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Vargas: a Vedic Approach
Vargas: a Vedic Approach
Vargas: a Vedic Approach
Ebook348 pages3 hours

Vargas: a Vedic Approach

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About this ebook

The Vargas are the unique feature of Vedic astrology which has given it a definite
edge over any other system in vogue. The primary aim of studying a Varga is two
folds- to study a particular aspect of human life pertaining to a specific house and
to find out the true strength of planets related with the house. A horoscope takes
into account linear time and vertical declinations of the planets. Every division of
zodiac has a corresponding division of time. Hence a Varga gives projections
representing possibilities which might occur in different time frames. Each chart
gives a microscopic view of a particular facet of life seen in the light of Dasha
There are many tools available to assess the true strength of a planet. One set of
rules rely on PAC of planets, their awasthas and yogas formed by them. The
other, Nadi system, studies the effects of lords of sign, Nakshatra and Sub under
which a planet is placed. At times these influences change the characteristics of
a planet completely. In this book an attempt is made to unite the two systems to
get the true strength of planets. In order to understand a planet and its
significations in a better way, a comparative study of planets in birth and
divisional charts has also been made.
This book shall add to precision and accuracy of probable events and their
qualitative effects on various aspects related to a native and as such will be of
great use to serious students of astrology.

Release dateSep 21, 2021
Vargas: a Vedic Approach

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Excellent Book with good analysis and examples to understand the concepts of Varga analysis of charts.

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Vargas - Raj Kumar



1.1   Why Vargas?

1.The credit for success of Vedic astrology over all other systems available in the world goes in no small measures to the system of harmonic Vargas or divisional charts. Kalyan Verma (Saravali 3.12) opines that Vargas provide complete knowledge on the Bhavas, without which it is impossible to take even a step into this great science (of astrology). The Vargas holds the key to predictions and delineating a horoscope for deeper analysis. The predictions about twins, whose birthchart and some times even Navamsha are identical, pose a great challenge to all astrologers. To all such queries the Varga system is the answer. In the golden age of Vedic astrology, no prediction was given without consulting relevant Varga.

2.Every facet of life finds place in one of the 12 signs/houses of the horoscope. Thus many facets of life get clubbed in a particular sign/ house thereby making the interpretation only subjective. Allotting natural lordships to planets over individual matters supports this further. For example 4th house rules over mother, properties, vehicles, formal education, happiness, home etc. The natural significators for these are Moon for mother & happiness, Mars for properties, Venus for vehicles, Mercury for education, Ketu for home etc. This makes the task of any astrologer difficult and less affirmative. The use of relevant divisional chart not only makes the task easier but also more accurate and detailed. The Vargas come to the fore to dispel the clouds of obscurity and unlock the hidden doors of a Bhava to assist an astrologer to go into its minutest details.

3.At another level, a divisional chart represents the possibilities and probabilities hidden in a birth chart. A normal horoscope is two dimensional, taking into account linear time and vertical declinations of the planets with degrees representing time. Hence divisional charts are nothing but projections of mind in multiple time zones representing possibilities which might occur in different time frames and giving out signals to enable an astrologer to understand the horoscope in a more meaningful way.

1.2   What are Vargas?

1.Zodiac consists of 360 degrees or 12 signs of approx. 30 degrees each. Each sign is further subdivided into number of generally equal divisions, wherein the position of each planet is mapped in each Amsa accordingly. These are called divisional charts (D-charts) or Vargas. Each Varga represents a specific aspect of a native's life, like wealth, education, marriage, children, profession, spirituality etc. Maharishi Parashar says that Lord Brahma has described 16 kinds of divisions (Vargas) for each sign. These are-

a) Rasi (D-1) - Each house is equivalent of a sign or 30 degrees.

b) Hora (D-2) - Half of a sign (15 degrees) is a Hora denoting wealth.

c) Decante or Drekkana (D-3) - Each sign is divided into three equal parts of 10 degrees each signifying co-borns.

