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NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2020: Volume 35
NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2020: Volume 35
NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2020: Volume 35
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NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2020: Volume 35

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NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2020 presents research by leading scholars on central issues in contemporary macroeconomics. George-Marios Angeletos, Zhen Huo, and Karthik Sastry ask how to model expectations without rational expectations. They find that in response to business cycle shocks, expectations underreact initially but eventually overshoot, which in their view favors models with dispersed, noisy information and overextrapolation of expectations. Next, Esteban Rossi-Hansberg, Pierre-Daniel Sarte, and Nicholas Trachter contrast the patterns of rising aggregate firm market concentration with falling market concentration over time at the local level. Some associate rising concentration with less competition and more market power, but because most product markets are local, studying changes in local competition, as opposed to trends in aggregate competition, provides important insights. Adam Guren, Alisdair McKay, Emi Nakamura, and Jón Steinsson develop a novel econometric procedure to recover structural parameters using cross-region variation, for example, to estimate direct effects of housing wealth changes on individual household consumption. To avoid confounding direct and indirect effects, the authors isolate the direct effect of house price changes on consumption by using other estimates of demand multipliers from the local government spending literature to deflate estimates of the total effect of local consumption on local house prices. Peter Klenow and Huiyu Li examine the sources of reduced productivity growth by quantifying the contribution of innovation to economic growth. They find that young firms generate roughly half the productivity growth, most of the changes in productivity during the mid-1990s are accounted for by older firms, and most growth results from quality improvements on incumbents’ own products. In the fifth chapter, Fatih Guvenen, Greg Kaplan, and Jae Song use detailed micro panel data from the Social Security Administration to assess the progress women have made into the top 1% and top 0.1% of the income distribution over time. Finally, Joachim Hubmer, Per Krusell, and Anthony Smith Jr. explore the reasons for growing wealth inequality across the developed world. They argue that the significant drop in tax progressivity starting in the late 1970s was the most important source of growing wealth inequality in the United States. The sharp observed increases in earnings inequality and the falling labor share cannot account for the bulk of the increase in wealth inequality.
Release dateMar 15, 2021
NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2020: Volume 35

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    NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2020 - Martin Eichenbaum

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    Martin Eichenbaum and Erik Hurst


    Imperfect Macroeconomic Expectations: Evidence and Theory

    George-Marios Angeletos, Zhen Huo, and Karthik A. Sastry


    Jessica A. Wachter


    Ricardo Reis


    Diverging Trends in National and Local Concentration

    Esteban Rossi-Hansberg, Pierre-Daniel Sarte, and Nicholas Trachter


    Jan Eeckhout


    Robert E. Hall


    What Do We Learn from Cross-Regional Empirical Estimates in Macroeconomics?

    Adam Guren, Alisdair McKay, Emi Nakamura, and Jón Steinsson


    Gabriel Chodorow-Reich


    Valerie A. Ramey


    Innovative Growth Accounting

    Peter J. Klenow and Huiyu Li


    John Haltiwanger


    The Glass Ceiling and the Paper Floor: Changing Gender Composition of Top Earners since the 1980s

    Fatih Guvenen, Greg Kaplan, and Jae Song


    Paola Sapienza


    Raquel Fernández


    Sources of US Wealth Inequality: Past, Present, and Future

    Joachim Hubmer, Per Krusell, and Anthony A. Smith. Jr.


    Owen Zidar


    Benjamin Moll




    Martin Eichenbaum

    Northwestern University, United States of America, and NBER, United States of America

    Erik Hurst

    University of Chicago, United States of America, and NBER, United States of America

    The NBER’s 35th Annual Conference on Macroeconomics brought together leading scholars to present, discuss, and debate six research papers on central issues in contemporary macroeconomics. In addition, Jeremy Stein, former governor of the Federal Reserve, led a thought-provoking discussion on whether the financial system is safer now than it was prior to the Great Recession. Given the pandemic, the conference took place via Zoom. Video recordings of the presentations of the papers and the after-dinner talk are all accessible on the web page of the NBER Annual Conference on Macroeconomics. These videos make a useful complement to this volume and make the content of the conference more widely accessible.

    This conference volume contains edited versions of the six papers presented at the conference. With one exception, each paper is followed by two written discussions by leading scholars and a summary of the debates that followed each paper. In the exception, there is only one written discussion.

    In their paper Imperfect Macroeconomic Expectations: Evidence and Theory, George-Marios Angeletos, Zhen Huo, and Karthik Sastry tackle a central question in macroeconomics: How should we model people’s expectations? For many years the answer to this question was widely viewed among mainstream macroeconomists as a settled issue. The answer was that people have rational expectations and common knowledge about the state of the economy. That consensus shattered under the weight of a large literature testing rational expectations, based in part on survey-based data. But what should we replace our simple benchmark model of expectations with? The paper by Angeletos et al. brings to bear new econometric evidence on this question. Their key empirical result is that, in response to the main shocks driving the business cycle, expectations underreact initially but eventually overshoot. In their view, this evidence, and results in the survey-based empirical literature, favors models in which there is dispersed, noisy information across people and overextrapolation of expectations. The paper develops and analyzes such a model.

