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Beginning Linux Programming
Beginning Linux Programming
Beginning Linux Programming
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Beginning Linux Programming

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Beginning Linux Programming, Fourth Edition continues its unique approach to teaching UNIX programming in a simple and structured way on the Linux platform. Through the use of detailed and realistic examples, students learn by doing, and are able to move from being a Linux beginner to creating custom applications in Linux. The book introduces fundamental concepts beginning with the basics of writing Unix programs in C, and including material on basic system calls, file I/O, interprocess communication (for getting programs to work together), and shell programming. Parallel to this, the book introduces the toolkits and libraries for working with user interfaces, from simpler terminal mode applications to X and GTK+ for graphical user interfaces. Advanced topics are covered in detail such as processes, pipes, semaphores, socket programming, using MySQL, writing applications for the GNOME or the KDE desktop, writing device drivers, POSIX Threads, and kernel programming for the latest Linux Kernel.
Release dateApr 22, 2011
Beginning Linux Programming

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    Beginning Linux Programming - Neil Matthew

    Title Page

    Beginning Linux® Programming, 4th Edition

    Published by

    Wiley Publishing, Inc.

    10475 Crosspoint BoulevardIndianapolis, IN 46256

    Copyright © 2008 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana

    Published simultaneously in Canada

    ISBN: 978-0-470-14762-7

    Manufactured in the United States of America

    10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available from the publisher.

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    About the Authors

    Neil Matthew has been interested in and has programmed computers since 1974. A mathematics graduate from the University of Nottingham, Neil is just plain keen on programming languages and likes to explore new ways of solving computing problems. He’s written systems to program in BCPL, FP (Functional Programming), Lisp, Prolog, and a structured BASIC. He even wrote a 6502 microprocessor emulator to run BBC microcomputer programs on UNIX systems.

    In terms of UNIX experience, Neil has used almost every flavor since the late 1970s, including BSD UNIX, AT&T System V, Sun Solaris, IBM AIX, many others, and of course Linux. He can claim to have been using Linux since August 1993 when he acquired a floppy disk distribution of Soft Landing (SLS) from Canada, with kernel version 0.99.11. He’s used Linux-based computers for hacking C, C++, Icon, Prolog, Tcl, and Java at home and at work.

    All of Neil’s home projects are developed using Linux. He says Linux is much easier because it supports quite a lot of features from other systems, so that both BSD- and System V-targeted programs will generally compile with little or no change.

    Neil is currently working as an Enterprise Architect specializing in IT strategy at Celesio AG. He has a background in technical consultancy, software development techniques, and quality assurance. Neil has also programmed in C and C++ for real-time embedded systems.

    Neil is married to Christine and has two children, Alexandra and Adrian. He lives in a converted barn in Northamptonshire, England. His interests include solving puzzles by computer, music, science fiction, squash, mountain biking, and not doing it yourself.

    Rick Stones started programming at school (more years ago than he cares to remember) on a 6502-powered BBC micro, which, with the help of a few spare parts, continued to function for the next 15 years. He graduated from Nottingham University with a degree in Electronic Engineering, but decided software was more fun.

    Over the years he has worked for a variety of companies, from the very small with just a dozen employees, to the very large, including the IT services giant EDS. Along the way he has worked on a range of projects, from real-time communications to accounting systems, to very large help desk systems. He is currently working as an IT architect, acting as a technical authority on various major projects for a large pan-European company.

    A bit of a programming linguist, he has programmed in various assemblers, a rather neat proprietary telecommunications language called SL-1, some FORTRAN, Pascal, Perl, SQL, and smidgeons of Python and C++, as well as C. (Under duress he even admits that he was once reasonably proficient in Visual Basic, but tries not to advertise this aberration.)

    Rick lives in a village in Leicestershire, England, with his wife Ann, children Jennifer and Andrew, and a cat. Outside work his main interests are classical music, especially early religious music, and photography, and he does his best to find time for some piano practice.


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    The authors would like to record their thanks to the many people who helped to make this book possible.

    Neil would like to thank his wife, Christine, for her understanding and children Alex and Adrian for not complaining too loudly at Dad spending so long in The Den writing.

    Rick would like to thank his wife, Ann, and their children, Jennifer and Andrew, for their very considerable patience during the evenings and weekends while Dad was yet again doing book work.

    As for the publishing team, we’d like to thank the folks at Wiley who helped us get this fourth edition into print. Thanks to Carol Long for getting the process started and sorting out the contracts, and especially to Sara Shlaer for her exceptional editing work and Timothy Boronczyk for his excellent technical reviews. We also wish to thank Jenny Watson for chasing down all those odd bits of extras and generally guiding the book through the administrative layers, Bill Barton for ensuring proper organization and presentation, and Kim Cofer for a thorough copyedit. We are very grateful also to Eric Foster-Johnson for his fantastic work on Chapters 16 and 17. We can say that this is a better book than it would have been without the efforts of all of you.

    We would also like to thank our employers, Scientific Generics, Mobicom, and Celesio for their support during the production of all four editions of this book.

    Finally we would also like to pay homage to two important motivators who have helped make this book possible. Firstly, Richard Stallman for the excellent GNU tools and the idea of a free software environment, which is now a reality with GNU/Linux, and secondly, Linus Torvalds for starting and continuing to inspire the co-operative development that gives us the ever-improving Linux kernel.


