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Upanishad 12: In English rhyme
Upanishad 12: In English rhyme
Upanishad 12: In English rhyme
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Upanishad 12: In English rhyme

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Upanishads are prime portions of the Vedas, They are the foundational theological discourses of Hindu traditions called Vedanta or the conclusion of the Vedas.

Upanishad 12 in English rhyme comprises of the Mantrika Upanishad, Varaha Upanishad, Yajnavalkya Upanishad, Yoga Kundalini Upanishad, Yoga Sikha Upanishad, Yoga Tattva Upanishad and the Tripura Tapini Upanishad written in English rhyme with the original Sanskrit text.

Release dateApr 13, 2024
Upanishad 12: In English rhyme

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    Upanishad 12 - Munindra Misra


    Upanishad - Dedicated to

    Mantrika Upanishad - Smt. Bhagirathi Devi

    Varaha Upanishad - Smt. Savitri Devi

    Yajnavalkya Upanishad - Smt. Gayatri Devi

    Yoga Kundalini Upanishad - Smt. Ram Kumari Devi

    Yoga Sikha Upanishad - Smt. Aparna Devi

    Yoga Tattva Upanishad - Smt. Chandravati Devi

    Tripura Tapini Upanishad - Pt. Rajiv Tiwari

    Mantrika Upanishad

    Source: Sukla-Yajur-Veda

    Dedicated to



    Brahman is infinite, universe infinite be,

    That infinite proceeds infinite certainly,

    So taking infinitude of infinite actually,

    Still as infinite (Brahman) remaining be.


    Let peace be in environment and me!

    Let peace be in forces acting on me!

    Let there be Peace totally completely!

    - X – X -

    English rhyme

    In realms unseen, where veils dissolve,

    The eight-footed Swan, immaculate and bold;

    Bound by three cords, subtle and imperishable,

    Guides seekers along paths ineffable.

    Three ways converge, yet I perceive not,

    Though its presence echoes through every thought.

    In the darkness of nescience, beings confound,

    Until the sun of wisdom shatters the mound.

    The pileless night yields to saving knowledge,

    Sages, established in Sattva, seek the edge;

    Beyond Gunas’ sway, where the Absolute gleams,

    In the sphere of existence, beyond mortal dreams.

    Kumara and contemplative seers behold,

    The Absolute, elusive, yet divinely bold.

    Superimposition weaves Maya’s intricate dance,

    An Unborn mother, eight-fold, in cosmic trance.

    Extended, prodded, the world takes form,

    Guided by Maya’s power, both fierce and warm.

    White, black, and red—the palette of desire,

    She fulfills all wishes, igniting life’s fire.

    Yet the ignorant, veiled, know not Her true face,

    Even sages like Kumara seek Her grace.

    The Lord, Her companion, dances free,

    In contemplation and action, eternally.

    Omnipresent sustainer, yielder of dreams,

    Maya’s mystery unfolds in myriad streams.

    The bird of Karma feasts within Her sphere,

    As priests declare detachment—the Other clear.

    Rig-Veda’s masters, Shastras’ well-versed choir,

    Yajur-Vedins’ echoes, truth they inspire.

    Sama-Veda’s adepts sing Brhatsama’s refrain,

    Rathantara’s rhythm, the cosmic pulse’s gain.

    Bhrigu and Bhargavas, Atharva’s devoted kin,

    Secret doctrines whispered, Vedic hymns within.

    In the sequence of Words, truth’s tapestry unfurls,

    The Swan of Boundless Light, guiding souls.

    In sacred hymns, the faithful co-disciple stands,

    Firm and accomplished, like red Bull on ancient lands.

    Sacrificial Remainder, woven in cosmic threads,

    Within Its immensity, myriad pathways spread.

    Time, the silent weaver, spins Life’s intricate tale,

    Divine wrath and destruction, where destinies sail.

    The great Lord, Becoming, Rudra’s fierce embrace,

    Protector of Jivas, virtue’s reward, cosmic grace.

    Lord of living beings, Virat’s cosmic expanse,

    Sustainer of Waters, where existence enchants.

    Lauded by mantras, Atharva’s whispered lore,

    Known to seers who seek beyond qualities’ door.

    Some count Him as twenty-six, others twenty-seven,

    Masters of Atharva-Veda, secrets they’ve leavened.

    Sankhya’s wisdom reveals Spirits, formless and free,

    In the dance of creation, the unmanifest sea.

