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Rock Drumming Foundation: Time Space And Drums
Rock Drumming Foundation: Time Space And Drums
Rock Drumming Foundation: Time Space And Drums
Ebook97 pages52 minutes

Rock Drumming Foundation: Time Space And Drums

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Discover the Simple Solution to Better Rock Drumming!


Is your rock drumming messy and uneven? Is your timing bad so you race ahead or drag behind the beat? Does your drumming lack the consistent flow that makes other musicians want to play with you?


If that sounds like you then The Time Space and Drums Series is here to help you achieve your drumming goals and more.


After working for some of the biggest names in British show business for over 35 years, people such as Paul Daniels, The Three Degrees, Susan Maughan just to name a few, along with some of the best music directors in the business, it became clear that everything you will ever play as a drummer will be formed from the most basic exercises. Without mastery of which, all of the complex rhythms' you play on top of those basics will be messy, uneven, and lack the precision timing and flow that the musicians you play with want to hear.


The Rock Drumming Foundation Course is a simple yet comprehensive manual of rock drumming fundamentals that form a solid rock foundation for any drummer to:

  • Play better time,
  • Create a consistent flow,
  • and... Become a tight, solid player that other musicians want to play with.

You will be taken through six lessons where everything is broken down into the most basic parts to make things easy to follow and understand.

So, in no time at all, you will be playing the most vital fundamental beats like a real pro!


In the Rock Drumming Foundations Course, you'll discover:

  • Essential beginning tips that help you approach the drum kit with more confidence.
  • The six most important drum beats you will ever learn that gives you the rock drumming foundation every successful drummer needs.
  • Downloadable audio demonstrations for every exercise so you get to hear what each exercise sounds like and that helps you progress faster.
  • Written exercises that help you learn to read and understand drum music progressively, as you practice and develop in an easy to follow step by step manner. Helping you to learn all future exercises faster and more easily!
  • The one drum fill you must master before attempting more complex fills that will make your drumming flow more consistently, and in time.

The Rock Drumming Foundation Course is your Rock Drumming Handbook for becoming a more fluid-rock drumming expert.


So, if you like playing the clean, tight, and solid drumming other musicians want to play with, then you'll love Stephen Hawkins's Comprehensive Rock Drumming Foundation Course.

Release dateAug 28, 2020
Rock Drumming Foundation: Time Space And Drums

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    Book preview

    Rock Drumming Foundation - Stephen Hawkins


    In general, the top books in the drumming arena are more advanced drumming books aimed at solving a specific control issue or area of drumming: stick control, coordination, syncopation and such. Each of these title types is presented in a specific format for the drummer to practise. That format is more often than not lots of singular, one bar exercises crammed onto a single page.

    But don’t get me wrong, those types of books serve the drummer over many years mainly due to the number of variations covered. But when I think of those types of books, I always recall the now famous quote of Bruce Lee’s that goes something like this: I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 punches once, but I do fear the man who has practiced one punch 10,000 times. It’s plain to see what he meant when he spoke those immortal words. Paraphrased into the drumming practice arena, he was basically saying: Practise the fundamental exercises 10,000 times (and more, no limitation is implied) each rather than practicing 1000 exercises 10, 50, 100, 500, or 1000 times.

    So, it doesn’t really matter how well established a drummer, author or publisher is. The fact remains that less is more. Rather, less is much more. Put another way, many is mediocrity or even fantastic. But less is greatness! Or, it can be if you decide that it is.

    So I urge you, whether you’re a beginner just starting out on your drumming journey, an intermediate drummer wanting to further your current skills and make a name for yourself, or you’re an advanced drummer looking for greatness, practise these exercises 10,000 times and more for no other reason than to build a powerful foundation for your future efforts. And remember, you cannot build a skyscraper on the foundations of a cottage or summer home. Unless of course your summer home is a skyscraper and you had already built the appropriate foundations.

    For the beginner, this is about laying the foundations of your future drumming success. For the intermediate drummer, this is about laying the foundations for greater future drumming success. And for the advanced drummer, this is about disciplining yourself to improve even further by striving for greater perfection of the basic foundation. In short, this is all about self-discipline and seeking perfection and mastery. It’s not what you do, it’s the way that you do it holds true still.

    It’s not about learning the next sticking exercise or the next rudiment or the next anything that is achieved and then abandoned for the next shot of instant gratification. But as I suggested earlier, there is room for that also. Drumming should be fun, something you look forward to and there is no better feeling than playing something so basic yet realising that you played it ten times better today than you did yesterday. Others will notice that also.

    So if you want to add a touch of finesse to your current level of skill and experience the transformation that goes along with practicing to the level of mastery, then it’s time to start building a powerful foundation so you can later build your most magnificent structure as you grow and develop your skills further.

    But for now, let’s cover a few basic practice ideas and concepts. And, of course, for the beginner, I highly recommend Modern Drumming Concepts from this same series. For the most part, There are specific instructions that apply to every exercise you will find in the whole series. That is, play each one, two, or four-bar phrase through to the end of the bar and then repeat it once only. This is explained more in the Essence Email you will receive when you follow the link given later to download the audio demonstration file. Then, after you get used to stopping and starting the exercise, you should then repeat it while paying particular attention to the how you play it. Specifically, to play it scientifically and mathematically exact. Then, when you have done that for 1,000 hours (by that I mean a lot), it’s then time to add technique to the equation to turn the scientifically exact exercise into a musical masterpiece. For now, technique is beyond this series of lessons. See the recommended section at the back of this book for more instruction on this.

    So, just be content

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