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The Dancing Floor
The Dancing Floor
The Dancing Floor
Ebook293 pages5 hours

The Dancing Floor

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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  • Adventure

  • Mystery

  • Courage

  • Love

  • Fear

  • Hero's Journey

  • Haunted House

  • Forbidden Love

  • Power of Love

  • Star-Crossed Lovers

  • Mysterious Island

  • Chosen One

  • Loyal Friend

  • Call to Adventure

  • Race Against Time

  • Sacrifice

  • Greek Culture

  • Family Legacy

  • Friendship

  • Family

About this ebook

A Scottish barrister gets entangled in a web of deadly superstition and danger on a small Greek island in this novel by the author of The Thirty-Nine Steps.
Though Sir Edward Leithen is not one to take superstition seriously, he is sympathetic to his friend Vernon Milburne, who has been plagued by a recurring nightmare since childhood. Now, as the two men embark on an Aegean cruise, the dream’s disturbing portents seem to be coming true in ways neither man could have imagined.
In Plakos, Greece, Englishwoman Koré Arabin is in grave danger. The islanders believe her to be a witch, and it is up to Edward and Vernon to save her. But the more they learn of Koré’s family history, the closer they come to uncovering the evil that lurks in her island home.
First published in 1926, The Dancing Floor continues the saga of  Sir Edward Leithen, John Buchan’s popular character featured in The Power-House and John Macnab. Here, Buchan explores themes of fallacy and reason, paganism and Christianity.
Release dateJan 1, 2022

John Buchan

John Buchan (1875 - 1940) was a talented author who specialized in adventure novels. Having served as the Governor-General of Canada, he has over fifty books to his name.

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Rating: 3.5294117647058822 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    2023 reread: Yup, the paranormal aspects are just too much for me. There are some paranormal or mystical touches in some of Buchan's other books (in Greenmantle for example) but not as prominent as in this book.

    2018 review:
    This is the 3rd book in the Sir Edward Leithen series by John Buchan and the one I liked the least so far. I liked the setting but there was too much 'touch of the mystical' for me about both Vernon & the plot in general.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I found this an enjoyable novel though it is far from Buchan’s finest. Once again the principal character is Sir Edward Leithen (perhaps of all his characters the one who most closely resembled Buchan himself) who, having made his name and fortune as an accomplished barrister, became an MP, serving as Attorney general.
    The novel takes the form of reminiscences from Leithen recounted over glasses of port across several evenings in his gentleman’s club, and tell of the strange adventures that befell Vernon Milburne, a young companion of his who had been orphaned at a young age and subsequently gone on to became a renowned classicist.
    Every spring Milburne found himself having the same dream, full of alarming yet unspecified presentiment. In the dream he found himself sleeping in a strange large house, aware of some threatening presence that was searching for him. Each year the presence came a bit nearer, coming one room closer in the large labyrinthine house. Milburne becomes convinced that the eventual arrival in his own room of this phantom presence will unleash dramatic forces within his real life.
    Life moves on, and Milburne continues to have the dream each year, and the presence continues to come one room closer each time. Even the intervention of World War One, in which both Leithen and Milburne serve with credit, each being invalided out, fails to break the sequence of dreams. However, in the meantime both Leithen and Milburne separately encounter the bizarre and exotic Kore Arabin, only child or the dissolute and rakish Shelley Arabin. Kore has inherited her father’s estate in Greece but now finds herself beset with local disputes that owe more to the darker side of Greek mythology than twentieth century life.
    This is one of Buchan’s more fanciful (and, to my mind, less successful) novels, owing more than a little to J G Frasier’s then recently-published “The Golden Bough” which awoke hitherto unrecognised affinities with primordial legend across British society. Still, even if it doesn’t pass muster alongside such glorious works as “John Macnab”, this book is as beautifully written as ever, with Buchan’s trademark pellucid prose and simple yet immensely plausible characterisation. Perhaps this time, though, the sense of yearning for a better, more idealistic age leaves the reader with a slightly stronger sense of melancholy than is the case with Buchan’s more boisterous books.

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The Dancing Floor - John Buchan


The Dancing Floor

John Buchan



This story was told me by Leithen, as we were returning rather late in the season from a shooting holiday in North Ontario. There were few passengers, the weather was a succession of snow blizzards and gales, and as we had the smoking-room for the most part to ourselves, we stoked up the fire and fell into a mood of yarns and reminiscences. Leithen, being a lawyer, has a liking for careful detail, and his tale took long in the telling; indeed, snatches of it filled the whole of that rough October passage. The version I have written out is amplified from his narrative, but I think it is accurate, for he took the trouble to revise it.

