About this ebook
The book dives deep into one of the most ancient structures of the spiritual body. Examining both the energy and physical views of chakras it makes the accessible to anyone.
Discover how to work with the chakras in your subtle body and begin your journey towards deeper spiritual healing as you learn:
- how to harness universal and human energy
- the chakras and their connections to the body
- spiritual attributes to each chakra
- sacred chakra mantras and meditations
- kundalini awakening
- aromatherapy and crystals for chakra balancing
- mudra and yoga practices for chakra healing and much more
Dr Ravi Ratan
"Dr. Ravi Ratan is a clinical Aroma therapist, integrating Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Emotional release and Chakra Healing. Born in the family of doctors, teachers & healers, and brought up in a Hindu family he understood and followed spiritual practices and traditions, as a part of his upbringing. Today, with his exposure to yoga and meditations early on in his life with various teachers and ascended masters, he has brought all this understanding into one book as part of his goal for healing across the world."
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Chakras - Dr Ravi Ratan
The chakra system
A system is a complex mechanism of interacting, interdependent components forming an intricate whole. In a similar way, chakras are interdependent, intricate and complicated mechanisms of the body that should be understood as a complete system. Ayurveda and tantra associate various attributes to each individual chakra, which affect chakras’ functioning at energetic and physiological levels. To understand the proper functioning of the chakra system we need to understand each attribute and its effect on chakras as well as on the whole being.
From a health and healer’s perspective, chakras are the barometer of our health. In different healing modalities or spiritual practices there could be a variation in the numbers and location of the chakras; however, they may all be correct from their understanding of major and minor chakras. According to kundalini tantra there are seven major chakras located on our torsos and heads representing the activity of vital organs and glands. These seven major chakras are the focal point of this book. The activity and balance of our chakras reflect the health of our organs and glands. While in modern medicine cadavers are studied in order to understand health and disease, in chakra healing we need to study living beings: their physical, nutritional, mental and emotional life styles.
To understand chakras, we need to understand human life and its evolution. Evolution is a universal process; all life is evolving and humankind is no exception. Life, creation and evolution are the stages in the unfolding of consciousness. We as human beings are evolving, not only as individuals but also as a race. The muladhara or base root chakra is our most fundamental chakra; from here our process of evolution in this lifetime begins, culminating at sahasrara — the crown chakra.
The muladhara chakra corresponds to the coccygeal plexus and is located at the perineum (between the anus and the genitals), the spot that touches the ground when we sit in the lotus position. As the name suggests (mul: root; adhar: base), this chakra is the foundation of the physical body in the realm of physical existence. During the process of spiritual evolution, a person goes through animal consciousness and then on to be a real human. There are certain minor chakras from muladhara down to the heels that are responsible for the development of animal and human instincts as well as intellect. Muladhara is responsible for survival and maintenance of the physical body, and besides being a source of physical energy it also regulates all excretory functions.
Located at the pubic area or at the lowest point of the spinal column, corresponding to our sacral plexus of nerves, is the second major chakra, known as swadhisthana or the sacral chakra. This chakra is the desire centre of the body and the seat of emotions, hence it is responsible for emotional balance, sexuality, procreation and the exchange of sexual energy, and it also controls the unconscious in human beings.
The third major chakra is manipura or the solar plexus chakra, in the naval region. It corresponds to the solar plexus. Located in the V of the ribcage below the diaphragm, it controls the entire process of digestion, assimilation and temperature regulation in the body. This chakra is responsible for mental power and self-will, and is associated with our ambitions towards money, power and authority; it is known to be the seat of ego.
The first three chakras take care of our basic needs, as described by renowned psychologist Abraham Maslow in his hierarchy of needs. Only after fulfilment of the basic needs can a person focus on self-actualisation. In spiritual and tantric practices it is said that while we are stuck in the mundane and struggling with the basic needs, kundalini keeps rising up to the manipura chakra then returns to the muladhara (base root) chakra. However, once the kundalini crosses the astral bridge, which is an energetic barrier between manipura and the anahata (heart) chakra, kundalini movement is upwards only. This movement of kundalini is associated with the evolution of consciousness.
The anahata chakra is located at the centre of the chest, at the level of the depression of the sternum. It corresponds to the cardiac plexus of nerves and regulates the functioning of the heart, lungs, thymus gland, diaphragm and other organs in this region of the body. This is the first chakra on the path of self-actualisation and a stepping stone to spiritual growth. It is an important chakra for all healers, denoting unconditional love and empathy for all.
Our vishuddhi or throat chakra is located in the deep of the throat and corresponds to the cervical plexus of nerves. Responsible for communication and self-expression, it regulates the entire thyroid complex, certain systems of articulation and the upper palate and epiglottis.
Yogis and tantrics believe that the ajna, or third eye chakra, is located between the brows in the forehead. It is the seat of the guru — our guiding principle — and works as the command centre. It has complete control over all the functions of a disciple’s life.
The aforesaid six chakras serve as triggers of energy to different parts of the brain, and are channelled through various nadis (conduits of energy, or prana). According to kundalini tantra there are two higher illuminated centres, called bindu and sahasrara. The bindu is located at the top back of the head and is where Hindu Brahmins keep a tuft of hair; this feeds the optic nerve and is considered to be the seat of nectar or ama-kala, the true philosopher’s stone of immortality.
The sahasrara is supreme, the seat of higher awareness; it is is located slightly above the fontanelle. Considered to be the seventh major chakra, sahasrara is our connection to higher consciousness, the point of culmination of kundalini.
During the process of evolution, sometimes our outer experiences get in the way of our inner experiences. Known in Hindi as anubhuti, this inner experience results from our spiritual practices and is very subjective, as each seeker may get a different anubhuti in spite of carrying out the same spiritual practice. When the chakras get activated through our spiritual practices our values and perception of life also change, resulting in the improvement of the quality of love, relationships and compassion. For a yogi, the world remains the same but the perception of the world changes, resulting in sat-chit-anand, a state of eternal peace and bliss