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The Man Who Lived Forever
The Man Who Lived Forever
The Man Who Lived Forever
Ebook251 pages5 hours

The Man Who Lived Forever

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What if it were possible to activate your body's dormant healing code and remain ageless? What if you could meet & learn from an adept who knew the secret?


Scientists tell us that the human body is genetically coded for perfect health, youthfulness and immortality. In other words, since the body's 7 trillion cells renew themselves every seven years, there's actually no reason for us to age, get sick or even die.

If that's true, then what are we doing wrong? Why are people getting sick younger and aging faster? How did we lose our connection to immortality? And how do we get it back?


What if there were a way you could re-activate your body's dormant code and stay young forever...or at least a lot longer? Imagine living in perfect health for all your life and never getting sick. Imagine if you never caught a cold, didn't get cavities, and kept your skin smooth, your mind sharp, and your body vital and energetic for as long as you chose to live--without pills and drugs!


Are there people living now who know those secrets? What if you could find and spend a week with one of these "ageless adepts?" What secrets could an immortal share with you about health and living? One lucky seeker finds out in this "based on truth" quest and documents his 7 conversations with the Adept that answer life's most elusive question, and changes his life (and diet) forever!


Release dateMay 6, 2022
The Man Who Lived Forever

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    Book preview

    The Man Who Lived Forever - Walt F.J. Goodridge

    Walt F.J. Goodridge, author of A Clean Cell Never Dies, Fit to Breed Forever, and publisher of Fast & Grow Young, presents:

    (Formerly titled: The Ageless Adept)

    The Man Who Lived Forever

    a story of perfect health, long life and the fountain of youth

    Copyright © Walt F.J. Goodridge

    Published and distributed by:

    a company called W

    dba The Passion Profit Company

    ISBN-13: 9781502358936  (AMAZ)


    Ageless Adept (original title) ISBN-13: 9780974531380

    All rights reserved. This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part, or transmitted in any form, without written permission from the author and publisher, except by a reviewer who may

    quote brief passages in a review.

    Educational institutions, government agencies, libraries and corporations are invited to inquire about quantity discounts.



    Printed in the United States of America


    Special thanks to the following individuals who, directly or indirectly, have influenced this work: Doinette Saunders-Lee, Junior Jawara Blake, Gary Null, Kenneth McRae, Paul and Sandra Tsang, David Gabbe, Zelda Owens-Waters, Jenifer Fergusson,  Trina Francis (yikes) Howard Walters, Baba Rhasan Abdul Hakim (The Bush Doctor)


    Controversy! Controversy!

    oft a baseless shout

    All it means is someone stands to fall

    should this get out...

    Table of Contents

    Perfect health, long life and eternal youth are not the random genetic blessings of a chaotic or capricious universe, but natural birthrights that can be accessed through the mindful acceptance of simple truths, activated by the committed practice of proven protocols, and sustained by advancement along a single known path. This is that path. —The Ageless Adept

    Publisher’s Foreword  4

    Prologue: The Pain  8

    The Promise 9

    How it All Started 11

    The Legend of the Ageless Adept 23

    Finding the Ageless Adept  29

    What the Adept Said  41

    Day One  57

    Day Two  67

    Day Three  77

    Day Four 85

    Day Five 93

    Day Six  123

    Day Seven  140

    The Final Question  181

    The Adept’s Gift  186

    Epilogue 192

    Appendix  193

    Who is the Ageless Adept 202

    Books in the Series  203

    Resources 204

    Publisher’s Foreword

    This may come as a surprise to you, but it’s entirely possible that everything you believe to be true about food, medicine, health, illness and aging is nothing more than a set of subjective ideas put forth by people who really don't have a handle on truth, don't know what they're doing, or worse, don't have your best interests at heart—people who are playing by a faulty rule book or, worse, with no rule book at all.

    Uninformed ideas, blind assumptions and outright lies underlie many of the food and (increasingly prevalent) drug commercials that air on television and radio. I’m sure you’re familiar with many of these assumptions: that milk does a body good; that meat is real food for real people; that cancer can't be cured; that the common cold is inevitable; that allergies can only be relieved not ended; that hormone levels, hair growth and one’s vitality inevitably decrease at certain ages; and that the drugs these companies are pushing actually heal and aren't, in fact, more dangerous than the ills they claim to cure given the mountain of (sometimes even fatal) side effects warned of in the disclaimers.

    The sales pitches for these products start with these assumptions as givens and are never challenged. As a result, people buy into them (operative word "buy’) and continue a vicious cycle that only ends up perpetuating the very lifestyle that caused their ills in the first place.

