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clean eating
clean eating
clean eating
Ebook28 pages21 minutes

clean eating

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About this ebook

Clean eating is consuming whole foods which are near as possible to their natural state.

In this report, clean eating has been given the center stage to create the true understanding to help you make the right food choices; know what to eat, the right amount and what you are supposed to avoid.

The guiding principles and rationale of clean eating are properly explained to you step by step. You will understand the importance of eating real foods as compared to your pizza and pasta, and why you should consider salads instead.
Release dateOct 6, 2023
clean eating

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    clean eating - mohamed khateb

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    What is Clean Eating and its Rationale?

    10 Reasons Why You Should Start Eating Clean

    7 Guidelines/Principles of Clean Eating

    How Does Clean Eating Aid in Maintaining Health and Managing Diseases

    10 Days Clean Eating Challenge



    So much emphasis with gusto has been put on eating the right kind of foods and avoiding ‘bad foods’. This sort of movement has created quite a stir in many phases of dieting and the food industry with each and every one having a different definition of what clean eating is. Either way, it all points to eating certain foods which are healthy and avoiding those categorized as ‘not healthy’.

    The main aim is to ensure you eat and stay healthy as a result. We are what we eat, as it goes and so it should be that we eat clean foods. Clean eating can also be called eating real foods. When we speak about real foods, we mean foods which are as close as possible to their natural state. The shortest route of getting it to your plate is normally preferred than packaging, flavoring and coloring and all refining processes. This ensures it is free from chemicals, unhealthy fats and all sorts of junk that can cause health problems in the long run.

    In this report, clean eating has been given the center stage to create the true understanding to help you make the right food choices; know what to eat, the right amount and what you are supposed to avoid. The guiding principles and rationale of clean eating are properly explained to you

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