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Utopic Paradigm: The Netherworld Creation Series, #1
Utopic Paradigm: The Netherworld Creation Series, #1
Utopic Paradigm: The Netherworld Creation Series, #1
Ebook275 pages3 hours

Utopic Paradigm: The Netherworld Creation Series, #1

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WHEN TWO WORLDS COLLIDE THE RESULTS ARE CATASTROPHIC … Our existence and that of another are mere splinters of a greater universe where parallel realms co-exist. One where clandestine leaders are driven by their insatiable greed for power as they covet perfection. In their mad pursuit to achieve utopia, both realms are soon plagued with corruption and imbalance. To counter the disparity, one man covertly creates an elite Special Forces team that could change the course of history before it unfolds. Zera Chancelay is a competitive rebel with remarkable physical prowess, and an edge. When two brothers vie for her affections during a reclusive military boot camp, she can't deny a spark with one. Garrick Tillman is a natural born leader and hand-picked for his select team who all have unique, enhanced attributes. They face a perilous journey to embark on to change the fate of the human race in this high tech war. As Garrick and his team soon discover, things are not always what they seem when two parallel worlds collide.

PublisherKali Willows
Release dateNov 16, 2020
Utopic Paradigm: The Netherworld Creation Series, #1

Kali Willows

Born and raised in Toronto, Kali now resides in the exquisite eastern Ontario countryside where she enjoys the serenity of nature. When she isn't busy being the married mother of two, certified trainer or counselor extraordinaire, she shadows worlds of paranormal passion & intrigue.Kali strives to create emotional, compelling stories and characters you can't help but love, hate and cheer for. Captivated by her love of dragons, gargoyles and everything paranormal, she pens these delightful creatures into epic tales of romance and adventure and often infuses her passions of martial arts, music and ironic twists even she didn’t foresee.

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    Utopic Paradigm - Kali Willows


    Have you ever had déjà vu, or a profound sense something wasn’t supposed to have happened? The death of a celebrity in their prime, a cultural icon, or champion of the people? Even in our own lives, when you lose loved ones, or when people who go missing without a trace, are there ever times you feel that’s not the way it was meant to be? It’s an innate wisdom this person wasn’t supposed to go yet. The unique reaction on a cellular level that this was an injustice of some kind that you just can’t resolve within yourself.

    There are theorists who would argue the cause of this fixation is the Akashic records buried deep within our subconscious. An astral map, per se, to help us find our way in this existence. Whenever we sense this imperfection, we are conditioned by society to chalk it up to unresolved grief or trauma, that there is something wrong with us because we are preoccupied by this event and the loss of this person, or people.

    Don’t believe the propaganda. Our existence and that of another are mere splinters of a greater universe. Each soul on our planet is in essence, only half; to which the second part of each of us resides in this other place. Their environment, appearance, personality and experiences are all identical to our own. When both halves complete their life cycle, with lessons in tow, they expire at the same time and ascend in unison to a greater plane of existence. Whether by the means of old age, accidents or illness, when it is our time to go, we do so, on both planes simultaneously. In the wake of our demise, peace and acceptance would remain with those left behind.

    A few privileged beings know of this secret dichotomy, those with power and resources to affect the harmony of this double existence. The hidden truth they don’t want us to learn, is that there is a parallel realm, a mirrored world identical to our own, to which we are intertwined on an astral level.

    Earth, our own world, is otherwise known as The Commonplace Realm, and the identical world to ours, Eorthe is referred to as The Sovereign Realm. The informed leaders of the Sovereign Realm determined Earth to be inferior. They outlawed the privilege of knowledge of their existence to Earthlings. Terrible things happened to any who dared to share the truth of this mirrored existence and to all who defied the laws to trifle with it.

    A secret society that originated in ancient times evolved. They strived in seclusion to build a utopia; the perfect world. Their plans of dual global domination stemmed even deeper than their counterparts knew. They counted themselves modern day versions of God, manipulating genetics and altering the course of the human race. They believed they could reincarnate the tree of life through science.

    It’s within our nature to corrupt, steal and destroy ourselves. As technology advances, so does the greed of man and the means to acquire their coveted trophies. A high-tech era filled with nano technology, cloning and synthetic DNA manipulation now impedes the process of ascension. In their bid to interfere with the natural order of things, Eorthians created enhanced soldiers that were sent to retrieve Earth icons to replace their own before both expired.

