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Fold Wormhole
Fold Wormhole
Fold Wormhole
Ebook278 pages4 hours

Fold Wormhole

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About this ebook

Book 1: The Fold

Book 2: The Message

Book 3: Fold Wormhole

Book 4: Negative Fold

Book 5: Ripples In Time

Release dateMay 19, 2023
Fold Wormhole

Ron Mueller

About the Author Ronald E. Mueller Ron grew up in what is now Flint River State Park in Southeast Iowa. The 170-year-old house Ron lived in is built into a hillside. It faces a 125-foot-high cliff towering over the little Flint River. The house and the land talked to him about; the passing of time, the struggle to conquer the land, the struggles people faced and the wonder of nature. He climbed the cliffs, crawled into the caves, dove from the swimming rock, collected clams from the bottom of the pond, gigged and skinned frogs for their legs. He trapped muskrats for fur, hunted raccoon in the dead of night, and with only a stick hunted rabbits in the dead of winter. His young life was outdoors, and nature tested him. He walked to a one room stone schoolhouse uphill both ways. A stern but warm-hearted teacher, Mrs. Henry was instrumental in shaping his character as she shepherded him from the fourth to the eighth grade. A Montessori before its time. It was a great way to grow up. His experiences inter-twined with snippets of fantasy lend themselves to the adventures he leads the reader through.

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    Book preview

    Fold Wormhole - Ron Mueller


    Return to the Desert

    The Marine guards stationed at the desert compound had been notified to clear the helo pad and then standby for an early arrival of a group of people. The guards were on their desert rotation from the Fold compound located in Dallas, Oregon so they were familiar with the Fold technology, but they had never witnessed a Fold bubble departure or arrival. It was for them one of the more exciting mornings on guard duty.

    Then the bubble appeared and hovered inches off the ground. They recognized two of their own, Castor and Donna as they got out of the bubble and took up the front position. Then a very beautiful young woman emerged who they had never seen before. She was followed by another of their own, Orlando.

    Then they recognized the helo pilot that periodically flew one of their gunships back at the compound.

    The two persons that came out after her was the genius and his partner.

    The last two that got out they knew as two of the FBI bodyguards assigned to protect the genius.

    They watched as the group walked away in the dark of the morning and headed out into the desert.

    The night was pitch black. Millions of stars twinkled overhead that seemed to be behind a thin white veil covering the face of heaven. Bram couldn’t see his hands in front of him. He took the lead up the almost invisible path. His feet knew the way through their body memory.

    The bright shimmering star light made the surrounding grasses and sage brush appear alive as the light morning breeze caused them to waver and the limited number of leaves to rustle.

    He was followed by Pat, Zuri, Amy and then the rest of the protection detail.

    Einstein was in his pocket.

    He let everyone know that Pat, Zuri, and Amy were the only ones going to sit on the boulder that he had sat on during the development of the Fold equation. The four of them would watch the sunrise from the place where he had finally realized that he had made the breakthrough. A breakthrough that now he believed was guided by another hand.

    He had thought of this outing as a way to bring Einstein for a visit to his home and to share with Zuri that instant of time that led to the miracle that she represented.

    Somewhere, in one of the cracks in the boulder, was where Einstein had previously lived. Now at least five years old, Einstein would once again get to visit home.

    Bram joked that Einstein had guided him in the quest to develop the Fold equation.

    When they got to the boulder, Bram helped Pat, Zuri, and Amy up and then he sat down in his usual spot. He took Einstein from his pocket and placed him down beside him.

    Einstein circled around once and then disappeared down the side of the rock.

    Pat asked if he would come back.

    Bram said that he thought so but only when the sun broke over the horizon and its rays hit the boulder.

    Zuri smiled and commented that she was honored to visit the place where Bram had sat and thought through the maze of equations that had transformed her from a very crippled person to a one with a normal body. It was, she said, a body about which she was still learning. She said that it was like a stranger returning to her home after an extreme remodeling and not recognizing most of what she saw. In her case everything about herself felt different and unknown.

    Bram replied that her transformation was for him the grand reward, for his efforts here in the desert. He added it was a reward that would carry him through the rest of his life.

