which can be improved with training. Some cannot. The best swimming coaches in the most advanced swimming nations of the world have done an incredibly good job at improving the physiology of swimmers through conditioning and training.

    Kinesiology is important because it defines the body movements required to swim fast. Kinesiology relates to our ability to understand the ideal motions that maximize a swimmer’s velocity for the duration of the event. Kinesiology includes more than biomechanical motions, however.  It also considers how the physiology, anatomy, and psychology influence the ideal motions of an athlete. Ideal biomechanics of swimmers are also inextricably tied to physics.

    Neural, Cognitive, and Behavioral Sciences are critical in understanding how the mind controls athletic performances in training and in competition. In swimming, these sciences relate to the power or ability of the mind to enable the body to perform at the highest possible level. Virtually every cognitive function we perform is controlled by our minds. Swimming is no exception. Neuromuscular adaptation and responses are two of the most important aspects of training and competing. Mental training in the sport of swimming is still in its infancy, compared to what is known about improving the physiology and biomechanics of swimmers. I believe that there is a great opportunity for improvement in these sciences.

    There are other sciences that influence the speed of a swimmer, but these are the basic sciences in the sport of swimming. Of the four major sciences, I would say that swimming coaches around the world have done a very good job of improving the physiology, or the development of robust energy systems and power, in swimmers. They also have a pretty good handle on the biomechanics of swimming, understanding the muscles, flexibility and motions required to swim fast. Where we have not done such a good job is with the understanding of the physics of swimming and the neural sciences that control the mind’s ability to enable a swimmer to swim faster—the neuromotor response. I think we have much to learn in understanding these two sciences with respect to applying them to the sport of swimming.

    One could argue that the neural, behavioral and cognitive sciences that control our mental toughness are the most important science, particularly on race day. In Championship meets, all of the swimmers are physically well-trained. The difference in mental toughness often determines the winner of the race. We will discuss what we believe are the five most important steps toward increasing mental toughness in Chapter 37, as one of the five disciplines of fast swimming.

    Because of the sensitive relationship between drag and propulsion forces in swimming, the ideal body movements of a swimmer to generate speed are not necessarily obvious. One might assume, for example, that the ideal biomechanics of a swimmer will generate the maximum amount of propulsion, but that is not true. In water, consideration of frontal drag forces is of paramount importance. In swimming, the biomechanics that generate the most propulsion are often the ones that cause excessive amounts of frontal drag. Therefore, to reach a maximum sustainable velocity, the ideal biomechanics of a swimmer’s technique involves compromise between these two forces of propulsion and drag. Achieving the ideal biomechanics of any swimmer is also often constrained by anatomical limitations, such as joint flexibility, strength or injury.

    The human body was not designed or engineered very well to move fast through water. To become more proficient swimmers, humans need to have or develop certain extraordinary tools, such as extreme plantar flexion of the ankles, hyperextension of the knees, extreme extension of the shoulders and lower back, internal rotation of the hip (breaststroke), among others. Then, to perform the ideal biomechanical motions of fast swimming, humans need to become strong in muscles that are not normally very strong for purposes on land, such as the four primary muscles of the scapula and other muscles involved in high-elbow pulling motion, hip and knee extensors and hip flexors.

    A book or more could easily be written on all of the four basic sciences as they relate to swimming. I am not an expert in any of these sciences, but at least I know where to look for help. To that end, I have relied on Dr. David Costill, a respected expert in exercise physiology, and Anton Zajac, one of the smartest physicists I know, to offer their assistance on the information presented. Since the physics involved in swimming partly determines the ideal biomechanics, that is a good place to start.

    Introduction to Physics in swimming

    While there are many laws in physics that have some influence on the speed of a swimmer, the most significant are those pertaining to Newtonian and Fluid mechanics. Sir Isaac Newton, a brilliant mathematician from the UK, defined the three laws of motion back in the 17th century, and they are as important to a swimmer today as they were then. The physical laws of Fluid mechanics, made more complex by the liquid medium, are derived from Newtonian mechanics.

    Physics tends to get complicated and confusing very fast, so we will try to keep this subject as simple as we can. Newton’s laws applied to swimmers tell us that when a swimmer is at rest (not moving) or when the swimmer is moving at a constant speed, then the forces applied to him are balanced. If the swimmer is speeding up or slowing down, they are not balanced. The objective is to get the swimmer moving down the pool (and back) as fast as possible. What are the forces that act on a swimmer?

