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Gotta Get Out
Gotta Get Out
Gotta Get Out
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Gotta Get Out

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Shyrone Smith
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Gotta Get Out
Shyrone Smith

Jersey City, NJ Twenty-three-year-old Cyph is a businessman in a cutthroat business of supply and demand. The money is tax free and fast, and once a person gets into the game, its hard to get out. But his business will soon catch up with him and by the time hes Gotta Get Out, it may be too late
In this book by Shyrone Smith, readers can follow Cyph as he lives dangerously in the drug business. For him, selling drugs, is a drug itself the rush he feels when he counts all that money that he madethe feeling of having the money to do whatever he wanted to do that has him feeling untouchable, invincible maybe. This is the false reality of the game that he considers most like a drug, especially when he has never had anything.
Cyph doesnt plan on hustling all his life. In reality, he wished he could get out every day. But in his line of work, nothing is for certain. And the next job could be his last as well as the end of him. Readers can follow the exciting events unfold in Gotta Get Out.

Shyrone Cyph Smith was born and raised in Jersey City NJ where he still currently resides. His first love is music, writing, rhyming and producing. He got most of his inspiration from the same streets he was raised in. He is currently working on a solo hip hop album The Last Man Standing. Hes also working on his second novel Pulling Me Back, and a book of poems Soul Talk.

Shyrone Smith used two exciting advances in the publishing world to help bring Gotta Get Out to readers: a publishing service called Xlibris, and a new digital printing and distribution technology known as Print On Demand. Xlibris provided Shyrone Smith with the tools necessary to get his book published, and Print On Demand allows each individual copy of the book to be printed as it is ordered. For more information about Print on Demand or Xlibris please write to: or call 1-888-795-4274.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateApr 22, 2008
Gotta Get Out

Shyrone Smith

Shyrone “Cyph” Smith was born and raised in Jersey City NJ where he still currently resides. His first love is music, writing, rhyming and producing. He got most of his inspiration from the same streets he was raised in. He is currently working on a solo hip hop album “The Last Man Standing”. He’s also working on his second novel “Pulling Me Back”, and a book of poems “Soul Talk”.

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    Gotta Get Out - Shyrone Smith


    No alarm clock but I’m up early, not because I have to work or go to school but because I’m a brother on the paper chase. This is my everyday routine; I get up at around five a.m. after only about three hours of sleep. I get dressed and barley brush my teeth because that six a.m. rush is about to start and only me and my soldiers hold my block down. Outside it is barely light out and the traffic is slow on the road, but not on the sidewalk. Fiends are walking up and down the block looking for a fix, it don’t matter that it is only six in the morning, only thing that matters is the first fix of the day.

    These early morning people range from the dirt of the earth God tossed to the valley of death, to your regular working class. You probably see these people everyday at work and don’t even notice it. You know the same people that hold high positions in their jobs but just need their medicine to get them started. They be nodding at work and they say either their sick or got allergies. But this happens all year round, nose running and always scratching, just peep, IT MIGHT BE YOUR BOSS (think about it).

    So far I had a good run, I mean no charges, no major stick ups, great connect, and I got a strong team. But today for some reason it don’t feel right, it’s a feeling I don’t get often. See it’s the first and the money is coming with no shorts and so far everything is moving smoothly. Oh yeah today is Tuesday, TNT day (Tuesday N Thursday), the Narcs favorite days of the week. Everyday you run a chance of running into the law, but on these days the JCP Dickheads are going to be all over the block.

    On these days they act like they are trying to stop what the Government doesn’t really want stopped. They want it just controlled enough to keep all these alphabet ass organization on the payroll. Come on don’t nobody in the hood got the resources to have that shit flown all over the world, this is a fact. Most of us just happy to have a good connect and he is still a little factor in the Game as a whole. He’s expandable, he still can get caught and go to jail or just be taking out completely.

    But this is a business and I’m a business man in all aspects of the game. This is what you can consider a cut throat business, a business of supply and demand. I just happen to have the supply to meet anyone’s demand. I think I can sell anything but I don’t know why I choose to sell drugs. It’s just I put in my work and perfected this plus the money is tax free and fast. I work my own hours and get all my hard earned money without having to worry about Uncle Sam getting his before I get mines.

    This the head banger, people work forty hours a week plus overtime and still not make what I make in an hour. And on the first at one of my spots, I probably make your monthly salary before I even get up. I’m not a millionaire yet and I can honestly say that if I plan on making a million here, I would have to leave the drugs alone. But for now I can settle with being way above your average street hustler, plus my legit businesses are doing well. I had to put in work and some of the things I did, let’s just say, I learned to live with. I guess it’s just the cost to be the boss.

    Yall might not understand this but selling drugs, is a drug itself. Yall should’ve peeped it when I said I was up at five in the morning. You see the money is like a bag or bottle, but the rush is when you count all that money that you made. This is what drives you, pumps your adrenaline, have you wanting more then you can ever spend. I guess it’s the feeling of having the money to do whatever you want to do that has you feeling untouchable, invincible maybe. That is the false reality of the game that I can consider the most like a drug, especially for the people who never had any thing.

    I don’t plan on doing this for the rest of my life, in all reality I wish I could get out everyday. I can’t see myself hustling all my life and if nothing happens plus the rate I’m going, I can retire in two to three years. That’s just wishful thinking because aint nobody promised tomorrow, but in my line of work I’m not promised the next second. By no means am I going to work until I’m sixty five and try to enjoy my life all old and can’t really enjoy the money I worked hard for.

