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Triple Workout (Futa on Male)
Triple Workout (Futa on Male)
Triple Workout (Futa on Male)
Ebook27 pages24 minutes

Triple Workout (Futa on Male)

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About this ebook

After a long week, Briana prepares for a group workout session with Erin and Veronica. And each of them is eager to get their hands on sissy Jaime.

This story is part three of my 'Workout Series'. Be sure and check out the rest if you haven't!

PublisherJordan Bailey
Release dateJan 4, 2021
Triple Workout (Futa on Male)

Jordan Bailey

Jordan Bailey is a transwoman originally from England who now lives quietly in the United States. Her hobbies include writing, movies and playing with her dogs. Lover of anime, manga and animals, she primarily writes about Futanari, or 'Dickgirl' women and crossdressing. She also enjoys weaving tales about effeminate young men, a.k.a. 'femboys', transwomen and other transgender themes!To get updates, send feedback, or anything else, follow her on Reddit @ BaileyJordanOfficial

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    Book preview

    Triple Workout (Futa on Male) - Jordan Bailey


    Sissy Workout

    by Jordan Bailey
    This ebook is for 18+ adults ONLY. It contains explicit, graphic details of sexual acts and language that may be considered offensive by some readers.
    All characters engaged in sexual activity are consenting, non-related adults over the age of 18.
    Copyright © 2022 author Jordan Bailey. All rights reserved.
    Friday seemed to drag on forever.

    Erin had taken the day off so it was especially long with no one to talk to or pass the time with. But hours passed, and as a present to myself I left work early in preparation for the night.

    After getting home and showering, I texted Jaime to come over and went to work compiling his new outfit. All the pieces were in place. But we only had a few hours to prepare for Erin and Veronica.

    A few minutes later there was a knock on my door. It was Jaime, clad in his standard boyish but  revealing attire. Why hello there, I said with a smirk.

    He didn't respond at first, barely able to even look at me. He had his arms behind his back and eyes on the ground, teetering on the balls of his feet. 

    I looked him up and down again, noticing his flushed cheeks and sheepish look, then cleared my throat to goad an answer.

    Eventually, Jaime looked at me with a little panic in his eyes and meekly said, H-hey M-Miss Becker...

    Hey yourself. Ready for tonight?
    I, um... I guesso, he said with a stutter. He was so cute, and he still had no idea what I had in store for him. What's so special about tonight?
    You'll see. Come in, I said, watching him as he entered. He rubbed his arms as he moved, as if chilled. Go on upstairs. We need to get you ready.

    Once inside, he turned and looked up at me with his big, puppy dog eyes. "Get me

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