Joshua’S Tree
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During his childhood, Joshua has an accident, which changes the course of his life and takes away his ability to communicate without stuttering and so adds to his disappointment and disadvantages in his life. As the events of Joshuas tragic life unfold, we are also led back and forth into his world of fantasy. Joshua also experiences racial prejudice and discrimination from his peers when he fails to enlist into the army and is made to work as a kitchen porter, although in his waking dreams where he relies upon the narrative of the stories that were once etched into his imagination, he is still very much frowned upon and looked down and treated unfairly.
As a kitchen porter in the army, Joshua also becomes the concern and a friend to his fellow comrades and potential soldiers in the making, although they seem to pity his disposition. As his relationships begin to blossom amongst the elements of racial tension, it is under this climate that things begin to develop as Joshua is taken under the wing of a young Christian girl who attempts to teach him to read and write. But just when things appear to be progressing, once again, the racial tension boils over until there is a bitter feud involving this simple and nave Joshua, which results in him trying to help his friend escape, and by doing so, he is made to be the victim of a tragic event.
Clive Alando Taylor
As a young boy at school, I always found myself playing with words & rhymes especially when it came to writing poetry, it wasn't the fact that I was especially gifted or talented but it was mainly my enthusiasm, and style & ability to be creative with words and rhyme in my own unique way, although in this day and age some may regard this as a small degree of autism but I’m not quite certain about that, as many of my peers could be just as challenging and inventive about writing prose. When I left school at the age of 16 I attended dance school and was as far removed from literature as anyone could possibly be, but I always kept a diary and also decided to study English Language part time. During break time and in between classes once again I would find myself writing & exploring various themes using rap, rhyme and spoken word to amuse myself and my fellow classmates with. At that time I didn't take it too seriously but I loved the fact that through expression along with the effect of creative writing was becoming an inspiration to me as well as a positive tool for expression.
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Joshua’S Tree - Clive Alando Taylor
2017 Clive Alando Taylor. All rights reserved.
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Published by AuthorHouse 12/23/2016
ISBN: 978-1-5246-6806-8 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-5246-6805-1 (e)
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During the post Antebellum period, with the abolition of slavery, former slaves endured a period of reconstruction as a result of the previous civil war, as a system of new labor emerged during this development, where former slaves and many small white farmers, Carpetbaggers and Scalawags became trapped in a new system of economic exploitation of former slaves, who were still forced to continue to work for these large landowners.
As it was during this post period of slavery, that the Southerners who were mostly republican, who amongst their democratic Northerners, who in lacking the vision, allowed for these white Democrats, also known as Redeemers, to somehow integrally fail to uphold the 14th and 15th Amendments, which resulted in the racial segregation and disenfranchisement of the south, although for the first time, black families could divide their time between fieldwork and chores and housework in accordance with their own family priorities and receive a nominal beneficial degree of reward for their services.
The name ‘Joshua Tree was given by a band of Mormons who crossed the Mojave Desert in the mid 19th Century. The tree’s unique shape reminded them of a Biblical story in which Joshua reaches out his hands up to the sky in prayer. In the late 1800’s explorers, cattlemen and miners came to the desert, they built dams to create water tanks and dug up and tunneled the earth in search of gold. In the 1930’s homesteaders came seeking free land and the chance to start new lives. The Joshua Tree is an important part of the Mojave Desert ecosystem, providing habitants for numerous birds, mammals, insects and lizards, the Joshua tree forest tells a story of survival, resilience and beauty borne through perseverance.
Joshua Binks, a poor black boy growing up with his single mother set against the racial background of, Southern America St. Johns during the early 1930’s. About this as a child Joshua’s world is inhabited by fictional, make believe, fairy tale like muses who come to life within Joshua’s fantasy dream world and it is this setting that we led into from Joshua’s reality in real time into a world of animated and colorful characters open to bemusement.
