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Divinity: A Spiritual Book
Divinity: A Spiritual Book
Divinity: A Spiritual Book
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Divinity: A Spiritual Book

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No book has ever attempted to deal with the subject of divinity in its entirety. Here at long last is a comprehensive book dealing with divine beings in its complexity. It provides the reader with accurate and insightful knowledge concerning the concept of divinity. The author gives a clear explanation of the Triune nature of God. God is one being, manifest and existing in three distinct identities or persons, which is further discussed as being comparable with the makeup of a human being.

God shares his divine nature with spiritual beings in the heavens with angels and on earth with humankind. The divine nature of God resides in all spirits. Therefore, men have Gods nature in their spirits; they can communicate with and receive the things of the spiritual realm. Through sin, humanity has lost the nature of God; for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. The purpose of the Bible is to spiritualize humankind, because we have fallen short of the glory of God. The broad focus of this book is to bring as many believers to a stage of maturity in the knowledge of Christ.
Release dateMay 31, 2017
Divinity: A Spiritual Book

Ev. Paul Mukendi

Paul Mukendi is a graduate in Nursing Science. He is a passionate evangelist of the Gospel, and he has been serving the Lord Jesus Christ since the age of fifteen. He has completed various Bible studies. He has learned to understand the scriptures through the power of the Holy Spirit.

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    Divinity - Ev. Paul Mukendi

    Copyright © 2017 by Paul Mukendi.

    ISBN:      Softcover      978-1-5437-4093-6

                    eBook          978-1-5437-4094-3

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    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.


    Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. [Biblica]

    World English Bible

    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.

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    Grateful Acknowledgements




    Chapter I        The Creator And His Creation

    Chapter II       The Deity Of God (The Trinity)

    Chapter III      God - The Father Of All Spirits

    Chapter IV      Jesus Christ

    Chapter V       The Mystery Of The Holy Spirit

    Chapter VI      The Hierarchy Of Angels

    Chapter VII    Three Offices / Three Ranks

    Chapter VIII   The Nine Orders Of Angels

    Chapter IX      The Armies Of God

    Chapter X       Lucifer And His Kingdom

    Chapter XI      The Organisation Of The Kingdom Of Satan

    Chapter XII    The Hierarchy Of Demons (The Universe Of Demons)

    Chapter XIII   The Divine Nature Of Human Beings And The Warfare Of Worship



    I am very grateful for the help and advice of many friends who have contributed to made it possible for me to write this book. I am particularly thankful to my parents, Paul and Cecile MUKENDI, for their love and encouragement, and to my brother Israel who was my roommate during the work. My special thanks to my father in faith, Pastor Rene MENDA; his thirst to understand the scriptures has always amazed me. I am very grateful to Pastor Steven and his wife Esperance for their prayers and advice. I would like to thank Karyn Camilla who introduced me to Laura. Thanks to Kenneth and Laura Budler who have done the proofreading of the book. Most of all I am grateful to the Lord Jesus, for all His grace to me.


    This Book is dedicated to those Christians who long for deep teachings and understanding of the word of God; to those across the world who desire a close and intimate relationship with the Father and God of our Lord Jesus Christ. Moreover, to all the people who want to take a drastic decision in their life to follow the Lord Jesus Christ.


    This has been the work of some years. From the year 2008, I had the desire to write a book explaining all the thoughts that God was pouring into my heart. I could not realise it until God allowed me. This great desire would have died inside me without His intervention. I can now understand that there are so many plans in a man’s heart, but it is God’s counsel that will prevail. The plans may be in our hearts but the fulfilment of all plans is in the hands of God, who has the power to do all things according to His perfect will. The plans of the heart belong to man, but the answer on the tongue is from the Lord God.

    I am so thankful to God who has allowed the success of this book. To Him alone be all glory forever and ever. God provided all the things we needed for publishing this book. We have been writing this book in an attitude of deep prayer and meditation. We have been subject to many privations, had to endure many things: sleeplessness, exhaustive research and fasting of various kinds, in order to present to you, my beloved brethren in Christ, this humble work of God. This work was really a blessing to us. Through the writing of this book, God brought about a great transformation in our Christian life. In this book, I merely tried to communicate to God’s children what I have received from the Lord during these past years. We hope that this work will be a source of blessings to you, as it has been to us. May God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of all spirits, the Lord of Hosts, richly bless you through the reading of this book, and may the Holy Spirit bring transformation in your life by the renewing of your mind.