    Pat gave Zuri a hug and said that her physical transformation was a positive reward for everyone working on the Fold project. They all believed that they had witnessed a miracle.

    Amy added that she had first learned of the Fold capability sitting on the boulder and thought at the time that she had witnessed something that could never be exceeded. Then she had witnessed Zuri’s transformation and knew that she had witnessed the real miracle of the Fold.

    A thin bright line cut across the dark night horizon as the sun light broke over the mountains to the east and the star light seemed to wane. The line travel across the desert as if seeking the boulder. It worked its way like a thief in the night sulked up toward an open window. Its first streaks of light hit the boulder and slowly worked its way and worked upward like the thief climbing in the window. It seemed to slow as if trying to find its way the way a mountain climber would look for hand holds as she made her way up the cliff.

    Moments later Einstein came out and surprisingly another mouse followed him.

    Pat commented that it seemed that Einstein had found a mate.

    Bram nodded and put out two crumbs and said that he had probably lost his Fold confidant to a love affair. He said that Einstein deserved to have such an affair.

    Einstein got up on his two hind legs and Bram lowered his hand. Einstein got into his palm and then the second mouse did as well. Einstein circled and lay down and the new mouse did as well.

    Zuri commented that she could not believe what she was seeing.

    Bram lowered his hand and both mice got out. Einstein then led the way down to the crack from which he had come and disappeared.

    Bram commented that he would return in a couple of months to see if Einstein would return to greet him.

    Small bubbles, holding tea, a sweet roll, and some cherries, appeared. There was one for every person in the group.

    Bram said that they should enjoy the sunrise snack that Marcus had arranged and then take a walk in the desert.

    Amy got up and as she went down the boulder said that she would be picking them up in a helicopter and bringing them back for a full lunch.

    Bram left his cookie crumbs on the rock and then led the way out to the desert.

    He was heading out one degree from true north. That was one degree more than the last time he had made such a walk. He knew that Amy would know where to take her helo. He was silent as he thought about what seemed like only yesterday but then all of the achievements that had taken place since that time seemed to be flashing through his mind.

    He felt lucky to have made the discoveries that had so far kept getting better and better and it had reached a point that he was not sure where it would take him next.

    Pat quietly asked if he was OK.

    Bram smiled and replied that Einstein had been a good partner in his developmental surges. He gave Pat a hug and commented that giving Einstein a hug and getting a reply from him was always a short coming and that Pat would have to step up and take up the slack.

    Zuri had been walking behind them and was thinking about the wonderful relationship the two had and her heart stopped when by chance she saw the rattlesnake. She stopped and quietly said that the two soapy people walking mindlessly ahead of her should pay attention and not tangle with the rattle snake they were about to walk into.

    That caused everyone to stop. Both Bram and Pat looked to where Zuri pointed with her stick to where the snake was laying in the rays of the sun. It was still lethargic from the cold of the night.

    Orlando said he would take care of the snake, but Bram stopped him and commented that the snake must just have moved into the sun’s rays but had not yet been able to get warmed up. He said they were on its turf and should respect its territory.

    He thanked Zuri for having been alert and then led the group around the snake.

    He then related the story about having walked out from a center point and having recorded the terrain at one-degree increments until he had been able to match the topography he mapped in his mind and computer to a specific location in the United States.

    He said that it had taken him a year and that today they were walking out along the three hundred and sixty first degree line.

    Pat asked why the location had been so important to him.

    He replied that it was a matter of principle. He was angry that sufficient security could be provided to so many important people, but he had to be treated like a criminal who was sent into isolated confinement. He was sure that it had to do with the fact that the folks had decided his ideas would be extremely powerful and they had wanted to ensure that the power it represented would not leak out of the country.

    He pointed out that the leaks so far had come not from those associated most closely to the Fold project but from the very people worried about the leaks.

    Zuri asked what he had done when he finally determined the location.

    He replied that he had confronted Jeffrey and Erica and threatened to leak the desert location to the media. He made the point that the confrontation with the two was the beginning of the change that led to the social environment that they were now living in at the Fold compound.