Romance (he said) is a word I am shy of using. It has been so staled and pawed by fools that the bloom is gone from it, and to most people it stands for a sugary world as flat as an eighteenth-century Arcadia. But, dry stick as I am, I hanker after my own notion of romance. I suppose it is the lawyer in me, but I define it as something in life which happens with an exquisite aptness and a splendid finality, as if Fate had suddenly turned artist—something which catches the breath because it is so wholly right. Also for me it must happen to youth. I do not complain of growing old, but I like to keep my faith that at one stage in our mortal existence nothing is impossible. It is part of my belief that the universe is on the whole friendly to man, and that the ordering of the world is in the main benevolent.… So I go about expecting things, waiting like an old pagan for the descent of the goddess. And once—only once—I caught the authentic shimmer of her wings.


My story begins in January 1913, when I took my nephew Charles to dine with the Amysforts for a ball they were giving. Balls are not much in my line, for when I came first to London it was the foolish fashion of young men not to dance, but to lounge superciliously in doorways, while their elders took the floor. I had a good deal of work on hand, and I meant to leave immediately after dinner, but the necessity of launching Charles made me linger through the first few dances. My nephew was a cheerful young gentleman in his second year at Oxford, and it presently appeared that he did not want for friends of his own age. There was a perpetual bandying of nicknames and occult chaff with other fresh-coloured boys.

One in particular caught my attention. He was a tall young man of about Charles’s age, who was not dancing but stood beside one of the windows with his head silhouetted against a dark curtain. He was uncommonly handsome after the ordinary English pattern, but our youth is mostly good to behold, and that would not have fixed my attention. What struck me was his pose. He was looking at the pretty spectacle with a curious aloofness—with eyes that received much but gave out nothing. I have never seen any one so completely detached, so clothed with his own atmosphere, and since that is rare at the age of twenty, I asked Charles if he knew him.

Rather. It’s old Milburne. He’s up at Magdalen with me. First string for the ‘Varsity mile. Believed—his voice became reverential—to be going to knock five seconds off his last year’s time. Most awful good chap. Like me to introduce you?

The young man in response to my nephew’s beckoning approached us. Hullo, Vernon, how’s life? said my nephew. Want to introduce you to my uncle—Sir Edward Leithen—big legal swell, you know—good fellow to have behind you if you run up against the laws of England.

Charles left us to claim a partner, and I exchanged a few commonplaces with his friend, for I too—consule Planco—had run the mile. Our short talk was the merest platitudes, but my feeling about his odd distinction was intensified. There was something old-fashioned in his manner—wholly self-possessed yet with no touch of priggishness—a little formal, as if he had schooled himself to be urbanely and delicately on his guard. My guess at the time was that he had foreign blood in him, not from any difference of colouring or feature, but from his silken reserve. We of the North are apt to be angular in our silences; we have not learned the art of gracious reticence.

That boy’s face remained clearly fixed in my memory. It is a thing that often happens to me, for without any reason on earth I will carry about with me pictures of some casual witnesses or clients whom I am bound to recognize if I ever see them again. It is as freakish a gift as that which makes some men remember scraps of doggerel. I saw the face so vividly in my mind that, if I had been an artist, I could have drawn it accurately down to the finest lines of the mouth and the wary courtesy of the eyes. I do not suppose I gave the meeting another conscious thought, for I was desperately busy at the time, but I knew that I had added another portrait to the lumber-room of my absurd memory.

I had meant to go to Scotland that Easter vacation to fish, but a sudden pressure of Crown cases upset all my plans, and I had to limit my holiday to four days. I wanted exercise, so I took it in the most violent form, and went for a walk in the Westmorland hills. The snow lay late that year, and I got the exercise I sought scrambling up icy gullies and breasting north-easters on the long bleak ridges. All went well till the last day, which I spent among the Cartmel fells intending to catch a train at an obscure station which would enable me to join the night mail for London at Lancaster. You know how those little hills break down in stony shelves to the sea. Well, as luck would have it, I stepped into a hole between two boulders masked with snow, and crawled out with the unpleasing certainty that I had either broken or badly wrenched my ankle. By the time I had hobbled down to the beginning of the stone-walled pastures I knew that it was a twist and not a break, but before I reached a road I knew also that I would never reach the station in time for my train.