    All computer programmers have their own piles of notes and scribbles. They have their code examples saved from the past heroic dive into the manuals or from Usenet, where sometimes even fools fear to follow. (The other body of opinion is that fools all get free Usenet access and use it nonstop.) It is therefore perhaps strange that so few books follow such a style. In the online world there are a lot of short, to-the-point documents about specific areas of programming and administration. The Linux documentation project released a whole pile of documents covering everything from installing Linux and Windows on the same machine to wiring your coffee machine to Linux. Seriously. Take a look at The Linux Documentation Project on

    The book world, on the other hand, seems to consist mostly of either learned tomes, detailed and very complete works that you don’t have time to read, or books for complete beginners that you buy for friends as a joke. There are very few books that try to cover the basics of a lot of useful areas. This book is one of them, a compendium of those programmers’ notes and scribbles, deciphered (try reading a programmer’s handwriting), edited, and brought together coherently as a book.

    This edition of Beginning Linux Programming has been reviewed and updated to reflect today’s Linux developments.

    Alan Cox


    Welcome to Beginning Linux Programming, 4th Edition, an easy-to-use guide to developing programs for Linux and other UNIX-style operating systems.

    In this book we aim to give you an introduction to a wide variety of topics important to you as a developer using Linux. The word Beginning in the title refers more to the content than to your skill level. We’ve structured the book to help you learn more about what Linux has to offer, however much experience you have already. Linux programming is a large field and we aim to cover enough about a wide range of topics to give you a good beginning in each subject.

    Who’s This Book For?

    If you’re a programmer who wishes to get up to speed with the facilities that Linux (or UNIX) offers software developers, to maximize your programming time and your application’s use of the Linux system, you’ve picked up the right book. Clear explanations and a tried and tested step-by-step approach will help you progress rapidly and pick up all the key techniques.

    We assume you have some experience in C and/or C++ programming, perhaps in Windows or some other system, but we try to keep the book’s examples simple so that you don’t need to be an expert C coder to follow this book. Where direct comparisons exist between Linux programming and C/C++ programming, these are indicated in the text.

    Watch out if you’re totally new to Linux. This isn’t a book on installing or configuring Linux. If you want to learn more about administering a Linux system, you may wish to look at some complementary books such as Linux Bible 2007 Edition, by Christopher Negus (Wiley, ISBN 978-0470082799).

    Because it aims to be a tutorial guide to the various tools and sets of functions/libraries available to you on most Linux systems as well as a handy reference you can return to, this book is unique in its straightforward approach, comprehensive coverage, and extensive examples.

    What’s Covered in the Book

    The book has a number of aims:

    To teach the use of the standard Linux C libraries and other facilities as specified by the various Linux and UNIX standards.

    To show how to make the most of the standard Linux development tools.

    To give a concise introduction to data storage under Linux using both the DBM and MySQL database systems.

    To show how to build graphical user interfaces for the X Window System. We will use both the GTK (the basis of the GNOME environment) and Qt (the basis of the KDE environment) libraries.

    To encourage and enable you to develop your own real-world applications.

    As we cover these topics, we introduce programming theory and then illustrate it with appropriate examples and a clear explanation. In this way you can learn quickly on a first read and look back over things to brush up on all the essential elements if you need to.

    Though the small examples are designed mainly to illustrate a set of functions or some new theory in action, throughout the book lies a larger sample project: a simple database application for recording audio CD details. As your knowledge expands, you can develop, re-implement, and extend the project to your heart’s content. That said, however, the CD application doesn’t dominate any chapter, so you can skip it if you want to, but we feel that it provides additional useful, in-depth examples of the techniques that we discuss. It certainly provides an ideal way to illustrate each of the more advanced topics as they are introduced. Our first discussion of this application occurs at the end of Chapter 2 and shows how a fairly large shell script is organized, how the shell deals with user input, and how it can construct menus and store and search data.

    After recapping the basic concepts of compiling programs, linking to libraries, and accessing the online manuals, you will take a sojourn into shells. You then move into C programming, where we cover working with files, getting information from the Linux environment, dealing with terminal input and output, and the curses library (which makes interactive input and output more tractable). You’re then ready to tackle re-implementing the CD application in C. The application design remains the same, but the code uses the curses library for a screen-based user interface.

    From there, we cover data management. Meeting the dbm database library is sufficient cause for us to re-implement the application, but this time with a design that will re-emerge in some later chapters. In a later chapter we look at how the data could be stored in a relational database using MySQL, and we also reuse this data storage technique later in the chapter, so you can see how the techniques compare. The size of these recent applications means that we then need to deal with such nuts-and-bolts issues as debugging, source code control, software distribution, and makefiles.

    You will also look at how different Linux processes can communicate, using a variety of techniques, and at how Linux programs can use sockets to support TCP/IP networking to different machines, including the issues of talking to machines that use different processor architectures.

    After getting the foundations of Linux programming in place, we cover the creation of graphical programs. We do this over two chapters, looking first at the GTK+ toolkit, which underlies the GNOME environment, and then at the Qt toolkit, which underlies the KDE environment.