    He highlighted the fact that the confrontation had changed his relationship with Erica and subsequently changed her life.

    Up until that time Erica wanted to be in control and thought that he wanted her role. She was upset because Jeffrey had given him the best apartment to live in. She believed that she was not being respected.

    Pat commented that she had talked to Erica before coming back to the desert and had learned that for Erica the return to the desert would have been a return to a time that she now considered a dark time that she had successfully escaped and that she preferred leaving it in the desert.

    Bram nodded and said that Erica was now living a different life with a new set of values and had found her soul mate and would most likely be happy for the rest of her life.

    They had been walking for almost two hours when Zuri commented that she could not see the helicopter, but she heard it.

    Bram pointed to a dark spot that seemed to be just above the ground that was fast approaching from the center point that was the compound buildings.

    He commented that Amy had always flown her helicopter awfully close to the ground so she could pick him out as she passed over him.

    He shared the fact that when he had some sort of place to hide he would do so on her first pass and then continue walking and wait until she realized that she had missed him and returned to pick him up.

    It was a game of cat and mouse between the two of them the whole time they had been in the desert.

    Pat shared that Amy had shared the fact that she knew that the two of them were always playing a cat and mouse game that she had learned to enjoy. It was, she said always the most fun part of her day.

    Bram smiled and said that it was also a great way for him to start each day and that game had earned Amy the privilege of being the first person with whom he had shared the Fold breakthrough. He had taken her to the boulder and there he had introduced Einstein to her, and they had the same breakfast snack that they had just shared earlier.

    Zuri commented that Bram had a desert experience that became the fabric that was still guiding the Fold program and one that she now personally embraced.

    Bram smiled and commented that it was a very positive influence in his life and that the fabric of that life had been woven by his mother when as a young boy, she repeatedly told him that he had to treat others the way he wished to be treated. She had also said that if he embraced that one saying, his life would be rich whether he was a pauper, a wise man, or a genius.

    He added that he tried to practice that philosophy even when he had the urge to kick some people in their derriere.

    Pat laughed and said that most people would just say that they had the urge to kick some people in their butt.

    Zuri asked what word she would use when she attended Oxford University.

    Pat said that she thought Bum or arse depending on the social situation.

    Bram laughed and said that they should get into the hilo and enjoy the ride back to the compound.

    Amy landed her hilo in an open area and waved them onboard. She had Zuri sit in the front seat. Once everyone was in and had their safety harness on, she handed them each headsets.

    They all got in and watched as Orlando led the rest of the group on foot back toward the compound. He had them singing a ditty and led off at a good jog.

    Bram then told Zuri that she was about to experience a hair-raising flight that he had to endure every morning before working on the Fold equation and that she would learn why he finally had to make a breakthrough. He said that Amy had frightened him into being successful.

    Amy laughed and then took off and flew out away from the desert compound. She flew just above the surface at a dizzying speed. She had arranged with Orlando to fly out long enough to let him get back to the compound.

    Zuri shouted that she did wanted to live to enjoy going to Oxford.

    Bram laughed and said that Amy would make sure that Zuri was so afraid to fail that she would graduate at the top of her class.

    Amy took a sharp bank and headed back to the compound. She did a little up bob and then set the helo down at the center of the landing pad.

    She looked over at Zuri and asked if she had enjoyed the ride.

    Zuri nodded and said it had been much, much more exciting than the Wheel One flight to the back of the moon.

    Bram added that the flight in from the desert had always been exciting for him and that he had made sure that Amy went to astronaut training in an attempt to train her to be a normal pilot. He now realized that it had not worked.

    Amy said that flying a helo had been and still was one of the most enjoyable things that she did. She said that she had convinced the Marines back at the compound to let her fly one of their gunships on a regular basis. It had allowed her to keep up her flying skill during her time back at the Fold compound.

    Bram said he would now worry about who was flying the protection helo when he jogged into work in the mornings.

    Pat said that she had just thought of a good ditty for their next jog in

    Who’s that flying in the sky.

    Who’s that flying way down so low.

    Is that someone that we know.

