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Trump Becoming Macbeth: Will Our Democracy Survive?
Trump Becoming Macbeth: Will Our Democracy Survive?
Trump Becoming Macbeth: Will Our Democracy Survive?
Ebook147 pages2 hours

Trump Becoming Macbeth: Will Our Democracy Survive?

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This book is a compilation of the best articles out of many published on the Church and State website written about Donald Trump from late August 2020 the first time when author Collins recommended that readers vote for Joe Biden for President of the United States. Collins has a no holds barred perspective of close to four generations of progress in America. He has travelled the world extensively and seen the best and worst of humanity in many forms. He understands that the most likely scenario for failure of the American democratic system is for a dictator to emerge and seize power away from the people. He recommends, like many before him, that the United States should set an example by giving it’s people and all of the people in the world free contraceptives to empower women and reduce our human population painlessly from its nearly 8 billion today to 2 billion by 2100.
Release dateJun 17, 2021
Trump Becoming Macbeth: Will Our Democracy Survive?

Donald A. Collins

Former U.S. Navy officer, banker and venture capitalist, Donald A. Collins, a freelance writer living in Washington, DC., has spent over 40 years working for women’s reproductive health as a board member and/or officer of numerous family planning organizations including Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Guttmacher Institute, Family Health International and Ipas. Yale undergraduate, NYU MBA.

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    Trump Becoming Macbeth - Donald A. Collins




    3 June 2021

    Remember the famous Shakespeare play Macbeth in which the returning hero of war murders the king in order to become king and sets forth a series of events that lead him finally to understand what his humongous behavior has bought him when, at the suicide of his only truly close ally, his wife, he says: Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player, / That struts and frets his hour upon the stage, / And then is heard no more. It is a tale / Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, / Signifying nothing.

    Donald J. Trump I imagine will likely never get there. He will never apologize. But in trying to murder our fragile democracy using hate, lying and his inherited wealth to take whatever route to power he could use, this disgraced former president is now faced as Macbeth was with an army of outraged citizens of both parties who are coming to displace him forever from political power and quite possibly put him in jail. Does he even have as Macbeth did any close ally?

    Those elected officials who cluster about him in his coming precipitous fall must surely know their racist driven, power seeking fealty can’t survive the morality test to which the majority of Americans will hold them!

    Our democracy, despite the darkness of the political present, will survive and as we overcome the racism of 400 years of slavery, America will continue to show the world the vast benefits of our system of law and order even as we understand the heinous flaw of slavery which has always infected many world human populations since their inception!

    We in time surprisingly may look back and thank Trump for exposing the worst in us so we could move on to fulfill the best in ourselves!




    1 June 2021

    All elected politicians need now to react powerfully to the GOP attempt to steal our democracy represented by Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s personal request to his senate colleagues to vote against a January 6th Commission!

    This Trump instigated act is so dangerous that the real response must be the massive rejection of any anti-democratic elected official, which basically means the 35 Republican Senators who went along with the evil McConnell choice; just as many Republican-led state leaders are bent on passing laws that reduce votes from qualified minority voters while claiming voter fraud is a danger, when it is not!

    This echo of the effect of Trump’s claim of the big lie about the November 3, 2020, Presidential election, is critical in our understanding why our fragile democracy is in deep trouble!

    Hence my urgent advice is that the majority of our important corporations better now step up and see that these aberrant politicians get the message that the GOP can’t steal our democracy.

    One way would be not giving money to those people.

    Another would be for our major media providers to ensure that these dangerous GOP lies get exposed at every opportunity!

    We already know that many members of the GOP are repelled by the behavior of its top leaders, but apparently too many fail or refuse to understand that the winning of the next election at the cost of destroying democracy is not related to an election choice but to a turn to tyranny!

    American democracy is at a crossroads, but we can hope that our corporate leaders can realize their continuing business self-interest means this unacceptable GOP behavior must be interdicted ASAP.



    31 May 2021

    The Princeton report on ways to substitute non fossil fuel energy capacity by 2050 encourages one to see real possible progress toward fixing our earth’s climate.

