About this ebook
Science, religion, and mysticism offer different views on human origin, human purpose of existence, and the future trajectory of human civilization. Science theories regard these quests as products of chance permutations. Religion and mysticism claim, on the other hand, that human origin, human purpose of existence, and the future trajectory of human civilization had been predetermined by a supreme intelligence that would lead humankind to perfection and the attainment of holiness and heaven.
Professor Philip Omoniyi Adetiloye's "eureka" experience and mental illumination during his doctoral research in the late seventies enabled him to discover the links among science, religion, and mysticism, which he has fully exposed in his ingenious books.
After decades of more advanced research, he now offers his insightful revelations and new scientific theories on the origin, purpose, and possible future trajectory of humankind. His findings offer the long-sought paradigm shift that revealed the missing link between science and the spiritual.
His insight has earned him various international recognitions as one of the foremost scientists of the twenty-first century and a living legend. His new science theories combine the thinking of the best human minds ever in science, religion, and philosophy.
This book, How and Why We Came from Planet Mars to Planet Earth, is one of his insightful revelations. This is the third of the publication series by the Foundation for Advancement of Culture and Science.
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Book preview
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Biblical Creation
Chapter 2: Human Origin Myths
Chapter 3: Solar System Origin Theories
Chapter 4: Origin of Life Theories
Chapter 5: Human Evolution Theory
Chapter 6: Planet Mars from Space Science Perspectives
Chapter 7: Past Human Migration from Mars
The preparations
The voyages
Space exploration and agriculture
The final landing
The ancestor of Homo sapiens
Darwinian evolution is wrong
Chapter 8: Evidence of Human Planetary Migrations
Evidence of Human Planetary Migrations
Chapter 9: The Source
Appendix I: Additional Crop Circle Patterns
Additional Crop Circle Patterns
My Discoveries and Revelations
My Own Science Theories
Other Books by Philip Omoniyi Adetiloye
About the Author
Philip Omoniyi Adetiloye, PhD
Copyright © 2024 Philip Omoniyi Adetiloye, PhD
All rights reserved
First Edition
Fulton Books
Meadville, PA
Published by Fulton Books 2024
ISBN 979-8-88982-526-5 (paperback)
ISBN 979-8-88982-527-2 (digital)
Printed in the United States of America
To the Glory of God who illuminates the world
To the Supernal Father who enlightens the human mind
To our Martian ancestors
To the great masters of world religions
To the great geniuses of Science—Pythagoras, Plato, Johannes Kepler, Francis Bacon, George Cantor, Leonardo Da Vinci, Albert Einstein, and B. Fuller
Whenever I dream your dreams and see your visions, I can cling onto your wings and fly.
When I wrote Humankind, Religion, Science, and the Future: In Struggles to Discover the Sacred Science of Ages in 1996, only one book chapter was devoted to my revelation on the migration of human ancestors from planet Mars to planet Earth. The news spread around from the article of June 21, 2008, that I placed on my blog: The story in the article is here rehashed.
Human origin from planet Mars
The fact that the ancestors of the human race migrated from planet Mars to planet Earth was the unequivocal submission in my book: Humankind, Religion, Science, and the Future: In Struggles to Discover the Sacred Science of Ages. The preparations for the colonization of the planet Earth by the advanced civilization on Mars and the eventual mass migration of the inhabitants of planet Mars to the Earth will be covered in future works. The inescapable inference from my research and book will lead me to further expositions in this article.
Can Darwinian evolution be wrong?
Is it possible for the entire human society to collectively follow a wrong idea, doctrine, or belief system for a very long time only to realize at the end that everyone followed the crowd without reflecting? Darwinian evolution today is a strong theory of science about the origin of life including human life. Its strongest adherents are in biology, archaeology, and the scientific community. The Christian doctrine of creation of man/woman by God in the book of Genesis is the only popular rival theory. Knowing the origin of humankind is not just a matter of intellectual curiosity, such knowledge could indeed be a useful clue to understanding the present and most importantly the future purpose of our very humanity on planet Earth. Aristotelian terrestrial mechanics were sacrosanct in medieval Europe until the celestial mechanics of Nicolas Copernicus dethroned it. From the evidences that have been presented in my book. Humankind, Religion, Science, and the Future, the Darwinian theory of evolution of humankind from apes, no matter how relentlessly orthodox or traditional scientists fight to uphold it, will soon become another historical relic like Aristotelian terrestrial mechanics. It looks common sense today to deny Aristotle's theory and affirm its falsehood, with the growth of scientific knowledge.
The theory of evolution, which has kept archaeologists busy with diverse cranial jigsaw puzzles of supposedly human ancestors, will soon come to a similar end because humankind did not evolve on planet Earth from apes after all. The book Humankind, Religion, Science, and the Future convincingly showed that we came from Mars! Evidences will emerge in the future to corroborate that the human ancestry had migrated from planet to planet over billions of years in our solar system. In the distant future (possibly millions of years from now), when the planet Earth will be approaching a cold desert like planet Mars, humankind will recondition the planet Venus for life and migrate there. At that time, the temperature will be optimal for biological lives. In fact, we are more precious than we think in the scheme of things.
The details of my theory on human migration from Mars to the Earth, which supplanted the theory of human evolution from apes and even the story of a seven-day biblical creation, have been fully rendered in the book Humankind, Religion, Science, and the Future. The circumstances that led humanity into primitive existence on Earth after he evolved a space technology that brought him to Earth from Mars were discussed in the book. Thus, we have many lessons for the present and the future in this theory. End of Blog.
Since my revelation of human origin from planet Mars was published in my book in 1996 and in the 2008 blog, it is interesting to observe that a number of scholars and reputable international research centers have expressed the same view that humans or life originated from Mars.
