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In The Beginning
In The Beginning
In The Beginning
Ebook82 pages1 hour

In The Beginning

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"In the Beginning" speaks to the heart of our present civilization and all the civilizations that came before us. It is a very interesting read and I hope you will thoroughly enjoy it. It has a few controversial ideas, which are solely mine and no one else. One day we may be all wondering why it is that we still do not know how our present civil

PublisherWayne Hill
Release dateFeb 11, 2022
In The Beginning

Wayne Hill

A brief history of my background before becoming a full time writer for our Lord Christ Jesus!May I take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Wayne Hill, and I was born in a small ranching community on the Western edge of the Texas Hill Country. It was a quaint town called Sonora, with country charm and a laid back lifestyle.After my High School years were behind me, I worked at various jobs that would serve me well throughout my life. First in repairing windmills, then in dirt construction where I learned to operate heavy equipment, and lastly, as a park superintendent.Soon after, I joined the United States Air Force where I spent the next 4 1/2 years of my life serving my country before becoming a free-man once again.Shortly after leaving the service, I worked for about 3 years in the oil and natural gas industry, then 9 years plus with GTE Government Systems, and finally, working for myself as a self-employed computer repair technician and with some network installation experience. I failed at this business opportunity miserably and was forced to find work back home again in Sonora as a heavy equipment operator.Since then, I have relocated to San Angelo, Texas, which is now my permanent home. Shortly after moving back to San Angelo from Sonora, I experienced a phenomenon that would greatly change my life. I will give you more information about the changes that took place in my life - actually for the better, even though it did not start out that way in my book. By the way, be sure to visit my website where you will find more information concerning my encounter with Satan and his demons. Anyway, I do hope you have a very nice remaining day! Adios for now my friend.Best regards, Quanah Means.

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    Book preview

    In The Beginning - Wayne Hill


    In The Beginning

    Wayne Hill

    Copyright © 2021 by Wayne Hill

    1st Edition 2018

    2nd Edition 2021

    3rd Edition 2022

    Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, Copyright ©1996, 2004, 2007, 2013 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below through mail or email with the subject line Attention: Publication Permission.

    This publication contains the opinions and ideas of its author. It is intended to provide helpful and informative material on the subjects addressed in the publication. The author and publisher specifically disclaim all responsibility for any liability, loss, or risk, personal or otherwise, which is incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use and application of any of the contents of this book.

    ISBN (eBook): 978-1-956742-02-2

    ISBN (Paperback): 978-1-956742-00-8


    Introduction v

    Chapter I

    When Time Began 1

    Chapter II

    The Story of Adam and Eve 13

    Chapter III

    Charles Darwin Believed in a Beneficent Lord God 23

    Chapter IV

    We Have Lived with Dinosaurs 35

    Chapter V

    Our Lord God’s Plan to Rescue the Fallen Angels 43

    Chapter VI

    There Were Giants in Those Days 51

    Notes 59

    References 61


    I wrote In the Beginning to bring together all the different facets of our lives that came up during my battle with Satan, which I later wrote of in Satan’s World.

    In the Beginning will strive to put together all of our experiences as human beings from our beginnings in this world up to our present time and beyond.

    I will also explain our Lord God’s plan for us, and we will find that this plan is far greater than we have known until now. Our history on this planet is far more ancient than most would dare to imagine.

    There were tens of millions of people living in the Americas when our Lord Christ Jesus last walked this Earth. Consider all of the Native Americans in North America and South America, the Aborigines of Australia, those living in New Zealand and the Hawaiian Islands. They did not hear the Good News that our Lord Christ Jesus brought to this world, with the exception of our Lady in Blue and the Jumana Indians. The Lady in Blue is quite an extraordinary story first written in the book series known as The Mystical City of God. The story of the Lady in Blue is well worth reading. I suggest that you try googling The Lady in Blue to find articles that will explain it further.

    So that all of humanity could share in the Good News that Christ Jesus brought to this world, it was necessary for Christ to come to this world many times in the distant past.

    My book, In the Beginning, will reveal the big picture of our existence, our true origins, and our destiny and prove that we are indeed all brothers and sisters. We should love one another as our Lord Christ Jesus taught and which our Father in Heaven expects of his children.

    So, please prepare yourself for an interesting and revealing look at who we are.

    Chapter I


    When Time Began

    In the beginning, when the Earth was formed, time began. Time is only relevant here in the earthly world in which we live. Our Lord God created the heavens and the Earth, and he made all of the galaxies filled with billions of stars, planets, and other bodies of matter. Earth is one of the billions of planets in the Milky Way galaxy. From the book of Genesis in the Holy Scriptures, it reads – God created the heavens, Does this not imply that there are more heavens? Perhaps on other planets and other heavenly bodies. Even a Star has a heaven above it.

    Our Lord God also created the ethereal world. There is also another heaven. The other heaven is where our Father lives with all of his angels. I denote that with a capital H. Heaven is part of the ethereal realm where time is irrelevant. Heaven is a spiritual creation with no beginning or end since that would imply the passage of time. It is a place beyond our understanding, for our physical senses cannot perceive it.

    Most speak of heaven as if it is an extension of the physical world, only perfect. We know and understand the physical world; however, our understanding of our Lord God’s ethereal creation is vastly limited. The physical brain cannot conceive of the existence of a spiritual creation where our Lord God, our Lord Christ Jesus, and The Holy Spirit live with untold numbers of angels who exist without fear of death and live-in complete bliss for all eternity. Meanwhile, we are reminded daily that our destiny with death awaits us in this world. Eternal life in a world of joy and bliss seems to us a far-fetched fantasy.

    We might be thinking that since Heaven cannot be seen or understood, how could it be anywhere we would possibly want to be. Living upon this Earth and knowing pain and anguish, and seeing the misery and suffering of others, the haunting fear of death, we do long for a better life. We want to live in peace and prosperity; although, it is out of reach for most humans. Some may attain it temporarily; most of humanity never will.

    Since our Lord God’s spiritual creation cannot be manipulated or put under a microscope, science and agnostics discard it and cast doubt upon its existence. Science cannot see the forest for the trees, you might say.

    Many of us believe there is a spiritual element to our being that lives on after our physical death. Our Lord Christ Jesus said in John 4:24, For God is Spirit, so those who worship him much worship in spirit and in truth. Also, in Acts 17:27-28, …though he is not far from any one of us. For in him we live and move and exist. (NLT).

    Our Lord God is Spirit and not a flesh and

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