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Surrender to Allah: The Supreme Consciousness
Surrender to Allah: The Supreme Consciousness
Surrender to Allah: The Supreme Consciousness
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Surrender to Allah: The Supreme Consciousness

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For All my Brothers and Sisters around the world I have wrote this book as a force for positivity in the face of disunity, labelling, bigotry, discrimination, inequality and ignorance. I invite as the Supreme Consciousness invites all to heal the sense of this separation from the Divine in all aspects of

Release dateNov 3, 2021
Surrender to Allah: The Supreme Consciousness

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    Book preview

    Surrender to Allah - Javed Khan


    Copyright © 2021 by Javed Bismillah Khan

    Paperback: 978-1-63767-447-5

    eBook: 978-1-63767-448-2

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2021917765

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    This is a work of nonfiction.

    Ordering Information:

    BookTrail Agency

    8838 Sleepy Hollow Rd.

    Kansas City, MO 64114

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents


    Chapter One: United Love

    Chapter Two: Overcoming Anxiety and Healing

    Chapter Three: Surrender and Creation

    Chapter Four: Unity and the Power of WE

    Chapter Five: The Power of Unconditional Love

    Chapter Six: One-God Life Coaching and Your Life

    Chapter Seven: A Peaceful Heart is the Basis of a Healthy Body

    Chapter Eight: The Powers of One-God Realization, You and Divine Love


    My first book ‘Bismillah (in the name of God) Life Coaching for the Soul was based around Islamic Universal principles of Unity, Love and True Surrender.

    This book is by way an extension and a bridge for a United Faith based on the same principles of Love Unconditional.…

    Reach us at our website

    Chapter One

    United Love

    God’s purpose flows to you without effort. It is the Ultimate Gift. It is given to you wherever you are and who ever you are, whatever label the world has given to you.

    Politics has become nothing more than buying votes instead of living by true moral values.

    What indeed has become of the noble people who would strive for their right to live by the true and honest principles of open and honest faith in the promise of God, that the unjust will surely spend their real time in eternity in endless regret.

    Do you not believe?

    Just think for a moment. Is it really worth it?

    Could you not be at least a little deceived by the illusory and ever-shifting life of this insane mortal world?

    Do you really so disrespect the wisdom of the Saints, sages and prophets of all time?


    Are you really willing to sell your soul for a paltry handful of dirt?

    Faith is no accident - it can be perfected through self-education, direction, and healing.

    Your Faith is what you believe. And as you believe, so it shall be. It is your Faith that controls your destiny.

    If your Faith is in alignment with A Benevolent Reality, your benevolent outcome is certain.

    So be certain that what you believe is true.

    Perfect your Faith through constant Self Education. Feel yourself increasing in your Knowledge of God.

    We get what we expect.

    Because I know God is Good, I see and receive only Good. In order to receive good, don’t focus on the good you wish to receive, focus on the knowing that God is Good; on the Knowing of God.

    This can be learned. And from this, all and only Good will come to you.

    Take your mind off what you want, for that is already known by God. Focus your mind on the Knowing of God and receive instant illumination.

    The primary distortion to be overcome is that of a God who has no time to listen to my problems and why would he care?

    You may be sceptical as you like and then suddenly you are in tune with nature.

    You start to live your life for the good of the world instead of being a selfish clod who moans constantly that the world will not devote all it’s time to help you fix your life, which is never ending.


    The creation of Unconditional Love as the one thing that is the most powerful Force in creation is not up for question, neither is the power of Words described as the most powerful drugs known to mankind.

    Although it is what is described as a ANOMALY, a thing described as an object but does not have form, just like Happiness, misery, anger, evil or hate.

    It would be interesting if the above were objects that you could buy, probably cheaper on the internet, if you chose.

    There is but One Reality, and that Reality is infinite and unconditional Conscious Benevolence, manifesting itself as a Divine Source of endless and eternal Unconditional Love, Care and Resource, unlimited Generosity and Provision from unseen and unknown sources.

    This is no fleeting thought.

    This is an ever-present reality.

    It is not to be held in the mind alone but through the process of realization, incorporated into your being with an ever-increasing depth of perception and awareness, that through this actual embodiment, ever-more increasing benefit may be derived.

    It is a classic mistake on the part of many theologians to emphasize service as a means to the ‘reward’ of realization, but true service is a being resurrected as the product of realization and often, no matter how selfless or devout, service can fail as a means.

    This is because it is imperative to realize that realization need only be realized, otherwise the fact that it is present already and always has been might be denied, and it cannot be had if its eternal presence is not recognized.

    Contemplate One Reality- Not Two!

    Hold before your mind’s eye the perfect image that Universal Mind has of your body.

