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Christian Conduct: or, The Way to Heaven (Easy-to-read Layout)
Christian Conduct: or, The Way to Heaven (Easy-to-read Layout)
Christian Conduct: or, The Way to Heaven (Easy-to-read Layout)
Ebook70 pages41 minutes

Christian Conduct: or, The Way to Heaven (Easy-to-read Layout)

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"Only let your conduct be as it becometh the gospel of Christ."

The Bible tells man what should be his behavior toward his life, and a Christian must live and do just what the Bible says, without any modifications. The reader has already agreed with me that to have a Christian experience is to live a Christian life. An

Release dateAug 29, 2021
Christian Conduct: or, The Way to Heaven (Easy-to-read Layout)

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    Book preview

    Christian Conduct - Charles E. Orr

    Christian Conduct

    Christian Conduct

    or, The Way to Heaven

    Charles E. Orr

    Alicia Editions



    PART I


    1. Christian Experience

    2. Repentance

    3. Regeneration

    4. Sanctification


    1. Christian Conduct

    2. Christianity in Home Life

    3. Husband’s Duty to His Wife

    4. Wife’s Duty to Her Husband

    5. Parents’ Duty to Their Children

    6. Children’s Duty to Their Parents

    7. Servants’ Duty to Their Masters

    8. Masters’ Duty to Their Servants

    9. Christianity in Public Life

    10. The Effect of Christianity on Habit

    11. Christianity in Dress

    12. Christianity Separates from the World

    13. What Christians Must Not Do

    14. What Christians Must Do



    Only let your conduct be as it becometh the gospel of Christ. ¹

    We kindly ask the reader to compare the words of this booklet with the Word of God. What I have written has not been with an unkind nor unfriendly spirit, and I hope no one will take offense. My object has been to exalt Christianity to her rightful throne and plainly mark out the Christian way, that we all may live to the glory of God and to gain a home in heaven.

    Your in Christian hope and love,

    Charles E. Orr

    1 Philippians 1 (27)  Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ: that whether I come and see you, or else be absent, I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel;

    PART I


    My Dear Friend:

    We have come to have a short, earnest talk with you about heaven and the way that leads to that better land. In all the realm of thought and conversation there is no sweeter theme than that of heaven. Oh, what pleasantness there is associated with the thoughts and hopes of spending an eternity in the blissful fields of that glory world. As we look upon the pale, lifeless form of some dear one whose spirit has flown away, what a comfort comes to our sorrowing breast when we have reason to hope they have gone to heaven.

    There are frequent occurrences along the journey of life which remind us that we are only pilgrims, traveling to an eternal beyond, to which we may be called any day. It may be we have been in imminent danger and narrowly escaped the blow that severs the thread of life. It may be the sick chamber. It may be the news of someone who has departed this life, or the vacant seats around our own hearthstone. All these remind us that it is appointed unto men once to die. ¹ We cannot forbear remarking here, Be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not ² the call may come to you. Surely you can not fail to comprehend the necessity of living every hour in such a way that, should the summons come, you could

    Go softly and peacefully to rest,

    Like slumb’ring childhood from task set free,

    Or evening breeze ’mid orchard branches

    Separating blossoms from the tree.

    There are no aching hearts in heaven; no troubled breasts nor careworn brows. There is no sorrow there; neither pain nor tears. With such a place of eternal blessedness set before us, is it not wisdom to give diligence to make your calling and election sure ³?

    The Savior said, In my Father’s house are many mansions…. I go to prepare a place for you. ⁴ In the trying hours of life, when all seems to have forsaken us and the world appears unfriendly; life’s burdens seem to be heavy, and a despondent feeling steals over our spirit, what a comfort to our trusting soul is the remembrance that there is a home prepared for us, There the wicked cease from troubling; and there the weary be at rest. ⁵ There is room enough in heaven for all who will walk in the way that leads to that desired destination.

    One night, while beholding the stars and thinking of that future home with our Father, we were given these lines:

    Little stars in vault of heaven,

    Windows you appear to be

    Of my home, my home in glory.

    Draw the curtain back for me,

    Let me see the happy angels

    As they flit before the throne:

    If there’s room for me in heaven

    Let me see my golden crown.

    I can see my Savior smiling,

    In His hand a crown I see:

    You may low’r the curtain softly

    Since I know there’s room for me.

    All my soul is filled with glory,

    Waves of peace sweep o’er my breast

    When I think of going to heaven,

    Where the weary are at rest.

    While the thoughts of heaven are beautiful, there may be other thoughts that come like a blight over the spirit of many. Man is prone to

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