Plenty for Everyone
About this ebook
Corrie ten Boom
The late Corrie ten Boom is the author of Reflections of God’s Glory, Letters from Prison, and In My Father’s House. She also wrote the beloved international bestseller, The Hiding Place. Made into a movie by the same name, The Hiding Place portrays her family’s efforts to hide Jews during the German occupations of The Netherlands during World War II, and of how God sustained Corrie through the atrocities of a concentration camp after she and her family were captured by the Nazis. Upon her release and until her death in1983, Corrie traveled the world, preaching the gospel to the lost and encouraging the church with her message of love, faith, and forgiveness.
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Plenty for Everyone - Corrie ten Boom
Plenty for Everyone
Go ye . . . (Matt. 28:19)
When the disciples were passing out the food to the five thousand, they must have rejoiced in their hearts, seeing the miracle-plenty for everyone. So when a Christian receives the happy Biblical messages, straight from the hands of Jesus, he too will experience—plenty for everyone.
In this book I shall be describing some of the experiences which have been mine as a bearer of the gospel in different countries. This means that I must be constantly on the go,
living out of a suitcase; but the joy of doing such work for the Lord is tremendous, no matter where He may send me.
The stories you will read are true and the quotations taken from clippings in my notebook: a portable library containing those things which I have heard, and read, and written down for use in the ministry of the gospel. Yet this book, into which these stories have been woven, is not a diary; neither is it meant to be a handbook for soul-winners.
My personal contact with people is often too brief. Although I like to do more thorough work and speak at least six times to the same audience, I am often permitted to speak only once to the same group of people. Then I grumble and feel unhappy. Nevertheless I see how the Lord blesses these once only
meetings. Then I must thank Him and repent of my grumbling.
I have no other choice; I must obey. I am so rich. I have a book, the Bible: what a book! It is full of rich promises, blessings, realities—full of our Savior Himself, Jesus Christ. I have the privilege to share this good news of plenty almost every day with people in different parts of the world. My experience will give you a glimpse of what a joy it is to spread the gospel. Not many are called to the same kind of traveling service. Only after my fifty-fourth year did God ordain for me to become a tramp for the Lord.
Before that time I lived for more than fifty years in the same house in Haarlem, Holland.
But it is not such a great difference to speak to people in your homeland as anywhere else in the world. Every Christian is called to be on duty twenty-four hours every day in the King’s business.
Your office, your school, your kitchen, your drawing-room, your factory, all are a mission field. Jesus still says, Give the hungry to eat.
Once when I was at Lee Abbey, a conference center in England, I heard someone say, Is not Corrie ten Boom wonderful?
Then I knew there was something wrong. I had to humble myself. I had looked in the opposite direction. When we look unto Jesus He makes us a mirror of His joy. The Holy Spirit glorifies Jesus; and when we are Spirit-filled He uses our lips to praise Jesus and not ourselves. Then people will say, Is not Jesus wonderful?
As my Father hath sent me, even so send I you. (John 20:21)
Dr. Billy Graham has said, We Christians are debtors. We owe the world the gospel.
Yes, we can do nothing more important than share the good news of Jesus. It is our{/nly response to the Lord in thankfulness for our plentiful salvation. I once read a legend about Christ’s return to heaven, when He had finished His work in this world. As He arrived at the shore of heaven the angels ran to meet Him, eagerly questioning Him about His work on earth among men.
Did you complete your work of redemption?
Yes, it is finished.
Who will make it known?
I have told Peter, John, Philip and all who are my disciples.
And what if they fail?
I have no other plan, and they will not fail.
How is it that Jesus can trust to our care the important task of taking the gospel to the lost all over the world? The grand answer is that He has given us all that is necessary for the task. First, the Holy Spirit is there to give us power. In Acts 1:8 (Amp.) we read, But you shall receive power—ability, efficiency and might—when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.
Following this promise is the order to march, And you shall be My witnesses in Jerusalem and all Judea and Samaria and to the ends—the very bounds—of the earth.
Second, He has given us the boundless resources of the Bible, a book of good news—and plenty of it! It gives the answers to all the problems of mankind. Every one of God’s promises is backed by the golden reserves of the bank of heaven, with God watching over His word to perform it. If we stand before the plenty
of God’s great riches, our amazement is more at the grace of God which enables us to be channels of all His love and goodness. No wonder Paul exclaimed, Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ
(Eph. 3:8). Whichever way Paul turned, as Dr. J. H. Jowett pointed out, the avenues and turnings are lined with God’s shining grace, unsuspected and beyond description.