    Since the weight of a swimmer in water ranges from zero (with lungs inflated with air) to about 8 pounds (full exhale), gravitational forces are not very significant, though they do come into play some, particularly on the arm recovery and breath (when arms and head are out of the water). The most important forces for a swimmer are those that move us forward in our line of motion (propulsion) and those that slow us down (frontal drag). Because a swimmer is moving between air and water while swimming, and because there is a huge difference in density between air and water (784 times greater in water), lift forces that elevate the swimmer’s body position are also important. Like a boat, and assuming that we don’t tilt our bodies, the more of a swimmer’s body that is in air rather than water, the less frontal drag he or she will encounter.

    This last statement is complicated by the fact that when a swimmer’s body is in a relatively streamlined position, he or she can move slightly faster underwater than he or she can on the surface, similar to a submarine. By being underwater, a swimmer reduces or eliminates one of the three types of frontal drag, called surface or wave drag, that accounts for about 20-25% of the total drag forces of a freestyle swimmer at race speed. An elite swimmer in a streamlined position will always kick faster underwater than he or she can kick on the surface. Some swimmers that have really fast kicks are faster underwater kicking in a streamline than they are swimming on the surface. While swimming, there are certain times in the stroke cycle when the swimmer is relatively streamlined. At those moments, the swimmer is better off being under water than on the surface. Swimming breaststroke is the most notable example of this. There are other times, when the swimmer’s body is not as streamlined, when he or she is better off as elevated at the surface as possible, with more of the body in air than in water.

    The acceleration or deceleration of a swimmer at any given moment in a race is determined by the sum of the propulsion forces (+) minus the frontal drag forces (-). If the swimmer’s propulsion is greater than the drag forces, then he or she is accelerating, or speeding up. If the drag forces are greater than the propulsion, then the swimmer is decelerating, or slowing down. If the swimmer’s speed is constant, then the forces of frontal drag and propulsion are equal.

    At The Race Club, we use a technology called the Velocity Meter (VM) to test swimmers. With it, we can measure the velocity, acceleration and deceleration of the swimmer at each .02 seconds in the stroke cycle. These measurements are synchronized to the swimmer’s video. While knowing the swimmer’s velocity is important, knowing the acceleration and deceleration at any given moment is even more important. At the peak of acceleration, the propulsion is greatest and the amount of the peak acceleration is correlated with the amount of propulsion that was generated at that moment. That helps us determine roughly how much propulsion is coming from the kick or pull or both. At the peak of deceleration, the drag forces are greatest and the amount of deceleration is correlated with the amount of frontal drag that occurred at that moment. That helps us identify and quantify the mistakes in technique that were made that caused that frontal drag.

    Lift forces are perpendicular to our swimming motion and help reduce frontal drag by elevating us higher in the water.  Lift is derived from the Bernoulli effect (planing lift) and Newtonian forces downward. Since the forces we create are not just down or backward, motions of our kicking and pulling that generate propulsion also generate lift. In fact, most of the time while swimming, both lift forces and propulsion forces are occurring simultaneously.

    Next, we will discuss what we have learned from Newton’s laws of motion—how to reduce frontal drag, how to increase propulsion, and how to use the law of inertia to our advantage. Finally, we will discuss how the law of conservation of energy can help us with our turns.

    Reducing Frontal Drag

    Most sports take place in air, where drag forces apply but are not nearly as detrimental to performance as they are in swimming. With the density of water being 784 times greater than air, significant drag forces occur at much slower speed than they do on land. Any errors swimmers make in their body positions or stroke mechanics are compounded at almost any speed, but even more so at higher speeds. The faster the swimmer, the bigger price paid for mistakes. Frontal drag is enemy #1 of swimmers. There is no mercy in the water.

    There are four factors that determine how much frontal drag will slow a swimmer down. The first is position. Is the swimmer underwater or on the surface? The second is the cross-sectional surface area of the swimmer moving forward, or the shape of the swimmer. How large is the swimmer? How flat or round is the swimmer? What is the body angle? Are the legs and arms protruding out too far? Is the head too high? The third is the surface characteristic of the swimmer, including the suit, cap and goggles. How slippery is the swimmer? The fourth, and most important, is the swimmer’s speed. How fast is he or she moving in the water?