    The society seems to have lost a vital road map and is headed off in a direction of devolution that serves nothing more than to support the industries that profit from peddling the products. The products allow people to believe they can maintain the destructive lifestyles, while purchasing so-called cures that in actuality do nothing more than temporarily relieve, mask and replace the symptoms of the diseases the lifestyles cause.

    I’ve always lived my life with a healthy dose of skepticism towards that which most everyone else takes as true. In my own quest for truths related to health, I've met people who've actually cured lupus, sent their cancers into remission, gotten rid of their allergies, eliminated colds, and now live pain-free lives all based on truths that few are addressing publicly, or worse, truths which are lampooned, ridiculed or suppressed.

    Therefore, when I read the manuscript for The Man Who Lived Forever, I was elated to see this brand of healthy skepticism and an empowering self-care perspective reflected within its pages. For those pursuing a new paradigm of health, wellness, disease, aging and youth, The Man Who Lived Forever offers:

    a set of stable truths through which to see the world anew

    a new understanding of nature that encourages new questions

    a method of critical analysis to arrive at new answers

    a new set of possibilities and choices based on those answers

    a common sense philosophy on which to base your lifestyle

    ...all based on a foundation of truths that never change.

    Based on the author’s own life experience, as well as proven, research-based, factual underpinnings, it’s presented in an easy-to-read story format that both young and returning young alike can easily digest and enjoy.

    The Man Who Lived Forever exists as the new rule book for health, if you will; a master plan that was once lost but to which many are now reconnecting. It contains truths you can prove for yourself. And like all great truths, they don’t require PhDs to comprehend. These are truths whose validity and effectiveness are accessible to just about everyone. So it is with great pleasure that we present The Man Who Lived Forever to you and your children in hopes that you will use it to find the truths that will set you free. Share it with someone you want to take with you on this quest for perfect health, long life and the Fountain of Youth!—The Publisher

    Someone Stole the Master Plan

    Someone robbed the rule book

    and then watched the game devolve

    And life and all it means

    became a mystery most can’t solve

    Someone grabbed the game plan

    so now all our bets are off

    And what was once a sure thing

    is now cause to scorn and scoff

    Someone ripped the road map

    and we all now wander lost

    Going ‘round in circles

    over paths already crossed

    Someone burned the blueprint

    and then put theirs in its stead

    And what we build serves none

    but those who've placed themselves ahead

    Someone stole the master plan

    now everyone's in charge

    The blind lead blind to prisons

    run by criminals at large

    But truth is at your fingertips

    it's floating in the air

    And all you need is eyes to see

    and ears to hear what's there

    For truth is yours to own and prove

    to use to find your way

    To set a course of choice and change

    despite what others say

    So don't be led by pundits

    who you think know more than you

    For no one has to validate

    the things you know are true

    My position

    "I am not here to convince, justify, defend or apologize for my beliefs, choices or lifestyle. I'm not here for validation, vindication or approval, nor to respond to personal attacks. I'm here to share a philosophy & formula that work for me and that work for others. In a world of seven billion people, if one person can do a thing, then it must be possible for at least one other person to do the same. It is against this backdrop that I wrote this book."

    Prologue: The Pain




    Tomorrow I turn 40.

    I  need  to  find  answers.  Things  aren’t  making  sense.   I thought  I  had  things  all  figured  out.  Life  seems  dismal and  full  of  pain.  Not  the  emotional  pain  that  everyone

    experiences  as  they  strive  to  find  companionship,  belonging and  meaning,  but  the  physical  pain  that  comes  with  a deteriorating  body.  It’s  become  especially  troubling  these last  6  years  as  I’ve  watched  my  health  decline.  It  seems like  something  else  has  taken  over.  I  did  everything  I  was supposed  to  do.  What  am  I  doing  wrong?  Which  study should  I  believe?  Who  can  I  trust?  Should  I  take  this medicine?  Will  the  side  effects  make  me  worse?

    Is  there  anybody  out  there  who  has  the

    right  answers  who  isn’t  just  out  to  make  a  buck?

    I’ve  seen  the  decline  in  people’s  health  all  around  me.  Talk to  me  about  spitting.  Everywhere  I  go  it  seems  the spitters  are  following  me  around.  I’m  even  afraid  to  look directly  at  people  for  too  long  for,  sure  enough,  within  a few  seconds  they’ll  let  one  loose!  I  remember  once  while watching  The  Hollywood  Squares,  Canadian  comedienne Caroline  Rhea  mentioned  that  she  was  glad  to  be  in  New York,  where  if  you  look  at  anyone  long  enough....they’ll spit.  At  least  I  wasn’t  alone  in  that  observation.  Someone else  had  noticed.  My  friends  think  I’m  crazy,  but  I  swear  it got  worse  after  the  9/11  attacks,  when  all  the  dust  and pollutants  were  hanging  around.  I  remember  hearing  a health  report  that  incidences  of  lung  problems,  coughing  and asthma  increased  right  afterwards.  I  guess  my  fear  is  that things  will  continue  getting  worse,  and  I’ll  soon  be  taking pills  as  if  they  were  food.....