    We should understand the Holy Scripture as God understands it. We cannot know God’s mind without the revelation of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit searches out the depths of God’s understanding and reveals them to us. No one can understand the things of God without the Spirit of God. We receive spiritual knowledge through the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 2:10-12). We should rely only on the Holy Spirit in order to interpret the word of God. Nowadays, we have different doctrines and different understandings of the Bible because we do not want to learn from the Spirit of God. We want to understand the Bible with our human intelligence. People twist the scripture with their personal interpretation (2 Peter 1:20). The twisting of the word of God is one of the greatest ways in which Satan misleads people into holding wrong beliefs.

    We must acknowledge that the Bible is not like any other book in the world. The Bible is the inspired word of God; it is spirit and life. We are not supposed to read it like an ordinary book: we need the help of the Holy Spirit in order to catch its true meaning. The natural man cannot understand God’s word; it is foolishness to him. Science and research cannot help us to fully comprehend the Scriptures, for the wise and great men of this world could not find God with their wisdom; they were all misled by the devil into idolatries. No one can save his soul with his wisdom. God let men try to save themselves with their own wisdom and efforts; after many unsuccessful attempts, they got tired and they were able to realise their need for God by themselves. Only the Spirit of God inside men gives understanding of the things of God. We believe that in JESUS CHRIST, we have received the anointing to understand God’s mind.

    In this book, we would like to explain some teachings concerning the divine nature of God. God shares His divine nature with spiritual beings: in the heavens with angels and on earth with humankind. The divine nature of God resides in all spirits. Therefore, men have God’s nature in their spirits; they can communicate with God and receive the things of the spiritual realm (1 Corinthians 2:13). Through sin, humanity has lost the nature of God; for all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). The purpose of the Bible is to spiritualise humankind, because we have fallen short of the glory of God. The entire creation waits with eager expectation for the manifestation of spiritual believers who can reflect the glory of God on earth (Romans 8:19).



    Whenever we look creation around us, we have always wondered at the invisible power that made it. Indeed, the harmony and the beauty of creation reveal the greatness of God. The impressive beauty of the creation has a great ability to open up the heart of men to believe in the Creator. It is not arbitrary that the universe is ruled by intelligible principles. There is an absolute Being who arranges and maintains all things in the universe. We realise that the beauty we see in creation is the reflection of God’s glory. Creation reflects the glory of God as a great painting reflects the glory of the master artist who painted it. The invisible perfections of God are revealed to us through creation; Creation is the reflection of God, the mirror of His awesomeness and the best evidence of His infinite power. God wants to see His refection in His creation just as a man sees his image in a mirror.

    God is all around us; He encompasses us with His marvellous deeds. We know a person by his work; we identify someone by the things he can do, and we know the greatness of God by the splendour of creation. All Creation sings of the glory of God. Human beings occupied the highest place on earth because they alone were created with godlike characteristics (Genesis 1:26-27). But what does it really mean to be created in God’s image? It means to be God’s reflection on earth. The creatures on earth should see the nature of God through mankind. There is a hidden wisdom of God behind creation. Through nature, God wants to teach us and speak to us. We need to explore creation in order to understand some spiritual principles. When men sinned, God directed them to observe the ways of animals in order to acquire wisdom (Proverbs 6:6-8). Animals know how to distinguish the seasons; they know to submit to the chief of their territory, and are organised. The locusts have no king or generals, yet they advance in ranks; the rooster knows to discern the dawn. The ox knows his owner and the donkey his master’s manger; but human beings do not consider their Creator (Isaiah 1:3).

    The entire creation delivers the same chorus; they all acknowledge the deity of God (Job 12:7-10) and they do not know any other God. For them there is no idol, the Creator is the only true God. In fact The Bible encourages the study of the creation account. The Bible is not against science, however all study that contradicts God’s word is of the devil. Solomon studied the creation account; he sought to find acceptable words (Ecclesiastes 12:9-10). However, much study wearies the body (Ecclesiastes 12:12). The first task that God entrusted to Adam was to name the animals. Adam had to understand firstly the intelligence of God behind each animal and then give it a name. The names that he gave them were indicative of their inner characters. Adam could not rule over things he did not understand. You cannot control what you do not understand.

    The more we know God the easier it is to trust Him and relate to Him. Understanding is the key to every relationship. If we do not understand each other we cannot walk together (Amos 3:3). God wants us to know Him. The scriptures were written so that we can know God and connect intimately with Him. When God speaks to us, He usually illustrates with analogies of creatures in order to teach us spiritual things. The Bible is full of analogies and metaphors of animals, plants, and many other creatures because there is hidden the wisdom of God in the creation. In the Bible, God is symbolised by the things He created; for the all creation carry the glory of God. The Laws of Moses were in harmony with the laws of nature. Nature affirms the laws of Moses, the spiritual laws concur with the natural laws. All sin goes against the law of God and the law of nature. Sin is unnatural (Romans 1:26-27).