It had begun to snow again, the spring dusk was falling, and the place was very lonely. My watch told me that even if I found a farm or inn and hired a trap I should miss my train. The only chance was to get a motor-car to take me to Lancaster. But there was no sign of farm or inn—only interminable dusky snowy fields, and the road was too small and obscure to make a friendly motor-car probable. I limped along in a very bad temper. It was not a matter of desperate urgency that I should be in London next morning, though delay would mean the postponement of a piece of business I wanted to get finished. But the prospect was black for my immediate comfort. The best I could look forward to was a bed in a farm- or a wayside public-house, and a slow and painful journey next day. I was angry with myself for my clumsiness. I had thought my ankles beyond reproach, and it was ridiculous that after three days on rough and dangerous mountains I should come to grief on a paltry hillock.

The dusk thickened, and not a soul did I meet. Presently woods began to creep around the road, and I walked between two patches of blackness in a thin glimmer of twilight which would soon be gone. I was cold and hungry and rather tired, and my ankle gave me a good deal of pain. I tried to think where I was, and could only remember that the station, which had been my immediate objective, was still at least six miles distant. I had out my map and wasted half a dozen matches on it, but it was a map of the hill country and stopped short of my present whereabouts. Very soon I had come to a determination to stop at the first human habitation, were it a labourer’s cottage, and throw myself upon the compassion of its inmates. But not a flicker of light could I see to mark the presence of man.

Then something white glimmered faintly on my left, and I saw that it was a wicket gate. This must mean a house near at hand, so I hopefully pushed it open and entered. I found myself in a narrow path running among fir trees. It was nearly pitch-dark in that place, and I was in fear of losing the road, which was obscured by the fallen snow, and getting lost in a wood. Soon, however, I was clear of the firs and in more open country among what looked like beeches. The wind, too, had swept the path bare, and there was just enough light to make it out as it twined up and down a little glade. I suspected that I was in a demesne of some considerable house, and the suspicion became a certainty when my track emerged on a broad gravel drive. After that my way was clear. The drive took me into a park—I knew it was a park because of the frequent swing-gates for cattle—and suddenly it bore to the right and I saw half a dozen irregularly placed lights high up in the air before me. This was the house, and it must be a large one, for some of the lights were far apart.

Five minutes later I found myself ringing the bell in a massive pillared porch, and explaining my case to a very old butler, to whom I gave my card.

I’ve had an accident on the hills, I said, and twisted my ankle rather badly. I wonder if I might ask for some assistance—to get to an inn or a station. I’m afraid I don’t in the least know where I am.

This is Severns Hall, sir, said the man. My master is Mr. Vernon Milburne. If you will come in, sir, I will acquaint him with the position.

Mr. Vernon Milburne? I cried. I believe I have met him. I think he is at Oxford with my nephew.

Mr. Milburne is a member of the University of Oxford, said the ancient man. He led me into a vast hall of the worst kind of Victorian Gothic, in which a big bright wood fire crackled. When he saw me clearly the butler proved a very angel of mercy. I think, sir, you should first have a little refreshment, he said, and brought me a whisky-and-soda. Then, while I thawed my frozen bones before the logs, he departed to seek his master.

I was too preoccupied with my own grievances to feel much interest in the fact that I had stumbled upon the dwelling of the boy who had so intrigued me at Lady Amysfort’s ball. But as I warmed my hands at the blaze it did occur to me that this was the last kind of house I would have linked him with—this sham-mediæval upholstered magnificence. It was Gothic with every merit of Gothic left out, and an air of dull ecclesiasticism hung about it. There was even an organ at one end, ugly and staring, as if it had come out of some nouveau riche provincial church. Every bit of woodwork was fretted and tortured into fancy shapes.

I heard a voice at my elbow.

I think we have met before, Sir Edward, it said. I am so sorry for your misfortune. Let’s get the boot off and look at the ankle.

It’s only a sprain, I said. I really don’t want to bother you. If you would be so very kind as to lend me a car to take me to Lancaster, I can manage to travel all right. I ought to be in London to-morrow morning.

Nonsense! He smiled in a pleasant boyish way. You are going to stay here to-night, and if you’re well enough I’ll send you into Lancaster to-morrow. You look simply fagged out. Let’s get the boot off and see if we need a doctor.

He summoned the butler, and the two of them soon had my foot bare, while the boy, who seemed to know something about sprains, ran a light hand over the ankle bone.