    The first discussant, Jessica Wachter, provides a valuable summary of the difficulties involved in interpreting survey-based evidence on expectations. She then brings to bear insights from psychology and behavioral economics to provide an alternative interpretation of the evidence. Her interpretation gives less weight to private information and more weight to the idea that agents filter common information differently through the lens of their experiences.

    The second discussant, Ricardo Reis, provides a thorough analysis of the statistical evidence and the model proposed by Angeletos et al. Reis then raises a different set of puzzles about expectations that the paper abstracts from. These puzzles revolve around the fact that people disagree in their forecasts about critical macro variables. Significantly, the extent and nature of that disagreement changes in predictable ways. The model proposed by Angeletos et al. does not account for the stylized disagreement facts. Reis displays a perturbation of that model that succeeds in doing so.

    There is a large literature documenting the rise in firm concentration within the United States over the last few decades. The top few firms in each industry are producing a larger share of aggregate output. Some researchers have associated the rising firm concentration with a fall in competition and an increase in firm market power. Yet most product markets are local. Individuals consume retail products and services often close to their residence or place of work. The change in local competition, therefore, is an interesting object to study above and beyond trends in aggregate competition.

    In their paper, Diverging Trends in National and Local Concentration, Esteban Rossi-Hansberg, Pierre-Daniel Sarte, and Nicholas Trachter contrast the patterns of rising aggregate firm market concentration with falling market concentration over time at the local level. Using data from the National Establishment Time Series (NETS), the authors show that Herfindahl-Hirschman indices (HHI) have been falling within states, metropolitan statistical areas, and zip codes despite rising in the aggregate. The paper documents that these patterns are pervasive within most industries, with declining local concentration being larger in the service and retail industries. In addition, the paper highlights that when a large firm in a given industry—like Walmart—enters a local area, the total number of firms in that industry increase. Although it is true that large firms like Walmart may drive out some competitors, the effect is less than one-for-one such that the number of firms increases on net.

    The paper uses these findings to suggest that local competition is actually increasing given that local firm concentration is falling. Both discussants caution against this interpretation. First, as highlighted by the remarks of Jan Eeckhout, HHIs are a poor proxy for market competition. Both Jan Eeckhout and Bob Hall, the second discussant, stress that one needs to think hard about what constitutes a local market. They both suggest that measuring how markups have evolved at the local level would be more informative of whether competitive forces have changed. Finally, both discussants provide areas for future research within the literature. Despite their comments, the discussants praise the authors for documenting the novel dichotomy that the paper has uncovered showing that local concentration has fallen despite rising national concentration.

    There has been an explosion of research in the last decade using regional data to learn about macroeconomic forces. One common criticism of this literature is that many of the general equilibrium forces of interest to macroeconomists get differenced out from cross-region regressions. However, it may be possible to recover meaningful structural parameters by exploiting cross-region variation. In the paper What Do We Learn from Cross-Regional Empirical Estimates in Macroeconomics? Adam Guren, Alisdair McKay, Emi Nakamura, and Jón Steinsson develop a novel econometric procedure to recover structural parameters of interest to macroeconomists using cross-region variation.

    The example highlighted in the paper for their econometric procedure is to recover micro estimates of the direct effect of housing wealth changes on individual household consumption. This is a parameter of interest in many macro models assessing the effects of housing booms and busts on the macroeconomy. When econometricians exploit regional variation to assess the effect of local housing price changes on local consumption, the estimates confound both the direct effect of wealth effects on household consumption as well as the indirect effect of local multipliers from the initial consumption response. Guren et al. propose a methodology to isolate the direct effect of house price changes on consumption by using other estimates of demand multipliers from the local government spending literature to deflate estimates of the total effect of local consumption on local house prices. The paper shows that their methodology is approximately correct under a wide array of model assumptions. The paper also discusses other examples where their methodology is applicable.

    Overall, the paper provides future researchers with a road map of how to use cross-region variation to isolate parameters of interest to macroeconomists. Gabriel Chodorow-Reich and Valerie Ramey provide excellent discussions highlighting how this paper fits into the recent literature of macroeconomists exploiting cross-region variation as well as pointing out other potential methods to estimate structural parameters using micro data.

    There is widespread agreement that productivity growth has declined. But the sources of this slowdown are not well understood. In Innovative Growth Accounting, Peter Klenow and Huiyu Li tackle the closely related questions: What form does innovation take, and which firms do most of the innovation? Their analysis decomposes growth into three types of innovation: creative destruction, brand-new varieties, and innovation by incumbents on their own products. The authors further decompose each of these sources into contributions by firm age and size.

    The authors base their decomposition on (1) a growth accounting framework that is motivated by a quality ladder model of innovation, and (2) plant-level data across all firms in the nonfarm business sector over the period 1982–2013. Their main findings can be summarized as follows. First, young firms generate roughly 50% of productivity growth. Most of this growth comes from new variety introduction. Second, most of the surge in productivity during the mid-1990s and the subsequent slowdown is accounted for by older firms. Third, a majority of growth takes the form of quality improvements by incumbents on their own products.

    The discussant, John Haltiwanger, notes that quantifying the contribution of innovation to economic growth for the entire private sector is a major step forward. He also writes that the authors have developed a rich framework that enables researchers to explore many issues on a much broader basis than existing research that uses alternative approaches. However, he cautions that the authors’ empirical approach imposes a number of strong assumptions that are inconsistent with empirical evidence. In his view, the associated limitations of the analysis are likely to be quantitatively important.

