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Secrets of the Stolen Painting
Secrets of the Stolen Painting
Secrets of the Stolen Painting
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Secrets of the Stolen Painting

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As Jess & Katie enter their senior year, the road ahead seems to be worlds apart. But when fate places them together investigating another case, old feelings begin to stir. Suddenly, tragedy strikes their lives where Jesse finds himself in the race of his life. With his life hanging in the balance, will the power of love conquer any obstacle? Or will the story of their lives end in tragedy?

Release dateFeb 21, 2022
Secrets of the Stolen Painting

David C. Reyes

David is a published author with multiple works of fiction to his credit. A trademark of his writing, is to use his creativity where he entwines a positive moral message within his storylines. Beside writing, David enjoys watching romantic comedy movies or spending time in the local mountains with his lovely wife, Linda.

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    Secrets of the Stolen Painting - David C. Reyes


    After I got home from my heartbreaking trip to San Diego where I found Katie in Chris’ arms, I knew things were going to be vastly different. You always hear people say that after a break-up, we can still be friends, but in reality, that’s not true. Oh, you can be friends in name, but not as far as hanging around together and doing things like you used to. If there is one thing I can say about my friend Moses, is the guy has got some serious wisdom for his age. In the past few years of our friendship, he has been there to give me advice and words of wisdom in many situations in my life. It isn’t like I’m not an intelligent guy as far as books and I am very good at investigating clues and so forth. However, when it comes to the things of the heart, I just lose it and I let my emotions get the better of me. And before I know it, I’m making some dumb decision or going off and saying something I shouldn’t. One of these pearls of wisdom came in a conversation a few years ago. We were talking about relationships where a guy and a girl are friends. I remember he told me there is no way to continue being best friends if either of you starts to go out with someone else. For this reason, I knew my relationship with Katie was going to be far different this coming senior year. So the more I thought about how Moses has helped me, the more I realized I needed to make amends with him. I had lost my faith in God, and with that, I had pushed him away. I guess I didn’t want to be near someone who represented the thing I was trying to avoid. Currently, I do believe in God, but I haven’t made my way back to Him yet. I guess you might say, I’m in the Prodigal Son stage where I have realized my error and I am picking myself up off the miry floor and thinking about making my way back home. But like any relationship, it takes time. Time not only to ask others for forgiveness but to allow that healing process to begin. I knew this time in my life was going to be very difficult especially at first. And the one thing I knew was I needed a friend like Moses to help me through this.


    We were about a week away from our senior year starting, and so I gave him a call to see if I could patch things up with him.

    (Phone rings)


    Hey Moses, it’s me.

    It’s me? Who’s me?

    It’s Jess; who do you think?

    Jess? Hum, let me think. I do remember a guy named Jess sometime back, but I haven’t heard from that guy for months.

    I know, and I’m really sorry. I don’t blame you for being mad at me. I know I was a jerk for not wanting to hang around you, but I called to apologize and I was hoping you will forgive me.

    Jess, you still haven’t gotten it after all these years, have you?

    What do you mean? 

    I mean my humor—I’m joking! Come on, you know me, I’m just messing with you, I’m not mad at you.

    You’re not?

    No, why should I be. I knew you were going through something and you needed time to work things out for yourself. I didn’t take it personally.

    Well, that’s good, but I still want to say I’m sorry.

    I appreciate you saying that. So anyway, how are things going for you?

    Well as you probably know, Katie and I broke up and now she’s going out with Chris.

    Yes, I know. I’ve seen them sitting together in church. Also, Katie called me one time to talk about it.

    She did? What did you guys talk about?

    Mainly you.


    Yes, she still cares for you as her friend and she wanted to explain to me what happened when she and Chris got together on that College Prep Cruise. She also told me if I happened to talk to you, that she hopes you are doing well and she’s praying for you. On the subject of praying, I know you might not want to talk about spiritual things, but I just wanted to ask if you’re considering coming back to church.

    "Maybe, but not your church. If and when I do go back to church, it will have to be somewhere else. I know I couldn’t handle going to church and seeing Katie sitting with Chris—at least not right now. I still have a long way to go to get her out of my heart, and that’s going to take time. The less I see of her, the better it will be for me to get over her."

    I can understand that, but we’ll still do things together, right? I mean after school and on the weekends.