    We finish off with a brief look at the standards that keep Linux systems from different vendors similar enough that we can move between them easily and write programs that will work on different distributions of Linux.

    As you’d expect, there’s a fair bit more in between, but we hope that this gives you a good idea of the material we’ll be discussing.

    What You Need to Use This Book

    In this book, we’ll give you a taste of programming for Linux. To help you get the most from the chapters, you should try out the examples as you read. These also provide a good base for experimentation and will hopefully inspire you to create programs of your own. We hope you will read this book in conjunction with experimenting on your own Linux installation.

    Linux is available for many different systems. Its adaptability is such that enterprising souls have persuaded it to run in one form or another on just about anything with a processor in it! Examples include systems based on the Alpha, ARM, IBM Cell, Itanium, PA-RISC, PowerPC, SPARC, SuperH, and 68k CPUs as well as the various x86-class processors, in both 32- and 64-bit versions.

    We wrote this book and developed the examples on two Linux systems with different specifications, so we’re confident that if you can run Linux, you can make good use of this book. Furthermore, we tested the code on other versions of Linux during the book’s technical review.

    To develop this book we primarily used x86-based systems, but very little of what we cover is x86 specific. Although it is possible to run Linux on a 486 with 8MB RAM, to run a modern Linux distribution successfully and follow the examples in this book, we recommend that you pick a recent version of one of the more popular Linux distributions such as Fedora, openSUSE, or Ubuntu and check the hardware recommendations they give.

    As for software requirements, we suggest that you use a recent version of your preferred Linux distribution and apply the current set of updates, which most vendors make available online by way of automated updates, to keep your system current and up-to-date with the latest bug fixes. Linux and the GNU toolset are released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). Most other components of a typical Linux distribution use either the GPL or one of the many other Open Source licenses, and this means they have certain properties, one of which is freedom. They will always have the source code available, and no one can take that freedom away. See for more details of the GPL, and for more details of the definition of Open Source and the different licenses in use. With GNU/Linux, you will always have the option of support — either doing it yourself with the source code, hiring someone else, or going to one of the many vendors offering pay-for support.

    Source Code

    As you work through the examples in this book, you may choose either to type in all the code manually or to use the source code files that accompany the book. All of the source code used in this book is available for download at Once at the site, simply locate the book’s title (either by using the Search box or by using one of the title lists) and click the Download Code link on the book’s detail page to obtain all the source code for the book.

    Because many books have similar titles, you may find it easiest to search by ISBN; this book’s ISBN is 978-0-470-14762-7.

    Once you download the code, just decompress it with your favorite compression tool. Alternatively, you can go to the main Wrox code download page at to see the code available for this book and all other Wrox books.

    A Note on the Code Downloads

    We have tried to provide example programs and code snippets that best illustrate the concepts being discussed in the text. Please note that, in order to make the new functionality being introduced as clear as possible, we have taken one or two liberties with coding style.

    In particular, we do not always check that the return results from every function we call are what we expect. In production code for real applications we would certainly do this check, and you too should adopt a rigorous approach toward error handling. (We discuss some of the ways that errors can be caught and handled in Chapter 3.)

    The GNU General Public License

    The source code in the book is made available under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, The following permission statement applies to all the source code available in this book:

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify

    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or

    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software

    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA


    To help you get the most from the text and keep track of what’s happening, we’ve used a number of conventions throughout the book:

    Boxes like this one hold important, not-to-be-forgotten, mission-critical information that is directly relevant to the surrounding text.

    Tips, hints, tricks, and asides to the current discussion are offset and placed in italics like this.

    When we introduce them, we highlight important words in italics. Characters we want you to type are in bold font. We show keyboard strokes like this: Ctrl+A.

    We present code and terminal sessions in three different ways:


    root     tty1         Sep 10 16:12

    rick     tty2         Sep 10 16:10

    When the command line is shown, it’s in the style at the top of the code, whereas output is in the regular style. The $ is the prompt (if the superuser is required for the command, the prompt will be a # instead) and the bold text is what you type in and press Enter (or Return) to execute. Any text following that in the same font but in non-bold is the output of the bolded command. In the preceding example you type in the command who, and you see the output below the command.

    Prototypes of Linux-defined functions and structures are shown in bold as follows:


    int printf (const char *format, ...);

    In our code examples, the code foreground style shows new, important material, such as

    /* This is what new, important, and pertinent code looks like. */

    whereas code that looks like this (code background style) is less important:

    /* This is what code that has been seen before looks like. */

    And often when a program is added to throughout a chapter, code that is added later is in foreground style first and background style later. For example, a new program would look like this:

    /* Code example */

    /* That ends here. */

    And if we add to that program later in the chapter, it looks like this instead:

    /* Code example */

    /* New code added */

    /* on these lines */

    /* That ends here. */

    The last convention we’ll mention is that we presage example code with a Try It Out heading that aims to split the code up where it’s helpful, highlight the component parts, and show the progression of the application. When it’s important, we also follow the code with a How It Works section to explain any salient points of the code in relation to previous theory. We find these two conventions help break up the more formidable code listings into palatable morsels.


