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The Black Carpenter's Guide
The Black Carpenter's Guide
The Black Carpenter's Guide
Ebook190 pages2 hours

The Black Carpenter's Guide

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About this ebook

This book was written with the black, African American, carpenter in mind. There are many books out there about construction but none that talk about the issues that confront the black carpenters.

The subject matter in this book is laid out in a well thought out and progressive manner. Many hours of dedication and care have gone into its completion. It starts with developing the right mindset. From this foundation all the necessary character traits essential for success in the construction field are explained clearly in simple language. Next we explore the Black Contractors Association and the resources available for innercity black men and women seeking training in the construction trades. Since its conception its goal has been the training of master builders and tradesmen from the labor pool of black communities. Learn about apprenticeship training and the differences between the apprenticeship programs. Staying healthy and avoiding injuries explains correct lifting techniques that prevent serious back injuries, as well as the different types of PPE, an acronym for personal protective equipment that is designed to protect you the worker from injuries.

Then we jump into the Union versus non-union companies, and go into detail about the benefits of belonging to the United Brotherhood of Carpenters or the AGC Associated General Contractors of America and will inform you on how to make an informed decision on which one will make more sense depending on your goals and career paths. You will also find out about the tools of the trade: what tools you should purchase, the bags you should wear and the clothing and PPE’s that are required to work on construction sites. We explore details about cordless and specialty tools and the different brands that carpenters use out in the field. Discover the different building materials used in the construction field.

Learn about the different applications that fasteners can be used in on a building and what ones work best in special circumstances. Building systems reveals modern construction practices and systems carpenters and tradesmen use today out in the construction field to construct buildings and structures. Trade Specializations takes a look at all the different trades and specializations the construction field offers black workers. In applying at job-sites I will reveal how to get hired in two weeks or less when applying for work at construction sites. Determine how far you should travel when seeking employment and how to get compensated for traveling expenses. In Discrimination in the Industry we uncover how racially motivated politics is used to exclude blacks and minorities from management positions in the construction industry.

I will also teach you how to resolve and report racial discrimination directed toward you on job-sites. In Staying Productive, we learn how a high level of energy and production can keep you employed for the long term. In Certifications & Trainings the reader will explore what the difference is between the two and what programs will help advance the worker’s career. Preparing for the contractors’ exam give the reader a detailed road map and the requirements to prepare to pass the states contractor exam. Continue Learning reviews the learning process and how to continue to ask the right questions and develop a lifelong education plan that will advance your career for years to come. Construction Terms is a glossary of housing terms used in the construction field. Learning and memorizing these terms will give you an inside look at the language used by carpenters and builders in construction. These terms will also allow you to see how building materials and construction applications come together in a construction project. More about the Author is a short bio on how I arrived in the construction field as a carpenter.

PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJun 22, 2016
The Black Carpenter's Guide

Desmond Collins

My construction career began with Soltec Pacific at the Ruben H. Space Theater expansion project at Balboa Park in San Diego in 1996 as a carpenter apprentice. I completed four years of class room instruction in carpentry at the Associated General Contractors of America. After completing my apprenticeship, I joined the United Brotherhood of Carpenters local # 547. My first Union job was for J.R Concrete a large union contractor who was building the police station in Chula Vista in the county of San Diego. I have worked as a journeyman carpenter on many projects since then both large and small during the past twenty years of in the construction trade. Some of the projects I worked on is The Ruben H Space Theater Expansion, College Grove Shopping Center, The Hard Rock Hotel, The Legend Hotel overlooking Petco Park in San Diego, and the Sorrento Valley Freeway project. Some of the Union contractors I have worked for are Webcore Builders, McCarthy Builders, and Morley Construction. I was hired on as the carpenter foreman for Construction Detailed Solutions were I was in charge of home remodeling projects. Since early childhood I have always had a love for construction and received pleasure by working with tools and my hands. Now I’m living the dream. Living in San Diego has allowed me to take part in some of this cities great public work projects. Reaching out to other minorities who are considering entering the construction field and passing on what I have learned in the trade is my passion.

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    Book preview

    The Black Carpenter's Guide - Desmond Collins

    The Black Carpenter’s Guide

    How to succeed in construction

    From a black man’s perspective


    to put your career on the

    fast track to success

    Desmond Collins

    Copyright © 2016 by Desmond Collins.

    Library of Congress Control Number:     2016907563

    ISBN:       Hardcover         978-1-5144-9312-0

                     Softcover           978-1-5144-9311-3

                     eBook                978-1-5144-9310-6

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted

    in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system,

    without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models,

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    Certain stock imagery © Thinkstock.

    Rev. date: 06/21/2016






    Preface To The First Edition

    About This Book

    More About The Author

    Chapter 1 The Right Mindset

    Can Do Attitude. Self-reassurance and determination. Giving 110% Daily. High Energy; Definition of a Carpenter. Working Safe. An Honest Day’s Work. Quality work matters. Don’t Let Anyone Stop You. Helping Others.

