You Create What You Believe: How Thoughts Build Reality
About this ebook
This book is about how our beliefs determine our lives. In a general sense, many people understand that. In this book, we will go beyond and develop the idea of how our beliefs actually create our life circumstances. We will leave the subject or thought that we were thrown into this world, and we pick up the thought that we are the ones who create the world we live in and our own reality. The thought that we are able to create our lives just as we want it to be.
Andy Alvarez P.
Andy Alvarez is an architect, interior harmonization consultant, NLP consultant, family constellations therapist and life coach. He is also a meditation instructor for over 30 years. Creator of the following workshops: “Learning to Learn” “How to be a teenager and not die trying” “Effective communication for leaders” “New bridges of liberation: effective communication for guidance counselors” “Energy centers in the human being” “Effective goals and objectives course” “Self-Esteem Workshops” Among others In 2014 Andy suffered from multiple pains and inflamatory conditions, he was diagnosed with degenerative rheumatoid arthritis, doctors were surprised and called it a miracle when in 2016 he started healing,by 2017 he was healed to a 90% and could move at ease with no pain. He is currently writting two books; “You Create Prosperity” and “You Create Health” in this last book mentioned you will learn the whole story about how he went from sick to healthy.
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You Create What You Believe - Andy Alvarez P.
Copyright © 2018 Andy Alvarez P..
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ISBN: 978-1-9822-1228-5 (sc)
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Balboa Press rev. date: 09/28/2018
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Dedicated to my inspiration engines Cesiah Luz and Fidelina, thank you for always being there for me throughout this whole journey.
Book Structure
1. Energy
Spirit, the highest form of energy.
Everything changes. Everything moves.
Change Exercise
Energy follows thought
The internal states
Chapter 1 exercise: The internal states
2. We are Spirits
The creator spirit
Chapter 2 exercise: We are spiritual beings
3. Vibrations
Chapter 3 exercise: Vibrations
4. The Three Worlds
Universal Light Substance
The conscience
The Observer who observes
Chapter 4 exercise: Perception
5. Our Physical World
The world and the law of change
What things I would change
Law of life
Chapter 5 exercise: Your world
6. The Transitory
The attachment to the transient
Be liberated from the drama of human existence
Chapter 6 exercise: Transcendence
7. Quantum Physics
Our perception of the world
Our quantum connection
Chapter 7 exercise: Changing perception
8. How to Change Physical Reality
The illusion of the world
Paradigms, what supports your reality
Chapter 8 exercise: Changing the paradigm
9. The Mind
Tool to create
Conscious mind vs unconscious mind.
We are always thinking
The power of attention
Articulated Reticular System
Chapter 9 exercise: Change of focus
10. The Thought
What is it?
How does the thought work?
Mental Creation
We all know a Rosie
Chapter 10 exercise: Recreating Rosie.
11. Designing Your Life
Using the creative imagination
Chapter 11 exercise: What you want.
12. Energy Follows Thought
Chapter 12 exercise: Harmony
Reflection exercise
Recommended Readings
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First and foremost, I thank the almighty God that has always blessed me with a simple and peaceful life, with its highs and lows, always allowing me the option to search for the constant light.
There are many people who I profoundly thank for their collaboration, love and support they have given me and keep blessing me with their existence:
My parents Federico Alvarez and Julia Peña for always setting the example of personal achievement, for being the source of inspiration for me and my siblings, for their unceasing eagerness to make their children happy.
My sisters Cesiah Luz and Fidelina because they have always been there for me, my projects and my eagerness to grow. They have always believed in me even beyond my own perception of myself. Thank you!
My Brothers Federico, Benjamin, Manelik (Frank), Miguelina, Mariteri, Michael, Arturo and Junior, thank you for being my siblings. I love you all.
Roberto my brother in law, thank you. My lovely nieces and nephews Jesus, Cesiah Maria, Angie, Angelina, Robert, Ian, Gabriela, your uncle Andy gives you his blessings. To my friend who is more like my brother Alvaro Corominas my co-coach.