    We make every effort to ensure that there are no errors in the text or in the code. However, no one is perfect, and mistakes do occur. If you find an error in one of our books, like a spelling mistake or faulty piece of code, we would be very grateful for your feedback. By sending in errata you may save another reader hours of frustration and at the same time you will be helping us provide even higher quality information.

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    Chapter 1

    Getting Started

    In this chapter, you discover what Linux is and how it relates to its inspiration, UNIX. You take a guided tour of the facilities provided by a Linux development system, and write and run your first program. Along the way, you’ll be looking at

    UNIX, Linux, and GNU

    Programs and programming languages for Linux

    How to locate development resources

    Static and shared libraries

    The UNIX philosophy

    An Introduction to UNIX, Linux, and GNU

    In recent years Linux has become a phenomenon. Hardly a day goes by without Linux cropping up in the media in some way. We’ve lost count of the number of applications that have been made available on Linux and the number of organizations that have adopted it, including some government departments and city administrations. Major hardware vendors like IBM and Dell now support Linux, and major software vendors like Oracle support their software running on Linux. Linux truly has become a viable operating system, especially in the server market.

    Linux owes its success to systems and applications that preceded it: UNIX and GNU software. This section looks at how Linux came to be and what its roots are.

    What Is UNIX?

    The UNIX operating system was originally developed at Bell Laboratories, once part of the telecommunications giant AT&T. Designed in the 1970s for Digital Equipment PDP computers, UNIX has become a very popular multiuser, multitasking operating system for a wide variety of hardware platforms, from PC workstations to multiprocessor servers and supercomputers.

    A Brief History of UNIX

    Strictly, UNIX is a trademark administered by The Open Group, and it refers to a computer operating system that conforms to a particular specification. This specification, known as The Single UNIX Specification, defines the names of, interfaces to, and behaviors of all mandatory UNIX operating system functions. The specification is largely a superset of an earlier series of specifications, the P1003, or POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface) specifications, developed by the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers).

    Many UNIX-like systems are available commercially, such as IBM’s AIX, HP’s HP-UX, and Sun’s Solaris. Some have been made available for free, such as FreeBSD and Linux. Only a few systems currently conform to The Open Group specification, which allows them to be marketed with the name UNIX.

    In the past, compatibility among different UNIX systems has been a real problem, although POSIX was a great help in this respect. These days, by following a few simple rules it is possible to create applications that will run on all UNIX and UNIX-like systems. You can find more details on Linux and UNIX standards in Chapter 18.

    UNIX Philosophy

    In the following chapters we hope to convey a flavor of Linux (and therefore UNIX) programming. Although programming in C is in many ways the same whatever the platform, UNIX and Linux developers have a special view of program and system development.

    The UNIX operating system, and hence Linux, encourages a certain programming style. Following are a few characteristics shared by typical UNIX programs and systems:

    Simplicity: Many of the most useful UNIX utilities are very simple and, as a result, small and easy to understand. KISS, Keep It Small and Simple, is a good technique to learn. Larger, more complex systems are guaranteed to contain larger, more complex bugs, and debugging is a chore that we’d all like to avoid!

    Focus: It’s often better to make a program perform one task well than to throw in every feature along with the kitchen sink. A program with feature bloat can be difficult to use and difficult to maintain. Programs with a single purpose are easier to improve as better algorithms or interfaces are developed. In UNIX, small utilities are often combined to perform more demanding tasks when the need arises, rather than trying to anticipate a user’s needs in one large program.

    Reusable Components: Make the core of your application available as a library. Well-documented libraries with simple but flexible programming interfaces can help others to develop variations or apply the techniques to new application areas. Examples include the dbm database library, which is a suite of reusable functions rather than a single database management program.

    Filters: Many UNIX applications can be used as filters. That is, they transform their input and produce output. As you’ll see, UNIX provides facilities that allow quite complex applications to be developed from other UNIX programs by combining them in novel ways. Of course, this kind of reuse is enabled by the development methods that we’ve previously mentioned.

    Open File Formats: The more successful and popular UNIX programs use configuration files and data files that are plain ASCII text or XML. If either of these is an option for your program development, it’s a good choice. It enables users to use standard tools to change and search for configuration items and to develop new tools for performing new functions on the data files. A good example of this is the ctags source code cross-reference system, which records symbol location information as regular expressions suitable for use by searching programs.

    Flexibility: You can’t anticipate exactly how ingeniously users will use your program. Try to be as flexible as possible in your programming. Try to avoid arbitrary limits on field sizes or number of records. If you can, write the program so that it’s network-aware and able to run across a network as well as on a local machine. Never assume that you know everything that the user might want to do.

    What Is Linux?

    As you may already know, Linux is a freely distributed implementation of a UNIX-like kernel, the low-level core of an operating system. Because Linux takes the UNIX system as its inspiration, Linux and UNIX programs are very similar. In fact, almost all programs written for UNIX can be compiled and run on Linux. Also, some commercial applications sold for commercial versions of UNIX can run unchanged in binary form on Linux systems.

    Linux was developed by Linus Torvalds at the University of Helsinki, with the help of UNIX programmers from across the Internet. It began as a hobby inspired by Andy Tanenbaum’s Minix, a small UNIX-like system, but has grown to become a complete system in its own right. The intention is that the Linux kernel will not incorporate proprietary code but will contain nothing but freely distributable code.