    Of course, that’s why I called you. I still want us to hang around even though we won’t be going to church together.

    Alright, any time you want to do something just let me know.

    I will, thanks. So, when do you register for your classes?

    Tomorrow, how about you?

    Tomorrow also, I just hope that I don’t happen to get any classes with Katie this year. That would be torture to have to see her in one of my classes all year long.


    Of course, as fate would have it, the torture would begin on the very first day of school, in my very first class of the day. The class was calculus, where I entered the room and sat in the second seat from the top of the far-right row. As other students filtered into the class, suddenly a familiar figure stepped through the door and immediately my heart began pounding in my chest. She looked around the room; saw me sitting there, and walked over and sat down right in front of me. It was like déjà vu all over again. Like the very first day we met in Mrs. Weaver’s social studies class in the seventh grade.

    She turned in her seat to face me. Hi Jess, I didn’t know you took calculus this period. Quite a coincidence, isn’t it?

    Yes, quite a coincidence.

    An awkward silence filled the space between us, as I don’t think either one of us knew what to say at that moment. This was the first time we had spoken since our breakup.

    So how are you doing? she asked.

    I’m alright, how are you?

    I’m fine, she said, as the uncomfortable silence continued.

    As more and more students entered the classroom, my heart began pounding even harder at the thought of her sitting in front of me.

    Was I going to be able to handle staring at the back of her beautiful head all year long? Gazing at those flowing locks where I once ran my fingers through and smelled its sweetness? And was I going to be able to look into those beautiful eyes of hers without going completely crazy?

    As I thought about that, I knew there was only one answer to that question, so I got up and started to leave.

    Jess, where are you going? she asked with a puzzled expression.

    I have to go; I need to do something.

    I walked over to the teacher; told him I was going to the guidance counselor’s office to transfer out of that class, and left.

    The next couple of classes went pretty well, and then it was lunchtime. I met up with Brian and some of the guys from the football team and we sat down to eat. Moses was caught in the middle as far as hanging out with us. Since he was going out with Rachel, she of course wanted to be with Katie and their group of friends. So, to be diplomatic, he ate with us for a little while, but then left partway through our lunch hour to be with her.

    As lunchtime ended, I went to my locker and got ready for my next class which was going to be drama. I had taken drama since I was a sophomore, and so I wanted to continue with it into my senior year. However, once again a familiar saying always seemed to apply to my life. You can run, but you can’t hide, as when I walked into the classroom, Katie was standing there talking with some friends. When I saw her, I immediately went over to talk to the teacher.

    Mr. Broussard, I need to transfer out of this class. Can I switch to your first-period class?

    No Mr. Thompson, you cannot. My first-period class is an intermediate class that you have already taken. You must stay in the advanced class.

    As the class began, Mr. Broussard started by saying he was very glad to see a lot of us returning students. He said he hoped this year’s performances would be some of the finest the school has ever done with the talent he saw in our class. With that, he started to tell us which play we were going to be performing for the annual fall event.

    I want you to know the play we will be performing is none other than the classic title of Sir William Shakespeare’s; Romeo and Juliet.

    When he said that, there was a stir amongst the students. Some of them began to talk amongst themselves as to which parts they wanted to play. For instance; this guy named Chad wanted to play Romeo, and another girl named Amanda wanted to play Juliet. I wondered if Katie might also try out for the part of Juliet and I thought she would make a really good one. In thinking about that, I made a mental note to try to get a part as far away from any scene she might be in. Mr. Broussard then passed out the play scripts and told us to go home and study the lines of which part we wanted to try out for. He told us that on Thursday we would be having auditions, and then he would make his final decision on who got which part.

    When the class was over, Katie came over and started to walk with me down the hallway.

    Jess, what happened this morning in Calculus where you left and never came back?

    I transferred out of that class and I’m going to fill it with something else.

    Why? Was it because of me? Do you hate me that much that you felt the need to transfer out of that class because you can’t stand to be around me?

    Katie, I don’t hate you. I don’t even know where you could come up with a thought like that. I need time; I need time away from you. I need time to get on with my life and move on. It’s just too hard for me right now to be so close to you.

    Is that why you tried to transfer out of Mr. Broussard’s drama class also? I saw you talking to him just before class started.

