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Get Your Ex Back
Get Your Ex Back
Get Your Ex Back
Ebook43 pages37 minutes

Get Your Ex Back

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About this ebook

The worst pain imaginable is having someone that you love tell you that they don't want to see you anymore.  I, personally, would rather have my legs amputated without anesthesia than go through this type of pain.  It's happened to me, it's happened to you and just about anyone else who has ever been fortunate enough to fall in love.


As you are sitting around with your heart feeling like it's been ripped out of your chest and fried up with liver and bacon, like something Hannibal Lector would eat, people will be telling you the following:


# You will get over it

# He/ She was no good for you

# Time heals all wounds

# Move on (my personal favorite)


It is his loss - you were way too good for him (or her, however, the case may be).


These are all tried and true things that people say to try to make you feel better.  Some people will be bold enough to start trash-talking your ex-lover and telling you how they never liked his ears, how he was always burping in front of people, and how he made a play for them when he was drunk at last year's Christmas party.  This does not make you feel better.  As a matter of fact, nothing that anyone says can make you feel better. 


Let's face it - your heart has been ripped out and trampled on.  And no one can say anything to change that.  Except me.  I can tell you something that can make you feel better because I can tell you how to get your ex lover back.

Release dateMay 17, 2022
Get Your Ex Back

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    Book preview

    Get Your Ex Back - Giri Raj Kishore

    Legal Notice:- This digital eBook is for informational purposes only.  While every attempt has been made to verify the information provided in this report, neither the author, publisher nor the marketer assume any responsibility for errors or omissions. Any slights of people or organizations are unintentional and the development of this eBook is bona fide.  The producer and marketer have no intention whatsoever to convey any idea affecting the reputation of any person or business enterprise.  The trademarks, screen-shots, website links, products and services mentioned in this eBook are copyrighted by their respective owners. This eBook has been distributed with the understanding that we are not engaged in rendering technical, legal, medical, accounting or other professional advice.  We do not give any kind of guarantee about the accuracy of information provided.  In no event will the author and/or marketer be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or other loss or damage arising out of the use of the information in this document by any person, regardless of whether or not informed of the possibility of damages in advance.  Thank you for your attention to this message.

    Table of Contents

    Introduction ......................................4

    Chapter One - The Break-Up.........................9

    Chapter Two - The Post Breakup Phone Call.........18

    Chapter Three - The Coffee Date...................23

    Chapter Four - The Post Breakup Meeting Date......26

    Chapter Five - Avoid The Friend Trap..............30

    Chapter Six - How To Get Confidence ..............32

    Chapter Seven - Elements Of Love..................34

    Chapter Eight - Behavior To Avoid ................37

    Chapter Nine - A True Success Story ..............41


    The worst pain imaginable is having someone that you love tell you that they don’t want to see you anymore.  I, personally, would rather have my legs amputated without anesthesia than go through this type of pain.  It’s happened to me, it’s happened to you and just about anyone else who has ever  been fortunate enough to fall in love.

    As you are sitting around with your heart feeling like it’s been ripped out of your chest and fried up with liver and bacon, like something Hannibal Lector would eat, people will be telling you the following:

    ·  You will get over it

    ·  He/ She was no good for you

    ·  Time heals all wounds

    ·  Move on (my personal favorite)

    ·  It is his loss - you were way too good for him (or her, however the case may be).

    These are all tried and true things that people say to try to make you feel better.  Some people will be bold enough to start trash talking your ex lover and telling you how they never liked his ears, how he was always burping in front of people and how he made a play for them when he was drunk at last year’s Christmas party.  This does not make you feel better.  As a matter of fact, nothing that anyone says can make you feel better. 

    Let’s face it - your heart has been ripped out and trampled on.  And no one can say anything to change that.  Except me.  I can tell you something that can make you

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