    Non-dual, dual, three-fold, five-fold—His form,

    Wisdom’s eye perceives Brahma to sticks, life’s warm.

    Pure through and through, He pervades every hue,

    From the cosmic expanse to the smallest dew.

    In the fabric of existence, manifold and still,

    He weaves rivers of time, a cosmic quill.

    Objects dissolve, unmanifest, then reborn,

    Like bubbles emerging from dawn’s golden morn.

    Causes intertwine, guided by knowing selves,

    In the field of creation, where mystery delves.

    The blessed Lord, secret keeper of the Avyakta,

    Dissolves and exists, eternal cosmic spectra.

    Brahmans who grasp Brahman, here they dissolve,

    In the Avyakta’s embrace, their essence evolves.

    This sacred doctrine whispers truth profound,

    In the heart of the All-Pervader’s silent sound.

    Peace Chant


    Brahman is infinite, universe infinite be,

    That infinite proceeds infinite certainly,

    So taking infinitude of infinite actually,

    Still as infinite (Brahman) remaining be.


    Let peace be in environment and me!

    Let peace be in forces acting on me!

    Let there be Peace totally completely!

    - X – X -

    - Sanskrit Text

    श्री मन्त्रिकोपनिषत् अथवा चूलिकोपनिषत्

    स्वाविद्याद्वयतत्कार्यापह्नवज्ञानभासुरम् ।

    मन्त्रिकोपनिषद्वेद्यं रामचन्द्रमहं भजे ॥

    ॐ पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदं पूर्णात्पूर्णमुदच्यते ।