Thank you to the VIVE leadership center for standing up for transformational leadership among humanity and the planet: Thank you Dr. Vinicio Almonte, Ana Hilda Arrojo de Armas, Jean Carlos Almonte, Pedro Heyaime, Julio Cabrera, Mariana Melo, Ivelisse Pacheco, Jose Torron, Khalil Canaan and last but not least Robinson Gomez, you have all inspired me to fulfill my writing dream. Blessings.
To my soul companions in life transformation: Ramiro Sanchez my spiritual buddy, Adrian Gil my brother/buddy, Carlos Amarante the perfect son, Jared Nuñez, Roberto Ramirez Jr, (Buddy), David Sanchez, Gladys Puello, Graciela Gomez, thank you for letting me be part of your lives and for inspiring me to go beyond my abilities to give you guys the best you deserve. I also want to thank Jhoana Garzon for her constant support and help with this book.
To Elizabeth Schecker, my spiritual guide and inspiration; Vivian Guzman who’s like a mother to me, spiritual companion and instructor for more than 30 years. To my spiritual father Profe, thank all three of you for being pillars in my life.
To my brother Nelson Alejandro, who designed this book’s cover and helped me to keep believing in myself. To Oliver de Jesus Brown who’s like a son to me and has guided me through the technological world, who I also share a close friendship with of mutual admiration and gratitude.
To my Doctor, Juan Carlos Vargas, may God bless you for all your services to humanity. I love you.
There are several people who I deeply appreciate and if I were to write their names I would end up having a whole book, however I cannot leave the following names aside from this book: Lili Jimenez, Elupina Tirado, Billy Mulet, Alfonsina Ferreiras (In memoriam), My seniors leadership group Big Kahuna
, Matilde Encarnacion who was always there to show her support for this book and my other writings. To every other person that has influenced and inspired me in any way, my deepest gratitude to you all.
This book is about how our beliefs determine our lives. In a general sense many people understand that. In this book we will go beyond and develop the idea of how our beliefs actually create our life circumstances. We will leave aside the subject or thought that we were thrown into this world and we will pick up the thought that we are the ones who create the world we live in and our own reality. The thought that we are able to create our lives just as we want it to be.
The life we have now is so far the life we have created unconsciously, without putting our intention and our attention on what we were creating.
What I expose here is not the absolute truth, for me nothing is absolute except the constant and inevitable change of time. Nothing remains, everything moves all the time, in one direction or another, everything changes.
I invite you to immerse yourself in this reading without expectations, like a different way of seeing things, maybe similar to your way of thinking. Open up to the possibility that it’s you who is creating your world and your life with everything that you believe in, those ideas that form your whole belief system. Possibly with beliefs that you did not even know you had and do not know how you acquired either.
What drove me to write this book and who am I?
What drove me to write this book is what drives everyone to do things: the internal forces of our hearts. Within me there’s something that constantly bothers me and makes me feel uncomfortable, that tells me I want to express something, put me into words, and express what I think
. I think that within of every human being there is an inner force that drives them constantly to create and build, change, leave their mark, contribute, raise their voice and shout what they think, raise their brush and paint what they feel and what’s on their imagination.
For me everything started by reading, reading and reading. I enjoy reading so much that I started writing my personal journal and rereading it, I noticed that I had some interesting ideas. This led me to keep writing. Later on, I develop the desire of becoming a writer, I fell in love with the idea of writing my thoughts and how these would affect someone else.
As I wrote, more ideas arose, I wanted to read and write more.
Thirty-five years ago, I began meditating and meditation makes me enter the world of ideas. I studied Architecture in university and in this career more and more ideas emerged and creativity increased in me.
Besides being an architect, I am also a life coach, NLP consultant, family constellation therapy, meditation instructor, Feng Shui and consultant, speaker and instructor