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From the foot of the cross, to the morning of the resurrection. Mary, the mother of Jesus, travels from Golgotha to the Upper room to hide from the Jewish Temple Guards. Here the story of how Jesus was conceived is revealed. The details grow as more people enter the room. As the story unfolds, the trial of Jesus is not just about His actions. It

Release dateJun 2, 2023

Christopher Graham

Christopher Graham is a lifelong Catholic and a twenty-plus-year instructor of religious education. He lives in Merrill, WI, with his wife Kathleen Lee. He is a graduate of Cleveland State University and holds a master's degree from The University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh. His lifelong search is to find God in all he meets and find his place in the mystical body of Christ. He believes in Proverbs 16:3, "Commit your works to the Lord and your plans will be established."

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    Mary - Christopher Graham


    Copyright © 2023 by Christopher Graham

    ISBN: 978-1-77883-083-9(Paperback)


    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    The views expressed in this book are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them. Some names and identifying details in this book have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals.

    BookSide Press




    Chapter One: Voices and Angels

    Chapter Two: Dignity in Service

    Chapter Three: Joseph of Arimathea and Michael’s Warning

    Chapter Four: The Bond of Blood

    Chapter Five: Pontius Pilate and High Council

    Chapter Six: I Am Not the Story

    Chapter Seven: Wanting to Do More

    Chapter Eight: The First Night—Stories of Jesus

    Chapter Nine: The Evil One

    Chapter Ten: Reminiscing

    Chapter Eleven: Joseph and Nicodemus

    Chapter Twelve: Jesus and the Temple

    Chapter Thirteen: Caiaphas and Annas

    Chapter Fourteen: The Boy and His Mother

    Chapter Fifteen: Thirst and Hunger

    Chapter Sixteen: Procula and Cornelius

    Chapter Seventeen: Yes

    Chapter Eighteen: Simon to Peter

    Chapter Nineteen: Mother as Path to Son

    Chapter Twenty: Believing in Things You Cannot See

    Chapter Twenty One: The Evil One Arrives

    Chapter Twenty Two: Jesus Appears

    Chapter Twenty Three: This Is My Spouse



    The inspiration for this project comes from the mothers I have been blessed with in my life. My mother Ann Graham. My Mother-in-law Mary Lee Przybysz. My Grandmothers Anna Zbikowski and Mary Graham. And a close friend Marian Swisher. These women dedicated themselves to the wellbeing of their families and they each had a great dedication to Mary and the rosary.

    Thank you, mom, for all the love and help you provided me in my life. I miss you and this story is for you.

    I would like to thank my wife Kathy and my children Christopher Graham and Alicia Wray for their love and support shown me as I gathered my thoughts and searched my heart and soul to express the love I have witnessed in my lifetime.

    I would like to thank the following people for their encouragement, guidance, and support for this project. They have added depth to the content of the story and deepened my understanding of God, Mary, and the importance of loving one another. Thank you to, Paul Kunzen, Jim Horath, Shelly Hoffman, Sallie Bachar, Greg Gill, Kathy Krohn-Gill. Allan Crevier, Carol Crevier, Chris Lee, and Evelyn Lee.

    And Thank you to Kate Ball Photography in Spalding, Lincolnshire, UK for supplying the cover photography.

    Chapter One: Voices and Angels

    Chapter One

    Voices and Angels

    It was mid-afternoon, and the storm that had lasted for three hours was ending. She turned her head skyward and, looking to heaven, she heard a voice. There was a tremendous amount of noise surrounding her. Men yelling instructions, horses splashing in the mud, people crying out because of the death of her son. But above all the noise, she heard a voice. It was a voice muffled by the sounds of the activities around her. It was a voice she thought she had heard before but could not be sure. Her senses were not as sharp as they should be because of the emotional trauma she was under.

    However, she did hear a voice saying, Hello, Mother. It has taken a long time to get to this place.

    She refocused her gaze and looked at the body of her son. He was hanging on a cross with his head buried deep within his chest. He was dead. The reason she was born was no longer breathing. She was alone. The world seemed darker. The light brought into this world through her son was extinguished by the Romans. She felt exposed to the powers of evil for the first time in her life.

    She closed her eyes to rest her weary mind and began to pray. She asked God to help her. There was so much more to do. She needed the help of others. She was a widow who had just lost her only child to a brutal death. Crucifixion. How was she going to take care of the body of her child? How would the laws prohibiting the touching of a dead body prevent her from burying her Son before the end of the Sabbath? Where could she find help at this late hour?