    Versions of Linux are now available for a wide variety of computer systems using many different types of CPUs, including PCs based on 32-bit and 64-bit Intel x86 and compatible processors; workstations and servers using Sun SPARC, IBM PowerPC, AMD Opteron, and Intel Itanium; and even some handheld PDAs and Sony’s Playstations 2 and 3. If it’s got a processor, someone somewhere is trying to get Linux running on it!

    The GNU Project and the Free Software Foundation

    Linux owes its existence to the cooperative efforts of a large number of people. The operating system kernel itself forms only a small part of a usable development system. Commercial UNIX systems traditionally come bundled with applications that provide system services and tools. For Linux systems, these additional programs have been written by many different programmers and have been freely contributed.

    The Linux community (together with others) supports the concept of free software, that is, software that is free from restrictions, subject to the GNU General Public License (the name GNU stands for the recursive GNU’s Not Unix). Although there may be a cost involved in obtaining the software, it can thereafter be used in any way desired and is usually distributed in source form.

    The Free Software Foundation was set up by Richard Stallman, the author of GNU Emacs, one of the best-known text editors for UNIX and other systems. Stallman is a pioneer of the free software concept and started the GNU Project, an attempt to create an operating system and development environment that would be compatible with UNIX, but not suffer the restrictions of the proprietary UNIX name and source code. GNU may one day turn out to be very different from UNIX in the way it handles the hardware and manages running programs, but it will still support UNIX-style applications.

    The GNU Project has already provided the software community with many applications that closely mimic those found on UNIX systems. All these programs, so-called GNU software, are distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL); you can find a copy of the license at This license embodies the concept of copyleft (a takeoff on copyright). Copyleft is intended to prevent others from placing restrictions on the use of free software.

    A few major examples of software from the GNU Project distributed under the GPL follow:

    GCC: The GNU Compiler Collection, containing the GNU C compiler

    G++: A C++ compiler, included as part of GCC

    GDB: A source code–level debugger

    GNU make: A version of UNIX make

    Bison: A parser generator compatible with UNIX yacc

    bash: A command shell

    GNU Emacs: A text editor and environment

    Many other packages have been developed and released using free software principles and the GPL, including spreadsheets, source code control tools, compilers and interpreters, Internet tools, graphical image manipulation tools such as the Gimp, and two complete object-based environments: GNOME and KDE. We discuss GNOME and KDE in Chapters 16 and 17.

    There is now so much free software available that with the addition of the Linux kernel it could be said that the goal of a creating GNU, a free UNIX-like system, has been achieved with Linux. To recognize the contribution made by GNU software, many people now refer to Linux systems in general as GNU/Linux.

    You can learn more about the free software concept at

    Linux Distributions

    As we have already mentioned, Linux is actually just a kernel. You can obtain the sources for the kernel to compile and install it on a machine and then obtain and install many other freely distributed software programs to make a complete Linux installation. These installations are usually referred to as Linux systems, because they consist of much more than just the kernel. Most of the utilities come from the GNU Project of the Free Software Foundation.

    As you can probably appreciate, creating a Linux system from just source code is a major undertaking. Fortunately, many people have put together ready-to-install distributions (often called flavors), usually downloadable or on CD-ROMs or DVDs, that contain not just the kernel but also many other programming tools and utilities. These often include an implementation of the X Window System, a graphical environment common on many UNIX systems. The distributions usually come with a setup program and additional documentation (normally all on the CD[s]) to help you install your own Linux system. Some well-known distributions, particularly on the Intel x86 family of processors, are Red Hat Enterprise Linux and its community-developed cousin Fedora, Novell SUSE Linux and the free openSUSE variant, Ubuntu Linux, Slackware, Gentoo, and Debian GNU/Linux. Check out the DistroWatch site at for details on many more Linux distributions.

    Programming Linux

    Many people think that programming Linux means using C. It’s true that UNIX was originally written in C and that the majority of UNIX applications are written in C, but C is not the only option available to Linux programmers, or UNIX programmers for that matter. In the course of the book, we’ll mention a couple of the alternatives.

    In fact, the first version of UNIX was written in PDP 7 assembler language in 1969. C was conceived by Dennis Ritchie around that time, and in 1973 he and Ken Thompson rewrote essentially the entire UNIX kernel in C, quite a feat in the days when system software was written in assembly language.

    A vast range of programming languages are available for Linux systems, and many of them are free and available on CD-ROM collections or from FTP archive sites on the Internet. Here’s a partial list of programming languages available to the Linux programmer:

    We show how you can use a Linux shell (bash) to develop small- to medium-sized applications in Chapter 2. For the rest of the book, we mainly concentrate on C. We direct our attention mostly toward exploring the Linux programming interfaces from the perspective of the C programmer, and we assume knowledge of the C programming language.

    Linux Programs

    Linux applications are represented by two special types of files: executables and scripts. Executable files are programs that can be run directly by the computer; they correspond to Windows .exe files. Scripts are collections of instructions for another program, an interpreter, to follow. These correspond to Windows .bat or .cmd files, or interpreted BASIC programs.