This book provides a detailed report on human migration from Mars. My PhD research was carried out with a Ford Foundation research scholarship award from the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA). I am highly grateful for the award and for the highly conducive research environment at IITA that facilitated my studies—quiet introspections and creative imaginations. This book provides information on lessons to be learnt by humankind from the lost history of our ancestors that I rediscovered from my inspirations. This book espouses the right trajectory to humanity's future. It covers a glimpse of the lost wisdom of the ages, the wisdom that unifies science and the spiritual.
The contents of this work derived from the similarities between the mathematical models I developed during my PhD research and various ancient religious symbols. The inspirations I received while working out my mathematical models on evolution of complexity inspired this publication. I therefore thank God, who illuminates the world and enlightens the human mind, for making the interconnections in this book possible.
My journal article on evolution of regular geometric spaces gave me the insight into the puzzles that the Apollo lunar missions raised about the Moon. The journal article also gave me the insight into the origin of crop circles. I sincerely acknowledge the efforts of researchers on crop circles, whose findings I cited in this book.
I am immensely grateful to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in Washington, DC, USA, for the published photographs taken from their lunar and Mars Missions and the reports of their findings on the Moon and on planet Mars cited in this book. The interpretations of the pictures and reports are entirely my own opinions.
To the various authors whose works I referenced in the process of propounding my own new science theories, I am highly grateful.
I sincerely appreciate those who had helped proofread and assisted with typing at one time or the other.
With the large pool of scientific knowledge at the human disposal and the information explosion in the twenty-first century, humankind still exists in a state of ignorance about the origin of the planets and the Moons in our solar system and about the origin of humankind and other life forms on planet Earth. Some people still cling to the existing theories of science on evolution of the solar system and on the evolution of life, notwithstanding the contradictions in such theories. Others cling to the Judeo-Christian creation story, and yet others cling to other human origin myths that do not fit logically together.
Without an accurate knowledge of how human and other life forms originated on planet Earth, humanity will continue to face the following challenging questions:
How and when did humans appear on planet Earth?
Did humans come from alien races from outer space?
Are those aliens, if they existed, still in existence, or are they extinct?
Are there other planets in the universe on which humans lived on or still inhabit or can inhabit?
How and when can we get to such other habitable planets if they exist?
What is the real purpose of human existence on our planet?
How can humankind advance technologically without terrible global cataclysms?
The ultimate purpose of humankind on planet Earth cannot be meaningfully discussed without understanding the origin of the solar system and that of humankind. This book reviews human origin myths and biblical stories on Creation and science theories on the origin of the Sun, the planets, the Moons, humankind, and other life forms. The observed deficiencies in the Creation myths and their counterpart science theories prompted my research into the logical fitness or otherwise of such myths and theories on the origin of life and the origin of our solar system. My research findings and inspirations provided insightful answers to the puzzles on the origin of the planets and their satellites in our solar system and the origin of humankind on Earth. My findings presented in this work now appear to be a matter of common sense, even though common sense is not so common.
Chapter 1 examines the biblical story of Creation, which is the major rival of the Darwinian theory of evolution. The absurd and conflicting statements in the biblical story of Creation and possible areas of improvement are pointed out.
Chapter 2 examines human origin myths. Such myths abound in various cultures. The contentious issue of involvement of extraterrestrial contacts in human evolution and technological advancement is discussed. The myths on possible ancient and continuous interaction of humans with celestial beings in the mental plane during heightened consciousness are also discussed.
Chapter 3 examines current science theories on the origin of the solar system, as well as on the possible extinction of the solar system. It looks at how the inadequacies and errors in these theories affect human perception of the solar system. My revelations on the origins of the Sun and the planets and their Moons are presented to guide the future trajectory of science in general and space research on our solar system in particular.
Chapter 4 examines current scientific theories on the origin of life as well as the flaws in these theories.
Chapter 5 examines the current theory of human evolution and why this theory cannot be sustained. My revelations on the origin of humankind and other life forms on planet Earth from planet Mars are presented. The implications of these revelations on the future of human technological and spiritual advancement are highlighted.
Chapter 6 covers the present views in space science about planet Mars.
Chapter 7 covers my revelations on the elaborate preparations for relocating the civilization on planet Mars to planet Earth, the voyages of the Martians to planet Earth, and the catastrophic landing of the Martian spaceship.
Chapter 8 covers eight robust evidences in support of my revelations on human migration from planet Mars. The eighth evidence is on crop circles. The mystery of the origin of crop circles is also revealed. The implications of these revelations on the future trajectory of science and human civilization are discussed.
Chapter 9 highlights the importance of inspiration as the source of insight for in-depth understanding and interpretation of scientific data. Inspiration connects ideas from existing pool of knowledge, thereby leading to wisdom. The chapter also highlights the importance of inspiration as the source of the revelations in the Holy Books. Perceptions about inspiration in various religious cultures and in psychology are discussed. The importance of inspiration as the source of wisdom that is needed for meaningful advancement of science and technology in order to avoid human errors that led past civilizations to self-destruction is discussed.
This exploration tells us the following:
Where we came from
The origin of the planets
The origin of life forms on Earth
The origin of the Moon
The origin of crop circle patterns
With compelling evidences of human migration from planet Mars to planet Earth, this is the big crash of Creation myths and evolution theory and the quantum leap from my new theories on solar system origin and human origin, an amazing discovery of the interconnections among ancient wisdom, science, and spirituality.
Religion: Creation myths, Crop circles, Sacred geometries
Science: Evolution, Paleontology, Mental illumination
Astronomy: Sun, Planets, Moons