    Yes, but I couldn’t transfer out.

    She gazed at me with caring eyes. Jess, I still want you to be my friend. Do you think we can still be friends?

    When she said that, my first instinct was to react badly and say something to hurt her. But as I looked into her eyes and saw the concern she still had for me, I just couldn’t do it."

    Katie, we are friends and always will be. It’s just right now we can’t be close to each other like we used to be. In fact, I’m not sure we will ever be close like we were before. You’re with Chris now, and I’m sure he wouldn’t appreciate us ‘hanging out’ together. I can’t go into all the things I want to say right now, but I’m writing you a letter and I’ll give it to you tomorrow.

    Okay, I’ll be waiting for that letter. I want you to know that I meant what I said when I gave you that letter before we broke up. That you will always have a friend in me, okay?

    Okay, thanks.


    Later that evening after doing some homework, I began writing the letter.

    Dear Katie;

    I know these are difficult circumstances, and much like you, I find it very hard to control my emotions while writing this letter. Like you said, I can’t believe I am writing a letter like this to you. First of all, I want to say I am so sorry for how I treated you. When I look back at the hurtful things I said, I can’t even believe that was me who said them. I was so angry and bitter towards God that it clouded my judgment. I don’t know how to explain it, but it was almost as if it wasn’t me; like something was controlling my mind during that time I got away from God. Now I’m not saying, The devil made me do it or anything like that, but I wasn’t thinking straight at the time. However, that’s no excuse for my actions and I know that. I could go into all the circumstances that led to us separating and eventually breaking up, but the fact remains that because of what I did to you, we are no longer together. You are with Chris now and I understand that, and so I need to put my feelings aside. I want you to know that I truly wish the best for you and Chris. He’s a good Christian guy and I know that’s very important to you. Because I know you so well, I think you would be interested to know that I haven’t totally abandoned my belief in God—I just lost my faith for a while there. Getting over hurts can take time, just like I hope that time can heal the hurt feelings that happened between us. Katie, I care about you very much and I never wanted to hurt you. I just hope that someday you will truly find it in your heart to forgive me. You know there’s a saying, forgive and forget, however that statement is not true. Humans are only able to forgive someone, but they can never forget. I wish I could make you forget the hurt feelings I caused you, but I can’t. I guess all we can do is try to pick up the pieces and move on from here. I want you to know that I care about you very much and I wish you all the best that life has to offer.

    Take care of yourself,

    Love Jess...


    The second day of school went pretty normal as I headed to my last class of the day, which is Advance Typing. I took that class so I could improve my typing skills which would be beneficial to my writing. I also thought it would come in handy now that we were entering the age of home computers. Besides me, there were only two other guys in that class and about twenty girls. Of course, that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, although getting involved with another girl was the furthest thing from my mind. Just then, the instructor told everyone to settle down as she began to address the class.

    Students, we have a new person who will be joining us from my second-period class. I would like to introduce our new student. This is Vanessa Romano.

    When she said that, the other guys in the class immediately looked up from what they were doing to see Vanessa standing before us. Now... there is something you have to understand. Vanessa Romano is arguably the prettiest, hottest girl in the entire school. She has a certain way about her that is different than most girls. She’s one of those girls that just seems to carry herself older than the other girls her age. She is always perfectly dressed, and when she walks through the halls, it’s as if she is gliding as she walks. She has this beautiful silky black hair, pretty brown eyes, and an incredible body that just won’t quit. Now I’m not mentioning that fact because suddenly I’m into girls for their bodies, but it’s hard not to notice hers. So in saying that, it is for this reason that when a guy hears the name Vanessa Romano, you take notice.

    The teacher told her to have a seat as Vanessa began to scan the room. Then she walked over and stood in front of Karen who sits right next to me. Vanessa then gave Karen a certain look and said, Do you mind, Karen?

    You want this seat, Vanessa? Sure, I can move if you want.

    Thank you. It’s just that I prefer to sit at the end of the row.

    No problem, let me just gather my things.

    Karen then gathered her things and moved to another seat. In seeing that, you might think Vanessa did that in some kind of intimidating way; but she didn’t. It just went to show what kind of respect the other girls have for her and how they admire her. As she sat down next to me, she placed her books and purse under her desk. The teacher then began to write a few things on the board, as she greeted me in a hushed tone.   