    Chapter 2 The Black Contractors Association (BCA)

    Introduction to the BCA. BCA apprenticeship training center. The history of the Black Contractors’ Association. Labor boot camp. Inner-city community pool. Links of the BCA. The National Black Contractor’s associations. Mission industry. New about the NBCA.

    Chapter 3 Apprenticeships

    AGC Associated General Contractor’s Apprenticeship. The United Brotherhood of Carpenters Apprenticeship. Black Contractor’s Association Apprenticeships.

    Chapter 4 Staying Healthy And Avoiding Injuries In Construction

    Hard hats. Safety glasses. Work gloves. Hearing protection. Face shields. Preventing tendon and joint injuries. Avoiding back injuries. Wearing face respirators and dust mask. Fall protection and body harnesses. MDS hazard information.

    Chapter 5 Union Versus Non-Union

    Contractor specialties. Job Market share. Project sizes. Discrimination practices. Union meetings. Layoffs.

    Chapter 6 The Tools Of The Trade

    Quality tools versus cheap tools. Selecting a pair of carpenter bags. Hand tools. Specialty tools. Power Tools. Cordless Tools. Tool Maintenance. Construction boots. Work Pants. Work Truck.

    Chapter 7 Building Materials

    Wood. Vertical structural members. Planks. Light steel framing. Trusses. Laminated beams. Plywood. Composite board. Particle board. Concrete.

    Chapter 8 Fasteners And Connectors

    Nails. Connectors. Staples. Screws and bolts. Metal Connectors. Hangers. Straps. Hold-downs. Construction Adhesives. Mastics. Epoxy

    Chapter 9 Building Systems

    Platform framing. Balloon Framing. Concrete tilt-ups. Wall panels. Table deck forms for concrete decks. Pre-cast concrete. Structural steel. Pan decking. Atlas System peril system. Titian system. Gate system. Engineered roof trusses. Re-shoring.

    Chapter 10 Trade Specializations

    Form carpenters. Wood framers. Metal framers. Concrete finishers. Cabinet & countertops. Floor installers. Drywall hangers. Drywall mud & tape. Stucco; insulation. Roofing. Glazers. Door & hardware. Plumbers. Electricians.

    Chapter 11 Applying At Job-Sites

    What do I look for? The stages of construction to complete a building. The early bird gets the worm. How do I get past barricades? What is the two minutes and counting? The elevator pitch. Using the language. How do I look the part: Making eye contact? Why is a firm handshake important? Being Persistent. How to Writing good notes.

    Chapter 12 Traveling For Work

    How far should you travel to find employment? What are the benefits of traveling? What are the hassles of traveling? How much travel allowance should you receive? What to do after work for entertainment? How you should prepare for the drive home.

    Chapter 13 Racial Discrimination In The Construction Industry

    Last hired-first laid off. Overcoming stereo types. The token black. Less valued as a carpenter. Operating equipment. Reading plans. Lay-out work. Getting locked in one position. Getting passed for promotions. Lost opportunities. Taking on added responsibilities.

    Chapter 14 Working Productively

    Working smart. Understanding the job. Task cards. Time management. Visualization techniques. Expecting problems. Gathering tools. Gathering materials. When to ask for help. Delegating work. Lay-out work. Production cutting. Pre-fabrication techniques. Anticipating your next move. The secrete to working with jig

    Chapter 15 Construction Technology For The New Millennium

    Green Building. When did green building began? Considerations. What does the future hold? The Solar Industry

    Chapter 16 Certifications And Certificates

    The major difference between certifications and certificates of trainings. How trainings can help open doors to job promotions. Finding information on fees and enrollment procedures.

    Chapter 17 Preparing For The Contractor’s Exam

    General Requirements. Experience Requirements. License requirements. Applying for a license. Licensing examinations. Issuing a license. Financial requirements. General information

    Chapter 18 Continue Learning

    Asking questions. Learning from journeymen carpenters. Learning from labors. Learn from others mistakes. Keeping a tips and secrets note book. Flash cards. You tube video’s ROP classes. Home library. Continuing education classes. The internet. Home Depot classes. Google Books. Construction calculators.

    Construction Terms:

    Discover basic construction terms contractors and tradesmen use for effective communication in the construction field.


    The Black Carpenter’s Guide

    To Construction



    to put your career on the

    fast track to success


    To all the tradesmen in the construction industry who paved the way for me and many other people of color, my sincere thanks

    I would also like to dedicate this book to my loving wife Dawn Rae Collins. Without her continuing encouragement and help with spelling and vocabulary, this book would not have been possible.

    I would also like to dedicate this book to my sons Marcus Desmond Collins and Malcolm Rashawn Collins who through their birth made me look at myself and grow into a man. Without the challenge of fatherhood and being a dad I may have not pushed myself as hard and looked at greater income and career opportunities, in which case this book may have not been accomplished.

    This book gives precise steps and teachings from training, heavy equipment, seeking employment and keeping employment in the competitive world of trade construction. In closing , I very much appreciated the deep insight on the personal struggles and strives being an African American black man in construction Desmond illustrates.

    Good read, educational and powerful!