The story begins with a narration while we descend upon a young boy climbing a tree outside of his mother’s old dilapidated homestead Joshua in the tree outside his home. Joshua Binks has a very vivid imagination, he sees life in all its’ wonder & creation, through innocent eyes & a pure heart. Joshua also possesses a key & a secret divine. The secret for Joshua is that the trees whisper his name, and the world within takes his mind beyond a place of make believe into a land of fairy tale and into a place anew. In the opening scenes of the Joshua tree, Joshua is climbing a tree not far from his home. In this tree are his secret friends or something so spiritually profound that watches over him.
Father Sorrow appears in the tree looking solemn & deeply thoughtful.
Joshua Binks
"Why are you sad today father sorrow?
Joshua is exploring the tree to find a place, and a space to sit.
Father Sorrow
Why Joshua, Well I’m not quite sure but I’m not exactly sad or am I or maybe I’m just a little melancholy, no! No! I’m just little sorrowful, yes that’s it, I’m just a little sorrowful
Joshua Binks
"But I thought sorrow & sadness was the same thing?
Father Sorrow
"Well they are but…!
Benoni Sorrow appears and interrupts his Father.
Benoni Sorrow
I made him sad Joshua
Joshua is not surprised by the appearance of Benoni.
Joshua Binks
Why did you make him sad Benoni?
Benoni Sorrow
Because he thought that…
Little She appears and interrupts Benoni.
Because he thought he lost the thing that he loves the most
Joshua Binks
What thing, little she?
Little She
"Someone he loved!
Little She and Benoni look at one another, as if deeply and hypnotically in love, they touch hands from time to time while gazing at each other almost dancing around the tree.
Benoni Sorrow
You see Joshua my Father made a bad judgment…
Joshua Binks
What’s a judgment?
The Lonely Prince appears and joins in with the conversation.
The Lonely Prince
Its’ like this tree Joshua
Joshua looks dumbstruck and confused.
Joshua Binks
This tree, How come this tree is a judgment, it’s only a tree aint’ it?
The Prince is almost confused with himself, as he doesn’t quite know how to explain things to Joshua.
The Princess of the Tree appears and interrupts the Prince.
The Princess
Because this tree! Like all trees Joshua, have a life of their own & they are as old as time itself, and one day when you grow old you will understand it, but for now this tree is a lifeline for you to follow…
The Princess turns to the lonely Prince.
…And not a judgment my prince
The Prince and the Princess smile at one another.
Joshua Binks
"But why is Father Sorrow sad?
Just then Joshua’s mother comes out of the house into the yard and calls out to Joshua to come down from the tree, although she doesn’t see who Joshua is talking too as they all disappear from view.
Missy Binks
Joshua come down from that tree, its’ time for your supper
Joshua turns to his invisible friends to say goodbye.
Joshua Binks
I have to go now, my mom’s calling me, I’ll see yuh tomorrow
Missy Binks
Joshua is climbing down from the tree outside his mother’s home in St.Johns when she calls to him from the doorway.
Missy Binks
Joshua! Joshua Binks
Joshua Binks
Yes Mah! What?
Missy Binks
Don’t you what me boy, now come down from that tree this instant, c’mon now boy, I aint’ got all day
Joshua Binks
But Mah
Missy Binks
Now don’t you Mah but me now boy now git, as I ain’t got no time for no back chatting, ya’ hear
Joshua climbs down from the tree and walks inside the house to his mother.
Missy Binks
Now you listen, and listen good
Joshua Binks
Yes Mah!
Missy Binks
I want you to take this here 10 cents and go down to ole’ man Johnson’s and get me a chicken for supper, ya’ hear
Joshua Binks
But Mah, everybody say ole man Johnson is all’ doggone and crazy Mah, he aint’ nuttin but a darn ole crazy fool
Missy Binks
"Now watch your tongue, ya hear me, I didn’t ask ya’ if ole’ man Johnson was crazy did I, I said get me a chicken, now don’t pay no