I Am Still Me: A Collection of Poems
About this ebook
Tracey Shorthouse
Tracey Shorthouse was diagnosed with early onset of Alzheimer’s disease and a variant of posterior cortical atrophy, which is another form of dementia in 2015 when she was forty-five years old. It was a relief to get a final diagnosis as she had been fighting for a couple of years to get anyone to believe there was anything wrong. She is a retired nurse and believes that life is for living to the fullest potential. Since being diagnosed, she goes out and gives a variety of talks about living well with dementia and, also, brings awareness to people that dementia does affect all ages. Tracey has also started to write poetry as a way to keep her brain active as well as write a blog. She has a variety of hobbies. Tracey likens the dementia to an alien in her brain, and it’s a constant fight to win.
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I Am Still Me - Tracey Shorthouse
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Published by AuthorHouse 02/06/2017
ISBN: 978-1-5246-6819-8 (sc)
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I’m Still Me
Ode to a Nurse
Prison of Thoughts
Love and Life
The Tree of Life
Independence Day
Remembering The Past
Missing Me
The Music Box
Seasons of the Heart
The Spirit Guide
Dementia and Me
Contours of my Mind
Music Memories
Lost Memories
The Magical Forest
My Garden
Ode to Casper
Walking in the Woods
The Sensory Garden
The Pirate Sonnet
The Fortune Teller
The Halloween Party
Our Nan
Christmas Thoughts
Dear Santa
The Christmas Fairy
This book is
dedicated to my family and friends who have encouraged me so much since my diagnosis. Especially Bobbie Ann Carr who first encouraged me to start writing in the first place.
I was diagnosed with Early Onset of Alzheimer’s Disease and Posterior Cortical Atrophy in December 2015. I cope with having this by being optimistic and positive, and by being vocal about dementia. It’s not a case of it being shoved under the carpet or not being spoke about like it used to. How else can we learn if not open about it? I do a variety of things to get out there and keep my brain active which is the most important thing including talks. This is why I have decided to write this book, to prove to others that just because you have a condition doesn’t mean that you have to give up. I never wrote poetry before I had dementia and now I write all the time.
The book is called I Am Still Me because I haven’t changed personality since having dementia even though I did lose a lot of friends in the beginning.
I’m Still Me
I’m still me, despite the dementia,
Ready for the new adventure,
Still optimistic, positive and happy
knowing there is still time for me to meet a new chappie.
To recall or recognise is sometimes hard,
So maybe I need some special cards,
However, all this does not make me mad,
Not even bad or sometimes sad.
I might forget that two and two is four at times,
But at least I don’t succumb to any crimes,
I also have the concentration of a gnat,
But I still have the company of a cat.
Casper is his name,
And he loves me just the same,
I might not be able to drive now,
But there are other ways to travel somehow.
I might worry about what was and what is,
But at least my hair is still a frizz,
I might not have dinner parties anymore,
But then, who is keeping score.
I still bake, garden and do crafts,
And still enjoy a few laughs,
With friends and family who keep in touch,
Sometimes we go out and go Dutch.
I like to walk and mooch in the zone,
With the help of my trusty