    The noise around her began to increase. She watched as the Romans removed the body from the cross. A small group of four soldiers walked toward the cross with gloomy looks upon their faces. They were young, strong, and seemed to possess a level of dignity for an undignified duty. They gently removed the cross from its base and then carefully brought it to the ground. The earth upon which the cross was laid was muddy from the storm that rolled through the area with a hard rain. It seemed to recognize this man that just moments ago asked God to accept His spirit. The earth knew this was its Creator and appeared to reach up through the puddles and sweetly embrace the body, gently easing it to its resting place.

    The Roman soldiers worked as if in a trance, removing the nails from his hands and feet. They looked with genuine disgust at the crown of thorns that adorned his head and removed this crown of mockery. Each thorn was carefully extracted from the scalp and placed into a pile next to his body. The wounds from the crown were deep and disfigured his face, all distinguishing features gone. The man known as Jesus of Nazareth was no longer recognizable.

    The Roman centurion, who arrived after the man was nailed to the cross, dismounted his horse. He looked around to evaluate the situation, then walked over to the woman who was at the foot of the cross surrounded by her friends. He marched with a confident stride, but his face was full of agony and anguish. He motioned for his men to bring the body over to the woman. He looked her in the eyes, eyes red from crying, and said gently in a trembling voice, Mother, behold the fruit of thy womb. It is done.

    She was startled at his words. Then she turned her head and looked directly at the stranger. She stared at the centurion and looked deeply into his eyes. She had seen these eyes before! But they were attached to a different being. These were the eyes of the angel who appeared to her to announce she was to bear a child, a child she would love for all eternity.

    How could these eyes be looking at her through the body of a Roman centurion? How could this centurion know about the fruit of her womb? She was stunned, but she was not afraid. She had learned over the years messages and messengers from God can come in many different forms. While she was in great emotional distress, she maintained her eye contact and smiled. Her eyes fell softly on the centurion, and she nodded her head to acknowledge his words.

    Suddenly, she again heard the muffled voice. Hello, Mother. It has taken an eternity to get here, but we have arrived.

    Mary, the mother of Jesus of Nazareth, looked around her for the source of this voice. She was unable to locate it, so with a mystified look on her face, Mary turned toward the centurion. He quickly turned his head from the woman and began to scan the area. It appeared that he too had also heard something and was looking for the source.

    Mother Mary not seeing anything unusual said in a soft voice, Centurion, why do you speak of the fruit of my womb? What is your name?

    The centurion refocused his eyes on the woman and responded calmly, "I am Gabriel, Mother. I am here to serve you. These men who have removed your son from the cross are assigned to me. We are here to assist in the preparation of placing the body of your son into its tomb. It appears you have friends with much influence. Joseph of Arimathea has spoken to Pontius Pilate. He has granted him authority to take possession of the body and place it in a tomb not far from here. These men will help to ensure the body of your son makes it safely to the tomb before the start of your Sabbath.

    Mother, I have known these men for a long time; they are trustworthy. Let me introduce them to you. Here is Michael, the leader of the group; next is Uriel, Raphael, and Jeremiel. They will do as you request and will accompany you until the body of your son is safely in the tomb. They will ensure the tomb is properly sealed. Then later you can return to finish preparing the body according to the customs of Israel. Please explain to those who accompany you, the role of these workers. We do not want to cause anyone concern. We are here to assist you in the preparation and transportation of the body of your son.

    In her greatest moment of sadness, Mary, the mother of this man Jesus who was just crucified, is being shown an immense amount of respect and honor by a Roman centurion. She looked at the centurion more closely and admitted to herself she had seen him before. She turned her head to face the workers mentioned by Gabriel. She closed her eyes to think, then opened them to observe these men. How can these men look familiar? Maybe, one of these soldiers is the source of the muffled voice she heard. She was not sure what she should do.

    She thought back to the beginning of the life of her son. These men looked like the angels sent by God to announce the birth of her son to the shepherds in the nearby fields. While they appeared in human form, there is no doubt these were the faces she observed as a birthing mother. God, the Father of her son, had sent His servants to be here at the time of death, just as He had sent them at the time of birth. She should expect nothing less. God has always been a part of her life, not just in prayer, but in the real presence of their son Jesus.

    Still, the muffled voice she heard concerned her. She thought the voice was familiar, but she could not be sure. The people around her were beginning to act. The body of her son, Jesus, was lying in the mud, waiting to be tended to. She could not focus on the voice at this time; she needed to focus on her son and getting his body to the place of burial.

