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Jupiter Six Galleries: Exoplanetary Archaeology, #2
Jupiter Six Galleries: Exoplanetary Archaeology, #2
Jupiter Six Galleries: Exoplanetary Archaeology, #2
Ebook85 pages16 minutes

Jupiter Six Galleries: Exoplanetary Archaeology, #2

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The mandate of the J6G has always been to enrich the cultural life of the outer system starting with the Jupiter Independent Territories. We have the utmost gratitude to the Coalition Science Council for donating the unused wings of their orbital headquarters as gallery space, and for the helpfulness of their Outreach Department in suggesting and editing materials for exhibition. At the same time, we preserve a healthy curatorial independence, and are not afraid of courting controversy by programming exhibits from the Terran Art Museum & Cultural Preservation Society, the Museum of Exoplanetary Archaeology at New Toronto, Mars Colony 7, and other revered institutions with an "inner system" perspective not always aligned with that of the CSC. Given our position at the crossroads of local transport, and our physical and spiritual ties to archaeology and space exploration, our goal whatever the exhibition is always to highly the artistry latent in the topic at hand so as to engage the imagination of the broader public. The process is as rewarding as it is challenging.

Release dateFeb 18, 2022
Jupiter Six Galleries: Exoplanetary Archaeology, #2

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    Book preview

    Jupiter Six Galleries - David Petersen

    Jupiter Gallery One: Inner Systems Archaeology

    EXHIBIT NO. 45

    Head of a service droid. Mandelbrot Steppes, Tau Ceti f. Middle Sedimentary layer, circa 1.2K local cycles B.T. Fleximetal resin, mass-produced, internal components sufficiently intact to reverse engineer the basic specifications. Important find, as almost no technology predating the AI Wars has ever been discovered. CoRe is currently negotiating with the Ceti Protectorate for permission to reconstruct the original code through extrapolation of magnetic mapping data. 

    Exhibit No. 54

    Knee joint from a military droid, recovered on Tau Ceti f downstream of Terdragon Falls (Superficial layer, circa 800 local cycles B.T.) Specimen includes femur, tibia, and cruciate ligaments but is missing the patella. Unusually robust contingent of defenites and repairnites were inadvertently reactivated during the recovery process, leading to contamination of several devices including the dig coordinator. Emergency protocols were enacted, and the coordinator was successfully evacuated to a nearby Coalition facility where he is expected to reboot without incident. 

    Exhibit No. 56

    Book repository from caves at Hausdorff Southeast, TRAPPIST-1d. Redundant layer, circa 900 local cycles B.T. Unique, intricately crafted solander/phase boxes built from combinations of brass, burnished steel, polished stone, and glass. In use for more than a local century, and possibly concurrent with scroll-burning practices at the southern court. These finds were initially

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