    Linux doesn’t require executables or scripts to have a specific filename or any extension whatsoever. File system attributes, which we discuss in Chapter 2, are used to indicate that a file is a program that may be run. In Linux, you can replace scripts with compiled programs (and vice versa) without affecting other programs or the people who call them. In fact, at the user level, there is essentially no difference between the two.

    When you log in to a Linux system, you interact with a shell program (often bash) that runs programs in the same way that the Windows command prompt does. It finds the programs you ask for by name by searching for a file with the same name in a given set of directories. The directories to search are stored in a shell variable, PATH, in much the same way as with Windows. The search path (to which you can add) is configured by your system administrator and will usually contain some standard places where system programs are stored. These include:

    /bin: Binaries, programs used in booting the system

    /usr/bin: User binaries, standard programs available to users

    /usr/local/bin: Local binaries, programs specific to an installation

    An administrator’s login, such as root, may use a PATH variable that includes directories where system administration programs are kept, such as /sbin and /usr/sbin.

    Optional operating system components and third-party applications may be installed in subdirectories of /opt, and installation programs might add to your PATH variable by way of user install scripts.

    It’s not a good idea to delete directories from PATH unless you are sure that you understand what will result if you do.

    Note that Linux, like UNIX, uses the colon (:) character to separate entries in the PATH variable, rather than the semicolon (;) that MS-DOS and Windows use. (UNIX chose : first, so ask Microsoft why Windows is different, not why UNIX is different!) Here’s a sample PATH variable:


    Here the PATH variable contains entries for the standard program locations, the current directory (.), a user’s home directory, and the X Window System.

    Remember, Linux uses a forward slash (/) to separate directory names in a filename rather than the backslash (\) of Windows. Again, UNIX got there first.

    Text Editors

    To write and enter the code examples in the book, you’ll need to use an editor. There are many to choose from on a typical Linux system. The vi editor is popular with many users.

    Both of the authors like Emacs, so we suggest you take the time to learn some of the features of this powerful editor. Almost all Linux distributions have Emacs as an optional package you can install, or you can get it from the GNU website at or a version for graphical environments at the XEmacs site at

    To learn more about Emacs, you can use its online tutorial. To do this, start the editor by running the emacs command, and then type Ctrl+H followed by t for the tutorial. Emacs also has its entire manual available. When in Emacs, type Ctrl+H and then i for information. Some versions of Emacs may have menus that you can use to access the manual and tutorial.

    The C Compiler

    On POSIX-compliant systems, the C compiler is called c89. Historically, the C compiler was simply called cc. Over the years, different vendors have sold UNIX-like systems with C compilers with different facilities and options, but often still called cc.

    When the POSIX standard was prepared, it was impossible to define a standard cc command with which all these vendors would be compatible. Instead, the committee decided to create a new standard command for the C compiler, c89. When this command is present, it will always take the same options, independent of the machine.

    On Linux systems that do try to implement the standards, you might find that any or all of the commands c89, cc, and gcc refer to the system C compiler, usually the GNU C compiler, or gcc. On UNIX systems, the C compiler is almost always called cc.

    In this book, we use gcc because it’s provided with Linux distributions and because it supports the ANSI standard syntax for C. If you ever find yourself using a UNIX system without gcc, we recommend that you obtain and install it. You can find it at Wherever we use gcc in the book, simply substitute the relevant command on your system.

    Try It Out Your First Linux C Program

    In this example you start developing for Linux using C by writing, compiling, and running your first Linux program. It might as well be that most famous of all starting points, Hello World.

    1. Here’s the source code for the file hello.c:



    int main()


       printf(Hello World\n);



    2. Now compile, link, and run your program.

    gcc -o hello hello.c

    $ ./hello

    Hello World


    How It Works

    You invoked the GNU C compiler (on Linux this will most likely be available as cc too) that translated the C source code into an executable file called hello. You ran the program and it printed a greeting. This is just about the simplest example there is, but if you can get this far with your system, you should be able to compile and run the remainder of the examples in the book. If this did not work for you, make sure that the C compiler is installed on your system. For example, many Linux distributions have an install option called Software Development (or something similar) that you should select to make sure the necessary packages are installed.

    Because this is the first program you’ve run, it’s a good time to point out some basics. The hello program will probably be in your home directory. If PATH doesn’t include a reference to your home directory, the shell won’t be able to find hello. Furthermore, if one of the directories in PATH contains another program called hello, that program will be executed instead. This would also happen if such a directory is mentioned in PATH before your home directory. To get around this potential problem, you can prefix program names with ./ (for example, ./hello). This specifically instructs the shell to execute the program in the current directory with the given name. (The dot is an alias for the current directory.)

    If you forget the -o name option that tells the compiler where to place the executable, the compiler will place the program in a file called a.out (meaning assembler output). Just remember to look for an a.out if you think you’ve compiled a program and you can’t find it! In the early days of UNIX, people wanting to play games on the system often ran them as a.out to avoid being caught by system administrators, and some UNIX installations routinely delete all files called a.out every evening.

    Development System Roadmap

    For a Linux developer, it can be important to know a little about where tools and development resources are located. The following sections provide a brief look at some important directories and files.


    Applications are usually kept in directories reserved for them. Applications supplied by the system for general use, including program development, are found in /usr/bin. Applications added by system administrators for a specific host computer or local network are often found in /usr/local/bin or /opt.