    She glanced at the soldiers noticing their size and muscular bodies. They in return looked at her and bowed in respect. It almost seemed as if they honored her. This behavior was unexpected and out of the ordinary. She was not prepared for this intervention. The past few days were long and full of unforeseen horrors. While she had known her son would lead a full life and ultimately experience death, she never thought his life would end so soon, in such a heartbreaking manner. The mother of this man Jesus was quickly surrounded by those accompanying her. They were those who chose to stand with her at the foot of the cross, as she watched as her son was mercilessly tortured and crucified by the Romans after a trial before the Jewish High Council.

    Gabriel instructed his men to surround Mary. She looked at their faces, which transformed to a state informing her these were not ordinary Roman soldiers; this was a team of angels with Gabriel. Despite their appearance, while rough and dirty to the outsider, in her eyes they were obedient servants working lovingly to remove the painful reminders of the past few days from the body of her son. The friends who accompanied Mary looked at the soldiers in a state of awe and confusion. Why was a Roman centurion off his horse and speaking to their friend Mary? How could a Roman possibly display kindness to the mother of a crucified convict? They were dumbfounded!

    Mary, the wife of Cleopas, also referred to as Miriam, had known Mary since the birth of her son. She stepped forward and bravely nudged herself between Mary and the centurion and said, Centurion, why have you stopped to speak to the mother? Can you not see your actions are causing her more distress? The death of her son has caused her to suffer great pain!

    The Centurion quickly stood and looked at Miriam and gave her a stern look. He said to her, Woman, I am here to help the mother of this man they call Jesus. My men and I are here to ensure the body is properly prepared to be placed in a tomb before the beginning of your Sabbath.

    Miriam looked into his eyes, and she saw how pained this man looked. His eyes were red and swollen as if he had been crying. A Roman centurion crying at the death of a convicted criminal was unheard of. She turned to Mary, the mother of Jesus, looking for answers to this unusual encounter. Mary looked at her and smiled.

    Mary pulled Miriam close to her and said, This is no ordinary Roman centurion. I have seen these eyes before attached to a messenger of God. He is a being of hope. He and his men are here to help. We have much to do to get the body of my son ready for burial. He has informed me Joseph of Arimathea has been given permission from Pontius Pilate to have the body placed in a tomb not far from here. I know Joseph had been preparing a tomb in Jerusalem for his own burial, and this must be the tomb he is making available for my Jesus. We must work with these men to get my son transported to the gravesite and then prepare the body to be placed into the tomb before the Sabbath arrives.

    Joseph has met with Pilate and was granted the authority to bury Jesus? said Miriam in a surprised voice. "What a blessing! I was so caught up in the crucifixion that I forgot about the burial—Wait! Burial of crucified prisoners is not normal. I wonder how Joseph was able to convince Pilate to release the body to him?"

    Miriam then stood and quickly turned and called the others together to explain what was going on. She addressed Mary Magdalene, a follower of Jesus who was known to them as Magdalene, and Salome, the mother of James and John and wife of Zebedee. They looked at her with surprise. Then they looked toward the soldiers and were amazed at how humanely they were performing their duties. Romans showing compassion for a man crucified is not something they had seen before. They were nervous as they turned back to Mary.

    Magdalene looking at Mary said with disdain, Mother, these men are Romans. They should have no role in the preparing of our Lord’s body for burial. They are not believers!

    Mary the mother of Jesus responded, Magdalene, please trust these workers are here to show respect for my Jesus. This work detail has been specifically chosen to assist us in getting Jesus prepared for burial. Do not ask me how I know this but trust me when I say these are not ordinary men. They have been chosen by my son’s father to help us.

    Magdalene looked at Mary with a look of disbelief and said, It is hard for me to believe these men are here to help us. They are not believers and are part of Rome! These are the people who put our Jesus to death! I cannot allow them to touch and defile his sacred body!

    Mother Mary came forward and touched Magdalene on the arm and, looking into her eyes, said, Mary, you have to trust me. These men are not Romans. They are a special group of workers assigned to the centurion Gabriel to help us get my Jesus prepared for burial. Look at how they treat the body! They are suffering as you are suffering. I tell you they love my Jesus as much as we do and are filled with much sorrow at what has happened to him. They may look like Romans, but they are not. I will explain to you later who they are. For now, you must trust me. They will help us take care of my son’s body and work with us to get Jesus to the tomb.