    It has been well documented that the share of income accruing to top earners has been growing over time. In their paper, The Glass Ceiling and the Paper Floor: Changing Gender Composition of Top Earners since the 1980s, Fatih Guvenen, Greg Kaplan, and Jae Song use detailed micro panel data from the Social Security Administration (SSA) to assess the progress women have made into the top 1% and top 0.1% of the income distribution over time.

    The paper provides a plethora of interesting facts gleaned from the SSA data. In the early 1980s, women comprised roughly 3% of top 0.1% of the annual income distribution. By the 2012, that share had increased to about 10%. Women are dramatically underrepresented in the top income distribution, albeit less in the 2000s compared to the 1980s. The panel nature of the authors’ data allows them to measure multiyear average of income. A key finding is that individuals—both men and women—are more likely to remain within the top 0.1% of the income distribution in the 2000s relative to the 1980s. Despite the total share of earnings accruing to the top percentiles remaining relatively stable during the last decade, top earnings are being spread among a decreasing share of the overall population. Moreover, even relative to men, women are more likely to remain top earners during the 2000s than they were during the 1980s. Finally, the panel data allow for a new analysis of the life-cycle profile of top earners and how those profiles differ by gender. The gender gap in top earning shares is smallest for individuals in their 20s and individuals close to retirement.

    Overall, this paper provides a detailed taxonomy of how the gender composition of top earners in the United States has evolved over time. The paper should serve as a launching-off point for other researchers who are interested in explaining why the gender composition of top earners has changed during the 1980s and 1990s and also why those changes have stalled during the 2000s. The discussants, Paola Sapienza and Raquel Fernández, both praise the authors for marshaling together such important and interesting data. Both, also provide suggestions to the literature about further potential explorations. For example, Paola Sapienza comments that it would be interesting to see how the gender patterns of top earners change when incorporating broader measures of earnings that also include interest, dividends, and rents earned by owners of firms. Raquel Fernández discusses the importance of exploring how differential entry and exit from the labor force by gender interacts with the life-cycle patterns documented in the paper.

    Few topics are as important or as controversial as the reasons for growing wealth inequality across the developed world. In Sources of US Wealth Inequality: Past, Present, and Future, Joachim Hubmer, Per Krusell, and Anthony A. Smith Jr. tackle this difficult issue, focusing on the modern US experience. They do so using an incomplete, heterogeneous-agent model in which inequality is determined by individual households’ reactions to changes in their environment and the equilibrium resulting from those interactions. Critically, the authors depart from standard versions of that model by introducing portfolio heterogeneity across and within wealth. This type of heterogeneity receives clear support from the data and helps their model match a key feature of wealth and earnings distributions: the former is much more highly concentrated than the latter.

    Using their model, Hubmer et al. argue that the significant drop in tax progressivity starting in the late 1970s was the most important source of growing wealth inequality in the United States. Strikingly, the sharp observed increases in earnings inequality and the falling labor share cannot account for the bulk of the increase in wealth inequality.

    The first discussant, Owen Zidar, reviews and brings to bear new evidence to support the view that tax progressivity, portfolio heterogeneity, and return heterogeneity are quantitatively important drivers of wealth inequality in the United States. In addition to providing valuable caveats about the model calibration, Zidar highlights three other forces that are not emphasized in the paper: (1) life cycle and demographic trends, (2) falling interest rates and concomitant asset price growth, and (3) inherited wealth and family firms.

    According to the second discussant, Benjamin Moll, the Hubmer et al. paper provides the best quantitative assessment to date of a number of plausible drivers of the rise in wealth inequality in the United States. Like the other discussant, Moll notes that a key element in the model’s ability to account for many US wealth trends is the rich stochastic process for asset returns. Moll summarizes other corroborating evidence that heterogeneity of portfolio and asset returns are key drivers of the wealth inequality. Like the authors, Moll notes that return premia in the model are exogenous in both the time series and cross section. So like them, Moll emphasizes the need to understand the reasons for that heterogeneity. To make the point concrete, he uses a series of insightful examples to clarify the relationship between wealth and welfare inequality.

    As in previous years, the editors posted and distributed a call for proposals in the spring and summer prior to the conference and some of the papers in this volume were selected from proposals submitted in response to this call. Other papers are commissioned on central and topical areas in macroeconomics. Both are done in consultation with the advisory board, whom we thank for their input and support of both the conference and the published volume.

    The authors and the editors would like to take this opportunity to thank Jim Poterba and the National Bureau of Economic Research for their continued support for the NBER Macroeconomics Annual and the associated conference. We would also like to thank the NBER conference staff, particularly Rob Shannon, for his continued excellent organization and support. Financial assistance from the National Science Foundation is gratefully acknowledged. We also thank the rapporteurs, Riccardo Bianchi Vimercati and Marta Prato, who provided invaluable help in preparing the summaries of the discussions. And last but far from least, we are grateful to Helena Fitz-Patrick for her invaluable assistance in editing and publishing the volume.

    For acknowledgments, sources of research support, and disclosure of the authors’ material financial relationships, if any, please see

    © 2021 by the National Bureau of Economic Research. All rights reserved.




