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Hope: What It Can Do
Hope: What It Can Do
Hope: What It Can Do
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Hope: What It Can Do

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Hope: what It can do, means you must not give up and those in Christ should not be afraid of the temporary pains they faced through loyalty to God’s word I believe strongly that everyone on this planet earth can change from worst attitude to the best and be useful in the kingdom of God. Our hope in Our Lord Jesus‘s coming back heals all our pain and focus our minds on the glories and Joys ahead.

We are living in a world full of frustrations, distrust, dishonest, faithless, sorrowful, unpredictable and a world where Jesus Christ‘s name is gradually remove from public places like schools and becoming irrelevant in the mind of our rulers both (political and religious). A world where religious leader supported things that Christ hates and preach against while on earth. A world where the church powers over evil and wickedness is shut down by ruler’s laws and bars and sexy clubs etc are encouraged to increase. Unless you have a personal hope in God you cannot survive in the midst of these wickedness. We are living in a generation of scams, a generation of angers, a generation vampires and murderer. A generation that prefer evil to peaceful co-existence and harmony and a generation where the Saints in Christ are without a genuine shepherd.

The book point us to God’s hope alone to produced results, and to know the facts and the truth about Jesus Christ for us to be established and bear fruits. We should hope in God’s words, his promises and power to provide remedies to our sufferings, pains and human sorrows.

This book point to us the need to serve God, believe in Him , and to put all our hope on His holy begotten Son – Jesus Christ.
Release dateApr 11, 2022
Hope: What It Can Do

Pastor Omojevwe Brown Emmanuel

I was a great sinner, committing all kinds of atrocities. I never went to church, and I was a womaniser and blasphemer of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Now I found grace, repentance, forgiveness, and perfection. I am prepared by grace, honoured, qualified, chosen, accepted, and cleansed by the blood of Jesus—I am a preacher of the gospel I once condemned. Pastor Emmanuel Brown Omojevwe is the founder and general overseer of True Vine Evangelical Bible Ministry worldwide. He is based in Italy, where the headquarters of the church is found. He is a prophet, teacher, evangelist, pastor, preacher, prolific writer, poet, and international public speaker. He is a man whom God is using all over Europe to anoint, deliver, and bring transformations to millions. He is a husband and a father to millions, a humble man of God who believes that God can use anyone irrespective of his or her sins, circumstances, and backgrounds as long he or she is pruned by God. His desire is to preach the gospel of Christ to all nations so that peace could be obtained and the body of Christ is united. Also, he is of the opinion that materialism gospel should not be a focal point of a true man of God.

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    Hope - Pastor Omojevwe Brown Emmanuel

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    To my precious and adorable wife, Pastor

    (Mrs) Rose Omjevwe, for her unmovable

    faith and strong hope in God, also for her

    love and care for me and our children.




    Something is Not Right Anymore

    Chapter 1     Hope in God

    Chapter 2     The Power of Hope

    Chapter 3     Hope Changes Everything in Life

    Chapter 4     Build Hope on The Little Start

    Chapter 5     The Prophecies of Hope in The Bible

    Chapter 6     What Hope has Done

    Chapter 7     Darkness In The World

    Chapter 8     Light in The Darkness

    Chapter 9     Victory Over Darkness

    Chapter 10   The Power of Man Over Darkness

    Other Books by the Author

    About The Author


    Thanks to God Almighty for His unfailing love, grace, mercies, provisions, and protection upon my life, my wife, and children; also for His knowledge and wisdom upon me to bless the body of Christ with this wonderful book.

    In addition, my special thanks go to my adorable and beautiful wife, the best life companion, and my wonderful, beautiful children, Divine and Joanna, for giving me reasons to write this book. God bless you, anoint you, and may His glory establish you in Jesus’s name. Amen.

    I must appreciate all members of our ministry in all the nations. I thank you all for your support, prayers, and mostly for believing in me as your spiritual leader.

    God bless you in Jesus’s name.

    Finally, I thank everyone in our prayer group for their prayers. You are wonderful solders of Christ. I also thank those who made financial contributions and my gratitude to the publishing company for a good and well done job. No amount of words can be enough to express the joy of the Lord in my heart towards each of you.

    I pray that this book will mightily bless the world, mostly the hopeless and helpless.

    I hope this book will draw them near to God in Jesus’s name.



    Hope— What it can do. Our hope in God can do all things and will do everything we ever desired or think to achieve. Its power in our lives requires no augmentation or calculation. Hope simply means you can when it seems you cannot. Those who go for hope go for everything and get them achieved effortlessly.