    The act of creation is an act of imposing order on raw chaos (Genesis 1:1). Orderliness is next to Godliness, and God set a perfect order to the void and formless earth. God arranged everything He made with having a form of hierarchy (a chain of ordination from the highest creatures to the lowest). God is the author of this hierarchy, and He is understood as being both transcendent and immanent, or intrinsic to the creation. God’s transcendence to the creation places Him outside any creation hierarchy. The Creator is seen as the highest ranking Being but also elevated beyond His creation. He exists in eternity. He is above angels, and being transcendent, He is not part of the chain of creation because He is not a product of creation. In other words, even between His highest angelic creation and Himself, there is an infinite difference in status. For this reason Job’s friend, Eliphaz the Temanite, emphasised the supremacy of God above angels. He said God put no trust in His servants, and His angels He charged with folly (Job 4:18). Behold, he put no trust in his saints; yea, the heavens are not clean in his sight (Job 15:15). God is far higher than angels; His standard of holiness is above them. God exists outside the physical limitations of time and space. He possesses the spiritual attributes of reason, love, and imagination, like all spiritual beings, but He alone possesses the divine attributes of omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence. God is the source of life; all creatures must link to Him in order to live. God does not belong to any hierarchy of creation because He is not a created being.

    God is also innate to the creation because God is present in it. He is associated with it and He can be linked to even the lowliest of His creatures. For this reason the scriptures use metaphors in referring to God as an angel (the angel of the Lord), as a man (son of man, man of sorrows), as an animal (the Lion of Judah, the Lamb of God, even a worm) and to inanimate substances like clouds, fire, a cornerstone, and living water. God serves as the role model for the participants in the hierarchy. God is an assurance for the maintenance of order in the world. Bear in mind, all of creation was bound together. Whatever affected one aspect or part of creation affected other parts in the Chain of Being or of Existence. This was called a correspondence. What is below is like that which is above. What is above is like what is below. Thus is the miracle of the One accomplished? As by the disobedience of Adam, corruption entered and multiplied in creation, so by the obedience of Jesus, salvation abounded in the entire creation.

    The creation can be widely divided into six groups with each group having its own subdivision:

    a. Angels: (Immaterial Beings, purely spiritual beings below the Creator)

    Angels exist wholly in spirit form; they dwell in heaven above with God. They are higher in the creation hierarchy; they have greater capacity for rationality, and are closer in likeness to God. Angels have no physical bodies of their own. In order to interact with the physical world, angels are believed to build temporary bodies for themselves. Angels possess reasoning power, love, and imagination- like God. They stand outside the physical limitations of time. They have sensory awareness unbound by physical organs, and they possess language. They lack however, the divine attributes of omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence of God, and they lack the passions experienced by humans and animals. Angels possess souls, which are considered as integral parts of their spiritual beings. The soul part of angels gives them self-consciousness, self-resolution, the consciousness of God’s existence and awareness of the universe. Just like men, angels have free will and spiritual needs.

    The Creation of Angels

    One of the most intriguing studies of the Bible is in reference to the creation and work of angels. God created all things- things in heaven and on earth (Colossians 1:16 16). When God created the heavens at the beginning, He did not leave them void but filled them with all kinds of spiritual creatures, namely angels. God created all things through Jesus and the angels were created in the image and after the likeness of Jesus. The Bible refers to the Father as from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named (Ephesians 3:14, 15). The families in heaven are formed with myriads upon myriads of angels. The Bible does not provide us with many details about the creation of angels but it does give us a detailed account of the creation of humankind because the scripture was written for man and not for angels. The angels were created prior to the creation of the earth. They were there when God laid the foundation of the world. They were with God while He created the visible world (Job 38:4-7).

    b. Humankind (Beings of both a spirit and physical body)