    "There is one rule that will help anyone keep healthy. That rule is to forget your nerves and your bottles, and hold before your mind’s eye only the perfect image that Universal Mind has of your body.

    That is the surest way to keep free from sickness. And if you are already sick, the same rule applies.

    Know that Universal Mind never created disease, which is but an illusion of your conscious mind.

    Know that mind is the only creator that as one famous scholar puts it, There is nothing, either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.

    Know that you have the say as to what that thinking shall be. Know, therefore, that by holding a perfect image of your body in your thoughts you can make your body perfect


    Praise and Gratitude to GOD Almighty Who has guided us to ‘This’. And we could not be among the guided (to ‘This’) were it not for the guidance of GOD.

    ...and how can I explain to you what ‘This’ is?

    One thought of ‘Absence’’ leads to the world of error.

    One true thought that there is no absence of life, substance and intelligence in my idea of good, restores to us our rightfully divine inheritance.

    Chapter Two

    Overcoming Anxiety and Healing

    The Miracle is, by definition, Divine. We All need The Miracle in our lives.

    We either recognize our lives as The Miracle we need or we do not.

    But in either case, we need The Miracle in our lives.

    Many people have health who are not necessarily healed. People who are healed are no longer concerned with health and that is why it is granted to them.

    Their very disconcern for it is why it is granted them.

    What is it that healed people are concerned with?

    They are concerned with The Miracle.

    They are literally fascinated by it; in awe of it. It occupies their every thought and glance and moment.

    One Perfect Thought of YAHWEH/GOD/ALLAH/THE SUPREME CONSCIOUSNESS, inserted into the body, will heal you perfectly!

    What a profound thought! Can we even begin to fathom the reality of that?

    Why, Yes! We can if we want to. If we are interested in truth in any fashion, we must be fascinated by the potential offered in this one idea.

    For he who can accept his true Identity is truly saved.

    And his salvation is the gift he gives to everyone, in gratitude to Him

    Who pointed out the way to happiness that changed his whole perspective of the world."

    All your images of winter I see against your sky.

    I understand the wounds that have not healed in you.

    They exist because God /Yahweh/Allah/The Supreme Consciousness and Unconditional Love have yet to become real enough to allow you to forgive the dream.

    The moment your reach outside of yourself you have forgotten yourself!

    It is only in the state of higher consciousness and/or God consciousness that an individual can move out of conflicts of ego personality and experience inner balance, harmony and peace.

    Unhappy people have false beliefs!

    The True Way is a Mercy to the Worlds and a Healing for the Hearts of CREATION.

    Please note that the consequences of ignorance can be devastating. Just look around you.

    Are the people of war the same as the people of peace? Are they even living in the same reality?

    The Thinking after Surrender is different from the thinking before.



    You dwell not here but in Eternity. You travel but in dreams, while safe at home.

    Abidance is permanence, establishment, permanence of abode, established, an established reality, a foundation, a fundamental base of operations, security, permanence and reality, a place from which to manifest love.

    It cannot be found in the worldly life and cannot be found by seeking, yet most people seek it in a worldly existence which is only a reflection of the truth of their quest.

    Only a similitude of permanence can be established in this world because everything in life is consistently changing on all levels at all different velocities or rates of speed.

    Permanence can be recognized only in the spiritual world, and this simply because it is our Reality.

    When that permanence is determined, established and recognized to be the only real permanence, all purpose will shift and actions will come from that place only. They will then reflect the feeling of truth and reality that others seek, and success of outward accomplishment will ensue.

    Permanence, is a gift from God/Yahweh/Allah/The Supreme Consciousness!

    We already have it!

    We need only to abide in it. And to do this we need only to maintain our conscious awareness of God, our God-Consciousness, and this means not allowing ourselves to fall back into the dream.

    Because GOD Almighty is permanent, and this is without question, so is the manifestation of His creation that is beyond the time and space of worldly existence. And we are that manifestation.

    But by that I do not mean us as the temporary and transitory manifestation of this life, which is only a moment in which we may discover ourselves and choose to abide in the truth or ignore it and pursue the illusion.

    It is not that this temporary and transitory life is meaningless but that it is only a tool, a moment in eternity, by which we may gain knowledge of our transcendent nature.

    It is by means of this life that we gain our true recognition of God. It is by the very means of this life that we may learn to transcend it and know of and abide in our life forever in a garden not of our own making.

    That is why I say often that the purpose of life, death, and everything in between is Self- and God-realization.

    Once that transcendence is determined and established, and that is the goal of all genuine effort, the life in this world becomes easy and is a gift, a trivial and insignificant, nevertheless substantial and respectable, indication of our real life.

    So seek, O seekers of God, your real life with GOD, and then let all else, if there is an else, be added unto you. For with this peace you have all peace, and without it you have no real peace at all.

    It is on this foundation of truth and permanence that

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