    It is spiritually unacceptable, unexplainable, and humanly difficult to live life without hope. Hope is our life, hope is our future, hope is our happiness, and our hope in God is the joy of the world.

    This book will draw you near to God and win undecided souls to God’s kingdom. Also, this book will point you to the importance of faith and hope in God alone.

    No other sources of hope, apart from God, can save us or a nation from a day or year of trouble or pandemic like COVID-19.

    There is no other way to receive miracles from God unless you have faith on His Son Jesus Christ and have full hope in His word, belief in His prophets, and trust in God. You must put your trust and hope in Him when your situation seems hopeless or worrisome.

    Unwavering hope in the word of God moves God to perform what He promised us.

    In my years in ministry work, as a prophet of God, I have seen a lot of unbelievable things and unholy confessions amongst some Christians. They often confessed with their mouth negative words that destroy their hope. Some of these words totally lack the wings of faith to fly us into a miracle, words like ‘I am tired of everything’, ‘Why God has not answered my prayer? I have prayed all the prayers, yet God refused to heal or answer me’, ‘Is everything prayer, Pastor? I can’t kill myself again’. Some even told me, ‘Pastor, It is my destiny. So let me carry my cross’.

    Listen to me. Stop negative confessions that kill your miracles. Who told you that problems are your destiny from God?

    Don’t believe or even accept such words or even imagine such in your heart.

    Apply the power of the God’s word in your spirit and do damage to every unpleasant situation of your life.

    Where is your trust and hope in God? You can’t be hopeless when you study your Bible. When you have Jesus Christ as your hope, God performs all He promised you.

    The problem of some Christians is that once their miracle is delayed, they lose trust in God, and going to church becomes uninteresting. We lack patience and enduring grace to wait upon God; neither do such people show interest in praying to God again. I call them ‘home worshippers’ or ‘self-made pastors’. They flip from one television channel to another, paying attention to seducing and corrupting headlines, while some people stationed their eyes on the television screen, watching favourite movies, games, or better still watching any television pastors from one channel to another to keep them busy.

    In this book, I analysed reasons why you must put your hope in God and not on a man of God or on your educational qualifications.

    Some people’s problems are in their education. They analyse point by point their situations with classroom knowledge and conclude that their problem is not spiritual but psychological, emotional, or stress or normal because it can happen to anyone. Even when such people believe that their problem is spiritual and not medical or psychological, they cannot find a way to solve the problem. They hope on scientific test analysis and the judgmental world thinking about things that happened to mankind. These are things that are tormenting our hope in God.

    Finally, such people will lose hope completely. That is why most educated people find it difficult to settle down in marriages because they never believed that demons or powers of darkness cannot stop them from getting married or meeting or achieving their goals in life.

    There are no human problems that the powers of darkness do not get involved.

    Never allow your education or overcivilisation or exposures to becloud your mind and blind your eyes to the extent of losing hope in God.

    There are solutions to all problems of man, but it requires our total trust in God and His words.

    Scientific knowledge and education have destroyed us through theories and hypothesis, thereby making us an enemy of the gospel, thereby hindering us from receiving a miracle from God.

    Millions of people died from drug prescriptions that their personal physicians gave them. But your hope in God gives you a healthy and peaceful life.

    Education is good, but don’t allow it to destroy your faith and hope in God through Christ Jesus. To keep your relationship with God, you must first keep your hope in Him, then your relationship with Him will produce your heart’s desires.

    Apart from hope and trust in God, this book will also open the ears of the deaf, open the eyes of the blind. Those are the educated Christians who never see anything wrong about their lives. It will open the mind of those who are under the spell of darkness. I mean those who go to church but believed not or have no hope on the word of God.

    Position your mind into positive thinking, and you will find reasons to tackle all your difficulties with the power of faith and hope in God.

    Christians who thought that having hope in God is time wasting will discover from this book that they will actually save themselves from frustration, fake news, fake prophesy and fake preachers, palm readers, and evil seers they consult to solve their life problems.

    Hope in God is what you need and what you need now! Stop complaining about your situation to mockery. I recommend this book for Christians who need miracles to end their pains. It will change you and give your life meaning.

    Jesus Christ is my hope. what about you?



    Everything in life that you possess, like houses, cars, certificates or degrees, children, wife or husband, investments, and fame, will surely cause you hopelessness and frustration if you don’t have Jesus Christ as your hope.

