Overcoming Faith
About this ebook
I decided by the grace of God to write this book because faith has been misunderstood by many. Everything man needs has already been packaged by God, because everything in the physical has a spiritual root. Faith is what takes us into the realm of the spirit. In this book, you will learn how to release Gods promises into your hands, how to live a life of godliness, how to walk in health, and how to recognize grace in your life.
Dr. Abiola Idowu
Dr. Abiola Idowu is the founder and presiding Bishop of Christ Resurrection Power Assembly (CREPA), Nigeria and United States. In 1984, Dr. Idowu had a vision in which he was standing in a valley. As he looked up, he saw a mighty storm over the mountains, cutting down every tree and moving directly toward him. He tried to escape to safety, however, he discovered that his legs were sunk into the ground. The storm got to where he was standing, miraculously, it did not affect him. The Lord spoke to him in the vision that where he was standing is call Christ Resurrection Power Assembly; that it will be a rallying point of deliverance and hope from the storm of the enemy. Through the apostolic and prophetic ministry of Dr. Idowu, the Lord has work many miracles: healing, deliverance from barrenness, deliverance from poverty; and deliverance from demonic influences. Dr. Idowu’s God given mission is to raise unto the Lord soldiers who will walk upon the surface of the earth like Jesus Christ. To release men and women unto their destiny for God; and raise a new generation of believers! To take over this earth for the King.
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Overcoming Faith - Dr. Abiola Idowu
Copyright © 2017 Dr. Abiola Idowu.
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Unless otherwise indicated, scripture taken from the King James Version of the Bible.
Scripture quotations marked (AMPCE) are taken from the Amplified Bible, Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.
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ISBN: 978-1-9736-0127-2 (sc)
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2017913521
WestBow Press rev. date: 10/27/2017
Chapter 1 Living By Faith
Chapter 2 Faith That Works
Chapter 3 Have Faith In Your Potential
Chapter 4 Victory Over Death (No Premature Death)
Chapter 5 You Can Stay Healthy
Chapter 6 Sound Health
Chapter 7 Why God Heals
Chapter 8 Reigning King
Chapter 9 Why Praise? (Part 1)
Chapter 10 Why Praise (Part 2)
Chapter 11 Why Praise? (Part 3)
Chapter 12 The Connecting Force (Part 1)
Chapter 13 The Connecting Force (Part 2)
E verything you need is provided by God in the realm of the spirit. The challenge is that you cannot see into the spirit realm. Faith is the vehicle that takes you into the realm of the spirit. Because everything physical has a spiritual root, you need faith to access the realm of the spirit, where all things God has prepared for you is released into your hand. Many believers do not know this, and, as a result, they struggle in life to get that which is already done.
The finished work of our Lord Jesus Christ is a work of complete restoration to bring you to Edenic experience. 2 Peter 1:3 says, "according as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness…, but all these things come through the
knowledge of him that has called us to glory and virtue." Everything you need is provided, but to get the provision, it is necessary to know it, understand it, lay hold of it by faith, and then begin to enjoy your blessing. Through this book, God will open your eyes and you will learn how to release your faith to receive everything that belongs to you.
In studying Overcoming Faith, you will come to understand: 1) the word of God contains the description of what is already in the store house for every believer to lay hold on by faith; 2) the covenant between God and Jesus, which by grace makes all the promises of God yours; 3) how to release your faith to all that is yours; 4) what faith is and what faith is not; 5) how to discover your covenant rights with God and make them work for you; 6) how you can walk in health, and live long to fulfill God’s plan for your life; 7) how and why God heals; 8) why praise remains the most potent force in the world for victory and conquest; 9) how your translation into the kingdom of God has ended your toiling and struggling on earth; 10) how to walk in your inheritance and live a constant life of joy, peace and blessing; and much more. As you study Overcoming Faith, God of heaven will turn your destiny around to the glory of His name, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
By the grace of God, I decided to write this book because I discovered that faith is misunderstood so much that many are confused and fearful, believing they don’t have enough faith to affect Divine intervention in their life challenges. It is lack of understanding that makes faith difficult to grasp. As I pondered why a child of God, whom Jesus Christ died for, would live a life totally devoid of the evidence and effect of redemption, the Lord steered my spirit to write this book so that children of God can experience heaven on earth.
Living By Faith
O ne reason faith is not working in the lives of many people is because faith is not taught. Most people think they are operating their faith, when what they are really doing is operating in mental assent. What is mental assent? Mental assent is a subtle form of self-deception. With mental assent, you believe something in your head and you agree, approve, and confirm that it is right and righteous. The problem is that you believe it in your head, but not in your heart. This is faith without action.