    Hi, Jesse, I see we now have a class together.

    Yeah, I guess we do. So, I see you transferred into this class.

    Yes, it just worked out better for my schedule. I’m glad you’re in here; it’s nice to see someone in class that I know. Well, as far as knowing you from the football team and me being on the cheerleading squad.

    The teacher then gathered our attention and began the lesson for that day.

    After school, Brian and I had football practice as we prepared for the upcoming season. We anticipated having another good season but didn’t think we had a chance to repeat as State Champions because Steve Taylor and many of the senior players had graduated. After football practice was over, Brian and I walked towards the locker room when we started to talk about the new school year.

    So Jess, how are all your classes going?

    Alright, except for the fact that I got Katie in two of my classes. I transferred out of one of them, but I couldn’t get out of the other.

    I know it’s going to be hard, especially seeing her walking around school with Chris. But I think as time goes by, it’ll get better. So, did you ever write her a letter explaining that you never wanted to break up with her in the first place?

    I wrote her a letter, but I didn’t go into all that. I guess I figured she is now with Chris and that’s apparently what she wants. I mean, what was I going to do? Tell her I want her back and for her to dump Chris?

    I would have.

    You don’t understand, Katie has this integrity about her. Once she starts something, she will see it to its conclusion. If she gave Chris a chance, she will see where it leads—I know her.

    I don’t know, I would have let her know how much you still care about her. Then let her make that decision if she wants to get back together with you or not.

    Well, it’s too late now. I just need to concentrate on my school work, football, and try to get her out of my mind.


    However, as life would have it, that would be easier said than done. As once again fate would move its hand to create circumstances where it would be even harder to stay away from her. It was Friday, and in our drama class, we gathered around to hear who had gotten which part for the upcoming play Romeo and Juliet. I had auditioned for the part of Gregory as in reading the script; I wouldn’t be near Katie in any of the scenes. Mr. Broussard then gathered us all together for the announcement of our roles.

    First of all, I want to say, that all of the auditions for these parts were well done. However, as theater goes, not everyone can get the part they desire. I will start with the leading roles of Romeo and Juliet. Our Juliet for this year’s performance will be the lovely, Miss Katie McCullough.

    Many of the girls made their way over to Katie and congratulated her on getting the lead part. Katie was smiling and I knew this meant a lot to her to get the lead role. Mr. Broussard continued with handing out the parts.

    Now for the lead role of Romeo. This was a difficult decision and I know some of you who tried out for that role will be disappointed. However, I have to go with my gut instinct about this. And so this year’s lead role of Romeo goes to, Jesse Thompson.

    When I heard my name being called, a look of shock ran across my face. I quickly raised my hand.

    Mr. Broussard, there must be a mistake. I didn’t even try out for the part of Romeo—I want the part of Gregory.

    Mr. Thompson, I made my decision and I feel you are the best person to perform that role.

    But I don’t want it! You don’t understand, Mr. Broussard. There are extenuating circumstances as to why I don’t want to play that role.

    He glanced over at Katie and then back to me. Mr. Thompson, you may look at me and your other instructors as if we are clueless as to what is going on in different students’ lives. However, some things in life are very obvious. I am well aware of you and Miss McCullough’s ‘extenuating circumstances.’ However, given what I have seen in the past between you two, I feel you have the right chemistry to create an outstanding performance.

    As I continued to argue, I could see Katie was saddened that I didn’t want to do this because of her. After arguing about it some more, Mr. Broussard finally had enough.

    Mr. Thompson, if you refuse to accept this role, I will have to give you an F for the semester. Am I making myself clear?

    I exhaled an exasperated breath. Yes sir.

    So, what is your decision, Mr. Thompson?

    I guess I have no choice but to play Romeo in the play.

    Very good. Now get together with Miss McCullough and start working on your lines. It’s going to require many hours spent together rehearsing for the play.

    When class was over, I started walking to my locker when Katie tapped me on my shoulder.

    Are you going to be alright doing the play with me, Jess?

    I shrugged my shoulders. Yeah, I guess. As you could tell I didn’t want to take that role, but I guess I don’t have any choice in the matter.