    Magdalene respectfully bowed her head and said firmly, I will trust you and do as you say, but we will need to discuss this matter further once the body has been buried.

    Mary looked back at her in agreement. She could provide more details to the group after the body was placed in the tomb.

    Gabriel called to Michael and instructed him to have the others carefully carry the body of Jesus over to his mother.

    Mary looked at the men in disbelief. Her face was full of pain and sorrow as she accepted the body of her deceased son Jesus. She hugged him, brushing away as much of the blood and mud from his face as she could. Suddenly, she cried out in a loud voice. The cry was so loud it appeared to shake the earth. Her cry was so painful, those around her openly cried. Her heart was pounding through her chest. She was overwhelmed with agony.

    Those around her tried to comfort her, but their words did not matter. There would be no more tomorrows to be shared with her son. She was in pain, and no matter how they tried to console her, they could not stop her suffering.

    As Mary looked at the body, she could see every wound endured by her son. She made a special note of the gashes in his hands, feet, and side. The nails, the thorns, the bruises, the swollen face, and the spear-pierced side, she could see it all. It was as if she experienced the pain herself. Bringing the life of her son into the world in the little grotto in Bethlehem was not as painful as this. His life ended too early. There was still much to do. How could a man so good, a son so loving, suffer such an unjust and painful death?

    She knew at the time she chose to accept her role as Jesus’s mother that she would experience pain. It was predicted by Simeon forty days after the birth of Jesus in the temple of Jerusalem at the time of Jesus’s redemption of the first-born ceremony. She was told a sword of sorrow would pierce her heart, and at this moment she knew it had pierced her heart deeply. The love she had for her son was unquestionable and limitless. She loved Jesus with all her heart, a love so deep it bound her to him in a way she did not know she could love. This child brought into this world by the grace of God was now dead.

    She took the arm of her tunic and continued to gently wipe away the blood and dirt from the face of her son. She looked upon his face, smiled, and kissed him on the lips. Tears fell from her cheeks and landed gently on his face. She carefully moved his head to the side and whispered into his ear, From the time I chose to be your mother, my life has been dedicated to helping you grow into the man destined to free the world from sin. Go now to meet your Father and rejoice in His embrace. I wish you could know how much I love you right now. Go, I await your return.

    The four soldiers were standing over Mary as she held her son close to her heart. They marveled at her gentleness and humility. They observed her pain. They saw she was not angry. They noted her painful smile and were amazed. Here stood the woman asked by God to bear His son and to live a life of service, suffering from the loss of her child, and yet she could smile. Even the painful smile held meaning.

    Mary looked up and saw the looks on the faces of Michael, Raphael, Uriel, and Jeremial. They were crying. Their faces were twisted with pain. It was as if someone they loved had died.

    She called to Miriam and asked her to hold the body of her son Jesus as she raised herself from the ground. She wiped her hands on her clothes, blotted with blood and mud, and stepped toward the workers. They looked at her, then bent their knees and fell to the ground. Each one expressed their deep sorrow for the loss of her son.

    Raphael spoke first, Mother, you have shown your son much love and loyalty in your life. Now at the time of his death, you show him more love. I have seen much sadness in this world, but we will not forget the loving nature you have displayed today.

    Jeremial then said, Mother, I feel such anger right now for the way your son has been treated these past few days. I find myself wanting to hold these men responsible for the extinction of his human life, a life full of hope, faith, and love. However, I look at you and see how you are not showing anger. I am ashamed of my feelings. I see your son through your actions, and I realize I must act as you have acted.

    Uriel stepped forward and said, Mother, it is easy to see why you were chosen to be the mother of God’s son. We who have been around you during the life of your son are humbled by your forgiving and loving nature. Mankind will find their way to your son through your actions.

    Michael came forward with tears running down his cheeks, his blue eyes swollen from crying. He looked upon Mary and took her hand, kissed it gently, and said, Hail, Mary, full of grace, blessed are you among women! My heart breaks for you, my lady. Much has been asked of you, and you have fulfilled your role in providing a loving home and life for the son of the Most High. I will pray you are comforted in this time of great loss.

    Mary turned away from the four workers to collect herself and wiped her face with her tunic sleeve. She gathered them around her. She held their hands, looking at each one and thanking them for being there to help prepare the body of her son Jesus for burial. Gabriel had come into sight, and she asked him to join them in this small circle. Once he arrived Mary looked at him and said, "I

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