    If its Amy then it’s so.

    Who’s that flying in the sky

    Is that someone that we know.

    Yo, Ho, Yo, Ho

    Look how low, Look how low.

    Fly crazy, Ho, Ho, Ho.

    Bram pointed to Orlando, Castor and Donna who were standing with Zoe and Eric at the side of the helo landing area.

    He commented that they had made good time getting back and he was sure that they would all have a great lunch before heading back to the Dallas Fold compound.

    The return to the Fold compound via bubble was scheduled after their lunch.


    Alien Engagement

    Sunday morning Bram rode the two-person elevator to his basement office. He made himself a cup of pour through coffee and sat down at his computer. He worked his entire equation with negative time to see if it would give him an insight to what might happen. What he learned was that his equation using negative time seemed to go in a circle or at least it became nonlinear and perhaps be a spiral. It seemed to defy definition or relation to one particular shape.

    Pat, Zoe, and Eric came in and said they had been worried about where he had gone and that he had broken the protection protocol.

    He nodded and said that it had never registered when he got on the elevator to come down to his office. He suggested they put in a camera and alarm so that when he did it again, they would immediately know.

    Pat reminded him that they had agreed to go to the neighborhood recreation center for lunch where Melisa had gathered some of the younger children who they were going to play various games with.

    Bram knew that his time thinking about negative space was over for the day.

    He woke up on Monday ready to attack the day. On their five thirty in the morning jog into work, Castor took up the ditty that Pat had shared when they had gotten off the helo in the desert.

    Who’s that flying in the sky.

    Who’s that flying way up high.

    Who’s that flying way down low.

    Is that someone that we know.

    If its Amy then it’s so.

    Who’s that flying in the sky.

    Is that someone that we know.

    Yo, Ho, Yo, Ho

    Look how low, Look how low.

    We just wonder why it’s so.

    Fly crazy, Ho, Ho, Ho.

    Both he and Donna pointed to the helo overhead and Bram watched as it came down low to one side and wiggled and then went back up. He had not been able to see the pilot but figured it was Amy.

    At that moment he was thinking about the response he was waiting for from the Aliens. It had been sent to them the day after Christmas. He figured that it would take them time to react to the message. The few days had passed, and he hoped a reply had been returned.

    He, Marcus and Mallica were scheduled to check the location where they had originally intercepted the Alien’s first message to see if a reply had been sent back.

    Linda welcomed him back and reminded him about his meeting and asked about the rest of his day and when he wanted to update his two-week calendar.

    Bram suggested that updating the calendar should take place in the late afternoon. He asked that she set up a meeting with Remi and check with Jose to see when he could take possession of the first giant bubble.

    He then asked to get a meeting set up with Erica to discuss the building of another bubble and to check on any other financial issues.

    Linda gave a small laugh and asked if this was just today’s items or was it the two-week items.

    Bram said he would be in his office to start the day and then he would meet with Marcus and Mallica.

    Bob and Thomas took their chairs as Bram pressed the heat lever on the water pot.

    Bram sat down at his desk and put his hand at the center of the Milky Way Spiral picture that was under the glass on his desk. He was thinking about the Wormhole equation and the negative space aspect of the reversing process. He was anxious to investigate what going into negative space would mean.

    He fired up his laptop and reviewed the equation yet again. He had it burned into his mind and really did not need to see it but doing so let him imagine what might happen. It was like having a book in his hand that allowed him to feel the weight of the story. He was trying to envision the resulting shape of his negative equation.

    Linda’s call that he had ten minutes before his scheduled meeting with Marcus and Mallica brought him out of his speculation about the negative part of space. He realized that he had spent almost an hour deep in thought and that he had not made the tea that he had intended to make.

    He looked over at Bob and Thomas and realized that the two of them had used the hot water to make themselves tea and had made him a cup as well, but it was still sitting at the refreshment center.

    Unlike Zoe that was willing to pull him up from the depth, these two were not willing to take that chance.

    He smiled and thanked them for the tea and said that it was time for them to go with him to his next meeting.

    Marcus and Mallica were waiting outside of his office and suggested they go to the

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