    Administrators favor /opt and /usr/local, because they keep vendor-supplied files and later additions separate from the applications supplied by the system. Keeping files organized in this way may help when the time comes to upgrade the operating system, because only /opt and /usr/local need be preserved. We recommend that you compile your applications to run and access required files from the /usr/local hierarchy for system-wide applications. For development and personal applications it’s best just to use a folder in your home directory.

    Additional features and programming systems may have their own directory structures and program directories. Chief among these is the X Window System, which is commonly installed in the /usr/X11 or /usr/bin/X11 directory. Linux distributions typically use the X.Org Foundation version of the X Window System, based on Revision 7 (X11R7). Other UNIX-like systems may choose different versions of the X Window System installed in different locations, such as /usr/openwin for Sun’s Open Windows provided with Solaris.

    The GNU compiler system’s driver program, gcc (which you used in the preceding programming example), is typically located in /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin, but it will run various compiler-support applications from another location. This location is specified when you compile the compiler itself and varies with the host computer type. For Linux systems, this location might be a version-specific subdirectory of /usr/lib/gcc/. On one of the author’s machines at the time of writing it is /usr/lib/gcc/i586-suse-linux/4.1.3. The separate passes of the GNU C/C++ compiler, and GNU-specific header files, are stored here.

    Header Files

    For programming in C and other languages, you need header files to provide definitions of constants and declarations for system and library function calls. For C, these are almost always located in /usr/include and subdirectories thereof. You can normally find header files that depend on the particular incarnation of Linux that you are running in /usr/include/sys and /usr/include/linux.

    Other programming systems will also have header files that are stored in directories that get searched automatically by the appropriate compiler. Examples include /usr/include/X11 for the X Window System and /usr/include/c++ for GNU C++.

    You can use header files in subdirectories or nonstandard places by specifying the -I flag (for include) to the C compiler. For example,

    gcc -I/usr/openwin/include fred.c

    will direct the compiler to look in the directory /usr/openwin/include, as well as the standard places, for header files included in the fred.c program. Refer to the manual page for the C compiler (man gcc) for more details.

    It’s often convenient to use the grep command to search header files for particular definitions and function prototypes. Suppose you need to know the name of the #defines used for returning the exit status from a program. Simply change to the /usr/include directory and grep for a probable part of the name like this:

    grep EXIT_ *.h


    stdlib.h:#define        EXIT_FAILURE    1       /* Failing exit status.  */

    stdlib.h:#define        EXIT_SUCCESS    0       /* Successful exit status.  */



    Here grep searches all the files in the directory with a name ending in .h for the string EXIT_. In this example, it has found (among others) the definition you need in the file stdlib.h.

    Library Files

    Libraries are collections of precompiled functions that have been written to be reusable. Typically, they consist of sets of related functions to perform a common task. Examples include libraries of screen-handling functions (the curses and ncurses libraries) and database access routines (the dbm library). We show you some libraries in later chapters.

    Standard system libraries are usually stored in /lib and /usr/lib. The C compiler (or more exactly, the linker) needs to be told which libraries to search, because by default it searches only the standard C library. This is a remnant of the days when computers were slow and CPU cycles were expensive. It’s not enough to put a library in the standard directory and hope that the compiler will find it; libraries need to follow a very specific naming convention and need to be mentioned on the command line.

    A library filename always starts with lib. Then follows the part indicating what library this is (like c for the C library, or m for the mathematical library). The last part of the name starts with a dot (.), and specifies the type of the library:

    .a for traditional, static libraries

    .so for shared libraries (see the following)

    The libraries usually exist in both static and shared formats, as a quick ls /usr/lib will show. You can instruct the compiler to search a library either by giving it the full path name or by using the -l flag. For example,

    gcc -o fred fred.c /usr/lib/libm.a

    tells the compiler to compile file fred.c, call the resulting program file fred, and search the mathematical library in addition to the standard C library to resolve references to functions. A similar result is achieved with the following command:

    gcc -o fred fred.c -lm

    The -lm (no space between the l and the m) is shorthand (shorthand is much valued in UNIX circles) for the library called libm.a in one of the standard library directories (in this case /usr/lib). An additional advantage of the -lm notation is that the compiler will automatically choose the shared library when it exists.

    Although libraries are usually found in standard places in the same way as header files, you can add to the search directories by using the -L (uppercase letter) flag to the compiler. For example,

    gcc -o x11fred -L/usr/openwin/lib x11fred.c -lX11

    will compile and link a program called x11fred using the version of the library libX11 found in the /usr/openwin/lib directory.

    Static Libraries

    The simplest form of library is just a collection of object files kept together in a ready-to-use form. When a program needs to use a function stored in the library, it includes a header file that declares the function. The compiler and linker take care of combining the program code and the library into a single executable program. You must use the –l option to indicate which libraries other than the standard C runtime library are required.

    Static libraries, also known as archives, conventionally have names that end with .a. Examples are /usr/lib/libc.a and /usr/lib/libX11.a for the standard C library and the X11 library, respectively.

    You can create and maintain your own static libraries very easily by using the ar (for archive) program and compiling functions separately with gcc -c. Try to keep functions in separate source files as much as possible. If functions need access to common data, you can place them in the same source file and use static variables declared in that file.

