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It’s All Within You
It’s All Within You
It’s All Within You
Ebook103 pages1 hour

It’s All Within You

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About this ebook

This bite-sized book of inspiration will lead you on a journey of self-discovery. You will discover little nuggets of wisdom that inspire you to become the best version of yourself. Get ready to create change in all areas of your life. You will discover new concepts that will transform your way of thinking, helping you to develop a positive mental attitude. It is time to release your gifts and talents and raise your consciousness. Its time to open up and release what is within you.
Release dateSep 6, 2016
It’s All Within You

Katrina Calvin

Katrina Calvin is an inspirational figure who encourages others to become the best version of themselves. She loves to challenge people to live a more fullfilled life. Through her writing, you too will become inspired. Katrina’s background is in the educational field. Katrina has an instagram page; where she inspires others with her words. You can watch her YouTube channel where she shares videos from time to time;

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    It’s All Within You - Katrina Calvin

    2016 Katrina Calvin. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 09/02/2016

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-6326-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-6325-4 (e)

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    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.


    Who Am I?

    Who Do You Think You Are?

    New Action Steps

    Taking Responsibility and Setting Goals

    Create a Vision Board

    Learn to Think for Yourself

    Live in the Present Moment

    Develop Positive Self-Talk


    Embrace Change

    Everything Is Opportunity


    Change Your Media Diet

    Networking and the Power of Connecting

    Take the Time to Discover Who You Are

    Why Do We Hold Ourselves Back

    from What Is Good for Us?

    Don’t Let Others Define Who You Are

    Don’t Let Others Disturb Your Inner Peace




    Stepping Forward

    All in Divine Timing

    The Power of Expectation

    Moments of Impact

    Long-Lasting Happiness Lies Within, Not Without

    The Law of Allowing

    Relying on Your Own Strength versus

    Trusting That You Are Supported


    The Law of Pure Potentiality

    The Law of Sufficiency and Abundance

    The Law of Detachment

    Joining of the Mind and Soul

    Investing in Y-O-U

    Letter to a Lightworker

    Unleash Your Greatness and Uniqueness

    Never Take for Granted the Power of Your Views

    Perception Is Creation


    We are all part of the universal mind. All of our stories and experiences make up the universal mind. I urge you to share your gifts and talents. We each have a piece to share that can be expressed in a variety of ways. Here I share my puzzle piece with you.

    It is my wish that you will discover the unlimited power within you. You are so much bigger than you think you are, and it is time to explore that. Are you ready to take that leap? You are, aren’t you? OK then, let’s step inside.

    It is time to follow your bliss – to follow what you love to do. The first step is to find out what that is. If money was no object, what would you do? What steps can you take now in order to reach your vision? It is so important to set goals throughout your life.

    Often I hear people wishing that they were doing a job they loved to do. Often they are not satisfied with their present job; they find it unfulfilling. They say that they wish they had taken the time to explore what they loved to do when they were younger. They wished that they took the opportunities that were presented to them throughout different times in their lives. I hope your story will be different and that you will pursue what you love.

    I am writing this book to inspire you to become more – to become the best version of yourself. I hope to help you get out there and share your gifts and talents with the world. Someone is waiting for you to express your talent. Some will like it, some will not. So what?

    It is time to tap into the infinite potential you have within you. What are you waiting for?

    Who Am I?

    I WAS BORN ON 7 APRIL 1991. I grew up in Wolverhampton, and I had a great childhood. After my parents split up when I was around 6 years old, I was raised by my mother, but my dad continued to play an active role in my life. He taught me the importance of having a positive mental attitude, and this has served me well; I am a very optimistic individual who is enthusiastic about life. I am able to bounce back from obstacles with resilience. I look for the good in every situation.

    Throughout my childhood, I would often pretend to be a teacher with my family and friends. I loved to pass on information and teach others new things. I would enter competitions, send letters to magazines, and write to my pen pals. I was always looking out for opportunities from an early age. All these childhood experiences have shaped me into the person I am today.

    I am passionate about making a difference in the lives of children and young people. When I was 16, I completed my first work experience at the primary school I used to attend. I have mentored, coached, guided, supported, and inspired children and young people throughout my pastoral roles. I have also worked on an international scale, at a Girl Scout summer camp in America and at youth centres and community schools in the Czech Republic.

    I try to be an inspirational figure who passes on wisdom to all and helps others raise their consciousness. You can find me on my Facebook page, where I share messages of inspiration and hope:

    Who Do You Think You Are?

    It takes a whole village

    to raise a child. —African proverb

    The way that we talk to our children

    becomes their inner voice.—Peggy O’Mara

    I T IS IMPORTANT TO ASK YOURSELF who you are. Have you really asked yourself that question? We often let everyone in society tell us who we are, accepting what our parents, carers, teachers, and family say about us without taking the time to ask and answer this question for ourselves.

    I have highlighted the two quotes above for important reasons. In particular, Peggy O’Mara’s quote is vital. As we were growing up, who we were was primarily defined by our parents and carers. As they looked after us, they passed on their beliefs and values to us, and these became implanted in our minds, expressing themselves throughout our lives at different times. Are you aware of them? What messages did you hear growing up? I want you to really take the time to reflect back and think. Stop reading this book and do that now. It may be useful to grab a pen and paper and note down your thoughts.

    Often this process of reflection does not happen until later on in life. You will find this is a good practice to develop. You will start to see why you are the way you are today. As you learn to become more aware and appreciative of the time you took to reflect, you can then start to change (if that is what you wish).

    It is important not to judge the messages you received when you were younger, however. Remember that people were doing their best with what knowledge they had

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