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The Journey
The Journey
The Journey
Ebook134 pages50 minutes

The Journey

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An infant is born the first cry, the first teardrop, the first drop of the mothers life-sustaining milk. The human journey begins. What lies ahead is unknown, the mind, like an infant, not yet mature, wonders. The long road, paved with uncertainty, stretches before us, the horizon far ahead. A fog mystifies and obscures our vision. Mirages deceive the eye. Not knowing our destination, we are lost in a circle of perpetual spin. The mind triggers a dizzying journey. The rainbow enlightens; the clouds darken. Lightning blinds the vision, but the journey, with one step, two steps, three steps, slowly and surely begins.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMay 29, 2014
The Journey

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    The Journey - Gursharn Zal

    Copyright © 2014 by Gursharn Zal.

    Library of Congress Control Number:          2014908483

    ISBN:           Hardcover                  978-1-4990-1667-3

                       Softcover                    978-1-4990-1668-0

                       eBook                          978-1-4990-1665-9

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    Rev. date: 05/13/2014

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    Finally, there is a new chapter. There was a time I was lost for words. I could not think that there is always a beginning, a path which leads to the unknown, towards the unknown.

    What was I contemplating while I was treading the path to the beyond? I look beyond, I see rising mist obscuring my vision. I look beyond again. The vision is clear. My mind is clear.

    We humans descend into our existence helpless like an infant. We cry, we shed tears, looking, seeing, searching—what next? The answers come slowly. The answers we do not always fathom. As questions arise, doubts try to overwhelm. We are left trembling, like the leaves of grass, fearing that the shadows will smother the green grass that covers the bare ground. We take steps one at a time, not knowing the unknown. Then we, humankind, hopefully, fearfully, the beating heart heavy with palpitations, move beyond in our pursuit of Nirvana.

    The Journey begins.


    Life is a journey. While there is nothing new about this metaphor, the poetry of Gursharn Zal offers the reader a highly personal and intimate glimpse into a mind fully cognizant of the word journey as a metaphor for the human life span. Zal has always helped us to slip the bonds of earthly reality with his cerebral and spiritual musings. He has always been able to disengage mind from body and free-float above the planet, sometimes the contemplative observer, at other times the angry critic railing at human folly.

    In this fourth collection, The Journey, Zal is exploring the notion—for many a belief—that our life journey has no end, that what we perceive to be the end of the earthly journey is actually a beginning. For Zal, this is not only a spiritual truth; it is a truth that is confirmed by observing the universe. The cosmos is our cradle and we are the stuff of stars, Zal tells us. Science and spirituality do not contradict one another in these pages; rather, in Zal’s worldview, they are complimentary. Such is the soaring, open and expansive nature of his vision.

    Once again, Zal’s poetry will delight the reader with startling juxtapositions—those unexpected combinations of the mundane and the transcendent, the intellectual and the sensual, the earthly and the celestial. Summer’s marigolds, the vagaries of love, the planet Jupiter—he contemplates all equally. Whether it is a frenzied search for a lost cane, the child-like enchantment of watching a snowflake spin to earth on a winter afternoon, or an imaginative flight of fancy through the solar system, here is a life lived with curiosity, clarity and wonder. Here is a man who loves life. Here is a man who loves his family and his friends. Here is the rich panoply of human life caught up

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