    Damn you read all this and I aint even introduce my self, I’m Cyph, I’m 23, and I got a mean plan to make it out the hood. I’m what you would call an entra – po – negro, you know took a little to try to make a lot. I’m trying to be the block Bill Gates. My hood is Jersey City NJ a.k.a. Chilltown, Killagroundz, Dip city, Dust Heaven, Redline Road, and Extacey land, shit my hood is a gold mind. They also call my hood The Valley of Death, self explanatory.

    See I went from lookout to the corner picture to lieutenant of my own lil crew. Now I run a couple of blocks in the city and majority of the crack houses around my hood. I’m from the hood foreal, you know we got Poppie stores on every corner and liquor stores right across from churches. We got abandoned buildings, burned down houses, dead bodies, guns drugs, the slums. But this is my home; you can love it, leave it or die in it.


    Don’t let that nigga get that. I said to Boogie as he was standing there letting TK disrespect him.

    Yo chill, stop trying to gas this lil nigga head up. TK said I’m twice this nigga age and you think I’m a let him eat more then me, Cyph fuck that. He said now with grin on his face. this aint even none of your business anyway. TK said as he passed me the blunt.

    Fuck you mean, everything that go on round here is my business. I said matter of factly My lil man gotta eat too, he is just as hungry as you. I said looking at TK Mattafact I think he is a lil hungrier then you any way he out here way more then you. I said handing the blunt to Boogie who was still standing there quiet. I peeped him standing there, a sixteen year old kid who had the mentality of a man in his late twenties. I know he been through a lot but still he choose to play this game. You Boog, what time you took it down last night?

    I didn’t, sleep is for weak niggas. Boog said as he hit the blunt and let the smoke come out with his answer. Then he looked over at TK By the way TK what time you took it down. He said as he blew out the remainder of the smoke for emphasis.

    Checkmate I said You can learn from this young boy and all that being greedy shit is going to cause some one to snatch your plate. I said laughing and Boog let out a chuckle also.

    MAN FUCK THIS LIL NIGGA! TK screamed as he snatched the blunt from Boogie. Boogie just looked from him to me and had a look of confusion. If he was confused I was going to help him figure out what happened.

    Yo Boog don’t you let no man disrespect you. We on the same block but say something nigga, stand up for yourself. I said looking Boog dead in his eyes. Out here it don’t matter a niggas age, cause we all grown when we decide to play this game lil nigga. I said. Boog locked eyes with me and I seen something in his eyes. Before I could read them. BOOM, his gun went off sending TK flying to the ground. He said nothing, he just let the gun talk and a single tear escaped his eyes.

    The look in his eyes let me know that he wasn’t scared and when I seen the smile on his face I knew he was going to be a soldier. How you feel sun. I asked

    I’m good you know I had my vest on. TK said getting up taking off the T shirt he had on inspecting the bullet hole.

    Not you T, I’m talking to Boog. Yo I told you sun was official. Now go get a band aid and a Dutch and start respecting my SOLDIER. I said as me and Boog turned to walk off.

    Yo what if that nigga woulda took a head shot? TK asked as he turned around on his heels.

    You probably woulda needed a body bag instead of a Dutch I said still laughing You the one that wanted to test his gangsta. Besides 80 percent of the time cats go for the body. I took a pull of the Newport that I was smoking and grab TK as he was about to turn again. Yeah but you lucky he aint in that twenty percentile cause that would have made him a killa, think about that before you want to test somebody else. I said then grab Boogie by the shoulder and we walked down the block like nothing happened.

    Cops came flying pass us as we hit the corner because somebody reported a man getting shot. We walking and Boog aint even know he passed a test a lot of people failed and fell off. Out here, all you have is your word and respect. If you let someone take either off these things from you, you aint shit no more. This means if you hustled out here and got played and you aint do nothing back, physically or verbally, YOU CANT COME BACK TO THE BLOCK.


    Now I want yall to take a walk with me, it might not be what yall expect. Shit we might not even make it back but yall a be safe with me. We not gona really walk but we are going to ride in this lil thing I just picked up. It’s a six series Benz fully equipped with my 22 inch black and chrome customized rims. I got Cyph embedded in chrome in the center of every rim, and Cyph on the headrests were silver. The car is all black with a silver streak on the sides and the inside is all black. It had black wood on the dash, steering wheel and doors plus the softest black leather that could be found. So get comfortable.

    I gotta make this run Uptown to go shopping, you know some fresh Timbs, Coogie set, a nice fitted and a couple of Birds (Kilos of cocaine). Don’t worry we aint riding dirty, you probably aint peep shorty riding right in front of me. See she right there across the street going into the beauty supply store. You think she only over there to get beauty supplies, I’ll let you think what you want. Naw, she is loading up her trunk with boxes of supplies but it’s not what you would use on your hair. Hold up I’ll be right back pass me that sneaker box…

    My bad, I didn’t mean to take so long and don’t mind these bags, but now shorty is back in Jersey City. I got a call from one of my runners and he told me they already bagging up getting it ready for the streets. What was left on the streets was moving at such a rapid pace, this unexpected trip was necessary. See shorty get paid a thousand dollars a trip plus she has her own salon in her name. She doesn’t mind because she makes about three to four trips a week.

    Number one rule in the streets is by no means you ever SNITCH. She realizes that if she gets caught with it, that’s hers, besides she don’t know who she working for. All she does is get a call then make the run and by the time she gets back her money is in her shop. She brings the boxes to the back and someone come and pick up the product from the back door.

    I was kind of fortunate because even though I hustle I really don’t have too. When I was little, I got into an accident and when I turned 18 I got a settlement check. Needless to say I

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