    Man is both mortal flesh, as those below him over which he has dominion, and spirit as those above him in creation hierarchy. Scientists define humankind as rational animals because they are endowed with superior intellectual abilities. Within the creation, we have two worlds: the material or visible world and the spiritual or invisible world. Man belongs both of these worlds; he is both spiritual and carnal at the same time. In this dichotomy, there is often a moral struggle between flesh and spirit. The way of the spirit is higher, nobler; it brings one closer to God. The desires or lusts of the flesh move one away from God. Like angels, humans are spiritual beings, but unlike angels, human souls are tied to a physical body. As such, they are subject to passions and physical sensations—pain, hunger, thirst, sexual desire—just like other animals lower on in the hierarchy. They also possess the abilities of reproduction unlike the minerals and rocks lowest on the Chain of Being or Existence.

    c. Animals (Beings with a physical body and animated with a soul)

    Animals, like humans higher in the hierarchy, are animated (capable of independent motion). They possess physical appetites (emotions and wants, but mostly driven by instinct) and sensory attributes. They have limited intelligence and awareness of their surroundings. Unlike humans, they are thought to lack spiritual and mental attributes such as immortal souls and the ability to use logic and language. Animals are living beings with a soul but without a spirit. God did not grant them the privilege of partaking in His divine nature, and this is a significant difference between man and animals. These creatures with relatively inferior intelligence worship and praise God with inner instincts. Among animals, there are two significant subdivisions: the vertebrates with five senses, but lacking reason (non-human mammals, fowls, fish, and insects), and the invertebrates with fewer than five senses (oysters, barnacles, molluscs).

    d. Plant life (They are both inanimate and lacking in sensory organs: trees, shrubs, bushes, vegetables)

    Plants are without soul or spirit; they possess life and existence. Plants, like other living creatures, possess the ability to grow in size and reproduce. However, they lacked mental attributes and possess no sensory organs. Instead, their gifts included the ability to eat soil, air, and heat (Photosynthesis). They have life in them without spirit or soul; they do not have conscience or essence. Some people assert that plants have souls but that is not true; God put in them life without consciousness. Plants have biological life and they can fulfil some basic needs of life: to eat, to reproduce, to grow etc. In the beginning, the plants were given to men and to animals as food, because plants do not have the spirit or the soul. They are animate and unconscious creatures.

    e. Minerals and inanimate objects: (Inanimate creatures without biological life)

    These creatures possess only the attribute of existence; they exist but they do not live. They are the lowest in the order of creation. All minerals lack the plant’s basic ability to grow and reproduce. They also lack mental faculties and consciousness and the sensory organs found in beings higher in the Chain. Their unique gifts, however, are typically their unusual solidity and strength. They are substances that are moved by natural forces, being made with different chemical elements. They were created to maintain life on earth as part of their purpose. They do not live but they exist to sustain life, they do not have any soul or any spirit in them. They are inanimate creatures that work within natural laws. In this group we find: the earth: sand, sea, oceans, water, stones, islands, mountains, hills, valleys, forests. The weather: clouds, lightning, thunder, wind, rain, snow, fire, water etc. Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar said, You Blocks, You Stones, and You Worse than Senseless Things!

    As Tillyard notes, every object in creation was thought to have unique gifts. Even the basest of objects, a stone lacking sentience, sensation, location, and reproduction, was still endowed with the trait of unusual durability and hardness. Everything, even senseless stones and dirt, had an important place, even if just supporting those who walked upon them (Job 5:12). Everything has a place in the creation hierarchy and all is well as long as each creature behaved according to its station. It is generally impossible to change the position or rank of an object in the hierarchy. All Creation is interconnected by Divine Love which is the source of life. Nature worships God and obeys Him. God has also put His wisdom in nature. Indeed, Wisdom was integral in the creation of Nature. Nature exhibits the greatness of God, and declares His majesty. Nature is a constant witness of the existence and presence of the invisible God. When men sinned against God, God sent them to learn wisdom from the lower creatures because in each animal creation there is a hidden wisdom. God sent man to learn wisdom from nature; they should see how the sea, the wind, the day and night, sun, moon and stars, seasons and time, circumstances and events obey God, so they should also do the same. Man must learn from animals, and learn from nature the hidden wisdom of God. This hierarchical learning is not compromised, whereby even Angels learn Wisdom by observing believers in the church, despite being endowed with intelligence and understanding (see the section below).