    1. Imperfect Macroeconomic Expectations: Evidence and Theory

    George-Marios Angeletos, Zhen Huo, and Karthik A. Sastry

    We document a new fact about survey expectations: in response to the main shocks driving the business cycle, expectations of unemployment and inflation underreact initially but overshoot later on. We show how previous, seemingly conflicting, evidence can be understood as different facets of this fact. We finally explain what the cumulated evidence means for macroeconomic theory. There is little support for theories emphasizing underextrapolation or two close cousins of it, cognitive discounting and level-K thinking. Instead, the evidence favors the combination of dispersed, noisy information and overextrapolation.

    2. Diverging Trends in National and Local Concentration

    Esteban Rossi-Hansberg, Pierre-Daniel Sarte, and Nicholas Trachter

    Using US National Establishment Time Series data, we present evidence that the positive trend observed in national product market concentration between 1990 and 2014 becomes a negative trend when we focus on measures of local concentration. We document diverging trends for several geographic definitions of local markets. Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) 8 industries with diverging trends are pervasive across sectors. In these industries, top firms have contributed to the amplification of both trends. When a top firm opens a plant, local concentration declines and remains lower for at least 7 years. Our findings, therefore, reconcile the increasing national role of large firms with falling local concentration and a likely more competitive local environment.

    3. What Do We Learn from Cross-Regional Empirical Estimates in Macroeconomics?

    Adam Guren, Alisdair McKay, Emi Nakamura, and Jón Steinsson

    Recent empirical work uses variation across cities or regions to identify the effects of economic shocks of interest to macroeconomists. The interpretation of such estimates is complicated by the fact that they reflect both partial equilibrium and local general equilibrium effects of the shocks. We propose an approach for recovering estimates of partial equilibrium effects from these cross-regional empirical estimates. The basic idea is to divide the cross-regional estimate by an estimate of the local fiscal multiplier, which measures the strength of local general equilibrium amplification. We apply this approach to recent estimates of housing wealth effects based on city-level variation and derive conditions under which the adjustment is exact. We then evaluate its accuracy in a richer general equilibrium model of consumption and housing. The paper also reconciles the positive cross-sectional correlation between house price growth and construction with the notion that cities with larger price volatility have lower housing supply elasticities using a model in which housing supply elasticities are more dispersed in the long run than in the short run.

    4. Innovative Growth Accounting

    Peter J. Klenow and Huiyu Li

    Recent work highlights a falling entry rate of new firms and a rising market share of large firms in the United States. To understand how these changing firm demographics have affected growth, we decompose productivity growth into the firms doing the innovating. We trace how much each firm innovates by the rate at which it opens and closes plants, the market share of those plants, and how fast its surviving plants grow. Using data on all nonfarm businesses from 1982 to 2013, we find that new and young firms (ages 0–5 years) account for almost one-half of growth—three times their share of employment. Large established firms contribute only one-tenth of growth despite representing one-fourth of employment. Older firms do explain most of the speedup and slowdown during the middle of our sample. Finally, most growth takes the form of incumbents improving their own products, as opposed to creative destruction or new varieties.

    5. The Glass Ceiling and the Paper Floor: Changing Gender Composition of Top Earners since the 1980s

    Fatih Guvenen, Greg Kaplan, and Jae Song

    We analyze changes in the gender structure at the top of the earnings distribution in the United States from the early 1980s to the early 2010s using a 10% representative sample of individual earnings histories from the US Social Security Administration. The panel nature of the data set allows us to investigate the dynamics of earnings at the top and to consider definitions of top earners based on long-run averages of earnings, ranging from 5 years to 30 years. We find that, despite making large inroads, women still constitute a small proportion of the top percentile groups—the glass ceiling, albeit a thinner one, remains. In the early 1980s, there were 29 men for every woman in the top 1% of the 5-year average earnings distribution. By the late 2000s, this ratio had fallen to 5. We measure the contribution of changes in labor force participation, changes in the persistence of top earnings, and changes in industry and age composition to the change in the gender composition of top earners. We find that the bulk of the rise is accounted for by the mending of the paper floor—the phenomenon whereby female top earners were much more likely than male top earners to drop out of the top percentiles. We also provide new evidence on the top of the earnings distribution for both genders: the changing industry composition of top earners, the relative transitory status of top earners, the emergence of top earnings gender gaps over the life cycle, and the life-cycle patterns and gender differences for lifetime top earners.

    6. Sources of US Wealth Inequality: Past, Present, and Future

    Joachim Hubmer, Per Krusell, and Anthony A. Smith Jr.

    This paper employs a benchmark heterogeneous-agent macroeconomic model to examine a number of plausible drivers of the rise in wealth inequality in the United States over the last 40 years. We find that the significant drop in tax progressivity starting in the late 1970s is the most important driver of the increase in wealth inequality since then. The sharp observed increases in earnings inequality and the falling labor share over the recent decades fall far short of accounting for the data. The model can also account for the dynamics of wealth inequality over the period—in particular the observed U shape—and here the observed variations in asset returns are key. Returns on assets matter because portfolios of households differ systematically both across and within wealth groups, a feature in our model that also helps us to match, quantitatively, a key long-run feature of wealth and earnings distributions: the former is much more highly concentrated than the latter.

    © 2021 by the National Bureau of Economic Research. All rights reserved.