    In taking from us and replenishing theirs, an imbalance occurred in both our worlds. In the leaders’ pursuit of desired perfection, their aspired utopia became plagued with disparity. The ramifications of playing with the timeline followed what theoretical physicists and philosophers had already foreseen and forewarned. Mirrors became clouded and the duplicated worlds grew marred.

    With every loss comes a lesson and with each interference comes complication. People in both worlds are designed to die in the grand scheme of things, so their contributions would have meaning and so other things can then take place in the order it is intended. The lofty price for perfection? Each world grew dark in epic proportions in this secret order’s sinister pursuit to create utopia.

    To counter the imbalance, one man covertly created an elite Special Forces team that could change the course of history before it unfolds. They had no idea of the perilous journey they would soon embark on, or the sacrifices it would take to change the fate of the human race.

    Chapter One

    Ready .... the female announcer bellowed into the blow horn.

    Zera glanced over her shoulder at the twelve guys and five girls lined up, eager to vie for their chance to beat the toughest chick in the academy—and for the best assignment upon graduation tomorrow. She bit her bottom lip and tensed, crouched on the spot and ready to bolt.

    You know, you can’t beat me, pretty lady, the cocky jock with ebony hair and a red tank top taunted on her left.

    Eat my dust, she snarled.

    Set.... the announcer continued.

    If I win, how about dinner? The dirty blond hunk in the black tank top to her right winked.

    Not a chance, she scoffed. By that, I mean, you don’t have a chance in hell against me.

    We’ll see, he retorted with a grin.

    Go! the announcer blared.

    Zera catapulted faster than she ever had before. With a smirk, she barreled into the two-mile obstacle course, fearless, determined, and as usual in first place.

    Her red shirted opponent caught up to her in the middle of the balance log they had to cross. He tugged on her ponytail then gripped her hips. Come on, princess, you know you want me.

    Zera smirked. "I know where I want you."

    Ranlyn had been hitting on her for months, so the chance to offer him humble mud pie proved too much to ignore. She held her arms out to her sides to maintain her balance and launched her right shoulder back into him with a powerful thud. Her opponent toppled off the log and did a face plant in the pool of muck beneath her.

    Chancy, he hollered behind her as she pressed on.

    Laughter slowed her pace, but she shook it off and focused on the race at hand.

    The hike through worn trails of the forest carried the heady scent of musty cedar and fragrant pine. Sure to adhere to the red tape markers along the trail, she was on track and still in first place. The contrast of the white birch trees and the greenery was a welcome change from the army base of camouflage tents, barracks and the stark view of netting, weaponry and everything military. She didn’t mind her home for the last six months, truth be told, it was the closest sense of belonging she had experienced in years, but the race through the mountainside was a much welcome change of scenery.

    Zera controlled her breathing in an attempt to steady her heart rate as she paced herself. The soft dirt of the forest floor was blanketed with cedar brush and cushioned each land of her feet. The whoosh of the warm air against her skin cooled the saturated layer of perspiration over her face, neck and shoulders.

    Over ropes and under nets, across the makeshift bridge of cables and strategic jots of her feet in the maze of tires, she was almost there.

    It’s not over yet, a deep voice sounded behind her.

    Wanna bet? She fastened her pace until she reached the twenty-foot wall and jumped to grab the rope. That advanced her an extra three feet from the climb and she didn’t stop. The athletic competitor in the black tank caught the second rope, slammed against the wall with a thud and ascended in unison with her.

    Give it up, Garrick; I’m leavin’ you in the dust. Through blistered hands against the sharp strands of the rope, Zera gritted her teeth and summoned the remainder of her strength and reached the top of the wall. She pulled herself to sit up and swung her second leg over. Before she could jump, he grabbed her arm and she gasped.

    You can’t leave me, baby. I’m just getting used to your conceited ways. Garrick launched off the wall, and landed feet first in a crouched position.

    Dirty, rotten, cheating little.... Zera stood on the six-inch ledge and steadied herself. With a single bound, she did a swan dive into the air, tucked into a ball and spun three times. She landed on her feet just ahead of her rival and then raced on. That’s how I feel about cheaters, she called over her shoulder.

    How the hell did you do that? his stunned voice jerked as he tried to catch up. Now I see why they call you Chancy. You’ve got a death wish.

    Garrick Tillman had managed to keep pace with her right up to the finish line. Side-by-side, they broke through the yellow tape. It was close, but she was sure she’d won.

    Minutes after them, the other four top contenders crossed the line, all within inches of one another; Wraith, Dox, Elyse and Flash.

    Good race guys, Garrick called out to his boot camp lackeys. Looks like you lost your touch, Chancy. He gave a winded chuckle and stooped over, hands on knees as he caught his breath. But damn, you’re fast.