Nothing very bad here, he said; but it must have been jolly painful to walk with. We’ll bandage it and you need only limp for a day or two. Beaton, find out if Sir Edward’s room is ready. You’d better have a hot bath and then we’ll do the bandaging. After that you’ll want some food. I’ll lend you a dressing-gown and dry clothes.

The next hour was spent in restoring me to some ease of body. Severns might be an ugly house, but whoever built it had a pretty notion of comfort in bedrooms. I had two rooms, each with a cheerful fire, and when I had had my bath the two Samaritans bandaged my ankle as neatly as a hospital nurse, and helped me into a suit of flannels. Then Vernon disappeared, and when he returned he was dressed for dinner. A table had been laid for me in the sitting-room, and Beaton was waiting to ask me what I would drink.

Champagne, said Vernon. I prescribe it.

But you’re making far too much fuss about me, I protested. I can easily dine downstairs with you.

I think you ought to dine here. You’ve put yourself in my hands and I’m your medical adviser.

He saw me start my meal before he left me.

Do you mind if I say good-night now? he said. You ought to get to bed pretty soon, and I have some work I want to do after dinner. Sound sleep and pleasant dreams.

I dined excellently, and after a single pipe was resolutely put to bed by Beaton the butler. They were benevolent despots in this house who were not to be gainsaid. I was sufficiently weary to be glad to go to sleep, but before I dropped off I wondered just a little at the nature of my reception. There were no other guests, Beaton had told me, and it seemed odd that a boy of nineteen alone in this Gothic mausoleum should show so little desire for human companionship. I should have expected, even if I were not allowed downstairs, to have had him come and talk to me for an hour or so before turning in. What work had he to which he was so faithful? I remembered that Charles had mentioned that he was a bit of a swell at his books, but, as Charles himself had been ploughed for Pass Mods, that might mean very little. Anyhow, there was something morbid about a conscience which at nineteen forced its possessor to work in vacation time after dinner. He had been immensely hospitable, but obviously he had not wanted my company. That aloofness which I had remarked at Lady Amysfort’s ball had become a heavy preoccupation. His attitude had been courteously defensive; there had been a screen which robbed his kindness of all geniality. I felt quite distinctly that there was something in or about the house, something connected with himself, from which I was being resolutely excluded.

I slept well, and was awakened by Beaton bringing my early tea. He had undrawn the curtains and opened one of the windows, and a great flood of sunlight and spring airs was pouring through. The storm had passed, and April was in her most generous mood. My ankle felt lumpish and stiff, but when Beaton examined it he pronounced that it was mending nicely. But you can’t press on it to-day, sir, he added. Mr. Vernon won’t let you move to-day.… . . Breakfast will be laid in the sitting-room, and Mr. Vernon’s compliments and he proposes to join you at nine o’clock. I will return and bandage the ankle and assist you to rise as soon as Prayers are over.

Presently, as I lay watching a ridge of distant hill seen through the window and trying to decide what it could be, the sound of singing rose from some room below me. It must be Prayers. The old-fashioned hymn tune reminded me of my childhood, and I wondered how many young men of to-day kept up the fashion of family worship when alone in a country house. And then I suddenly remembered all about the Milburnes, for they had been my mother’s friends.

Humphrey Milburne had been a rich Lancashire cotton-spinner, whose father or grandfather—I forget which—had been one of the pioneers of the industry. I don’t think he had ever concerned himself greatly with business, for his métier had always been that of the devout layman who is more occupied with church affairs than any bishop. He had been a leader of the Evangelical party, a vigorous opponent of ritualist practices, and a noted organizer of religious revivals. Vague memories of him came back to me from my childhood, for my own family had been of the same persuasion. I had a recollection of a tall, bearded man who, on a visit to us, had insisted on seeing the children, and had set me on his knee, and had asked me, a shivering, self-conscious mite, embarrassing questions about my soul. I remembered his wife, Lady Augusta, more clearly. She was a thin little woman who never seemed to be separated from a large squashy Bible stuffed with leaflets and secured by many elastic bands. She had had a knack of dropping everything as she moved, and I had acted as page to retrieve her belongings. She had been very kind to me, for to her grief she had then no children.… I remembered that a son had at last been born—a child of many prayers, my mother had called him. And then came a vague recollection of a tragedy. Lady Augusta had died when the boy was an infant, and her husband had followed within the year. After that the Milburnes passed out of my life, except that their nurse had come to us when I was at Oxford, and had had much to say of young Master Vernon.