    There are three different types of frontal drag forces that can slow a swimmer down, and they are all important. The first and most profound is pressure drag which occurs as a result of two important facts we see in good swimmers. First, swimmers are non-streamlined objects, even in the best position they can achieve. Second, good swimmers are in water and travel at top speeds approximating 2 meters/second or higher. The physical shape of a swimmer (surface area and shape moving forward), the medium of water, and the speed of the swimmer in the water are factors that determine what is called the Reynold’s number. This determines the flow characteristics around the moving swimmer. At the Reynold’s number of a good swimmer wearing a tech suit, the nature of the boundary layer (the layer of water adjacent to the swimmer) will change from laminar (smooth, at the head and shoulders) to transitional (a foot or so behind the head and shoulders) to turbulent (somewhere near the waist). As the boundary layer separates from the swimmer’s body, it forms a low pressure area (wake or slipstream) behind the swimmer.

    The difference between the higher pressure at the head of the swimmer and the lower pressure behind the swimmer in the slipstream determines the pressure drag.

    The second drag force is caused by friction. Friction occurs as a result of molecules rubbing against each other as an object moves through a medium—in this case, water. In general, the rougher the object (swimmer), the more friction. The smoother or slicker the object (swimmer), the less friction. Thus, the friction of a swimmer is largely determined by the surface characteristics of the swimmer: the cap, the skin, the goggles and the suit.

    The third type of drag force is called surface or wave drag. It occurs as a result of the swimmer being partly in the water (submerged) and partly out of the water. Virtually all of the wave drag of a swimmer occurs from the front end of the swimmer’s body (head and shoulders), and most of it from the head.

    In a study done in 2004, Mollendorf et al determined the contribution of all three types of frontal drag forces on swimmers while being towed at various speeds in a fixed, streamlined position (passive drag forces).[1] When low friction (high tech) suits were worn, and at approximately race speed for elite swimmers, they found that pressure drag forces accounted for about 50% of the total drag force, while wave drag forces and friction each accounted for about 25% of the total drag force. The total frontal drag forces were about three times greater at 2 m/sec (race speed) than they were at 1 m/sec. At lower speeds (less than 1 m/sec) and while underwater, friction was a greater contributor to total drag than pressure drag.

    At The Race Club we utilize a technology, called the Propulsion/Drag Meter (PDM), that measures the passive drag forces with a swimmer in a fixed position at a constant speed across a 50 meter pool. The speed can be adjusted and so can the position or the gear of the swimmer. With this technology, we have tested the drag forces of several swimmers by changing variables, such as the hand position, head position, type of bathing suit, type of cap, releasing air bubbles, streamline technique and feet position. Here are just some of the results of those studies which we tested at race speed (2.3 m/sec).

    Hyperstreamline (arms behind the head) reduced drag compared to biceps over the ears streamline by 11%. We call it hyperstreamline because with the arms placed behind the head, the arms can be hyperextended from the shoulder joints more easily.

    The fingers spread wide apart on the streamline increased drag by 18%.

    Shoulders hunched on a breaststroke pullout compared to relaxed shoulders reduced drag by 4%.

    Bubbles released under the chest in the streamline position compared to holding the breath reduced drag by 9.1%.

    Lifting the core (3-5 degrees of hip flexion) with hands at side compared to straight body position reduced drag by 10%.

    The reason that the swimmer’s speed is the most important factor in determining frontal drag is that all three types of drag forces are exponentially related to the swimmer’s speed. Both pressure drag and friction are proportional to the square of the swimmer’s speed, while wave drag is proportional to the fourth power of the swimmer’s speed. From this observation, we can conclude the following:

    All three types of frontal drag are important and need to be reduced as much as possible.

    Small changes in a swimmer’s shape or position, cap and suit can have profound impacts on frontal drag at race speed.

    Getting under water is desirable (eliminating wave drag) whenever possible while in a relative streamline position at race speed.

    The stronger and faster a swimmer becomes, the more important technique becomes (the frontal drag forces at 2 m/sec are about three times greater than at 1 m/sec).

    The real challenge in correcting poor, drag-producing swimming techniques is that a swimmer does not really feel the major drag forces occurring while he or she is swimming. Swimmers may be aware of the pressure on their hands or feet as they kick or pull, or perhaps they may be somewhat aware of the water passing over their heads or backs, but that is about it. There are simply too many complex movements happening at once and the human brain cannot contemplate all of them. Swimming is like riding a bicycle, struggling to gain ground into a 20 mile per hour head wind, yet not being able to feel the wind in your face. Swimmers can be working really hard and still not understand why they are not moving faster.

