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Nadi Astrology
Nadi Astrology
Nadi Astrology
Ebook248 pages1 hour

Nadi Astrology

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The Nadi Jyotish is a unique system of astrology.Nadi Granthas, the master pieces are systematically and scientifically completed treatises based on minutest parts (known as Nadiamsas) of the zodiac and permutations and combinations of planets posied in them.

Release dateJul 23, 2024
Nadi Astrology

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    Nadi Astrology - Chandulal S. Patel



    Deva Keralam (Chandra Kala Nadi)-this valuable treatise was first published in three parts-Vol I-1952; Vol II-Part I and Part II (1956) by the Government Oriental Manuscripts Library (Chennai) comprising about 9152 verses. The celebrated authors’ names are Achyuta (Vol I) and Venkatesh (Vol II). These three books (in Sanskrit) carry an incomplete list of names of Nadi-amsas, amended in every part.

    Deva-Keralam Book 1 (by R.Santhanam) carries a list of names of Nadiamsas, as collected from the text and from the book of late Shri C.G. Rajan (Chennai), a well-known authority on Nadi astrology in particular in Table 1.-pages ix to xiii (in five pages).

    The Adyar Liabrary (Chennai) has a volume of Chandra-Kala Nadi (No.22.K.1.-18587) in which these 150 names of Nadiamsas are given in verses. This more reliable versified text was published for the first time by the authors and his co-researchers Shri C.A.S. Aiyer and Shri Laxmidas Asar (both of Mumbai) in the year 1968, which is reproduced below :-

    देवकेरलम्‌ चन्द्रकला नाड़ी :-

    वसुधा वैष्णवी ब्राह्मी कालकूटा च शांकरी ।

    सुधाकरी समा सौम्या सुरा माया मनोहरा ॥ १ ॥

    माध्वी मञ्जुस्वना घोरा कुंभिनी कुटिला प्रभा ।

    परा पयस्विनी माला जगती जर्झरा ध्रुवा ॥ २ ॥

    मुसला मुद्गरा पाशा चंपका दामका मही ।

    कलुषा कमला कान्ता काला करिकरा क्षमा ॥ ३ ॥

    दुर्धरा दुर्भगा विश्वा विशीर्णा विकटाऽविला ।

    विप्रभा सुखदा स्निग्धा सोदरा सुरसुन्दरी ॥ ४ ॥

    अमृतप्लविनी काळा कामधुक्करवीरणी ।

    गह्वरा कुन्दिनी रौद्रा विषाख्या विषनाशिनी ॥ ५ ॥

    निर्मदा शीतला निम्ना प्रीता च प्रियवर्धिनी ।

    मानध्ना दुर्भगा चित्रा चिमिणी चिरंजीविनी ॥ ६ ॥

    भूपा गदहरा नाळा नलिनी निर्मला नदी ।

    सुधामृतांशुः काळिका च कलुषांकुरा ततः ॥ ७ ॥

    त्रैलोक्यमोहनकरी महामारी सुशीतला ।

    सुखदा सुप्रभा शोभा शोभना शिवदा शिवा ॥ ८ ॥

    बला ज्वाला गदा गाधा नूतना सुमनोहरा ।

    सोमबल्ली सोमलता मंगला मुद्रिका क्षुधा ॥ ६ ॥

    मोक्षापवर्गा बलया नवनीता निशाकरी ।

    निवृत्तिर्निगदा सारा सड़्गीता सामदा सभा ॥ १० ॥

    विश्वंभरा कुमारी च कोकिला कुञ्जराकृतिः ।

    ऐंद्रा स्वाहा स्वरा ब्रह्मिः प्रीता रक्षजलाप्लवा ॥ ११ ॥

    वारूणी मदिरा मैत्री हारिणी हरिणी मरुत्‌ ।

    धनञ्जया धनकरी धनदा कच्‌छपांऽबुजा ॥ १२ ॥

    मांशानी शूलिनी रौद्री शिवा शिवकरी कला ।

    कुन्दा मुकुन्दा भरता हसिता कदली स्मरा ॥ १३ ॥

    कन्दला कोकिला पापा कामिनी कलशोभ्द्वा ।

    वीरप्रसूस्सड़्गरा च शतयज्ञा शतावरी ॥ १४ ॥

    प्रह्वी पाटलिनी नागा पंकजा परमेश्वरी ।

    एता नाड्यस्समाख्याता प्रोक्ता या ब्रह्मणा पुरा ॥ १५ ॥


    खपञ्चेन्दुमिता नाड्यश्चरभे व्यत्यये स्थिरे ।

    षट्सप्ततिं समारभ्य द्विस्वभावेषु राशिषु ॥

    The order of Nadiamsas in movable signs is from 1 to 150; in fixed signs (reverse) from 150 to 1 and in common signs from 76 to 150 and from 1 to 75.

    एता नाडयः समाख्याता प्रोक्ता या ब्रह्मणे पुरा ।

    नाडीफलमविज्ञाय न शक्यो लग्ननिर्णयः ॥

    These (150) Nadiamsas are stated by Lord Brahama formerly without knowing the effects of the Nadi-amsas, the ascendant cannot be ascertained (i.e. the effects based on ascendant will be futile without the help of the correct rising Nadi-amsa).

    अज्ञाते च पुनर्लग्ने मृषा वाग् न फलप्रदा ।

    तस्मान्नाडया परीक्षेत कुर्याज्जातकनिर्णयम्‌ ॥

    Again, without knowing the ascending sign, only untruth will arise. Therefore the correct Nadiamsa be examined and the effects of a horoscope be decided.



    According to Nadi Granthas, there are 150 Nadiamsas. Nowhere, it is discussed regarding how to decipher them. At present learned scholars (astrologers) divide a sign of 30 degree by 150, and obtain 12 Kalas (minutes of arc) for each Nadi. They further devide 12 minutes by two i.e. 6 minutes. First part of 6 minutes is termed as Purva-bhaga and the second one as Uttar-bhaga.

    The very word Chandra-Kala represents its Sankhya (number) '16'. It has been found during research, that the basis of Chandra-Kala-Nadi is 16-Vargas of Parasara. If one prepares a table of Shodas-Vargas of a sign, the total number of sub-divisions will be 150 only in each sign, neither one more nor one less. It is exactly ‘150’ sub-divisions. These are the Nadi-amsas. In the Annual Number of the Astrological Magazine of January 1984-page 27, late Shri V.A.K. Aiyer has thrown some light on this point. Late Shri Surendra K.Bhagat of Mumbai has published in 1990, a book named Golden Key to Unfold Nadi-Granthas, wherein he has given in a tabular form all the 150 Nadis of each sign i.e. 150 x 12=1800 Nadis, with their degrees, minutes and seconds of arc for pinpointing Nadis at ease. They have distinctive names and sequence. No doubt, it is difficult to pinpoint correctly the Nadi-amsa.

    These Nadiamsas are counted in the given order in movable signs, in reverse order in fixed signs and from 76 onwards to 150 and from 1 to 75 in common signs.

    Movable signs 1 (वसुधा) to 50 (परमेश्वरी);

    Fixed signs 150 (परमेश्वरी) to 1 (वसुधा)

    Dual (common) signs 76 (सुशीतल) to 50 (परमेश्वरी); and 1 (वसुधा) to 75 (महामारी).

    These 150 Nadiamsas are not of equal longitude (arc). They are unequal. Some Nadi-Amsa are long and some are short. The smallest Nadiamsa is 00°-01'-40, while the biggest Nadiamsa is 00°-30'-00.

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