    In this category, we discuss Angels and Mankind. The spirit beings are the creatures that have received the great privilege of partaking in the divine nature of God. All the spirits were created in the image and after the likeness of God. They are God’s sons and they are like God. God created all the spirits with His breath. The breath of God’s mouth created all the heavenly hosts (Psalm 33:6). The breath of God created also human spirits (Job 33:4). The breath of God gives life (Ezekiel 37:4-14). God created angels and human spirits with the same essence: His breath. Angels are like high spirits to men; they fulfil certain ministries between God and humanity. God appointed angels to be the spiritual rulers of men. Angels lead and teach men the things that they received from God. The invisible perfections of God, His wisdom and knowledge are given firstly to superior spirits. These superior spirits are charged to teach lesser spirits what they have received from God. We understand from Psalm 8:5 that Man was created a little lower than the angels. God appointed humankind to rule over the earth and all things in it (Psalm 8:6). Man is a spirit who lives in a body with a soul. The true nature of humankind is spiritual. In Job 32:8 we read: But there is a spirit in man, and the breath of the Almighty gives them understanding. We continue to read in Job 33:4: The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life. God is the highest Spirit, He is the non-created Spirit and is the Creator of all the spirits, and He puts His divine nature in the human spirit. Moses called Him the God of the spirits of all flesh (Numbers 27:16). God is incomparable; there is none like Him in heaven and on earth. No one can equal Him; He is Lord of all the spirits and is the source of life for all the spiritual beings. God is not selfish to think only of Himself. It is because of His love that He created spirit beings with His breath and made them partakers of His divine nature: "If he set his heart on Himself, if He gathered to Himself His spirit and His breath (Job 34:14). A significant and very important attribute with which God endowed the spirits is understanding. All the spirits are intelligent beings; therefore they can learn God’s knowledge and grow in wisdom and spiritual stature (Job 32:8; 38:36). All the spirits are involved in an eternal study of God’s deeds. This is in fact the eternal activity of all the angels - to meditate in God’s temple (Psalms 27:4). It is called the principle of eternal study" under which God submitted all the spirits.


    Divinity refers to the divine nature of God. God imparted His nature to all the spiritual beings. God created angels firstly in heaven after His own spiritual image and likeness, and afterward created humankind according to His own spiritual nature. God created all the spirits in his spiritual image and likeness. God is Spirit, He is invisible (John 4:24), therefore His image and likeness are not material but spiritual. Human beings have the image and likeness of God in their spirits. The Psalmist says: "For you have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings" (Psalm 8:5). The author of the Book of Hebrews repeated the same verse: You made him a little lower than the angels (Hebrews 2:7). These two verses show that men and angels are not very different; angels are just a little higher than men. Indeed, many angels have human appearance; for this reason, the prophet Daniel referred to the archangel Gabriel as a man (Daniel 9:21). Men and angels belong to the same family, the family of God; they are divine beings. Angels are like elder brothers of men, because they were created before them and they dwell in heaven. Angels have more power and capabilities than men. However, each spirit holds a valuable and sufficient position and gift before God whether in the human or the angelic rank. As such, we read in the Bible, God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good (Genesis 1: 31). God did not rest until things could be declared very good. All things that God created in heaven and earth were very good.


    The Law of Divine Centralisation is the first principle of God’s creation; it is the law of life. God created the universe based on this one great Law. This law stipulates that All things come from God, live in God and exist for God. Outside of God there is no life, and existing without dependence on God is makes for an insignificant existence. All things made by God are centred in Him. God is the centre of Creation; everything revolves around His presence. On the first day God created light, and light was His first creative act. Note that the light of the first day did not come from any luminary, but directly from God Himself. This light was sourced from God’s inner being. Jesus is the light that came from the innermost of God (John 1:2-3). In Him was life and that life was the light that proceeded from God. Jesus is the head of all creation, and all things come from Him and live in communion with Him. Without Jesus, there is no creation, nor life. Both the creation and life are based and founded upon Jesus. God the Father centralised all things in Christ. Jesus is the beginning and the cornerstone of creation (Revelation 3:14).

    God’s creation is like a vine-tree, with Jesus as the vine and all creatures like branches attached to Him (John 15:1-5). All visible and invisible things must be in communion with Jesus as Creator in order to live. Jesus is the root and trunk of the tree; He sustains the existence, the stability and the harmony of everything in the universe. The weight of the creation lies upon Him. All things are alive in Him. He holds all things together. The blood that circulates in Jesus’ blood vessels is the same blood that circulates in every creature. The sap that flows in the vine of God is the same sap that flows in all the branches. The sap gives life to the branches; the blood of Jesus gives life to everything; it gives life to angels in heaven, to men on earth, to animals and to all of Nature. Jesus is the Source and Master of life. We must abide in him in order to bear fruit. God is the farmer; He harvests the fruits of His glory. When a branch does not bear fruit, it is useless and will be chopped off from the vine and thrown into the fire.

