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Mary’S Gospel Glory Stories
Mary’S Gospel Glory Stories
Mary’S Gospel Glory Stories
Ebook80 pages49 minutes

Mary’S Gospel Glory Stories

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About this ebook

Marys Gospel Glory Stories is a collection of all my favorite Gospel stories written in poetic language to be easily read by fifth-grade students and above or to be read to younger children.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJun 26, 2015
Mary’S Gospel Glory Stories

Mary Heyn

Mary Heyn is a retired Christian elementary school teacher with a love for words, a love for God and people, and an active imagination. She desires to share her faith with others and prays that lives are transformed and new hope is born.

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    Mary’S Gospel Glory Stories - Mary Heyn

    Copyright © 2015 by Mary Heyn.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

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    Rev. date: 06/24/2015





    The Farmer’s Seed

    Zachary’s Visitor

    Mary’s Visitor

    Elizabeth and Mary

    The King Comes

    The Temple Visit

    The Wise Guys’ Gifts

    The Holy Immigrants

    The Found Boy

    The Baptism

    The Test

    The Call

    Water pot Wedding

    The Introduction

    John’s Question

    The Beatitudes

    The Leper

    Micah the Model

    Young Jason’s Choice

    The Fuming Farmhands

    The Widow’s Son

    Two Sons

    Jesus and the Bad Sad Woman

    Two Sisters


    Excuses! Excuses!

    Jesus Heals

    The Mean Servant

    The Bad Lad

    and Super Dad

    Lazarus and

    the Rich Man

    The Tax Man Cometh

    The Baptist’s Head

    That Wonderful Well

    Sabbath Power

    The True Bread

    Loaves and Fishes


    Jairus’ Daughter

    The Glory Time

    The Rich Man’s Regret

    Jonadab’s Case

    The Secret Meeting

    Speak Out

    Lazarus, Come Out!

    Ride, Jesus, Ride!

    The Final Feast

    The Prayer in the Garden

    Peter’s Failing

    The Cross

    The Burial

    The Glorious Rising

    The Lakeside Breakfast


    A Crowd of folk from all around came out to Jesus’ preaching.

    He told this parable to show how to receive his teaching.

    "A farmer went to plant his crop. He tossed out all his seed.

    Hoping it would grow to feed the hungry people’s need.

    Some seed fell right on the path where people walked along.

    The birds came down and ate it up. They sang a happy song.

    Some landed on the solid rack where they could grow no roots.

    The sun came out and dried them up while they were tiny shoots.

    Still other seed fell down where all the thorns and thistles tried

    To choke them when they first came up. Those seedlings also died.

    But some seed fell on good soil, put down roots, rose to the sun.

    It put a hundred times more fruit out then for everyone.


    When Herod was the king there was a priest named Zachary.

    His wife was named Elizabeth of Aaron’s ancestry.

    Both were worthy in God’s sight and both observed God’s law,

    But they were childless, growing old, and had no evil flaw.

    Now, Zachary’s time had come to serve within the temple walls

    When his turn came to burn incense an angel came to call.

    Zachary was shaken, but the angel’s voice was mild.

    He said, "Don’t fear, your prayers are heard, and you shall have a child.

    And you must name him John, for he’ll be great and hear God’s voice.

    He’ll be your joy and great delight, and many will rejoice.

    He’ll never drink wine or strong drink, but be filled with God’s Spirit.

    He’ll bring back many to God’s ways, all those who can hear it.

    And with Elijah’s power he will turn fathers’ hearts back

    To their own children and set disobedient back on track.

    Zachary then said, "How can I know all of this is true?

    Give me some proof so I will know the next thing I must do."

    I am old and my wife too is getting on in years,

    How can we be sure that God has heard our cries and tears?"

    The angel said, "I’m Gabriel. I stand before the Lord,

    And I have come to bring you good news, not the plague or sword.

    But since you didn’t believe you will not speak until he’s born.

    Now you’ll be silent saying nothing ’til that happy morn."

    The people standing at the door didn’t know why Zachary stayed

    Inside the sanctuary or the silent signs he made.

    And when he finally came out he decided to go home.

    The strangely silent Zachary made

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