My vague remembrance seemed to explain my host. The child of ageing parents and an orphan from his early years—that would account for his lack of youthful spontaneity. I liked the notion of him I was acquiring; there was something quaint and loyal in his keeping up the family ritual—an evangelical athlete with the looks of Apollo. I had fancied something foreign in his air, but that of course was nonsense. He came of the most prosaic British stock, cotton-spinning Milburnes, and for his mother a Douglas-Ernott, whose family was the quintessence of Whig solidity.

I found Vernon waiting for me in the sunny sitting-room, dressed in rough grey homespun, and with an air of being ready for a long day in the open. There was a change in him since the night before. His eyes were a little heavy, as if he had slept badly, but the shutters were lifted from them. His manner was no longer constrained, and the slight awkwardness I had felt in his presence was gone. He was now a cheerful communicative undergraduate.

Beaton says you had a good night, sir, but you mustn’t use that foot of yours. You can’t think of London to-day, you know. I’ve nothing to do except look after you, so you’d better think of me as Charles with a nephew’s privileges. It’s going to be a clinking fine day, so what do you say to running up in the car to the moors above Shap and listening to the curlews? In the spring they’re the jolliest things alive.

He was a schoolboy now, looking forward to an outing, and we might have been breakfasting in Oxford rooms before going out with the Bicester. I fell into his holiday mood, and forgot to tell him that I had long ago met his parents. He lent me an ulster and helped me downstairs, where he packed me into the front of a big Daimler and got in beside me. In the clear spring sunshine, with the park a chessboard of green grass and melting snow, and the rooks cawing in the beech tops, Severns looked almost venerable, for its lines were good and the stone was weathering well. He nodded towards the long façades. Ugly old thing, when you think of Levens or Sizergh, but it was my grandfather’s taste, and I mean to respect it. If we get a fine sunset you’ll see it light up like an enchanted castle. It’s something to be able to see the hills from every window, and to get a glimpse of the sea from the top floor. Goodish sport, too, for we’ve several miles of salmon and sea trout, and we get uncommon high birds in the upper coverts.

We sped up by winding hill-roads to the moors, and there were the curlews crying over the snow-patched bent with that note which is at once eerie, and wistful, and joyful. There were grouse, too, busy about their nesting, and an occasional stone-chat, and dippers flashing their white waistcoats in every beck. It was like being on the roof of the world, with the high Lake hills a little foreshortened, like ships coming over the horizon at sea. Lunch we had with us, and ate on a dry bank of heather, and we had tea in a whitewashed moorland farm. I have never taken to any one so fast as I took to that boy. He was in the highest spirits, as if he had finished some difficult task, and in the rebound he became extraordinarily companionable. I think he took to me also, for he showed a shy but intense interest in my doings, the eagerness with which an undergraduate prospects the channels of the world’s life which he is soon to navigate. I had been prepared to find a touch of innocent priggishness, but there was nothing of the kind. He seemed to have no dogmas of his own, only inquiries.

I suppose a lawyer’s training fits a man to examine all kinds of problems—not only legal ones, he asked casually at luncheon. I mean he understands the value of any sort of evidence, for the principles of logical truth are always the same?

I suppose so, I replied, though it’s only legal conundrums that come my way. I was once asked my opinion on a scientific proof—in the higher mathematics—but I didn’t make much of it—couldn’t quite catch on to the data or understand the language.

Yes, that might be a difficulty, he admitted. But a thing like a ghost story, for instance—you’d be all right at that, I suppose?

The boy had clearly something in his head, and I wondered if the raw magnificence of Severns harboured any spooks. Could that be the reason of his diffidence on the previous evening?

When we got home we sat smoking by the library fire, and while I skimmed the Times Vernon dozed. He must have been short of his sleep and was now making up for it in the way of a healthy young man. As I watched his even breathing I decided that here there could be no abnormality of body or mind. It was like watching a tired spaniel on the rug, too tired even to hunt in his dreams.

As I lifted my eyes from the paper I saw that he was awake and was looking at me intently, as if he were hesitating about asking me some question.

I’ve been asleep, he apologized. I can drop off anywhere after a day on the hills.

You were rather sleepless as a child, weren’t you? I asked.

His eyes opened. I wonder how you know that?

"From your old nurse. I ought to have told you that in my boyhood I knew your parents a little. They stayed with us more than once. And Mrs.

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