    Imperfect Macroeconomic Expectations: Evidence and Theory

    George-Marios Angeletos

    MIT, United States of America, and NBER, United States of America

    Zhen Huo

    Yale University, United States of America

    Karthik A. Sastry

    MIT, United States of America

    I. Introduction

    The rational expectations hypothesis is a bedrock of modern macroeconomics. It is often combined with a strong, complementary hypothesis that all data about the state of the economy are common knowledge. But an explosion of recent theoretical and empirical work has questioned both premises. This has pushed the discipline back toward reckoning with the wilderness of alternative models for expectations formation and equilibrium (as Sargent 2001, paraphrasing Sims 1980, famously put it).

    One strand of the literature emphasizes informational frictions, which are sometimes rich enough to blur the boundary between the rational and nonrational.¹ Moving strictly beyond the rational model, some authors emphasize biases to overextrapolate the past (Fuster, Laibson, and Mendel 2010; Gennaioli, Ma, and Shleifer 2015; Guo and Wachter 2019), whereas others advocate for two close cousins of underextrapolation, cognitive discounting and level-k thinking (Iovino and Sergeyev 2017; Farhi and Werning 2019; Garcıa-Schmidt and Woodford 2019; Gabaix 2020). Another strand emphasizes overconfidence in various information sources, or prioritization of those that seem representative (Bordalo, Gennaioli, and Shleifer 2017; Kohlhas and Broer 2019).

    What does survey evidence on expectations tell us within the space of these alternative hypotheses? And what kind of evidence is most useful for building macroeconomic models and providing guidance about counterfactual scenarios?

    In the hopes of answering these questions and helping identify where we are in the wilderness, this paper uses a simple but flexible framework to accomplish the following goals: to draw a variety of recent theoretical and empirical contributions under a common umbrella; to guide a new, more informative, empirical strategy; and to select among competing theories of imperfect expectations in macroeconomics.

    Our main empirical finding is initial underreaction of beliefs in response to shocks followed by delayed overreaction. Both unemployment and inflation expectations have an initially sluggish response to the shocks that drive most of the business-cycle variation in these variables. But over medium horizons, forecasts tend to overshoot the actual outcomes.

    This pattern speaks in favor of models that combine two key mechanisms: dispersed, noisy information and overextrapolation. The former leaves room for theories emphasizing higher-order beliefs. The latter points in the opposite direction of cognitive discounting and level-k thinking, two concepts that, at least for our purposes, are close cousins of underextrapolation.

    We also demonstrate why our empirical strategy is more informative, at least vis-à-vis the class of theories under consideration, than previous alternatives. And we explain how our findings help resolve the apparent inconsistency between three previous empirical findings, which indeed serve as our starting point.

    Understanding prior, seemingly conflicting, evidence

    Previous empirical studies of expectations have often relied on simple regressions or correlations between actual outcomes and their forecasts in surveys.² In Section III, we revisit three such previously documented facts, henceforth referred to as facts 1–3:

    F1. For both unemployment and inflation, aggregate forecast errors are positively related to lagged aggregate forecast revisions, as in Coibion and Gorodnichenko (2015), or CG hereafter. This pattern suggests that aggregate forecasts underreact to aggregate news.

    F2. The opposite pattern is often present at individual-level forecasts: as previously shown in Bordalo, Gennaioli, Ma, and Shleifer (2020), or BGMS hereafter, individual forecasts appear to overreact to their own revisions (in the case of inflation, although not in the case of unemployment).³

    F3. Finally, the following pattern, first noted in Kohlhas and Walther (2018), or KW hereafter, points toward overreaction even at the aggregate level: aggregate forecast errors are positively correlated with the actual levels of unemployment and inflation.

    These facts elude a simple, unified explanation. Do beliefs in the data underreact to innovations, as predicted by theories emphasizing informational frictions, higher-order uncertainty, cognitive discounting, and level-k thinking? Or do they overreact, suggesting an entirely different mechanism?

    To provide a clearer picture, we turn to theory. In Section IV, we introduce the PE version of our framework. Like the related empirical literature, this abstracts from the equilibrium fixed point between expectations and outcomes. But it allows for two key mechanisms: dispersed noisy information and overextrapolation. A third mechanism, overconfidence, is also nested but turns out to be rather inessential.

    The combination of dispersed information and overextrapolation makes a sharp prediction for the impulse response functions (IRFs) of the average forecasts and forecast errors to aggregate shocks. In the first few periods after a shock occurs, the informational friction guarantees that forecasts underreact. But as time passes and learning kicks in, this friction dies out and overextrapolation takes over, guaranteeing that forecasts eventually overreact. The most telling feature of the combination of the two mechanisms is therefore a reversal of sign in the IRF of the average forecast errors.

    The regressions underlying facts 1 and 3 can be described as different weighted averages of this IRF. The one in CG happens to put more weight on the early portion of this IRF, where errors are positively correlated with past revisions due to dispersed information, whereas that in KW happens to put more weight on the later portion, where errors are negatively correlated with outcomes due to overextrapolation. This resolves the apparent conflict between the form of underreaction documented in CG and the form of overreaction documented in KW, but perhaps most importantly underscores the difficulty in interpreting and using this kind of evidence. A similar point applies to the BGMS evidence, or fact 2.

