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Amazing Grace - Part 2
Amazing Grace - Part 2
Amazing Grace - Part 2
Ebook87 pages1 hour

Amazing Grace - Part 2

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About this ebook

The gospel message is the good news of God's Grace upon us.

Many people who are unaware of God in their lives, or those who choose to believe that God is not there or is not relevant to them, hear the word Grace and apply it to being graceful, like a ballet dancer or to someone who walks in a graceful way.

Others who believe that they are Christian, attribute Grace to the time we are living in now, they say we are not under the law of Moses as mankind once was, but we are now living in a time of God's Grace, where God allows everything and forgives everything.

Yet others say that Grace is "God's favor toward the unworthy" or "God's benevolence on the undeserving.

But Grace is not an idea, a concept or a time we are living in, Grace is a Person who is alive and alive for evermore having come down from heaven and being born through a woman. Who died on a tree and was raised from the dead by God and who is now alive for all eternity.

This book is Part 2 of a four part series

PublisherPastor Ric
Release dateFeb 29, 2024
Amazing Grace - Part 2

Pastor Ric

Having Pastored a mainline Christian Church for many years, I am now producing Mobile apps, ebooks and paperback books on many Christian subjects, you can download them from

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    Book preview

    Amazing Grace - Part 2 - Pastor Ric

    Table of Contents

    Throughout the book, please click this icon,  to view pop up notes for the paragraph.

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    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 - The Garden of life

    Chapter 2 - Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

    Chapter 3 - Faith the activator of God's Grace.

    Chapter 4 - Transformed by the renewing of your mind.

    Chapter 5 -Be filled unto all the fullness of God

    Receiving Salvation

    Receiving the Holy Spirit

    Appendix 1 - God's Plan of Salvation

    Appendix 2 - Two Trees Part 1 reviewed

    Appendix 3 - What happened in the Garden?

    Appendix 4 - The sower sows the Word - 5 stumbling stones.

    Appendix 5 - The sower sows the Word

    Appendix 6 - Fulfilled Prophecies in the Bible

    Chapter 1 - The Garden of life

    I n Part 1 of this series Amazing Grace Part 1 we talked about the Garden that God established on earth in the beginning.   

    And that In the midst of the garden was The tree of life    which was a pathway to living life in God’s Love, expressed in His grace which is complete in one person, Jesus Christ. 

    John 1: tells us that Jesus Christ is the word of God who was made flesh as a person who is Jesus the Christ, Jesus the anointed one, who is full of grace and truth.


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    There is only One person who is full of Grace and truth and that is Jesus Christ, The Word of God made flesh. 

    The Hebrew word for the tree of life is etz chaim (etz hime) and God has provided an Etz Chaim for us!  Because of His great mercy and love for us, He has made grace in Jesus Christ the way for us to have our sins forgiven and to live with Him eternally. 

    When God made Adam, His first word to him was 'you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for on the day you eat from it, you will certainly die 

    God's intention from this beginning was to teach Adam, to provide him with the knowledge to enable him to walk in His goodness which would result in a path leading to eternal life full of good things, an abundant life full to overflowing with increase   and to provide him with the understanding that walking in a path of evil would be a path of eternal destruction, an eternal life full of bad things. 

    This, it seems is a realisation that many today are unaware of, or choose to ignore, because we see a large part of humanity thinking that 'all good people go to a lovely place (which some call heaven) when they die and that all people are essentially good, they just have some naughty bits in their life which is understandable and acceptable. 

    Whilst others it appears, think that everything ends when we die, there is just nothing else when we die'. 

    Yet our body is matter and the first law in physics says that matter cannot be destroyed it can only be changed into something else. 

    There is a well known example of this available on the Internet where a science student takes a sheet of newspaper and screws it up into a ball then places it on dish on a kitchen scale. 

    He then observes the digital readout on the scales and it shows the weight of the paper in grams (the dish weight has been zeroed out). He then lights the ball of newspaper and it burns down to a small amount of charcoal in the dish, then when we look at the scale digital readout it shows the weight to be now near zero. 

    It appears visually that the matter has been destroyed, but that it is not the case, the matter has simply been converted to the same mass of matter but now a gas, proving that matter cannot be destroyed only converted or changed into something else. 

    But if we are unaware or ignore this fact of matter changing, we form an opinion based only on our own thinking about what happens when the body dies. 

    Tthis is what God says about this situation 

    Hosea 4:6  My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you [the priestly nation] have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you that you shall be no priest to Me; seeing you have forgotten the law of your God, I will also forget your children.

    That sounds pretty strong coming from the Lord but He is saying my people are destroyed because you my Priests who are to shepherd my people, to teach them, but you are not teaching My people even when you know that you should, you are not moving in Grace you are moving in deception. 

    This results in God's people, you and I, becoming prone to move in that deception using our opinion which is not based on fact and Truth.

    No person has the absolute truth of what happens when we die, but God the Father gives us the truth in His word but our opinion causes us to disregard Him, even though no one except God was there when we were conceived and is there when our body dies and is the Creator and decider of both events. 

    There is only One God  the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that is described in the Bible, we can know this is True by one simple statement that our One God, our Father in Heaven said at the beginning of the Bible.   

    Isaiah 46:9 [Earnestly] remember the former things, [which I did] of old; for I am God, and there is no one else; I am God, and there is none like Me.

    Isaiah 46:10 Declaring the end and the result from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure and purpose.

    There is only one person that can tell us from the beginning of our time, what will happen all the way through to the end of our

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