    How can swimmers correct poor technique if they can’t even feel the problems the poor technique is causing? For the most part, they can’t. That is why coaching and testing are so important in the sport of swimming.

    Increasing Propulsion

    Outside of the starts and turns, the propulsive forces of a swimmer are derived purely from the kick and the pull. More specifically, except for the up kick, where the entire lower leg and sole of the foot can generate propulsion, nearly all of the other propulsive forces (down kick and pull) occur at the feet and hands. Some might be surprised to know that the hand generates the vast majority of propulsion from the pull. There is a widely held belief that the forearm contributes a considerable amount of propulsion from the pulling arm, but it does not. The forearm has a rounder shape than the flatter-shaped hand, so the flow around it is smoother, and the forearm does not move backward as fast in the water as the hand.

    In addition, the propulsion from the kick and pull can be influenced by other motions of a swimmer’s body that produce no propulsion at all. These are called coupling motions. Two examples of coupling motions in freestyle are the rotation of the body and the recovery of the arm over the water. Neither motion generates any propulsion by itself, but when timed or coupled with a propulsive pull or kick, either motion can make either force greater. High energy coupling motions can significantly increase the propulsion of a swimmer in all four strokes, as well as on the start.

    The propulsion of a swimmer derived from the hands differs from that derived from the feet by the fluid dynamics surrounding the swimmer. The hands are moving through water that is essentially still (static fluid), while the feet are moving through water that is flowing (dynamic fluid). Some understanding of fluid mechanics is therefore necessary to understand how propulsion is generated within these two different environments.

    Since water is liquid, not solid, to generate propulsion, the hand or foot needs to be moving backward relative to the water. In shoulder-driven freestyle technique, with a relatively higher stroke rate, if one were to map the pathway of the pulling hand from the side, relative to a fixed point in the pool, one would find that the hand moves in nearly a perfect circle of around 2-2.5 feet in diameter.

    If we consider the circle as a clock face, with the swimmer moving from left to right, the hand would enter the water at 12 o’clock. Since the swimmer’s body is moving forward, as the hand enters the water, the hand will move forward also. The swimmer begins the pulling motion by pushing the hand downward to reverse its direction and then by pushing it backward. The result is that the hand follows the clock to the 3 o’clock position, moving both downward and forward. We call this the lift phase, since most of the forces are downward, creating lift.

    From 3 o’clock, when the hand is just in front of the swimmer’s shoulder, it begins moving backward, generating propulsion. The hand continues going deeper in the water as it follows the clock from 3 o’clock to 6 o’clock on its way backward. In an effort to continue pushing the hand backward past 6 o’clock with the maximum hand surface area, the arm needs to elevate and the wrist dorsiflex, resulting in the hand cutting a part of the clock off in moving from 6 o’clock to 9 o’clock in nearly a straight line. The backward hand motion from 3 to 9 o’clock is called the propulsion phase.

    Once the hand reaches 9 o’clock, the arm runs out of length, so the hand cannot move backward any farther. Instead, it turns the little finger up and quickly slides forward with the least resistance possible. The hand then leaves the water nearly exactly where it began the circuitous route, at 12 o’clock. This last phase is called the release phase. The net distance that the hand travels from entry to exit is close to zero. We describe the four phases of the underwater freestyle pulling motion and the two recovery phases in Chapter 7 on the freestyle pulling cycle.

    The hand moving in nearly a perfect circular motion underwater with Shoulder-driven freestyle technique.

    Unlike the hand in generating propulsion, the feet rely on the vortices caused by both the swimmer’s body and the motion of the foot and leg itself. In both freestyle and dolphin kick, the motion of the kicking foot is nearly straight up and straight down and then forward, relative to a fixed object in the pool. However, the water is not still in the path of the foot. Because the human body is a non-streamlined shape, there is a forward flow of water following the swimmer caused by the body’s vortex or wake (slipstream). There is also a second vortex caused by the motion of the feet and legs, which creates a smaller stream that follows the path of the feet. Even though the feet are not moving backward relative to a fixed object in the pool, they are moving backward relative to the water, which is moving forward. Therefore, the feet can generate propulsion without actually moving backward.

