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Vibrations of Life: A Handbook for Energetic Wellbeing
Vibrations of Life: A Handbook for Energetic Wellbeing
Vibrations of Life: A Handbook for Energetic Wellbeing
Ebook141 pages2 hours

Vibrations of Life: A Handbook for Energetic Wellbeing

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About this ebook

What’s it all about?
What’s the point?
Do I have a purpose and what is it?
How can I make my life better?
Have you ever tried to find the answers to such questions and been faced with a sea of information that either doesn’t really resonate, or simply baffles you? If so, you may find this book helpful.
Vibrations of Life explains that we are energetic beings in an energetic world and how to deal with the consequences of this as we live our lives.
The tools and techniques offered are tried and tested and WORK. Practiced regularly, they help to raise and maintain the frequency of our energetic vibration - the key to creating wellbeing and a strong and balanced life force which can positively influence others, situations and the energy of our surroundings.
The principles and information contained in Vibrations of Life can provide understanding of life’s challenges and change attitudes, allowing contentment despite any problems we may face.

‘Everyone should be taught these spiritual basics’
‘The visualisation exercises have really helped me change in my life for the better’
Release dateSep 15, 2020
Vibrations of Life: A Handbook for Energetic Wellbeing

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    Vibrations of Life - Su Mason PhD

    Copyright © 2020 Su Mason PhD and Kathleen Judd.

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    The authors of this book do not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the authors is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the authors and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-8195-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-8196-0 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 10/01/2020




    Chapter 1 Who Am I?

    Chapter 2 The Purpose of Life

    Chapter 3 Positively Managing Our Personal Energy Field

    Chapter 4 Our Reality

    Chapter 5 Our Powerful, Creative Mind

    Chapter 6 We Choose this Life!

    Chapter 7 More About Looking After Ourselves

    Chapter 8 Forgiveness = Spiritual Growth

    Chapter 9 Empaths, Sensitives and Intuition

    Chapter 10 Practically Applying Spiritual Principles to Life’s Challenges



    Author Biography



    The creation of this book has involved many people, to whom we are extremely grateful.

    First and foremost, Gerald and Tom, our husbands and sounding boards, who also gave their support by generously allowing us to give so much time to our ventures.

    Our gratitude also goes to the wider network of our families and friends, who have assisted in proof-reading and critiquing this work through several versions, from the first draft to the finished manuscript: Anna Mason, Dr Gerald Mason, Pete Beer, Yvonne Kirk and Lorraine Billings.

    We recognise Patricia Bateman’s immense contribution to the original Omnes Healing course notes on which this book is based. In addition, we thank Sally Chaffer who worked with Su Mason on the Energ-eased CDs and Anna Keeping who did the editing.

    We also wish to convey our appreciation to those who have contributed their personal stories which are included as anonymous examples throughout this book.

    Special thanks go to all our clients, Omnes Healing members and students (past and present), who unknowingly provided us with the impetus for writing this book because of their valuable feedback.

    Last but by no means least, our endless gratitude goes to The Source of All That Is, for the much appreciated, unseen support and guidance in our lives.


    What’s it all about?

    What’s the point?

    Do I have a purpose and what is it?

    How can I make my life better?

    Have you ever tried to find the answers to such questions and been faced with a sea of information that either doesn’t really resonate, or simply baffles you? If so, you may find this book helpful.

    We know that for many people the religious route provides them with the answers and support they need. This book, rather than focusing on belief systems, addresses general spiritual principles.

    By the word ‘spiritual’ we are referring to that aspect of the self which is not defined by only our mind or body - often known as our life force or soul – which is often overlooked and neglected in our lives.

    Vibrations of Life explains that we are energetic beings in an energetic world and how to deal with the consequences of this as we live our lives.

    Problems in life occur, but it is how we think about and subsequently deal with these challenges which determines whether or not we can still have contentment.

    The tools and techniques offered are tried and tested and WORK. If they are practised regularly, they help to raise and maintain the frequency of our energetic vibration, which is the key to creating a strong and balanced life force and positive wellbeing. The effects of a person’s high energetic vibration ripple out positively into their life, influencing others, situations and their environment.

    Whilst providing many examples, we have outlined basic spiritual principles and used them to explain and address the problems which people can encounter in everyday life. We have tried to link the various aspects discussed, because to fully understand one aspect, we often need to have knowledge of another.

    We start with the rather big topic of who we really are, our reality and our purpose in life, as all the other aspects covered fit into this understanding. We also explore the concept of ourselves and the world being energy; share techniques to raise our energetic vibration (which is vital for wellbeing); examine the power of the mind and how we can use it to create a more positive life; discuss some useful spiritual tools to help ourselves and those around us and finally, we look at how these spiritual principles can help us with various life challenges.

    Throughout, we have used the term ‘Source’ which is short for The Source of All That Is/The Highest Source of Love, Peace, Joy and Healing/God/Allah/Universal Source/The Highest Vibrational Source, etcetera. This gives the reader the option to substitute whatever works for them.

    This book is a result of over seventy years of healing experience, teaching, channelling wisdom and guidance from Source and spiritual/personal development, which we have accumulated between us. We have had personal experience of how the concepts contained within are very helpful when coping with our own life challenges. As part of our spiritual work, we share our understandings with our clients and students and regularly receive feedback on how their lives have changed for the better as they gradually put these tools and techniques into practise.

    The examples provided throughout the book are from a variety of people and are kept anonymous. Names have been changed.

    We sincerely hope that you enjoy this book and that you find it a useful and practical guide to navigate your life journey.¹

    Su Mason PhD and Kathleen Judd


    Who Am I?

    What do you say when you meet someone for the first time, and they ask you about yourself? Most of us give a specific description of who we are based on our roles in life, what we do as employment, our position in our family (parent/grandparent/son/daughter/spouse), our characteristics, etc. We label ourselves in terms of what we see and experience.

    Such descriptions cannot be who we really are though, because many of these aspects will change with time.

    I was a teacher, but now I am a landscape gardener.

    I was overweight, now I am thin.

    I was married, now I am single.

    I was a teenager, now I am elderly.

    I was naïve but now I have become more cynical, etc.

    If such narratives about us change, then this implies that who we fundamentally are changes throughout our lives. Intuitively, this does not seem right because these fluctuating descriptions miss the core of who we truly are. Aspects of us may change but who we really are does not. So, who are we?

    Whenever I look in the mirror I see the face of a mature woman looking back at me! I don’t feel like that woman. I feel much younger; that reflection I see in the mirror is not the real me.

    Are We Our Thoughts?

    We are thinking beings and spend much of our time doing this, our thoughts making us feel different emotions. So, do our thoughts and resultant emotions define who we are? They can certainly seem to, especially when we have habitual thought patterns.

    I am a stupid old man.

    I am fat and ugly.

    Our thoughts and emotions change however, so they cannot comprise the constant description we are looking for.

    I felt so proud of my promotion and happy at my increased wage, but worried that I might not be able to cope in my new managerial job.

    These explanations of ourselves as our external bodily roles and features, or our fluctuating thoughts and emotions, somehow miss the main essence of our being, don’t they?

    Defining Our Essence

    Everyone has some degree of awareness and sensitivity to energy. We are not talking about physical energy, but the energy vibrations which

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