For example, let’s see how people look at the Word. They believe it is true because it is written in the Bible, but when it comes to applying the Word to their lives, it becomes a problem. And faith makes life fake if you can’t apply the Word or the faith that you think you have to your life.
Read this chapter carefully as we go into the practicality of living by faith. Faith is not difficult, it just seem difficult because it is not taught.
By redemption everything is restored to us in Christ. The moment you are born again, the finished work of Jesus Christ bestows on you everything that He died for; that means that everything Jesus enjoys, you can enjoy. The same privileges that are open to everyone in Heaven is available to you right now.
Healing belongs to us. We are not looking for healing. It’s our right. He said, By His stripes we are healed.
In other words, the price needed to bring healing to every one of us is already paid. Not that He will pay for it; He has already paid for it. Many will say, I want God to heal me.
Jesus Christ is not going to heal you. He has already healed you.
But I can hear you asking the question, If that is true, then why am I not healed?
It’s because you don’t believe. You asked God to heal the pain in your leg, but you still feel symptoms of the pain. The enemy will tell you that God didn’t heal you because you are still feeling the pain. But you must believe that God has already healed you and now you are waiting on the manifestation of that healing.
We don’t need to begin to think about salvation. Salvation already belongs to us because we are saved by grace through faith. Prosperity already belongs to us. God didn’t put a bunch of powerless people in the church. Power belongs to us. Strength belongs to us. Dominion belongs to us. In fact, we don’t have to pay any price to get it, because it is already ours.
The point is, we obtain all this by faith. In Mark 11:24, the Bible says, Therefore I say to you, what things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.
In other words, if you have a desire, you can receive any desire, if you believe. If you believe what the Bible says, you will see the glory of God.
The Bible tells me in Mark 9:23, All things are possible to him that believes.
When you see scriptures like this, you begin to question yourself, Is it true? Does it really mean we can have whatsoever we desire?
The Bible says God is not a man that He should lie. So yes, it is true. That scripture is an open check to anyone. You must believe. If you get nothing else out of this chapter, get that you must believe.
God says you can have anything you desire—money, progress, breakthrough, health, fulfillment in every area of your life. The key is the Bible says it to us.
John 3:16 tells us For God so loved the world.
The same person that said that said Except a man is born again, he cannot see the Kingdom Of God.
Now do you believe you are born again? The same God said it. I think that is where the problem is. We don’t know what to believe. And many believe nothing, but still claim they are operating in faith.
Make no mistake about it—the death and resurrection of Jesus put everything in Heaven and on Earth under the authority of Jesus. Redemption covers the past, present and the future. In fact, because He died and rose from the dead, no other person, force or forces, no other being, has the key in his hand except Jesus. He’s the one that determines what happens here. Not even the Almighty God. The Bible says God has given to Him everything. He declared Himself in Revelation 1:18, I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forever more. Amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of Death.
In other words, you can’t even die without His approval.
The word hell is different from death. I believe hell is a place of no return. Nobody in Christ Jesus is permitted to be locked up for life. No matter how bad your situation is, there is hope. Why? Because that situation never held the key. Redemption gave the key back to Jesus.
Jesus was talking to his disciples Matthew 28:18. And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, ‘All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth.’
In other words, Jesus determines what happens here. Everything that He died for is put together in a document called a testament. If you want to enjoy your life, go to the testament and find out what Jesus Christ paid for on your behalf.
Let’s look at this from another viewpoint. If your dad or granddad is dead and he had a lot of property and money, he probably left a will, or a testament. The will (testament) will be interpreted by an attorney. If the attorney misinterprets the will, your dad or granddad is not there to say, No, that is not what I meant.
But in Jesus’ case, He is not dead. He is alive, and He can challenge what is written if what you are supposed to have is not given to you. Go to the document called the testament and you can get what belongs to you and apply it to your situation. The moment you apply it to your situation, it is taking the step of faith. The testament rules over everything, and the testament is so powerful that it cannot fail because somebody went for it.
There is an agreement between the God of the universe that as long as He is on the throne, the testament stands. The Bible tells us in Matthew 24:35 that you have a future. Not only do you have a future, you also have a present. The testament shows you who you are and what belongs to you as a member of Jesus’ body. And because it is legally yours, you can never be denied it.
But if you don’t know that it’s yours, the enemy will play on your intelligence and cheat you. And that is exactly what is happening in the body of Christ