d) Chaturthamsha (D-4) - Each house is of one fourth of a sign or 7-30' each signifying luck, childhood & property.

e) Sapthamsha (D-7) - Each house is of one seventh of a sign or 4-17'-8.57" each signifying progeny.

f) Navamsha (D-9) - It is one ninth of a sign or 3-20' each and signify spouse, married life & general strength of planets.

g) Dasamsha (D-10) - Each house is of one tenth of a sign or 3 degrees each signifying profession.

h) Dvadasamsha (D-12) - Each division is of one twelfth of a sign or 2-30' each signifying parents.

i) Sodasamsha (D-16) - Each house is of one sixteenth of a sign or 1-52'-30" each signifying vehicles, luxuries & happiness.

j) Vimsamsha (D-20) - Each division is of 1/20th of a sign or 1-30' each signifying spiritualism & dedication to work.

k) Chaturvimsamsha (D-24) - Each division is of 1/24th of a sign or 1-15' each signifying higher education, intellect & academic achievements.

l) Bhamsha (D-27) - Each division is of 1/27th of a sign or 1-06'-40" each signifying total strength- physical, mental & spiritual-of a native.

m) Trimsamsha (D-30) - Here five planets enjoying rulership of two signs each controls five unequal parts of a sign. This varga signifies misfortunes & evil results in a native's life.

n) Khavedamsha (D-40) - Each division is of 1/40th of a sign or 0-45' each signifying matrilineal legacies affecting luck of a native.

o) Akshvedamsha (D-45) - Each division is of 1/45th of a sign or 0-40' each and signifies general prosperity from patrilineal legacies.

p) Shashtiamsha (D-60) - Each division is of 1/60th of a sign or 0-30' each. It is a supplementary to Rasi chart denoting total effects of past karmas.

2.Varga Groupings- The Shodasavarga grouping as given by Maharishi Parashar and mentioned above is most commonly followed in predictive astrology. However for the purpose of specific predictions, some other groupings carved out of Shodasavarga are also in use. For example Shadvarga is a grouping of six Vargas (Rasi, Hora, Drekkana, Navamsha, Dwadasamsha & Trimsamsha) used in Prashna. If Saptamsha is added to Shadvargas, it is called Saptavarga which is used in Muhurta charts & mundane astrology. If Dasamsha, Shodasamsha & Shastiamsha are added to Saptavarga, the grouping is called Dasvarga which is used in natal horoscopy as suggested by saint Mantreshwar in Phaldeepika.

1.3   Harmonics in D-charts

1.The 12 signs of zodiac are divided and sub- divided in different fractions, the sequence of which gets repeated after every 12 divisions. Each cycle of 12 divisions represent a harmonic depicting various level of consciousness, both gross & subtle, in the life of a native as under-

2.The 1st cycle of Vargas from D-1 to D-12 rules over physical plane and cover all aspect of life in a Sthool manner. All the charts in this cycle are important but Parashar for certain reasons had ignored four charts-D-5, D-6, D-8 & D-11 in his grouping. However subsequent savants of astrology like Jaimini, Yavan etc. have suggested use of these four charts also to great advantage of mankind. There is no disagreement in selection of useful Vargas in subsequent harmonics. 2nd cycle or 1st harmonic rules over conscious plane. Though it covers charts from D-13 to D-24, only three charts- Shodasamsha ruling over vehicles, luxuries & mental happiness; Vimsamsha (D-20) ruling over spiritualism & occult sciences; and Chaturvimsamsha (D-24) for all types of higher learning, are considered. The 3rd cycle rules over sub-conscious plane covering charts D-25 to D-36. Here the focus is only on two charts- Bhamsha (D- 27) for net strengths & weaknesses of planets and Trimsamsha (D-30) for all evils. The 4th cycle rules over super-conscious plane covering charts D-37 to D-48. Here again focus is on two charts-Khavedamsha D-40 (12x3+4) for matrilineal Karmas and on Akshvedamsha D-45 (12x3+9) for patrilineal karmas affecting prosperity & luck. The 5th cycle rules supra-conscious plane covering charts D-49 to D-60. At this level, the heritage of karmas from past births is vital & relevant and is given in Shashtiamsha D-60.