    Try It Out Static Libraries

    In this example, you create your own small library containing two functions and then use one of them in an example program. The functions are called fred and bill and just print greetings.

    1. First, create separate source files (imaginatively called fred.c and bill.c) for each function. Here’s the first:


    void fred(int arg)


       printf(fred: we passed %d\n, arg);


    And here’s the second:


    void bill(char *arg)


       printf(bill: we passed %s\n, arg);


    2. You can compile these functions individually to produce object files ready for inclusion into a library. Do this by invoking the C compiler with the -c option, which prevents the compiler from trying to create a complete program. Trying to create a complete program would fail because you haven’t defined a function called main.

    $ gcc -c bill.c fred.c

    $ ls *.o

    bill.o  fred.o

    3. Now write a program that calls the function bill. First, it’s a good idea to create a header file for your library. This will declare the functions in your library and should be included by all applications that want to use your library. It’s a good idea to include the header file in the files fred.c and bill.c too. This will help the compiler pick up any errors.


        This is lib.h. It declares the functions fred and bill for users


    void bill(char *);

    void fred(int);

    4. The calling program (program.c) can be very simple. It includes the library header file and calls one of the functions from the library.


    #include lib.h

    int main()


       bill(Hello World);



    5. You can now compile the program and test it. For now, specify the object files explicitly to the compiler, asking it to compile your file and link it with the previously compiled object module bill.o.

    $ gcc -c program.c

    $ gcc -o program program.o bill.o

    $ ./program

    bill: we passed Hello World


    6. Now you’ll create and use a library. Use the ar program to create the archive and add your object files to it. The program is called ar because it creates archives, or collections, of individual files placed together in one large file. Note that you can also use ar to create archives of files of any type. (Like many UNIX utilities, ar is a generic tool.)

    $ ar crv libfoo.a bill.o fred.o

    a - bill.o

    a - fred.o

    7. The library is created and the two object files added. To use the library successfully, some systems, notably those derived from Berkeley UNIX, require that a table of contents be created for the library. Do this with the ranlib command. In Linux, this step isn’t necessary (but it is harmless) when you’re using the GNU software development tools.

    $ ranlib libfoo.a

    Your library is now ready to use. You can add to the list of files to be used by the compiler to create your program like this:

    gcc -o program program.o libfoo.a


    bill: we passed Hello World


    You could also use the –l option to access the library, but because it is not in any of the standard places, you have to tell the compiler where to find it by using the –L option like this:

    gcc –o program program.o –L. –lfoo

    The –L. option tells the compiler to look in the current directory (.) for libraries. The –lfoo option tells the compiler to use a library called libfoo.a (or a shared library,, if one is present). To see which functions are included in an object file, library, or executable program, you can use the nm command. If you take a look at program and lib.a, you see that the library contains both fred and bill, but that program contains only bill. When the program is created, it includes only functions from the library that it actually needs. Including the header file, which contains declarations for all of the functions in the library, doesn’t cause the entire library to be included in the final program.

    If you’re familiar with Windows software development, there are a number of direct analogies here, illustrated in the following table.

    Shared Libraries

    One disadvantage of static libraries is that when you run many applications at the same time and they all use functions from the same library, you may end up with many copies of the same functions in memory and indeed many copies in the program files themselves. This can consume a large amount of valuable memory and disk space.

    Many UNIX systems and Linux-support shared libraries can overcome this disadvantage. A complete discussion of shared libraries and their implementation on different systems is beyond the scope of this book, so we’ll restrict ourselves to the visible implementation under Linux.

    Shared libraries are stored in the same places as static libraries, but shared libraries have a different filename suffix. On a typical Linux system, the shared version of the standard math library is /lib/

    When a program uses a shared library, it is linked in such a way that it doesn’t contain function code itself, but references to shared code that will be made available at run time. When the resulting program is loaded into memory to be executed, the function references are resolved and calls are made to the shared library, which will be loaded into memory if needed.

    In this way, the system can arrange for a single copy of a shared library to be used by many applications at once and stored just once on the disk. An additional benefit is that the shared library can be updated independently of the applications that rely on it. Symbolic links from the /lib/ file to the actual library revision (/lib/ where N represents a major version number — 6 at the time of writing) are used. When Linux starts an application, it can take into account the version of a library required by the application to prevent major new versions of a library from breaking older applications.

    The following example outputs are taken from a SUSE 10.3 distribution. Your output may differ slightly if you are not using this distribution.

    For Linux systems, the program (the dynamic loader) that takes care of loading shared libraries and resolving client program function references is called and may be made available as or or The additional locations searched for shared libraries are configured in the file /etc/, which needs to be processed by ldconfig if changed (for example, if X11 shared libraries are added when the X Window System is installed).

    You can see which shared libraries are required by a program by running the utility ldd. For example, if you try running it on your example application, you get the following:

    ldd program

  =>  (0xffffe000)

  => /lib/ (0xb7db4000)

           /lib/ (0xb7efc000)

    In this case, you see that the standard C library (libc) is shared (.so). The program requires major Version 6. Other UNIX systems will make similar arrangements for access to shared libraries.

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