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The Law of Vibration: 3, #2
The Law of Vibration: 3, #2
The Law of Vibration: 3, #2
Ebook74 pages1 hour

The Law of Vibration: 3, #2

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While it is in the words of Napoleon Hill that, "Behind every fall, there is always an equal or a greater opportunity to rise," the harsh, hard-to-stomach, depressing, and even very painful reality to grapple with, is that, quite a number of people or humanity who know this truth and even claim to understand it, often fail to be patient enough to endure their own trials and tribulations whenever they knock at their door, or come their way; And, sadly enough, they often end up perishing somewhere along their path of Personal Development, or loosing a lot of their money, or treasures, or even their own very lives, or lives of their loved ones.


Based on his several spontaneous Out-of-Body Experiences, his Testimony of God & the Supernature, as well as his immense experiences on Spiritual matters of which he is famed for worldwide, the internationally acclaimed author, Dr. Daniel Adongo, shares some of his very vivid experiences and insights on what actually goes on, on the "other side of the veil", that someone who is in a path of self-destruction, or even contemplating suicide, should be aware of, in order to understand that, "There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it."


Brethren and Sisters, wherever you are in your crisis management scenario, it is my true, solemn and sincere testimony that, if it be your desire, you can be that powerful and one-of-a-kind "seed", that rises up again, to inspire a new legacy of one-of-a-kind success and Victory, that Napoleon Hill talked about; And, just like Jonah of Old, who knows that it is for such a time or a season, or even a reason, or purpose, that you were born or chosen, to come into this world, and solve this problem once and for all?

PublisherDaniel Adongo
Release dateFeb 22, 2024
The Law of Vibration: 3, #2

Daniel Adongo

Apart from being an internationally acclaimed author, Dr. Daniel Adongo is also an American Televangelist, Financial Analyst and the President of Apostle Daniel Adongo Global Ministries.

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    Book preview

    The Law of Vibration - Daniel Adongo

    The Law of


    On the Issue of Suicide, Suicidal Thoughts & Prevention.

    Series II

    Daniel Adongo

    Copyright © 2024 by Daniel Adongo

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information storage retrieval system, without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 1

    Appearances are a glimpse of the unseen. – Anaxagoras (500 BC – 428 BC)


    rethren and Sisters or Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome once again to this one-of-a-kind and timeless masterpiece or classic in which we not only satisfy one another with the right doses of the mind-healing and revolutionary knowledge and understanding of the spheres of the universe that matter in our lives, but also, in aiding oneself to conquer the fears of their lives, enough as to allow anyone to be the successful person that they want to be, or their best self in every time-frame, as well as in whatever locality that they may find themselves to be in, in the entire world or even in the entire universe as a whole.

    In the last series of this timeless classic i.e. The Law of Vibration – What it is Not! (Series I), I ended up the epistle or the book by pointing out or giving a hint of what I am going to cover in this second part of the delivery even the more; And that is, exploring some of the most powerful or potent healing secrets of the Law of Vibration that even Jesus Christ of Nazareth Himself, taught or orated unto His very first or early disciples yet, despite its potency in the faith, it is rarely even talked about, and this is mainly due to negligence in the pondering or the much-needed meditating on the profound, reviving and life-giving messages contained in the sacred texts.

    Also in the last series of this epistle, we learnt about the supporting perceptions of the law of Vibration as well as the scientifically proven facts from a variety of world-renowned or internationally-acclaimed scientists including but not limited to Nikola Tesla (1856AD – 1943AD) who correctly or rightfully observed that The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.

    Perhaps, it would be appropriate to bring into remembrance the very last truths about the global as well as local challenges in mental health that I not only highlighted, but also pointed out as a leading cause or trigger of disabilities especially amongst young adults today, as well as the suicides of many, especially in the prime age bracket of 15–29 years old.

    In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO), has detected and recorded what most reckless young adults are not aware of today, and that is the fact that, Depression is one of the leading causes of disability, and that suicide is the fourth-leading cause of death amongst 15-29-year-olds!

    They have also reported that people who have been recorded to have severe mental health conditions or are clinical for that matter, actually end up painfully dying prematurely (as much as two decades early), due to physical conditions that are actually preventable!

    It is also a harsh or even a brutally painful realremaint in as much as many mental health conditions can be effectively treated at substantially lower costs than one may think of or imagine, the gap between those people needing care and those with access to care, remains dangerously or even alarmingly substantial.

    Brethren and sisters, the great news, or the breath of fresh air on this matter is that, whether one is dealing with this issue of mental health, be it the ever increasing levels of Depression, Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), Stress, Suicide, Suicidal thoughts, Anxiety Disorders, Paranoia, Eating Disorders, Bipolar Affective Disorder, Dissociation and Dissociative Disorders, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Behavioral and Emotional Disorders in Children and people of all ages, and any other condition or illness not included here, there is something positive, that one can do regularly or consistently to successfully reverse, or reverse engineer these negative life-threatening effects with startling results that can even be interpreted as miracles even as those others who have already successfully tapped into these ancient methods of healing that are based on the noble and profound truths contained in the natural expression of the Law of Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the entire universe and beyond!

    Also, based on my own personal research of many years as well as my sacred understanding of spiritual matters for which I am internationally famed for, it is my true, sincere and solemn testimony, that at the very root or foundational cause of almost all of these embarrassing as well as deadly mental health conditions or illnesses, is the fact that these negative forces emanate from, or are generated, or even engineered by one’s interaction with other people who have identified themselves as a source of these negative forces, or entertainers of such forces e.g. occult personalities and the likes.

    It is also in the words of Napoleon Hill that, The best method of protecting oneself against the inflow of negative thoughts being released by other people, is that of keeping the broadcasting station so busy sending out positive thoughts that no time will be available for receiving negative thoughts. This formula is unbeatable.

    In the last series also, we learnt from the author of "The

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