1.4   Utility of D-Charts

Basically Vargas are studied for two purposes- firstly the D-charts are studied to identify, confirm, modify or elaborate the results of a particular aspect of life by studying the corresponding D-chart along with the concerned house of the Rasi chart. Secondly we study them to measure the true strength of planets as only strong planets are capable of giving good results. The weak planets not only fail to deliver results of their significations but also spoil the results of the Bhava where they are placed or over which they transit. Planets occupying benefic positions e.g. exaltation, Mooltrikone, own sign or sign of his friend, in different Vargas become strong and would give good results. On the other hand if a planet is debilitated, in enemy's sign, combust, defeated or other wise weak, it should be treated as malefic. The strength of a planet is measured on a scale of 20 (Vimsopaka) by occupying continuously benefic position as above. The value of each Varga in different groupings in Vimsopaka (scale of 20) is as under-

1.5   Varga Designations

Depending on the number of times a planet is benefic in a specific groups of divisional charts, the planet is assigned a specific name asunder-

1.6   Varga Bal

1.A planet is considered benefic or strong in a Varga if it is in its exaltation, Mooltrikone or own sign and malefic or weak if it is in its debilitation, detrimental or enemy's sign. However all Vargas are not given equal importance. Majority of astrologers give more weightage to position of a planet in D-1 & D-9 than in other Vargas. A planet which occupies the same sign in these two Vargas is called Vargottam. This feature is not there in case of other Vargas.

2.To assess the beneficence or strength of a planet/ Karaka, the astrologers consider the position of the planet in six, seven, 10 or in 16 Varga scheme. Depending on the benefic positions attained by the planet in different Varga scheme, it is designated as enumerated above. However normally astrologers do not go beyond Dasvarga Scheme and follow designations parijat etc. The results of various designations of Dasvarga are as follows (for details refer Para 1.5):

a) Parijat: Wealthy, happy, reputed and virtuous person.

b) Uttam: A noble, humble, wealthy and religious person.

c) Gopur: A man of all round prosperity and Knowledge.

d) Simhasan: One is object of praise and head of his clan.

e) Parvat: One is king or king like knowing all science & arts.

f) Devlok: One is highly charitable and very high dignatory.

g) Brahmlok or Iravat: One becomes an emperor or like him with name, fame and many subordinates around him.

h) Sridham: Highly spiritual and owner of all virtues/ Lokas.

3.The results as enumerated above should not be taken verbatim, but should be taken in their modern context. In addition their results get modified by their positioning in a Bhava ( better results if placed in a trine / Kendra and worse if in a Trika house). The longitudinal Awastha of a planet (infant to dead) also affects results. Now see the results of weaknesses in Vargas. If a planet is weak in all ten Vargas, it causes death; if weak in nine Vargas, it causes heavy losses/ destruction; if weak in eight, it causes deep sorrow & anguish; and if weak in seven, it fails to deliver any positive result.

4.However a large number of astrologers are of the opinion that Shadvarga bala as mentioned in Para1.5 above is adequate to meet the normal predictive requirements.

1.7   General Principles

1.A Divisional chart or Varga is an ultimate analysis based on finer divisions of a zodiacal sign upto 60 parts.

2.The Varga system is used to assess the strength of various planets and their influence on the native in different fields of life.

3.A true & accurate ascendant based on birth data is a must for this system of analysis. Any error in it will only multiply in Vargas and reveal inaccurate & conflicting signals, making the whole picture out of focus.

4.The main factors, which should be kept in mind while analyzing D-charts, are Karya Bhava, Karyesh and the Karaka. Karya Bhava is the sign of the house that is significator of ruling activity. Karyesh is the lord of concerned house in the Rasi chart. This lord, the Lagna lord and the karaka will have to be well placed both in the Rasi and the concerned Varga in order to yield benefic results.