    Curtis Oliver

    Sheet metal/HVAC


    Pacific Rim


    "This book THE BLACK CARPENTER’S GUIDE TO CONSTRUCTION is an excellent resource to students, educators, and construction professionals. In reviewing this book, the principal criteria included content, organization, and reference sources. It clearly States history of early Black carpenters in constructions of Egyptian pyramids and temples to current contributions of Black carpenters in modern times and in California particular.

    The book is organized into 16 easy to follow chapters, starting The right mind set as how to provide ones self to be successful in the industry. The later chapters guide readers the methods to obtain contracts, including trade associations to get leads.

    Later subjects introduce reader the challenges, obstetrical, safety issues, tools of trades as well as relationship building and methods to be a successful carpenter.

    This is maliciously explains step by step of carpentry work that only can be written by a master carpenter with long time on hands on experience. "

    M M Zomorrodian

    PE,RCE,GC , Associate Broker

    cell 760-845-3146

    CAL BRE # 01156545

    Preface to the First Edition

    This guide is crucial reading for any black man or woman thinking about a career in construction. This guide will also be helpful for any carpenter, labor or tradesman who wants to excel in construction and has bigger aspirations than just digging trenches or cleaning up construction sites. The construction industry is dynamic and exciting and has plenty of opportunities to earn a good living. Unfortunately, the playing field is not always fair for people of color or minorities who would like to enter this field. I wish I could say that all you had to do is work as hard and as smart as the next man or woman and you would be given the same opportunities for advancement. That’s just not the case. Having worked in the construction field for over 20 years, I am what you would call a first generation carpenter. What that means is that I had no family members in the field to help me land a job or give me any advice. Everything I learned about the trade is from the school of hard knocks. The purpose of this book is so you can learn from my mistakes. You will learn what works and what doesn’t work. That way you will not be wasting valuable time and can focus on perfecting your skills as a journeyman carpenter. By reading this guide you have shown that you want more out of the field of construction than most people and will take the time and effort to learn the insider secrets to the field of construction. I congratulate you on your journey as you progress and advance in this field.

    About this book

    This book was written with the black, African American, carpenter in mind. There are many books out there about construction but none that talk about the issues that confront the black carpenter.

    The subject matter in this book is laid out in a well thought out and progressive manner. Many hours of dedication and care have gone into its completion. It starts with developing the right mindset. From this foundation all the necessary character traits essential for success in the construction field are explained clearly in simple language. Next we explore the Black Contractors Association and the resources available for inner-city black men and women seeking training in the construction trades. Since its conception its goal has been the training of master builders and tradesmen from the labor pool of black communities. Learn about apprenticeship training and the differences between the apprenticeship programs. Staying healthy and avoiding injuries explains correct lifting techniques that prevent serious back injuries, as well as the different types of PPE, an acronym for personal protective equipment that is designed to protect you the worker from injuries.

    Then we jump into the Union versus non-union companies, and go into detail about the benefits of belonging to the United Brotherhood of Carpenters or the AGC Associated General Contractors of America and will inform you on how to make an informed decision on which one will make more sense depending on your goals and career paths. You will also find out about the tools of the trade: what tools you should purchase, the bags you should wear and the clothing and PPE’s that are required to work on construction sites. We explore details about cordless and specialty tools and the different brands that carpenters use out in the field. Discover the different building materials used in the construction field.

    Learn about the different applications that fasteners can be used in on a building and what ones work best in special circumstances. Building systems reveals modern construction practices and systems carpenters and tradesmen use today out in the construction field to construct buildings and structures. Trade Specializations takes a look at all the different trades and specializations the construction field offers black workers. In applying at job-sites I will reveal how to get hired in two weeks or less when applying for work at construction sites. Determine how far you should travel when seeking employment and how to get compensated for traveling expenses. In Discrimination in the Industry we uncover how racially motivated politics is used to exclude blacks and minorities from management positions in the construction industry.

    I will also teach you how to resolve and report racial discrimination directed toward you on job-sites. In Staying Productive, we learn how a high level of energy and production can keep you employed for the long term. In Certifications & Trainings the reader will explore what the difference is between the two and what programs will help advance the worker’s career. Preparing for the contractors’ exam give the reader a detailed road map and the requirements to prepare to pass the states contractor exam. Continue Learning reviews the learning process and how to continue to ask the right questions and develop a lifelong education plan that will advance your career for years to come. Construction Terms is a glossary of housing terms used in the construction field. Learning and memorizing these terms will give you an inside look at the language used by carpenters and builders in construction. These terms will also allow you to see how building materials and construction applications come together in a construction project. More about the Author is a short bio on how I arrived in the construction field as a carpenter.

    More About The Author

    I grew up in East San Diego during the 1970s-1980s. This was a high crime area were young black men were more likely to go to jail or prison than to graduate from high school. My mother was a single mom, bless her heart raising three kids by herself. She instilled in me at a young age the value of being independent, hard work, and being self-reliant. I ran with a gang in East San Diego and ended up selling drugs and getting addicted to crack cocaine when it was an

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