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The Angel Babies V: Ab Aeterno
The Angel Babies V: Ab Aeterno
The Angel Babies V: Ab Aeterno
Ebook147 pages50 minutes

The Angel Babies V: Ab Aeterno

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The Angel Babies is really and truly the story of humanity set against the backdrop and told through the trials of the Angels of the Celestial and Empyreans Heavens. But I suppose it also translates on a much higher and grander level of understanding as I also feel that this story very much ties together the complex relationships and beliefs that can separate us all but can also equally tie us together within a common thread, if not a higher power. Then at least let me say love for want of better attribute with which to identify with as it is in this the definitive and final chapter of the Angel Babies, whereupon our angels are found to be at the beginning and yet the end of time, with which to know and to examine their true purpose and potential in life. With everything that they have now, they finally came to know hinges upon a black hole and the truth of all totality concerning their Timespell, which could inevitably deliver them to salvation or even their own demise and destruction. It is into coming to terms with what most of us ordinary people of the world would do for an ultimate explanation of all in calling God. As much as I have had many an interest in prophetic and religious and spiritual text, I have always, for some reason, tried to apply my spiritual attainments to become concerned and attuned to the Book of Revelations, especially as I believe that if I did not at least attempt to try to tackle the themes and narrative set out in this apocalyptic vision, then I myself would not be doing humanity or mankind any real service or commitment to unlock the potentiality of holistic creativity and the imagination of the human spirited nature, which we all seem so easily to possess and yet are limited in its usage. So I only pray and hope that this story may shed some light upon this and grant us some bearing upon reading and discovering the world as I have come to know it with the Angel Babies.
Release dateMar 25, 2015
The Angel Babies V: Ab Aeterno

Clive Alando Taylor

As a young boy at school, I always found myself playing with words & rhymes especially when it came to writing poetry, it wasn't the fact that I was especially gifted or talented but it was mainly my enthusiasm, and style & ability to be creative with words and rhyme in my own unique way, although in this day and age some may regard this as a small degree of autism but I’m not quite certain about that, as many of my peers could be just as challenging and inventive about writing prose. When I left school at the age of 16 I attended dance school and was as far removed from literature as anyone could possibly be, but I always kept a diary and also decided to study English Language part time. During break time and in between classes once again I would find myself writing & exploring various themes using rap, rhyme and spoken word to amuse myself and my fellow classmates with. At that time I didn't take it too seriously but I loved the fact that through expression along with the effect of creative writing was becoming an inspiration to me as well as a positive tool for expression.

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    The Angel Babies V - Clive Alando Taylor

    © 2015 Clive Alando Taylor . All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 03/20/2015

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-3960-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-3961-4 (e)

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    Authors Notes


    The Angel Babies V

    Angelus DominiAb Aeterno


    I N S P I R I T* A S P I R E* E S P R I T* I N S P I R E

    Because of the things that have first become proclaimed within the spirit, and then translated in the soul, in order for the body to then become alive and responsive or to aspire, or to be inspired, if only then for the body to become a vessel, or a catalyst, or indeed an instrument of will, with which first the living spirit that gave life to it, along with the merits and the meaning of life, and the instruction and the interpretation of life, is simply to understand that the relationship between the spirit and the soul, are also the one living embodiment with which all things are one, and become connected and interwoven by creating, or causing what we can come to call, or refer to as the essence, or the cradle, or the fabric of life, which is in itself part physical and part spirit.

    And so it is, that we are all brought in being, along with this primordial and spiritual birth, and along with this the presence or the origins of the spirit, which is also the fabric and the nurturer of the soul with which the body can be formed, albeit that by human standards, this act of nature however natural, can now take place through the act of procreation or consummation, and so it is with regard to this living spirit that we are also upon our natural and physical birth, given a name and a number, inasmuch that we represent, or become identified by a color, or upon our created formation and distinction of identity, we become recognized by our individuality.

    But concerning the Angels,

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