    Both the moving feet and the swimmer’s body moving forward result in vortices formed behind the swimmer. The pink lines represent the path of the body’s vortex and the yellow line represents the path of the feet. The feet use these two vortices to generate propulsion.

    In dolphin kick, for example, there are four potential places where the feet can generate propulsion. The first is at the beginning of the down kick. The propulsion here is achieved by quickly reversing the direction of the feet and pushing down against the vortex that was created by drawing the feet and leg upward and forward. The second is achieved as the feet traverse the body’s vortex (slipstream) on the way down. The third is achieved at the initiation of the up kick, as the feet and leg quickly reverse direction and push upward against the vortex they created on the way down. The fourth is achieved as the feet and legs move upward and traverse the body’s vortex (slipstream) on the way up. Only the fastest dolphin kickers will achieve propulsion in all four of these locations. Most swimmers derive propulsion in only one or two of them.  In Chapter 22, we describe the mechanics of the dolphin kick in much greater detail.

    In freestyle kick, there are two potential points of propulsion. Since the down kick and up kick occur simultaneously, one point is at the initiation of each, utilizing the vortices of the feet and legs. The second and primary one occurs as both feet pass through the slipstream on the way up or down. You can read more about the freestyle kick and how to improve it in Chapter 8.

    With breaststroke kick, nearly all of the propulsion occurs from the instep of the feet and the ankle pushing backward. The peak force occurs when the feet are about 1/2 to 2/3 of the way back toward complete extension of the legs. The narrower the kick, the more advantage the breaststroke kicker will derive from the body’s slipstream and large vortex resulting from drawing the legs and feet forward.  With a wide breaststroke kick, the feet may be pushing backward in relatively still water, rather than against a stream of water. That can significantly affect propulsion. A small amount of propulsion is also possible from the up kick that occurs at the end of the breaststroke kick. Not every breaststroker will get that second propulsion. You will find more information about the breaststroke kick in Chapter 19.

    In summary, the propulsion of the pull is determined mostly by the surface area of the hand pushing backward and the rate at which that effective hand surface area accelerates through the propulsion phase. The propulsion from the kick is determined by the surface area of the feet (and legs), the rate at which the feet accelerate through the vortices and the strength of the vortices (slipstream) that the feet move through. Further, the propulsive forces of either the pull or kick can be augmented by the amount of kinetic energy within the properly-timed coupling motions, such as the body rotating, the head snapping down, or the arms recovering.


    Newton’s first law of inertia, which was originally defined by Galileo, is also important for swimmers to understand. Basically, inertia simply means that objects (swimmers) that are at rest tend to stay at rest and objects (swimmers) that are moving tend to stay moving, unless they are acted on by external forces. Newton’s third law of motion states that when we apply a force with our hands or feet in the water or against the wall on a push off, the water or wall applies the same force back against the hand or foot.

    For a swimmer to go from the rest state (taking your mark on the starting block or getting ready to push off the wall) to the moving state (gliding or swimming down the pool), external forces must be applied. Whether that force comes from our legs (feet) pushing us off the starting block or wall or our hands and feet propelling us down the pool, once a swimmer starts moving, unless he or she is in a vacuum or outer space, frontal drag forces will start to slow him or her down. That means to keep moving, swimmers must continue applying propulsion.

    If the propulsion and drag forces are equal, the swimmer’s speed will remain constant. If the propulsion is greater than the drag forces, the swimmer will accelerate. If the drag forces are greater than the propulsion, the swimmer will decelerate. As difficult as it is for swimmers to maintain a constant speed in swimming, it requires more work or energy for them to maintain a given average speed if their speed varies a lot compared to maintaining a more constant speed at the same given average. Consider when a swimmer completely misses the wall on a flip turn in a race and comes to a dead stop. The amount of energy required to get that swimmer back up to race speed is overwhelming. The race is probably over. Similar to the difference in gas mileage people get in their cars while driving in town (stop and go) compared to driving on the freeway (constant speed), the swimmer will use less energy maintaining a more constant speed than he or she will by repeatedly slowing down or stopping and then speeding up again. Swimming at a more constant speed is simply a more mechanically efficient way to swim.

    The challenge of swimmers taking advantage of the law of inertia is that with the nature of the propulsion, coming mostly from the hands and feet and at certain intervals of time, swimmers cannot

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