    The Promise

    What if you could live in perfect health for all of your life and never get sick? Imagine if you never caught a cold, didn’t get cavities, never experienced disease, and kept your skin smooth, your mind sharp, and your body vital and full of energy for as long as you lived. What if you could stay young forever? Think how your life would change if you knew exactly what to do to live free of illness without pills and without drugs?

    There was a time I considered questions like that nothing more than fantasy. That all changed, however, when I discovered the legend of the Ageless Adept.

    On a practical level, the concept of aging never made sense to me. I had read once that the body’s cells renew themselves every few years. It always seemed a contradiction, therefore, that aging happens any at all. But yet it does.

    I’ve always been fascinated by stories of the Fountain of Youth—the mythical fountain believed to reverse the effects of time on the body and restore one’s youth. There is a reason the Fountain of Youth has fascinated people for hundreds of years. I know now that it fascinates because, on an intuitive level, we know it is real. Little did I anticipate, however, that I would become a modern-day explorer and actually find and talk with an Ageless Adept—keeper of the fountain’s secrets.

    Yes, Virginia, there is an Ageless Adept! I met him. I had a series of conversations with him over the course of seven days. Those seven conversations changed my life. Those conversations are the basis of this book.

    On one of the last days I spent with him, the Ageless Adept said something I’ll never forget. He said, In a society ruled by lies, the truth becomes subversive. But as more people share a new truth, that new truth becomes reality. The dominant lie loses power, and all becomes as it should be. Truth is transformational and grows in power the more it is shared.

    This information is life-changing, even subversive. My understanding of life, nature, health, sickness, healing, youthfulness and vitality has been forever altered. I now have the answers I’ve always been seeking; simple answers; answers that make sense; answers that have freed me from deception; answers that have made me healthier, younger and more alive!

    Once I had this knowledge, I realized I could not keep it to myself. Like others before me, I am now bound by the honor of a promise I made to the Ageless Adept to share it with any who are open to hear it. I have done my best to transcribe my experience of meeting the Adept, and his exact words as best as I recall them. By reading these timeless truths you too may be transformed. Within the simplicity of his words lies the profound power to change lives as it has mine.

    But, I’m getting ahead of myself. To fully appreciate the promise of the Ageless Adept’s wisdom, and the life-changing information we as a society now have access to, let me tell you how it all started.

    Your life is the answer to a question,

    but the answer is not the hard task,

    No, the trick to living life with purpose, you see

    is knowing which question to ask

    How it All Started

    It all started on my fortieth birthday. I remember the day well even though—except for it being one of those dreaded markers of advancing years—it was pretty much like any other. I had gotten up at six o’clock, as usual, walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I shaved, showered, all as usual, as I prepared for work.

    As I went through my regular morning ritual, I ran through a mental checklist of the aches and pains that had become a regular part of my declining life, taking careful note of any new ones. As I did, I thought about how things had been different just a few years before.

    There was a time when I boasted to my friends that I never caught colds. Now it seemed I walked around with a tissue all the time. I once boasted the energy and interests of a young man. Lately, I found myself losing interest in the things young men often think about.

    The frustrating part was I was supposedly doing all the right things—eating correctly, exercising and taking vitamins—but I always felt tired. The only time I had any energy was after two cups of coffee. It was on that day, as I looked at my forty-year old face, that I realized that just about everyone I knew was sick too.

    I had friends who were overweight. I had relatives who were taking ten different pills every day for a variety of ailments. I had one female friend who had just had a heart attack at the age of thirty. I had another friend who’d lost her hair and melanin from radiation and steroid cancer treatments. It seemed all my friends had children who were suffering from asthma.

    Other people I knew just didn’t seem to be aging well at all. At thirty and forty, many were  already graying and falling apart. If I stayed over at their homes, there always seemed to be someone coughing, spitting, phlegming or complaining of some ache, pain or otherwise undesirable bodily condition.

    Practically everyone in my circle of friends was seeing a specialist of some kind or another who wasn’t any help at all. We were all spending exorbitant amounts of money on treatments, therapies and pills and had medicine cabinets filled with little orange bottles with white labels.

    Our health seemed to be a recurring topic of conversation. As we commiserated amongst ourselves, seeking truth and clarity, we only ended up with more questions and confusion. We’d often have discussions about

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