    Infuriated he may be right about losing her edge, she glared at him. The excess length of his muscular legs that brought him to a strapping six foot four inches tall, did in fact give him the advantage over Zera’s mere five foot seven-inch frame. A trickle of sweat spiralled between her shoulder blades and trailed down her spine.

    Wow, Chancy. That was some kick ass jump, True Paradox better known as Dox, the leggy blonde walked up and patted Zera on the back.

    Thanks, but I wouldn’t have needed to do it if pretty boy here didn’t cheat when he held me back on the wall, she glowered at her hunky rival.

    Damn girl, you kicked ass, Richie Santos, the albino jock with goggles dropped to the ground at her side, and lay down. Whoa.

    Not much for stamina, are you Santos? Zera chuckled and kicked his ankle.

    Baby, I save my stamina for much more enjoyable exercise... He lifted one goggle lens and shot her a wink; his bright red iris gleamed under the sunlight. And the name is Wraith, if you don’t mind.

    Still clinging to that stupid claim to fame, huh? Elyse Bailey, the mocha-skinned beauty plopped herself down on the ground beside him and slapped his sweat-soaked tank top.

    "As a matter of fact, Elysian, he taunted. I am. Who else in this joke of an academy can get top score on night maneuvers and never get caught? Even by the damn instructors?" he huffed with exhaustion.

    Zera glanced around the group with a smirk. They all pursed their lips and looked away. Wraith was right. He had a gift. Maybe it had something to do with being albino, he had sensitivity to light, but in the dark, his vision was unparalleled and his movement was swift and silent. His speed and agility afforded him the honor to beat the academy’s best top three instructors in a night ops challenge last week. As his reward, he had them serve mess hall duty for a whole day.

    And what kind of a name is Elysian anyway? That’s so, pure. You should have a smokin’ hot sexy name, like My Little Mediterranean Hotcake. He glided his hand along her hip. She dropped back and landed elbow first in his stomach.

    Ouch, he let out a winded laugh and clutched his abs.

    "I prefer Elyse. Elysian, however is because I can defy the laws of physics, you slug."

    How? Zera titled her head.

    Temporal duplication. I can bring past and future versions of myself together in the here and now.

    Oh, I like that, a foursome with my sexy goddess, Wraith reached over and tugged her tank top up her belly.

    Cut it out you pig, she slapped his hand away and tsked.

    The two jokesters sat up and Wraith tucked his muddy arm over Elyse’ shoulder.

    Where the hell did Flash sneak off to this time? Wraith surveyed the finish line.

    Ken Seika? Zera asked.


    He was right behind you, she squinted and put her hand up to block the beaming sun. Oh, there he is, with the announcer.

    Hitting on the help again, Garrick snorted. That guy will chase anything on two legs.

    Don’t joke, brother. Sable Vale ain’t half bad. Wraith crooned as he eyed the petite redhead in skimpy cut-off jean shorts.

    Hey. Elyse smacked his leg.

    I think Sable over there plans to personally thank Flash for tutoring her on the munitions exam. Zera snickered.

    The two had become quite cozy, Flash nuzzled his face into her neck while Sable giggled and caressed his sweaty shoulder.

    I’ll bet, Dox snorted.

    The mud-soaked Ranlyn finally crossed the finish line, dead last.

    Oh, yes Sir. Sorry Sir. Sable’s voiced crackled over the blow horn.

    Zera glanced over and caught Flash as he stepped back from Sable and stood at attention. The Head Academy Instructor, Captain Nigel Carey, handed the announcer a small piece of paper. As she read it, he fired a menacing glare at Flash.

    And the winner is....

    How about that dinner? Garrick stood and faced her.

    Sure. She paused with her hands on her hips.

    Really? You’ll go out with me? His raised brows revealed his naïve hopefulness.

    No, but you can let me know how you enjoyed it. Have fun, cheater. She turned, and clapped a high five with the ever-amused Dox.

    We have a tie, a voice cracked over the PA.

    What? She spun to face the redhead in a rage.

    Zera Chancelay and Garrick Tillman, congrats to you both, awesome race. Sable waved over.

    Zera lifted her chin, tapered her eyes against the bright sunlight and plastered a fake smile on as she nodded.

    We should discuss this over dinner, Garrick leaned in and whispered into her ear. After all, a tie means, we’re gonna be partners at the division.

    I don’t do partners, she hissed.

    Garrick flashed a one-sided grin and it then struck her the suggestive context he took her comment in.