5.A Divisional chart should be studied in the same manner as a Rasi chart for the specific facet of life for which the chart is meant. Most important is the position of lords of Dasha and of sub-period in the Rasi and the relevant D-chart.

6.For finer analysis, the dignities of the planets representing the karyesh and the karaka should be examined. Their exaltation/debilitation, their placement in a friendly/ inimical sign and their association/ aspects in Rasi as well as in the concerned Varga will provide a complete & composite understanding.

7.A planet occupying sign of its exaltation, Mooltrikone, own or of a friend in a number of Vargas is considered strong & beneficial and gives good results. Besides sign, a planet occupying Kendra/ Trikone in a Varga also makes him strong & benefic. On the contrary, a weak/afflicted planet does not give desired results and might cause problems & obstructions in his main/sub-period in matters related to the concerned Varga.

8.If a planet is weak in Rasi or Navamsha chart but is strong &benefic in other Vargas including the concerned one, it would give good results in only the concerned fields of the D-chart during its main or sub-period over-riding the possible evil effects of the Rasi chart.

Nakshtra and Sub-lord System

1.8   Why

The horoscope of a native depicts how he is going to lead his life. This is judged as per potential & promise on the basis of sign rising in the East and as per the strength & positioning of planets in various houses. This remains the same for all the persons born on a day at a place for nearly two hours. More often than not, this gives results that at times are contrary to what happens to the native. In order to find the true strength of a planet, one of the system is of Divisional charts as stated above. This generally gives satisfactory results but ignores the fact that there are other more important forces acting on the behaviour of a planet other than the sign which is divided and subdivided to form various D-charts. These forces are represented by lords of Nakshtra and of Sub in which the planet and the house cusp falls.

1.9   Nakshtra Concept

The zodiac is divided into 27 parts each equal to 13 degree 20 minutes called Nakshtra. A planet rules each Nakshtra in the same sequence in which Dasha periods in Vimshotri Dasha are allotted. The analysis of horoscope is done as under-

1.The Nakshtra rising on the house is given preference over the sign. The planets influencing the house indicate promise of the house.

2.Planets' behaviour is determined more as per their placements in the Nakshtra rather than the sign.

3.The characteristics of a Nakshtra for various aspects are written synthesizing the attributes of the planet ruling the sign and Nakshtra lord vis-à-vis the houses they rule. For example the characteristics of Bharani will be as per Mars & Venus and houses over which they have ruler ship in a chart.

1.10 Concept of Sub-lord

The Nakshtra concept improved the techniques of prediction considerably. But a Nakshtra is of 13-20', which means the persons born within a span of about 27 minutes will have the same Nakshtra rising in Lagna and the Nakshtras of all the planets will also remain unchanged. Hence there is a need to sub-divide the Nakshtra. One such division is based on the principle of dividing the Nakshtra space of 13-20' into nine parts. Each part is allotted the ruler ship of a planet in the same order and proportion as the number of years allotted to it in Vimshotri Dasha. The space thus allotted to each part is called a Sub and its ruler Sub Lord. Total Dasha period allotted to a planet in Vimshotri Dasha is equivalent to total span of a Nakshtra i.e. 13-20' or 800'.

The sub-area allotted to a Sub-lord is calculated using the formula; -Sub-area of a planet = Dasha period of the planet x 800/120. Accordingly sub-area of planets in seriatim is Ketu-0-46'-40: Venus-2-13'-20: Sun-0-40'-00: Moon-1-06'-40: Mars-0-46'-40: Rahu-2-00'-00: Jupiter-1-46'40: Saturn-2-06'-40: and Mercury-1-53'20".

1.11 Role of Sub-lord in predictive astrology

1.It confirms/ modifies the benefic or malefic nature of a planet more strongly than either by sign lord or Nakshtra lord. Suppose a planet is in Aries at 8-40': the planet is said to be in sign Aries, Ashwani Nakshtra and Sub of Jupiter. The specific modifications to the nature of the planet will be due to

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