    Focusing on IRFs

    Under the lens of our analysis, a superior empirical strategy emerges: the IRFs of the average forecasts and the average forecast errors to aggregate shocks provide strictly more information than the aforementioned empirical strategies and are also more easily interpretable. This leads to our main empirical contribution, which appears in Section V and which is to show that the hypothesized pattern of sign reversal in the response of forecast errors holds true in the data. We summarize this below as fact 4:

    F4. Consider two shocks, one that accounts for most of the business-cycle variation in unemployment and other macroeconomic quantities and another that accounts for most of the business-cycle variation in inflation.⁴ Construct the IRFs of the average forecasts of unemployment and inflation to the corresponding shocks. In both cases, average forecasts are initially underreacting before overshooting later on, or predicting larger and longer-lasting effects of the shock than those that occur.

    For the reasons already explained, fact 4 alone helps nail down the right combination of frictions under the lens of our framework: to match this fact, it is necessary and sufficient to combine overextrapolation with a sufficiently large informational friction. And because this combination implies facts 1–3, fact 4 subsumes them and serves as a sufficient statistic for the counterfactuals of interest (more on this below).

    We provide additional evidence for each of the two mechanisms as follows. First, we show that the subjective persistence, as revealed by the term structure of subjective expectations, is larger than the objective persistence, as measured by the impulse response of the outcome. And second, we show that the forecast revisions of one agent help predict the forecast errors of other agents. The former fact speaks directly to overextrapolation, the latter to not only noisy but also dispersed, or private, information.

    From partial equilibrium (PE) to general equilibrium (GE)

    In Section VI, we incorporate a GE feedback between expectations and outcomes. This part of our paper, which builds on the methods of Angeletos and Huo (2020), lets us accomplish four goals. First, we extend our lessons about the right model of beliefs to a broader GE context.⁵ Second, we connect level-k thinking and cognitive discounting to the GE implications of underextrapolation and spell out the empirical content of these theories vis-à-vis expectations data. Third, we clarify how the causal effect of the belief distortions on macroeconomic outcomes depends on parameters that determine the relative strength of PE and GE effects, such as the marginal propensity to consume (MPC). Finally, we quantify these distortions in a three-equation New Keynesian model.

    The bottom line

    The combination of old and new evidence we marshal in this paper offers not only support for theories emphasizing informational frictions and higher-order uncertainty, but also guidance on what type of departure from full rationality seems most relevant in the business cycle context. In particular, we argue that overextrapolation is needed to not only reconcile the previous, seemingly conflicting evidence of CG, KW, and BGMS, but also account for the eventual overshooting in the response of the average forecasts we have documented here.

    Conversely, we have ruled out theories that rely heavily on underextrapolation of the present to the future, whether in the simple PE form of underestimating the persistence of an exogenous fundamental or in the related GE forms of cognitive discounting and level-k thinking. These mechanisms are at odds both with the dynamic overshooting of the average forecasts documented here and with the overreaction of individual forecasts documented in Bordalo et al. (2020) and Kohlhas and Broer (2019).

    The same is true for adaptive expectations insofar as the latter means systematic anchoring of current expectations to past outcomes. Adaptive expectations can generate a similar stickiness or sluggishness in the response of average forecasts to aggregate shocks as that generated by dispersed, noisy information. But only the latter helps account for why such stickiness is absent in the response of individual forecasts to individual news or why individual forecast errors are predictable by the past information of others. This echoes a broader lesson of our analysis, which is to highlight how the similarities or differences of the properties of the individual and average forecast errors help disentangle mechanisms.

    Overextrapolation in finance and macro

    Our main empirical finding echoes a literature in finance documenting a similar pattern—slow initial reaction and subsequent overreaction—in individual stock prices (De Bondt and Thaler 1985; Cutler, Poterba, and Summers 1991; Lakonishok, Shleifer, and Vishny 1994). Theoretical work such as Barberis, Shleifer, and Vishny (1998), Daniel, Hirshleifer, and Subrahmanyam (1998), and Hong and Stein (1999) provide parsimonious interpretations that combine tentative initial reactions with medium-run overreaction due to overextrapolation. More recently, Greenwood and Shleifer (2014) and Gennaioli, Ma, and Shleifer (2015) demonstrate patterns in survey expectations of stock returns and firm earnings that are also suggestive of overextrapolation.

    We complement these works in three ways. First, we provide the first (to the best of our knowledge) evidence of overextrapolation in expectations of unemployment and inflation. Second, we propose and implement a new empirical strategy, in terms of the IRFs of forecast errors to identified aggregate shocks, and explain why this strategy is best suited to guide theory. And third, we show how to combine overextrapolation and dispersed, noisy information in a GE setting. Both our empirical strategy and our GE tools could find applications in finance in the future.

    Other related literature

    Our emphasis on the IRFs of forecast errors (fact 4) instead of unconditional moments (facts 1–3) is shared by Coibion and Gorodnichenko (2012). But there are two key differences. First, we focus on different kinds of shocks, which have more power in terms of explaining a larger share of the business-cycle volatility in outcomes and forecasts. And second, we use different econometric methods, which, unlike that used in that paper, allow the detection of the eventual overshooting in forecasts.⁶ Kucinskas and Peters (2019) also suggest that IRFs are a more informative way to understand the nature of expectation formation. They further show that the dynamics of forecast errors at the aggregate level differ from that at the individual level. But they do not contain the specific IRF evidence provided here (fact 4) and our reconciliation of seemingly conflicting findings in the literature (facts 1–3).