    Angels are also likened to branches that have to be ‘attached’ to Jesus in order to live. Separated from Jesus, an angel is fruitless and dead. Satan and his demons are dead-spirits because they rebelled against God. Angels live because of the blood of Jesus, and for this reason the Bible says that the blood of Jesus was shed before the foundation of the world (Revelation 13:8). More than 2000 years ago, the Roman soldiers crucified Jesus on a wooden cross at the place called Golgotha. This event happened at a precise time and at a specific place in the history of the world. Jesus was slain outside of Jerusalem, on a certain Friday at around 3pm. Spiritually, Jesus was also slain in eternity, before the creation of all things. The crucifixion of Jesus before the creation reveals the predestination of his sacrificial death for the salvation of the world. God knew from eternity that sin will enter into creation and He had already prepared a sacrifice of atonement (Ephesians 1:4-5). God is omniscient, He knew that sin will corrupt the creation and He had foreordained Jesus His only begotten Son to come and die for the salvation of creation. Since the beginning of the world, Jesus kept this sacrificial agreement with the Father until the due time. Jesus died in the Will of God from eternity; He acceded to give His life for us before the foundation of the world. There is life is in the blood (Leviticus 17:11). The blood of Jesus is His life, which should give vitality to all the creatures. Through the life of Jesus, all things have life. The life of Jesus is the life of the creation, for in Him is the life of all things. As the sap gives life to all the branches, Jesus is the vine of God and his blood is the true sap that gives life to all the branches (all the creatures). The blood of Jesus was shed before the beginning of the world because all things should live and be sustained by it. The blood of Jesus is the power of vitality; it gives life to everything. Jesus existed before all things so that all things could depend on Him. All things invisible and visible should have life through His blood. Angels have life through the blood of Jesus, which was shed before creation.

    "…and through Him to reconcile all things to himself, by Him, whether things on the earth, or things in the heavens, having made peace through the blood of his cross" Colossians 1:20

    Jesus is the only way of salvation. God wanted to reconcile all things invisible and visible with Himself through the blood of Jesus. God did not reconcile humankind only but He reconciled all things with Himself. The blood of Jesus reconciles God the Father with all His creation, with the angels in heaven, with men on earth and with all creatures in the universe. The blood of Jesus is not just for human beings but it is the power of life for all the creatures in heaven and on earth. Nothing else can take away sin except the blood of Jesus. Angels had to reconcile with God the Father through the precious blood of Jesus, for sin affected both the invisible and visible creation. Sin originated in heaven among the angels with Lucifer, who revolted against God. He became a great dragon full of pride and violence and influenced one third of angels in his rebellion. Despite this rebellion, the blood of Jesus Christ purifies all creation in heaven and on earth (Hebrews 9: 21-23).

    The things of the heavenly temple are purified with a better blood than the blood of animals. All the priestly services of the tabernacle were copies of the things in heaven. Therefore, we understand the heavenly temple through the earthly one. The tabernacle was built in accordance with the one in heaven. The Jewish services and rituals in the tabernacle were done according to the sacerdotal services of angels in heaven. In the tabernacle, almost all sin was cleansed with the blood of animals but in the heavenly temple, all sin is cleansed with the blood of Jesus. The Levite priests used the blood of animals to purify the people of Israel but the priest-angels in heaven use the blood of Jesus to purify the heavenly things. The priest-angels use the blood of Jesus to purify human spirits from all unrighteousness. We see this alluded to in the story of the Prophet Isaiah, where the scripture says that one seraph-angel purified the prophet Isaiah from his sins (Isaiah 6:1-6). God reconciled all things visible and invisible, earthly and heavenly through the blood of Jesus. Without the blood of Jesus, the ministries of angels are worthless. Angels work in order to win more souls into the Kingdom of God; they are the spiritual reapers of the Kingdom of God. However, there is no salvation without the blood of Jesus. For the ministries of angels to be successful, it necessitates the blood of Jesus. Angels have different ministries according to their ranks: some of their works are to hinder the works of Satan on earth, some to fulfil God’s will, some to boost the salvation of men on earth and some to watch over the children of God. However, angels cannot succeed in their tasks without the blood of Jesus, as only the blood of Jesus can take away the sin of the world. Without the Blood, angels cannot overcome the rule of Satan. Michael and his angels will overcome Satan because of the blood of Jesus.


    The blood of Jesus brings salvation in heaven and on earth. What is salvation in heaven? It is the eradication and the striking down of the kingdom of Satan from heaven. What is the salvation on earth? It is the eradication of the kingdom of Satan from the

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