    पूर्णस्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते ॥

    ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥

    ॐ अष्टपादं शुचिं हंसं त्रिसूत्रमणुमव्ययम् ।

    त्रिवर्त्मानं तेजसोहं सर्वतःपश्यन्न पश्यति ॥ १॥

    भूतसंमोहने काले भिन्ने तमसि वैखरे ।

    अन्तः पश्यन्ति सत्त्वस्था निर्गुणं गुणगह्वरे ॥ २॥

    अशक्यः सोऽन्यथा द्रष्टुं ध्यायमानः कुमारकैः ।

    विकारजननीमज्ञामष्टरूपामजां ध्रुवाम् ॥ ३॥

    ध्यायतेऽध्यासिता तेन तन्यते प्रेर्यते पुनः ।

    सूयते पुरुषार्थं च तेनैवाधिष्ठितं जगत् ॥ ४॥

    गौरनाद्यन्तवती सा जनित्री भूतभाविनी ।

    सितासिता च रक्ता च सर्वकामदुधा विभोः ॥ ५॥

    पिबन्त्येनामविषयामविज्ञातां कुमारकाः ।

    एकस्तु पिबते देवः स्वच्छन्दोऽत्र वशानुगः ॥ ६॥

    ध्यानक्रियाभ्यां भगवान्भुङ्क्तेऽसौ प्रसहद्विभुः ।

    सर्वसाधारणीं दोग्ध्रीं पीयमानां तु यज्वमिः ॥ ७॥

    पश्यन्त्यस्यां महात्मानः सुवर्णं पिप्पलाशनम् ।

    उदासीनं ध्रुवं हंसं स्नातकाध्वर्यवो जगुः ॥ ८॥

    शंसन्तमनुशंसन्ति बह्वृचाः शास्त्रकोविदाः ।

    रथन्तरं बृहत्साम सप्तवैधैस्तु गीयते ॥ ९॥

    मन्त्रोपनिषदं ब्रह्म पदक्रमसमन्वितम् ।

    पठन्ति भार्गवा ह्येते ह्यथर्वाणो भृगूत्तमाः ॥ १०॥

    सब्रह्मचारिवृत्तिश्च स्तम्भोऽथ फलितस्तथा ।

    अनड्वान्रोहितोच्छिष्टः पश्यन्तो बहुविस्तरम् ॥ ११॥

    कालः प्राणश्च भगवान्मृत्युः शर्वो महेश्वरः ।

    उग्रो भवश्च रुद्रश्च ससुरः सासुरस्तथा ॥ १२॥

    प्रजापतिर्विराट् चैव पुरुषः सलिलमेव च ।

    स्तूयते मन्त्रसंस्तुत्यैरथर्वविदितैर्विभुः ॥ १३॥

    तं षड्विंशक इत्येते सप्तविंशं तथापरे ।

    पुरुषं निर्गुणं साङ्ख्यमथर्वशिरसो विदुः ॥ १४॥

    चतुर्विंशतिसंख्यातं व्यक्तमव्यक्तमेव च ।

    अद्वैतं द्वैतमित्याहुस्त्रिधा तं पञ्चधा तथा ॥ १५॥

    ब्रह्माद्यं स्थावरान्तं च पश्यन्ति ज्ञानचक्षुषः ।

    तमेकमेव पश्यन्ति परिशुभ्रं विभुं द्विजाः ॥ १६॥

    यस्मिन्सर्वमिदं प्रोतं ब्रह्म स्थावरजङ्गमम् ।

    तस्मिन्नेव लयं यान्ति स्रवन्त्यः सागरे यथा ॥ १७॥

    यस्मिन्भावाः प्रलीयन्ते लीनाश्चाव्यक्ततां ययुः ।

    पश्यन्ति व्यक्ततां भूयो जायन्ते बुद्बुदा इव ॥ १८॥

    क्षेत्रज्ञाधिष्ठितं चैव कारणैर्विद्यते पुनः ।

    एवं स भगवान्देवं पश्यन्त्यन्ये पुनः पुनः ॥ १९॥

    ब्रह्म ब्रह्मेत्यथायान्ति ये विदुर्ब्राह्मणास्तथा ।

    अत्रैव ते लयं यान्ति लीनाश्चाव्यक्तशालिनः ॥

    लीनाश्चाव्यक्तशालिन इत्युपनिषत् ॥

    ॐ पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदं पूर्णात्पूर्णमुदच्यते ।

    पूर्णस्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते ॥

    ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥

    इति मन्त्रिकोपनिषत्समाप्ता ॥


    Varaha Upanishad

    Source: Krishna-Yajur-Veda

    Dedicated to



    May Mitra and Varun ever propitious to us be,

    Aryaman, Indra Brihaspati favorable to us be,

    May Vishnu, of wide strides, propitious to us be,

    Salutation to Brahman! Salutation Vayu - Glory!

    O Vayu! You visible Brahman I proclaim rightly!

    You indeed, I shall proclaim as the true clearly!

    May It protect me! May It protect Teacher fully!

    May It protect me! May It protect Teacher fully!


    May Brahman protect us both completely!

    Bestow upon us fruit of Knowledge wholly!

    May we obtain energy to get knowledge truly!

    May what we do study reveal the Truth fully!

    May we have no ill feeling for others actually!

    May we not dispute, hate each other mutually.


    English rhyme


    In twilight's embrace, sage Ribhu did bow,

    His penance a map upon his furrowed brow.

    The Lord, in boar's guise, before him stood,

    A secret of cosmos, in the quiet wood.

    Rise, seeker of truths that forever elude,

    The boar spoke, Choose a boon, let your soul be imbued.

    But Ribhu, whose wisdom the worldly transcends,

    Sought liberation, where the transient ends.

    "Vedas and Shastras, Itihasas' chime,

    All sing of Brahman, timeless, sublime.

    Grant me that science, sacred and prime,

    Reveal the shrine, eternal, divine."

    The boar-shaped Bhagavan, in tones so mild,

    Spoke of truths to the sage, nature's child:

    "Tattvas are many, a cosmic blend,

    Twenty-four, thirty-six, their numbers extend.

    Sense organs, five, the world to apprehend,

    Action's organs, life's play to amend.

    Manas, Buddhi, Chitta, Ahankara, they send

    Threads in the loom, where destinies wend.

    Beyond the twenty-four, elements ascend,

    Earth, water, fire, in dance without end.

    Akasa's embrace, Vayu's message to send,

    Three bodies, states of being, on which we depend.

    Jiva joins, thirty-six, in life's blend,

    Existence, birth, and death, the cycle extends.

    Hunger, thirst, grief, delusion, they bend,

    Old age, death, within these frames we fend.

    Passion, anger, greed, in shadows they blend,

    Six foes in our quest, their presence portend.

    Ribhu, embrace these truths, let your spirit mend,

    For in their dance, the universe finds its end."

    In the cosmic theater, Jiva's threads wend,

    Vishva, Taijasa, Prajna, life's blend.

    Sattva, Rajas, Tamas, day and night's trend,

    Prarabdha, Sanchita, Agamin, karma's send.

    Five actions ripple, life's message to send,

    Organs in concert, a cosmic commend.

    Thought, certainty, egoism, compassion's lend,

    Memory, sympathy, indifference, life's amend.

    Dik, Vayu, Sun, Varuna, nature's friend,


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