    We distill the essence of a diverse set of theories of expectation formation and use survey evidence to evaluate their potential relevance for business cycles. But we do not address related laboratory evidence (e.g., Nagel 1995; Dean and Neligh 2017; Landier, Ma, and Thesmar 2019) and field experiments (Coibion, Gorodnichenko, and Kumar 2018; Coibion, Gorodnichenko, and Ropele 2019).

    We leave out of the analysis a variety of other plausible theories, which help explain different types of data. These include wishful thinking (e.g., Brunnermeier and Parker 2005; Caplin and Leahy 2019), overweighting of personal experience (e.g., Malmendier and Nagel 2016; Das, Kuhnen, and Nagel 2020; D’Acunto et al. 2021), adaptive learning (e.g., Evans and Honkapohja 2001; Sargent 2001; Eusepi and Preston 2011), uncertainty shocks (e.g., Bloom 2009; Baker, Bloom, and Davis 2016), robustness and ambiguity (e.g., Hansen and Sargent 2012; Ilut and Schneider 2014; Bhandari, Borovička, and Ho 2019), non-Bayesian belief contagion (e.g., Carroll 2001; Burnside, Eichenbaum, and Rebelo 2016), and other plausible departures from the fully rational model (e.g., Adam and Woodford 2012; Woodford 2018; Gabaix 2019; Molavi 2019).

    Another angle that we do not consider is disagreement in the sense of dogmatic heterogeneous priors and/or heterogeneous interpretation of public information. Models with these features have been profitably applied to explain professional forecast heterogeneity (Giacomini, Skreta, and Turen 2020), disagreement between policy makers and markets (Caballero and Simsek 2019; Sastry 2020), and disagreement among financial market participants (Geanakoplos 2010; Caballero and Simsek 2020). But it is an open question whether they can help explain the evidence considered in this paper.

    II. Data and Measurement

    We focus on two macroeconomic outcomes: unemployment and inflation. We now review the exact data sources we use for forecasts and realized outcomes of these variables.

    Forecasts from the Survey of Professional Forecasters

    Our main data set for forecasts is the Survey of Professional Forecasters (SPF), a panel survey of about 40 experts from industry, government, and academia, currently administered by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia. Every quarter, each survey respondent is asked for point-estimate projections of the civilian unemployment rate and the gross domestic product (GDP) deflator, among several macro aggregates. Our main sample runs from Q4 1968 to Q4 2017.

    Whenever our analysis requires aggregate (or consensus) forecasts, we use the median forecast of the object of interest (e.g., unemployment or inflation at a given horizon). Using the median instead of the mean is standard in the related empirical literature. The rationale is that it alleviates concerns about outliers and/or data entry errors, which could be quite influential in the 40-forecaster cross section, driving the results. That said, our main empirical finding is robust to using the mean instead of the median.

    For the individual-level results, where concerns about outliers are even more relevant, we always trim observations in forecast errors and revisions that are plus or minus four times the interquartile range from the median, where both reference values are calculated over the entire sample.

    Other survey sources

    Although our main analysis focuses on the SPF, we provide corroborating evidence from two additional survey data sets. The first is the Blue Chip Economic Indicators Survey, a privately operated professional forecast with a similar scale and scope to the SPF. We use Blue Chip data from 1980 to 2017 and focus on the reported consensus forecast for unemployment and GDP deflator.⁸ The second source is the University of Michigan Survey of Consumers, which is (for our purposes) a repeated cross section of about 500 members of the general public contacted by phone. Like with the Blue Chip survey, we focus on end-of-quarter waves. We take the Michigan survey inflation forecast as the median response to the question about price increases.⁹ We also code a forecast for the growth rate of unemployment based on a question about whether unemployment will increase or decrease over the coming 12 months.¹⁰ For this measure we take the cross-sectional mean, which corresponds to a consensus forecast about the sign of the growth rate of unemployment.

    Macro data (and vintages thereof)

    Our unemployment measure ut is the average US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) unemployment rate in a given quarter t. Our inflation measure πt is the annualized percentage increase in GDP or GNP deflator over the 4 quarters up to t.¹¹ For the corresponding forecast data, our default choice of horizon is Math image , in line with the main specification of CG, but we explore other choices for robustness.

    In our replication of CG, BGMS, and KW in Section III, we use first-vintage macro data for consistency with these works.¹² However, such measurement is not necessarily the right one vis-à-vis theory. If agents are forecasting the actual levels of unemployment and inflation, the econometrician should use the final-release data. We will thus verify the robustness of the relevant facts to the use of final-release data.

    We finally use final-release data in our study of IRFs in Section V both for the above reason and for consistency with the main macro time-series literature. But once again, we consider the opposite measurement (in this case, first-vintage data in place of final-release data) for robustness.


    Our study of IRFs requires the use of identified shocks. For our main exercises, we borrow two such shocks from Angeletos et al. (2020): Their main business cycle shock, which accounts for the bulk of the business-cycle comovements in unemployment, hours worked, output, consumption, investment; and a nearly orthogonal shock that accounts for most of the fluctuations in inflation. A description of these shocks and the rationale for using them are provided in Section V. For robustness, we also consider other, more standard, shocks, such as a technology shock identified as in Galí (1999).