And so I set out. He said, Go ye . . .
He has given me His plenty and provided His mighty power with which to share this plenty to feed the world’s multitudes. Come with me and see some of the great things that the Lord has done.
Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters. (Eph. 6:5)
Aparatroop instructor said that there are four commands which he gives his parachutists:
First: Attention!
Second: Stand in the door!
Third: Lookup!
Fourth: Follow me!
Then the men have to jump.
Jesus is preparing men and women for the new heaven and the new earth and has given His co-workers the same orders as the parachutists receive. It is not our task to give God His instructions: we must report for duty.
No man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (John 14:6)
Some people do not believe that there are souls to be saved for eternity. They think, rather, that everyone will be saved as a matter of course. They need to hear the bad news before the glad news has any value.
During the last war friends often warned me of the danger of working in the underground movement to save the Jewish people in Holland and told of the cruel treatment which would befall me if I should be caught and sent to a concentration camp. To such warnings I always replied that these stories of such atrocities could not be true, that they must surely be anti-German propaganda; and so I turned a deaf ear to them. But did my deaf ear help me when I was in Ravensbruck and saw my sister and thousands of other people perish at the hands of the Nazis? It did not help me at all. And neither will it help a person, when he is in hell, to have disbelieved in the existence of hell.
If we love our fellow men, we must tell them of the danger of a lost eternity, of Jesus who came and lived among men to teach and warn them, and of His death on the cross to save them from the agonizing darkness in an eternity shut off from God. For He, and only He, is the way, the truth, and the life
; as His Word also teaches:
Whosoever believeth in him [Jesus] should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)
God has given men eternal life and this real life is to be found only in his Son. (1 John 5:11, Phillips)
The man who believes in the Son has eternal life. The man who refuses to believe in the Son will not see life; he lives under the anger of God. (John 3:36, Phillips)
I have seen people ready to go wherever they were sent in order to take a message of a godless philosophy all over the world. They have surrendered their bodies, souls, minds, family lives, money, time and in fact their all for the sake of their convictions.
We Christians are called to bring to a hungry world the bread of life: the message of salvation, love, eternal life, riches immeasurable and a peace that passes all understanding—God’s plenty. But how can the world believe this message if they do not hear it, and how can they hear it if we do not tell them? It must be a case of: ATTENTION!
Could a mariner sit idle when he heard the drowning cry?
Could a doctor sit in comfort knowing that his patient die?
Could a fireman watch men perish and not give a helping hand?
Can you sit at ease in Zion with a world around condemned?
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations. (Matt. 28:19)
In my travels throughout the world, I have often visited mission fields; and what a joy it has been to be used by God for the strengthening of missionaries. But there are far more women than men in this work for the Lord; and I think there must have been some young men who, when surrendering their lives to Jesus Christ, prayed, Here I am, Lord, but do send my sister.
Peter said, No, my Lord,
but had to learn that he could not say No
if he said ‘my Lord, nor
my Lord if he said
Stand in the door" means that we must be obedient and go where God tells us, whether it be a call to the mission field or a call to work for Him at home. He can use us only when we are in the place where He wants us to be. We dare not hoard the gospel secret but must herald forth His story to all.
But we all, with unveiled face reflecting as a mirror the glory of the Lord, are transformed into the same image from glory to glory. (2 Cor. 3:18, R.V.)
When we look at ourselves we are sure that we are unable to be used by the Lord; but when we look to Jesus, we become His mirrors. It is true that, of itself, a mirror does not do much; but when it is hung or placed in the right position, it does its job properly. It is very important, therefore, that we should be in the right position. And that position, for a Christian, is looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith
(Heb. 12:2), for we have no light of ourselves.
Unfortunately there are times in our lives when we experience a different truth: Mine iniquities have taken hold upon me [hindered me], that I am not able to look up
(Ps. 40:12). On these occasions it is very necessary for us to bring our sins in repentance to the Lord Jesus and restore our vision of Calvary.
I have a small dictaphone, and when it breaks down I do not make any attempt to repair it