    I know it’s going to be hard for us to be around each other given the circumstances, but let’s try to make the best of it, okay?

    Yeah, I guess. As they say, the show must go on, right?

    She smiled. Yes, it does.

    Oh, by the way, I have that letter I wrote you. I reached into my locker and I handed it to her.

    She took the letter and placed it in her purse. Thank you for the letter. I appreciate you taking the time to do that for me.

    I pressed out an apologetic smile. It’s the least I could do.


    When Katie arrived home, she changed her clothes and went into the den to read my letter. Just as she finished, her mother entered the room.

    How are you doing, honey?

    I’m fine. I just finished reading a letter that Jess wrote me.

    I hope he apologized for what he did to you.

    He did, and it was very sincere; I could tell.

    Did he ask you back? I mean does he want the two of you to get back together?

    No, not really. There were a few parts in the letter where I thought he was going to, but then he didn’t. I know how he is and he can’t stand when a guy moves in on someone else’s girlfriend. Since I’m now going out with Chris, he won’t do that.

    Did you want him to ask you to get back together?


    Yes, honestly.

    Part of me did. You know Mom, I feel torn. Chris is a great guy and has a great ministry ahead of him. Once Pastor Tim moves up to be an associate pastor, Chris will probably take over as youth pastor. Chris is nice and he goes out of his way to do things for me. He has also waited a long time to go out with me.

    Those are all wonderful qualities in a young man. But how do you feel about him? I mean can you see yourself down the road getting serious with him?

    "I don’t know, maybe, but I know that will take time. As far as how I feel about him? I do like him, but I’m just not sure how much. I’m still very confused right now, and with Jess still close to me, it’s hard not to feel certain things towards him."

    What do you mean by ‘Jess is still close to you?’

    Well in our drama class, I got the lead role of Juliet, and Jess got the part of Romeo.

    You’re kidding?

    No, I’m afraid so.

    That seems like it may get a little awkward.

    It already has. But since we have no choice but to do this play, we have to be around each other to rehearse our parts. Which reminds me... I’m going to invite him over to the house next Saturday to practice lines with me. So can we...

    Yes honey, I know, you want a little privacy in the den, right?

    Yes, thank you, Mom.

    Oh by the way, do you know if Jess has started to go to another church?

    No, not that I know of. He did tell me in his letter that he still believes in God, but he needs time to work things out. I think he needs to get to a point where he re-dedicates his life back to the Lord. You know, I feel partly responsible for Jess slipping away from God.

    Why do you say that?

    Because I was closest to him and should have seen he was not as well-rooted in the Word as we all thought he was. When I was at the youth group last Thursday, I asked the group to pray for him. When we were discussing it, Moses said he felt responsible because he is the closest Christian friend to Jess. He said he should have talked to him on more spiritual matters. Then Pastor Tim said he let Jess down, as being the ‘Shepherd over the flock’ as a youth pastor. But even though Moses and Pastor Tim were taking part in the blame, I feel I was the one to blame. I was closest to him and I know him better than anyone else. I should have talked to him more about his beliefs and where he stood spiritually. But like the others, I just assumed he was strong in his faith. I even had him help with the children’s church which took him away from the main service. I should have known better than to get him involved in ministries too soon when he needed to be sitting in the pew and learning.

    Katie, what you are saying is a common problem in the church. We see a person get saved, and then we just leave them alone. I think the church in general is guilty of this, and we need to continue with discipleship of new converts. But don’t blame yourself too much; you were too close to the situation. Sometimes when you are that close to someone, you can’t see certain aspects of their lives. You were caught up in your feelings for him of all the fun and excitement of a new relationship. We all could have done more, not only for Jess but other new Christians just like him. This is something that I think the church in general needs to work on.


    The following Monday I entered my typing class and had a seat. Vanessa was already there setting up her typewriter. I took the cover off of mine and opened the conversation.

    Hi, Vanessa...

    Hi Jesse, how are you doing today? Are you ready for the first game of the season this Friday against Auburn High?

    Yes, I’m ready. Oh, by the way, you can call me Jess if you like.

    No, I like Jesse; I think Jess is a little boy’s name. And from what I’m looking at, I see a handsome young man; not a little boy.

    "That’s fine, I don’t mind if you call me Jesse. Oh, and thanks for the

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