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Air Fryer Bucket List
Air Fryer Bucket List
Air Fryer Bucket List
Ebook39 pages22 minutes

Air Fryer Bucket List

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About this ebook

The ONLY kitchen gadgets food blog that caters for both metric and imperial readers. Featuring metric, imperial, Celsius and Fahrenheit.  

Kitchen gadget recipes has never tasted so good and this air fryer bucket list recipes ebook is another reader favourite.


Sharing delicious easy air fryer bucket list worthy recipes that you can cook at home in your air fryer. Regardless of having the power air fryer oven, Philips air fryer, Gowise USA air fryer, Cosori air fryer, these recipes are easy to follow along and make in your brand of air fryer.


Through this air fryer beginner cookbook, it can help both novice and experienced home cooks enjoy exciting new ways to use the air fryer.


There are 25 incredibly easy air fryer beginner recipes in this ecookbook. Inspired by the idea of doing a bucket list of the must make air fryer recipes and converting it into an ebook for you. Work your way through our air fryer bucket list and learn new things to cook in the air fryer.


Here are 10 reader favourites featured in the air fryer bucket list:


Air Fryer Breakfast Potatoes

Air Fryer Boiled Eggs

Air Fryer Bread Rolls

Air Fryer Roast Beef

Air Fryer Roast Pork

Best Ever Air Fryer Fries

Air Fryer Baby Potatoes

Air Fryer Roast Chicken Dinner

Air Fryer Carrots

Air Fryer Potato Wedges


All the air fryer recipes featured are personally created by husband and wife duo Dominic and Samantha Milner. Dominic worked as a chef for more than a decade, before taking on the role as the personal chef to millions via the readers of Recipe This. Samantha is the personality behind the blog and together they make an amazing double act that is loved by their readers from around the world.


Showing that using an air fryer is not as scary or difficult as you first thought, they have been showing people how to use the air fryer since 2011.


Bonus Air Fryer Cooking Charts


In the air fryer ecookbook you will also have the chance to download some free air fryer cooking charts that will help you further with your air fryer cooking. Ideal for learning cook times and temperatures and perfect for easy reference later.


Recipe This Worldwide Recipe Conversions


With a growing worldwide audience of air fryer readers, Recipe This made the decision to offer their recipes to everyone. In the air fryer recipe ebook you will see metric and imperial conversions in every recipe. They also include both Celsius and Fahrenheit.


You also have a handy worldwide food conversion too. 


This includes food mentioned in recipes that carry a different name in the US to the UK. Making it easy for both US and UK readers to equally understand. Plus, plenty of food swaps if you can't source ingredients locally.

PublisherRecipe This
Release dateOct 20, 2020
Air Fryer Bucket List

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    Book preview

    Air Fryer Bucket List - Recipe This

    Thank you so much for purchasing our air fryer bucket list recipes ebook.

    All our ebooks including this one, is inspired by our readers. We love to provide them with what they want, and modifications and updates have been thanks to reader suggestions. So, in a way our ebooks are written by readers like you.

    But before you scroll through and plan the recipes you want to try, let me share more about how our ebooks work, who we are and how these ebooks can help you.

    About the authors – You can read more about us in much more detail on our about page on our blog or through the stories we share in our weekly kitchen gadget newsletter. But in a nutshell, we are the Milners and we live in the sunny Algarve in Southern Portugal. We were born in England and moved to Portugal back in 2008 for a better standard of life and to give our children a better lifestyle. We have Kyle who was born in 2001 and is the graphics designer at Recipe This, Sofia who was born 13 years later in 2014 and is getting into food photography at her young age, along with Jorge who was born in 2016. Jorge is still rather young for his amazing cooking skills that he has thanks to being born into the world of food blogging. I am Samantha and write everything you read on RT, and my husband Dominic does all the technical things and worked as a chef many years ago making him perfect for advising our readers about the gadgets. We have great fun creating new recipes for you and have a worldwide audience with a common love for kitchen gadgets.

    Our kitchen gadget experience – We have owned an air fryer since 2011, an instant pot since 2016,

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