    Read these articles here and here.

    The GOP’s current unwillingness to fix adequately our aging infrastructure illuminates their gross incompetence to see the best way for America’s future.

    Thus, my main point: the GOP’s blatant lying for short term political gain for Donald Trump may not be its most dangerous fault, but failing to face major challenges to achieve long term gains such as to avoid climate disasters IS!

    And after 47 years of Roe working well, we now find the potential for further GOP incompetence as the Supreme Court takes up the Mississippi abortion case which would reduce choice at a time when the need to rein in population growth looms as another crisis requiring competence not mindless GOP ideology.

    Lots of Republicans get my point and even Catholic Joe Biden gets it right on choice.

    It’s not about politics or ideology, it’s about human survival. The surfeit of human numbers, now having grown from 2 billion to almost 8 in my 90 year lifetime on our planet, needs us to offer every safe method for reproductive choice.

    And sorely needed is full understanding of the urgency for pursuing global needs such as providing vaccines to India, Brazil and all who need them, not thinking that we can delay giving all humans on earth as rapid access as possible.

    In short, global actions based on science offer the only sustainable path to a peaceful future. Yes, the USA could offer the world a workable example, but the gross incompetence of one of its two political parties makes it harder if not impossible!

    The incompetence danger is further enhanced by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s demand that his Republican colleagues do him a personal favor and vote against a January 6th commission investigation. A lot of honorable Republicans found this abhorrent including Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski whose outrage you can read about here.

    Hard to decide which is worse, the lying or the incompetence, but together they make a lethal attack on progress on vital issues long settled by science and moral probity.



    29 May 2021

    As what in my recent OpEds I have dubbed the Attenborough crisis—too many human consumers of Earth’s limited resources—we get daily examples such as the page one May 27 Wall Street Journal story entitled A Grand Plan To Vaccinate The World Unravels which you can read here.

    The climate crisis has caused a growing demand that Exxon, Shell and other fossil fuel producers reduce emissions ASAP!

    In a recent TV interview, the 95 year old master scholar of our natural world’s limits, Sir David Attenborough, predicted another 3 billion human consumers will be added if current growth rates prevail. We now have 8 billion human consumers, up from 2 billion in his lifetime.

    It is obvious that reductions of all over consumption is now required but far from certain to occur!

    It now appears that most likely saviors of humans peacefully continuing to live on Earth over the long term will have to be big corporations, the most enlightened of whom will fear the loss of their hegemony.

    Can enough vaccines be provided for all in this world? Not now on a timely enough basis, but as soon as corporations see the clear self interest in so doing, just as fears about dangerous climate resolutions are now hitting Exxon and Shell.

    In short, could profits and fear combine to let corporations save sustainable life on Earth? Let’s see.




    28 May 2021

    Recall that the notorious 1930’s Chicago mobster Al Capone, was never convicted of being behind multiple murders, only income tax evasion. He was convicted in 1931, the year I was born in Evanston, a Chicago suburb, where my father worked as a bond salesman at the time. You can read Capone’s Wikipedia bio here.

    Will Trump likely pay for his murderous crime of inciting the January 6th insurrection on the U.S. Capitol or even perhaps for his numerous questionable actions while in office? We will probably not know for months but the NY District Attorney’s empaneling of a grand jury suggests his past business practices may prove extremely actionable. Expect news before Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr’s retirement at year end 2021.

    We can count that the full trial process will likely take months as everyone is lawyered up to the hilt. You can read an initial Washington Post story here.

    The growing number of alleged stories of wrongdoing by former U.S. President Donald J. Trump and his minions should at least serve to warn the GOP that his political power may well not survive the midterm elections if then.

    Michael Cohen, his longtime attorney, wrote a book entitled Disloyal whose validity could be contested in any trial for obvious reasons of self-interest, but Thrift books analysis is interesting reading here.

    Perhaps the most telling of recent disclosures was the brief May 26 CNN interview with former wife of the son of Trump’s long

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