    You know what I mean, she growled.

    I sure do. I hope that will change. Her adversary nudged her in the side and held out his right hand to shake. That was an awesome race.

    She glanced at his open palm and slapped it away with annoyance. Don’t count on it. If you hadn’t cheated, I would have won.

    Wow, you gotta get your lust for me in check, sunshine. It’s embarrassing to have everyone see how much you’re into me. Garrick grinned.

    In your dreams, she groaned. Despite the fact that she had given subtle signals throughout training of her potential interest in Garrick, no amount of smiles, winks or nudges would excuse his lack of athletic ethics. She avoided soaking up the delectable view of his sweat-drenched tank top clinging to his virile chest, or the gleam of moisture that covered his taut, muscular arms. But hey, if that’s the only way you can get ahead...whatever. The glistening locks of shoulder length sandy blonde hair that framed his perfect face caught her eye.

    Chancy. A voice boomed out from the finish line.

    Zera spun around to find Ranlyn waltz up to her with a cocky smirk. You owe me a race, some clean clothes, and maybe a shower together. We can celebrate your win.

    You’re delusional, she scoffed.

    Good God, man, Dox scrunched her nose with disgust. Give it up already.

    Ranlyn stared Dox down with a contorted scowl, then switched to a devilish smile with narrowed eyes when he looked back to Zera. I can pick you up at seven.

    Are you deaf? I said no. Her skin crawled under his penetrating gaze.

    Ranlyn lifted the front of his tank top and swished the mass of mud from his face. We could hit that new Italian restaurant downtown, then maybe back to my barracks for the shower, later of course. You could wash my back, and I’ll wash yours....

    She offered an insincere pout and tsked. As sad as I am to admit it, Ranlyn, I have plans tonight.

    What plans? he jeered.

    I have a date with your handsome brother here, don’t I, Garrick? She tucked her hand over his arm and posed beside him as she faced her filthy foe.

    I thought you said— Garrick turned to her with wide eyes and furrowed brows.

    Pick me up at seven. Maybe we can try that Japanese place downtown, a little Saki, dinner...and at the end of the night... She slid her arms around his neck with a come-hither smile. You could wash my back for me....

    Bitch. Ranlyn sneered then stormed away.

    Burn, Dox snickered and gave a knuckle punch to Elyse and she took a seat beside her.

    Man, that was just cold, Wraith lay back down and draped his arm over his goggles, as if he were sun bathing.

    So, you just used me to piss off my brother? Garrick pulled her arms down from his neck and stepped back. He widened his eyes.

    No, I wouldn’t say that. It was an added bonus though, Zera chuckled.

    I don’t get it, you just passed me off?

    I changed my mind. She brushed dirt off his cheek. Zera relished the heat of his skin under the pads of her fingers. Anyone who can keep up with me has potential.

    For what? The corners of his mouth retreated into a sly grin.

    We’ll just have to wait and see. She patted his rock hard chest with her palm. A tinge of longing rushed through her.

    Oooo, girlfriend likes you, Dox teased.

    Garrick glared down at Dox and pursed his lips.

    Like I said, seven, Zera smoothed her hands down Garrick’s heated chest and eased back away from him.

    I have a meeting after we wrap up here. I don’t want to make you wait. Let’s make it nine to be sure.

    Alright, nine it is then. Don’t be late. She walked away, her pulse raced.

    Chapter Two

    You don’t fool me. Garrick flashed an awkward smile as he fumbled with the chopsticks. With a wobbly clutch, he raised it to take a bite and dropped the sushi on his plate.

    Not like that. She tsked and grabbed the wooden utensils from him, then steadied them in her pincer grip. With precision, she picked the morsel up and held it to his lips. Like this, she said softly and waited until he accepted the offering. Just as he parted his lips, Zera giggled and stuffed the savory seaweed wrapped salmon into her own mouth.

    Hey! He slapped his hand on the table with a chuckle.

    You snooze, you lose. She aimed to grab another and eyed the frown he sported. Okay, here. She put it up to his mouth with a slow, teasing motion, and then pulled it back again.

    Come on, he dropped his face into his palms with defeat.

    Is this your first time trying sushi?

    Yes. He waited as Zera steadied another piece in front of him. Garrick opened his mouth and she gobbled up that morsel too.

    Can someone get me a fork over here? He called aloud to no one in particular. Before I starve?

    You should try it with the sauce.

    What kind of sauce?

    Just a little Wasabi... She offered a coy smile.

    What’s that?

    Zera bit her lips in a futile effort to

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