    III.  A Puzzling Empirical Backdrop: Underreaction or Overreaction?

    This section reviews three stylized facts about macroeconomic forecasts. One of them suggests that expectations underreact to news. The other two point in the opposite direction. The apparent contradiction paves the way for the theoretical exercise and the empirical strategy we undertake in the subsequent sections: We will eventually argue that there is a better way to think about the issue both in the theory and in the data.

    A.  Fact 1: Under-reaction in Average Forecasts

    Coibion and Gorodnichenko (2015), henceforth CG, test for a departure from full-information rational expectations by estimating the predictability of professionals’ aggregate (consensus) forecast errors using information in previous forecast revisions.

    Let Math image denote the median expectation of variable Math image (either unemployment or inflation) measured at time t. Let Math image be the median forecast at time Math image .¹³ The associated forecast error from time t is Math image , suppressing notation for the variable x and the forecast horizon, and the forecast revision is Math image . CG run the following regression that projects aggregate forecast errors onto aggregate forecast revisions:

    Math image

    where KCG, in shorthand notation that references the authors, is the main object of interest.

    Table 1 reports results from estimating regression (eq. [1]) at the horizon Math image for both unemployment and inflation in our data. We report results over the full sample 1968–2017 (columns 1 and 3) and also over a restricted sample after 1984 (columns 2 and 4). We may believe a priori that the latter is a more consistent and stationary regime for the US macroeconomy (i.e., after the oil crisis and Volcker disinflation).

    Note. The data set is the Survey of Professional Forecasters and the observation is a quarter between Q4 1968 and Q4 2017. All regressions include a constant. The forecast horizon is 3 quarters. Standard errors are heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation robust, with a Bartlett kernel and lag length equal to 4 quarters. The data used for outcomes are first release (vintage).

    View typeset image: 1

    Like the original authors, we find in all specifications a point estimate of Math image : when professional forecasters, in aggregate, revise upward their estimation of unemployment or inflation, they on average always undershoot the eventual truth. For inflation, we find the predictability is considerably lower on the restricted sample, which underscores the large influence of the aforementioned key events for US inflation expectations. Table A1 shows robustness along a number of dimensions including (i) using different forecast horizons, (ii) putting final release data in place of the vintage data, and (iii) using forecasts from the Blue Chip Economic Indicators Survey. All findings, including the differences across older and newer samples, are very similar to those reported in table 1.

    The finding of Math image rejects full-information rational expectations: because Revisiont,k is necessarily known to the representative agent at time t, it should not systematically predict that agent’s forecast error at Math image if that agent is rational.¹⁴ But note that it provides ambiguous evidence on the separate hypotheses of informational frictions versus nonrationality. In particular, the fact is just as consistent with a population of rational but heterogeneously informed agents (as indeed Coibion and Gorodnichenko 2015 propose in their paper) as it is with a representative irrational agent who systematically underreacts to news because of a behavioral bias (as indeed Gabaix 2020 proposes in his own paper). Similarly, an old-fashioned model of adaptive expectations can also generate the fact. It is only by combining this fact with the additional fact reported next that we can start disentangling the role of informational frictions and misspecified beliefs.

    B.  Fact 2: Overreaction in Individual Forecasts

    To probe further the need for irrationality to explain the data, recent papers by Bordalo et al. (2020), Fuhrer (2018), and Kohlhas and Broer (2019) have studied forecast error patterns at the individual level in the professional forecasts. Let Math image and Math image denote forecast errors and revisions for a particular forecaster, indexed by i, at the baseline horizon Math image . Each of the aforementioned studies estimates the following regression that translates regression (eq. [1]) to the individual level:

    Math image

    where the object of interest KBGMS, named in shorthand reference to the authors of Bordalo et al. (2020), is the individual-level analogue to KCG. Regardless of the information structure, individual-level rationality imposes Math image .

    In columns 1 and 3 of table 2, we provide estimates of the individual-level regression (eq. [2]) in the SPF over the full sample for our two variables of interest, unemployment and inflation. Columns 2 and 4 of the same table conduct the analysis on the subsample from 1984 to the present. Results for different horizons and data choices (vintage versus final) are similar and reported in table A2.

    Note. The observation is a forecaster by quarter between Q4 1968 and Q4 2017. The forecast horizon is 3 quarters. Standard errors are clustered two-way by forecaster ID and time period. Both errors and revisions are winsorized over the sample to restrict to 4 times the interquartile range away from the median. The data used for outcomes are first release (vintage).

    View typeset image: 1

    For unemployment, we find substantial evidence that Math image over the full and restricted sample period. And for inflation, we find imprecise evidence that Math image over the full sample, which includes the 1970s and Volcker disinflation, but strong evidence of Math image in the more stationary environment post-1984.

    BGMS argue that a negative relation between revisions and subsequent errors, or Math image , is a robust feature of the forecasts of various macroeconomic variables. A closer look at their findings yields a more nuanced picture. But if we take for granted their thesis, we have that macroeconomic forecasts appear to overreact at the individual level at the same that they appear to underreact at the aggregate level.

    We reinforce this apparent contradiction below. But we also invite the reader to keep the following basic insight in mind: whereas the CG evidence confounds the effects

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