    If you don’t have Jesus Christ before acquiring wealth, you can never escape hopelessness and frustration in life. Everything man have in life outside God’s provision makes man hopeless and gives man sleepless night.

    But if you have Jesus Christ as your hope in life, everything He created, He will give you peace, joy, and happiness.

    You cannot get hope from this world or from the things this world offers because the world people live now is full of satanic agents, and these agents cause wars between nations, manipulate the economy to their own interest, create deadly diseases and virus through evil laboratories to kill and to destroy the entire plan of God for man.

    Things that make man hopeless that the devil created, and still creating, are increasing each day. Only those who have Jesus Christ as hope will survive the troubles this wicked world gives.

    The priest, the pastor, and the most respected spiritual church leaders that the sheep look up to have disappointed man and God. These servants of God have soiled the priesthood office.

    The church endorsed abortion laws that kill children even at eight months old, accept gay marriage and wed gay couples, that homosexuality is not a sin, also the recent pandemic – COVID-19. Vaccines were endorsed by church leaders. They were supposed to reject the evil manipulation and pray like Elijah who single-handedly disgraced the prophets of Baal.

    The same famous church leaders and powerful monarchs danced to the tune of the politicians. None of them could stand up against the government. Daniel, in the Bible, prayed to God when a deadly decree was made that nobody should pray to any God for thirty days.

    ⁴Then the presidents and princes sought to find occasion against Daniel concerning the kingdom; but they could find none occasion nor fault; forasmuch as he was faithful, neither was there any error or fault found in him.

    ⁵Then said these men, We shall not find any occasion against this Daniel, except we find it against him concerning the law of his God.

    ⁶Then these presidents and princes assembled together to the king, and said thus unto him, King Darius, live for ever.

    ⁷All the presidents of the kingdom, the governors, and the princes, the counsellors, and the captains, have consulted together to establish a royal statute, and to make a firm decree, that whosoever shall ask a petition of any God or man for thirty days, save of thee, O king, he shall be cast into the den of lions. (Daniel 6:4–7)

    Daniel put his hope in God, and he did this:

    ¹⁰Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went into his house; and his windows being open in his chamber toward Jerusalem, he kneeled upon his knees three times a day, and prayed, and gave thanks before his God, as he did aforetime. (Daniel 6:10)

    Every church in the world was commanded to close, and influential church leaders asked worshippers to stay home. These leaders went online, either through Zoom or YouTube, to cajole God. They collected bribes from certain countries’ governments and closed down the house of the Almighty God. This is the worst sin our generation did against God.

    ¹Woe be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! saith the LORD.

    ²Therefore thus saith the LORD God of Israel against the pastors that feed my people; Ye have scattered my flock, and driven them away, and have not visited them: behold, I will visit upon you the evil of your doings, saith the LORD. (Jeremiah 23:1–2)

    These most respected priests were the first people to take the vaccine, go on television showing themselves as an example of disobedience to God’s word. They left the saints with no choice but to take the vaccine. Imagine if the government of the day asks everyone to take the mark of the beast, 666. These so-called world-famous priests rushed to take it and forced the congregation to do the same. It’s written: By their fruits, you shall know them.

    It’s written:

    Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

    Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

    Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

    A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

    Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

    Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Mathew 7: 15 – 20 (kJV)

    This is ridiculous and absurd. They put the lives of innocent children of God in danger and helpless. Our spiritual leaders kill our hope in God for healing! Don’t rely on any so-called world-famous spiritual church leader anymore, but put your hope in God and read your Bible to gain confidence and faith.



    Hope in God


    33825.png HOLD

    33825.png ON TO

    33825.png PRAYER

    33825.png EVERY TIME

    Until your hope in God stands you out, you cannot stand out in this wicked world.


    The very heart of Christianity is called hope. We can also say hope means hold on to prayer every time. Hope is the wall of our Christian living. If the fence or wall that gives the house protection is cracked or broken, the house will struggle to resist external forces, so also hope. Hope is a wall that fenced our Christian life and keeps us safe from all external forces. Hope revives our strength to follow Him, no matter the troubles, persecutions, trials, or criticisms we face daily.

    Hope is a Christian’s daily prayer apron that you must have to make your life successful and protect you from serious situations or storms.

    If you want to stand tall and strong in this wicked world, you must make hope your scaffold and stand on it confidently. Once you make hope your scaffold, storms will remain under the scaffold – hope and nothing will shake your faith.

    You cannot survive in life without heart and blood. Hope is the heart and blood of Christianity. If you must survive all wickedness of this world, you must keep your hope in God at optimal level. Our hope in God makes the difference when

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