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My Heart Dances
My Heart Dances
My Heart Dances
Ebook117 pages31 minutes

My Heart Dances

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About this ebook

The granddaughter of Scandinavian pioneers, Lauraine Wagner was born in 1926 in Holyoke, CO. You can feel the lonely high plains sky and the weight of the mountains in her writing. 


Most of her poetry was written later in her life, and with that perspective, she gives equal value and love to the people, events, and natural world that influenced her creativity.


A remarkable, tender, tough collection of poetry from a wonderful poet and pioneer in her own right. 


Release dateSep 15, 2023
My Heart Dances

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    My Heart Dances - Lauraine Joan Wagner


    The granddaughter of Scandinavian pioneers, this remarkable woman was born Lauraine J. Johnson, 1926 in Holyoke, CO. You can feel the lonely high plains sky and the weight of the mountains in her writing.

    Even into her eighties she would drive out from Ft. Collins to Pawnee Buttes for solace and inspiration.

    Most of her poetry was written later in her life and with that perspective she gives equal value and love to the people, events and natural world that influenced her creativity.

    After graduating high school at 16 and playing on the boys’ sports teams, she earned a degree in journalism from DU.  All four of her sons could read before starting school and she taught them all how to play sports. (She was Denver City Park horseshoes champ as a youth.)

    Her husband Rick’s 22-year career in the Air Force took them across the US and Europe.  Throughout their travels and raising a family Lauraine studied different arts and crafts. A selection of her pen and ink drawings are included here.

    After the Air Force they moved to Annapolis, MD and an editor’s job at the Evening Capital where she rose to department head and mentored young journalists.

    Laraine’s life was a lesson in living by example. Her poems demand the same honesty and integrity of the reader. Her rich inner life of love, loss, sorrow, and reverence is revealed through her words.


    This is the day we were made for.

    Here is the place we belong,

    This is the way we were meant to love,

    Here is where we sing our song.


    We left my home town over 80 years ago and never lived there again. But some of my favorite and most vivid memories are from there.

    The first snow of winter always reminds me of the huge snowstorm that buried our town when I was six years old. The prairie wind drove the snow against one side of the bank building and packed it so hard that we could climb to the top of the bank and sled down. What a treat since there are no hills anywhere around.

    That little town is Paoli, Colorado. It lies a couple of hours east of Fort Collins on Rt. 6 equally between Haxtun and Holyoke.

    We happened to live there because my grandparents homesteaded near Holyoke in the mid 1800s and all their children were born in Holyoke, including my father. So I, too, was born in Holyoke, but we lived just 8 miles away in Paoli because my Dad managed the bank there.

    It was a typical farm center on the prairie where farmers brought their harvest

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